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The Welli.ngton-'Frisco despatch of 13th November arrived in. London- on 19th December. The Tongariro took a considerable quantity of cargo from Nelson for the London market, • consisting of 1784 bales wool and skins, 7 bales leather, 133 casks tallow and pelts, 3 sacks horns, 4 cases sundries, and 210 kegs nails. A seasonable and acceptable gift on these hot days, we have received from Gorman's Cordial Works. It is acknowledged with thanks.

Owing to the large number of entries received in connection with the Upper Moutere sports the handicaps will not be published until Saturday next.

We have received from Mr Alf. Robinson Florence L. Barclay's new novel, "The Broken Halo." Those who have read "The Rosary" and the other novels will be eager to secure 'the author's latest book. _ It is very highly spoken of in the reviews.

The semi-final for the Nelson Rowing Club's Aitcheson-Smith fours was rowed last evening, Ellis defeated C Rout by about three lengths. HouCs crew had bad luck owing to stroke's sent coming off twice during the race. The filial will be rowed this evening at 5.30 between Ellis and Loftus.

At the Christmas concert given in the Rechabites' Hall last evening there •Was a fair attendance of. the .public. The programme was an excellent one, and encores were numerous. In the first part, Mrs Norgrove contributed a pianoforte solo. Mr Whyte a song, Miss Black a recitation, Miss Joyce a violin solo, Miss Rowe a song, " and. Mr Everett humorous songs. In the second portion of the programme a clarionet solo was given by Mr Clark, followed by a song by Mr "Harris. Miss Sloan contributed a violin, solo, Miss Collier gave a song, the chairman contributed an interesting recitation, Mr Whyte contributed a song and Mr and Mrs" Gledhill and family gave selections on hand bells. The concert, after a vote of thanks to the performers, was brought to a close by the audience sineing the National Anthem. Rev. T. G. Butler nresided.

We have recently received the compliments of the season from the undermentioned and the good wishes are heartily reciprocated: From the Mayor-(Mr W. Lock), and also from the City Council and Municipal Office staff; from the officers of the General Post Office, Wellington ; from the Norwicfi Union Insurance Company ; from J. E.- Hounsell and Co.. Ltd. ; from the Nelson District Oddfellows; and from the local Telegraph messengers. These boys are carrying messages almost continuously to the "Mail" Office throughout the day, and t'l'r, have always performed their duties' in an entirely satisfactory manner. We'll sell Shirts by the hundred tomorrow ! Men's Stylish Serviceable Neglige Shiris, all the reliable Zealandia make, for 2s 6a eacn.—Aucktand Clothing and Drapery Co.* To-morrow, at Trathen's, Tussore Silk Ready to Wear Dresses, reduced to 29s 6d. Floral Muslin One Piece Dresses, now only 6s 6d each. Bisley Bros.' Sale lasts until December 31st. only. Save money on your Christmas wants.* and buy from Bisley Bros, and Co., Hardy-street.* Buy your boy one of our Cowboy Suits for Christmas! Thev're cool, smart, and wear well, 4s 6d, 6s'lld, Bs,lid, 10s 6d, 12s' 6d, and 14s 6d. —Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co.* Furniture 'of every description, Crockery, Cutlery, Linoleums, Gigs, Traps and Harness, all greatly reduced dtiing Bisley ..Bros, and Co.'sSale.* Christmas Gifts: For best value and assortment go to Trathen and Co. for Dent's Kid Gloves, Ladies' Bags, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Sunshades, Linen Tray Cloths, Needlecases, Gents' Ties, Feather Boas, Silk Blouses, Lace Neckwear, etc., etc.* Owing to so many members en gaged in business the 12th- Begt. Band will be unable to play, in .thib-city streets on Christmas Eve as originally intended. When sorting up. the Household Requisites. for the Holidays, don't forgetthat wo have on© of the largest stock's of such, lines .in the Dominion. —R. Snodgrass and Sons.* ' Holiday Dresses for little Money! Ladies' Beautiful White Embroidered Muslin Dresses —cool and stylish, for 7& 6d, 10s 6d, 15s, 21s, 30s, and 35s.—Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co.* "Compliments of the Season to All" from the headquarters of the Christmas Present Trade. You should see our stocks, and you would believe the claim is just.—R. Snodgrass and Sons.* A Charming Christmas Gift! One of Ladies' Beautiful Lace Blouses, at 5s lid, 6s lid, 12 ou, and 15s.—Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co.* Now don't forget! that you may ose money over buying presents if you don't inspect our stocks and prices first. And you can see such an immense variety to choose from. —R. Snodgrass and Sons.* A Showroom Special for To-morrow ! Ladies' Stylish Lace Coats for 17s 6d, 21s, 355, and 45s each.—Auckland Clothing andi Drapery Co.* The Old Shop for Pre ents to suit ajl pockets and to please any taste. Don't miss seeing our exhibition. —R. Snodgrass and Sons.* Holiday Hats for Children! GirlsDainty White Embroidered Washing Hats for 2s lid each.—Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co.* Cyclists! Don't forget our Christmas Sale, now on. Michellin Tyres (Ce 6d ; Acetylene Lamps, from n - Oil Lr.irps. 2s; Pumps, Is 6d; Cycles, £6 10s- Tyres, 4s 9d ; Tubes, 5s 6d. Everything at bedrock prices, and all reliable goods. Large assorted stocks to choose from at Manks', 95 Hardy-street (opp. Snodgrass and Cons'), where the good Tyres are.* Fine bouquet, rounded mellowness, and perfect purity—Watson's No. 10 Whisk v.*

The Whisky that will please your palate—Watson's No. 10.* Watson's' No. 10 is the Whisky of the ■wise.*

Lord Suffield particularly desires it to be known that his book, "My Memories," was edited by his friend, Miss Alys Lowth, to whom he is under very deep obligations tor her invaluable help.

The Telegraph Office advises that the following steamers will be within wireless range this evening : —Fiona, Hurunni, Indrapura, Maori, Manuka, Maunganui, Pyramus, Wahine.

It is reported on good authority (states t'i e "Dominion") that the Gvernment has in contemplation the granting of increases in pay to the members of the police force. The public's attention is drawn to the Christmas holidays time-table for the Nelson-Glenhope section, advertised today. A special general meeting of the Kelson Trotting Club will be held at Mercer's rooms to-morrow, at 2.30 p.m. The municipal baths at Hokitika were officially opened yesterday 'in the presence of a good attendance, of the public. The baths, which cost £6OO, have been leased to the Hokitika Amateur Swimming Club for £25 per year for three years. —Press Association. The members of the Citizens' Band desire to thank the people of Nelson for their loyal support during the past 12 months." The Band will play carols on Christmas Day, and will visit their many friends and supporters in their decorated conveyance driven by Father Christmas. The carols will include the following well-known hvmns, "Abide with me," "Lead Kindly'Liglit," "O God our- Help in Ages Past," "While Shepherds Watched," "Edwinstone," etc.

A remarkable record in school attendance is reported from Dunedim Dciothy Clarke has attended the Girls' Hurh School for four 'years and the George-street School for seven and a-half years" without missing a half-day, making an unbroken attendance of 11£ years.

A. motor car standing on the corner of Hardy and Church-streets yesterday obstructed the view of two cyclistsone coining into Hardy-street from Church-street and the other coming aloii" Hardv-street towards Wanneastreet. The" result was that a collision occurred, one of the cyclists, Mrs H Watson, being thrown to the ground and sustaining painful injuries, the most serious of which was a cut over the left eve necessitating several stitches by Dr. (libbs. Both cvclists were on their proper side of the street, and no one was to blame for the mishap.

The "Kaikoura Star" says :—We have read of a, dog suckling kittens, of a cat mothering chickens, and even of one ot the feline species allowing two. young ra's to take up their residence with her litter, and similar ,anomalies;. but we coi.fess we have never yet heard of a Lcrse mothering a, calf. Yet snch can be seen on a Kaikoura Suburban farm, where a mare who lost her foal has taken complete control of a. well-grown calf, and exercises parental duties as if t<i3 young bovine were one of her own progeny and species.

The Marlborough "Express," in an account of the Jubilee celebrations at Blenheim last Sunday, recalls the fact that the first church in Marlborough was bull by the Rev. Samuel Ironsides, a Wesleyan minister, at Port Underwood, n;.d was opened on August sth, 1842, when the service was" attended by whalers and Maoris from all parts of the Sounds. On the following Sunday forty couples were .united 'in the bonds of matrimony. ',' The lack of wedding rings wild notrajiowed'to Tbar the proceedings., as Mrs, Ironsides produced a number ; of brass curtain rings, which served the purpose.

There is evidently a growing market in New Zealand for the American autpmobils. The cargo steamers _which comedown from New York almost invariably have a number of motors aboard for the Dominion, often as many as ten heing landed at each of the four principal ports. Latterly some have come by way of Vancouver, and the Niagara, which arrived recently, according to the Auckland "Star," brought a record for one port, 40 being included in the freight list for Auckland.

At the Police Court at Palmerston North recently. . before Mr Poynton, S.M., Jas. Warren Williams was charged that on December 7th at Foxtqn he wilfully set fire to a five-roomed house, the property of A. S. Patterson and Co., of Wellington, value £125. He was also charged that on the same date he set fire to a five-roomed house, the property of John Death, valued at £2OO. The' following is an extract from the statement signed by accused: He went to the pictures during the evening and had one drink and bought one shilling's worth of whisky. He rode home, with Mr Reay, and his head was feeling heavy, .and he did not know what was coming over him. He said to Reay it was hard to bear the trouble he was having with his wife and that something was telling him to go down and "burn her out. ~ JReay wanted him to go to his house,-.but .instead Reay came to his place. When' Reay left accused read the Bible all night, and when. ho consumed the whisky went to bed. He could not sleep and his head became very bad. Something kept telling him to go down and burn Mrs Williams out so that he could see who was inside. He took rags and a bottle of kerosene and rode down and fired the house. He made a noise on the iron roof and when he heard his wife outside he knew sho was safe. He then went home.and fired his own dwelling hi the front room. When the house was ablaze he went into it twice so as to be burnt with it. He then walked into Foxton and gave himself up to. the police. Accused pleaded truilty to both charges, and was remanded to the Supreme Court for sentence.

Holiday Hats fc r Children ! Girls' Dainty White Embroidered Washing Hats for 2s lid each.—Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co.* Special Sale of Ladies' One Piece Ready to Wear Dresses, at Txathen and Co.'s to-morrow, prices are greatly reduced.*

We arc open until 9.30 on Christmas Eve All our large stock at Greatly Reduced Prices. Inspection invited.— Bisley Bros, and Co.* Buy one of. our Strong, Lightweight Fibre Suit Cases at 10s 6d 12s6d 15s, and 16s 6d each.—Auckland .Clothing and Drapery Co.* Christmas Sale of Ladies' Ready to Wear Dresses, really cheap. Sale prices 5s lid, 6s lid, 9s 6d, 12s 6d,> 15s 6d, and 19s 6d, etc., at Trathen's.* Before leaving for the Exhibition buy one of our Travelling Bags—largo choice. All greatly reduced during BisIcy Bros.' Christmas Sale. Put yourself inside one of our Men's Cool Stvlish Lounge Suits—they re dandy holiday suits, 21s, 25s and 3Qs each. —Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co. Great Bargains in Ladies' Ready to W&r Dresses, to-morrow Smart Japanese Crepe Dresses reduced to od.— Trathen and Co.* Tovelv Christmas Presents in Crockery Dinner Sets, Tea Sots Clocks, CutleSf'etc., ;S-ntly reduced ,t Biriey Bros, and Co.'s, Hardy-street. -R-* .fair to your Corns. uraei "Articor" the perfect Safety Corn Shaver from your local dealer to-day. On" 2s 6dl. Immediate comfort guaranteed, or your money back.

Successful candidates at the tneski ,ci» animations in connection with elated Board may obtain their certificate* on application to Messrs Begg artd Co.. The Anchor-Company announce. m'hrino excursions for Boxing Day and JSovY; Ye-r's Day- The steamer has been nxe<t to afford excursionists a full day's'outing at Motueka. An unusual Territorial, prosecution took place- at a Main Trunk township last week. A Territorial', wrote to the Wanganui Defence Oflico, 'asking for leave frbin drill owing to an iiijUied arm. \ replv was sent that he must get at medical" certificate of exemption- A few davs later the exemption came t0» hand at Wanganui, and what. was the surprise of the officer in charge-t& £*<» that the certificate recommended leave for 12 months. However, as everything appeared, in order, he passed. it .on to the office staff to be entered uj> an the, ordinary wav. One of the offic;uxls. subjected the document to a closer scrutiny, and though not posing as a handwriting: expert, his suspicions as to the whole, of the certificate having been filled m by one hand were aroused. Inquiries were at once instituted, and it was there discovered that after the medical man had finished with the, certificate the -two" months he had granted had been altered to "twelve" months, . JfeKfflgter was at once put in the han|| Of-thfe police and proceedings taken, to which was the inflicting A*'tf :&&£* £lO and costs, together^ talking to from Mr Haselden/ S/M;,: fine was paid at/once. ' . t .

"In wishing the editor and staff of the 'Evening Mail' the compliments o* the season, t> would beg of them writes a Stanley Brook -correspondent ift humorous vein;-, .['Kb; Mei us a morb favourable weather. : in thb new Lucas' Alraan^ciJ,aiia fJ Xear Book which has a wide ci?^M ; te J A: was found the present year, and^a, B 'cM|d : m it* the letter-very rainy, chahge£ble, showery, stormy, etc. Now, not suitable for the closing ;^rfei- ofe the year, consequently the shdatyhg. IB still undone, and those sheep* have'not the clean-white appearance they shoum ■have. Don't insert .any. hard-and-fast rule for next shearing season. •'.. L£t s have a give-and-take basis—lbut „it has been good grass-growing weather, antt Gat crops bid fair to be above :tlie> aver r a.r. e this season). But Isndny, the 18th, the day of crtir schools, was an exception. A very pleasant and successful entertainment was organised by the popular and Miss H. Small, in S.hool to a full house. Ed by the children proved., that-they had-, been, carefully trained 5 for. the occasion. ~ Several . contributed to the evening's ™* brought to a close about 10.30 by a vote of.; thanks to those who ..had;jnade the affair such ut success,,,,,and. c #6 singing of the National Anthem. '

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVIII, Issue XLVIII, 23 December 1913, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVIII, Issue XLVIII, 23 December 1913, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVIII, Issue XLVIII, 23 December 1913, Page 4