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HORTTCU LTUR A L SOCI ETY'S SHOW. The autumn .show V>f the Motueika Horticultural Society held on Easter Monday drew a. large number of entries, and was in every way very successful. The full prize-list is appended : CLASS I.—POT PLANTS. Double Palagonium : Mrs 0 Kelling 1. Petunia (sinple) : A. Wiikie c. Begonia (flowering) : Mits M. Deck I. 2 and 3. C. Primmer c. Begcnia (foliage) : Mrs Brougham and Miss M. D-ek ]. Ce'osia (coekcomb v : A. Wiikie c. Cyclamen : A. V. ;'lki c I. Ft; n (not nativt): A. Wiikie 1. Afoaramis Fern : N. McFarlane 1, Mrs H. I>eck'2. Maiden Hair Fern : Mrs Deck 1. CLASS 2.—CUT FLOWERS. Cactus Flower : Mrs 0. Kelling 1 and 2. I Krse (any other variety) : Mrs Bert Manoy c. 3 Loses (ono of each variety) : A. J. Manoy 1. 1 uahlia (Cactus) : Mrs Canavan 1 and 2. Mrs L. A. Boyes 3. 6 Dahlias (show) : Miss W. Drummond c. Collection Dahlias (Cactus) : L. A.

Boyes 1, Mrs Canavan 2. 2 Amarylles .- Mrs Kelling c. 3 Asters : Mrs Canavan 1 and c. 6 Asters : Mrs Canavan 1 and c. Collection of Asters : Mrs Canavan c. 6 Spravs Sweet Peas: Mrs L. A. Boye? 1. C. Skilton 2, Mrs Canavan 3. 12 Spravs Sweet Peas: Mrs L. A. Boyes 1, C. Skilton 2, W. Huff am 3. Collection of Cosmeas : C. Skilton 1. Rita Duncan 2. Collection ; cf Nasturtuins: Mrs H. Rankin 1. Collection of Salpiglcssis : Mrs Mayo 1 and 2, Mr s Rum bold c. Collection of Zinnias : Mr. L. 3. Dunnan c. Collection of Phlox : C. Primmer 1, Mrs E. Drummond 2, Mrs Huffam 3. Collection of Annuals and Biennials : Mrs Huffam 1, Mrs Canavan 2. Any other variety of Cut Flowers : Mrs D. E. Fry (Erica) 1. Hand Bouquet : Mrs Nicholson 1. Bridal Bouquet: Mrs Nicholson 1. Stand of Mowers: Mrs Canavan 1,

Miss H. Ryder 2. Basket of Flowers (hangin?) : Mrs J. A. Wallace 1. Basket of Flowers (not hanging) : Mrs Nicholson 1. Design of Grasses : Mrs O. Kelling 1, W. Huffam 2. CLASS 3.—FRUIT. 5 Appbs (Lord Woheley) : Geo. Chapman 1 and 2, H. Thomason 3, 0. Jfc Lowe c. 5 Apples (Munroe's Favourite): E. C Little 1, H. Thomascn 2, L. 3. Duncan 3 and c. 5 Apples (Cox's Orange Pippin) : L. G. Duncan 1 and 2, C. E. Lowe 3 and c. 5 Applas (Stermer Pippin) : C. E. Lowe 1 and 2, H. Papps 3 and c. 5 AppLs (London Pippin) : Fry Bros. 1. Sea view Estate 2, H. Everett 3, H. Frewavas c. 5 Apples (Jonathan) : Seaview Estate 1 and 2, R. Rowling 3, L. G. Duncan c. 5 App'es (Cleopatra) : C. Lowe 1. 5 Apples (.Northern !Spv) (Winter Pearmain) : 0. J. Kelling 1, A. Griffen 2. 5 Apples (Nelson Beauty or Washington) : G. Chapman 1 and 2. 5 Apples (Adams PearmainJ 11. Everett 1 and 2. 5 Apples (Dougherty): Hallam and Cleland 1 and 2, C. E 7 . Lowe 3. • 5 Apples (Epn's Seedling): W. D. Askew 1, H. Everett 2 and 3. 5 Apples (Spitzenburg) : F. W. Duncan 1 and 2, R. Drummond 3. 5 Apples (Delicious) : E. C. Little 1. Huffam Bros. 2, C. E. Lowe 3 and c. 5 Apples (Rokewood): F. Hudson 1, H. Fry jun. 2 and 3. Geo. Chapman c. 5 Apples (Afriston) (Glory of the South) : L. G. Duncan 1 and" 2, Geo. Chapman 3. 5 Apples (Scarlet Nonpareil) : Bert. Manoy 1 and 2. 5 Apples (Brownlee's Russet)": C. E. Lowe 1, 2, and 3. . 5 Apples (Nonpareil Russet) : H. Everett 1 and 2. 5 Apples (King David) : Huffam Bros. 1 and 2. 5 Apples (Russets. A.0.V., to he named) : H. Papps 1. Jos. Duncan 2. 5 Apples (Kitchen, aiitumn) : F. W Duncan 1, H. P. Park 2. 5 Apples (Kitchen, winter) : C. E. Lowe 1, H. Everett 2. , 5 Apples (Dessert, winter): W. D. Askew 1, Huffam Bros. 2 and 3. 5 Pears (Winter Cole) : H. Everett 1, 2, and c.

5 Pears fVicar of Wakefield) : O. J. Kelling 1. Huffam Bros. 2. 5 Pears (Duchesso) : Huffam Bros. 1. 5 Pears (Beurre Die 1 .): H. Everett 1. 2, and ?. 5 Pears (Winter Neiis) : 11. Everett 1. 2, and 3. 5 Pears (Beurre dc Cupiamont) : C. Primmer 1, Bert. Atkins 3. 5 Pears (Beurre Easter): H. Everett 1 and 2. 5 Pears (Beurre Bo?e) : H. Everett 1, 2, and 3. 5 Pears (Keiffer's Hybrid) : C. Primmer 1. H. Everett 2 and 3. 5 Pears (L'lnconnu) : H. Everett 1, 2. and 3. 5 Pears (Kitchen, autumn, anv other variety) : H. Everett 1 and 2. 5 Pears (Dessert, autumn, anv other variety) : H. Everett 1. 2, and 3" 5 Pears (Kitchen, 'winter, any other variety) : Marjorie Wratt 1, Meunce Wratt 2. 5 Pears (Dessert, winter, any other variety) : Huffam Bros. 1 and 2. 4 Qu-nces : C. Primmer 1 and 3, A. Wratt 25 Peaches (Dessert) : R. Rowling 1 and 2. H. Drummc-v! 3. Huffam Bros c. 5 Peaches (Kitt-lnn) : Huffam Bros. 1. L 3. Duncan 2 and' 3, Adolph Wright c. CLASS 4.—VEGETABLES. 5 Potatoes (Vermont) : Otto J. Kelling 1. 5 Potatoes (Beauty cf Hebron) : Whakarewa School c. 5 Potatoes (anv other variety, named) : Otto J. Kelling "1, H. A. Tarrant 2, GJ. H. Rose 3 and c. 12 Jerusalem Artichokes : J. H. Rankin 1. 6 Carrots (table, intermediate) : J. H. Rankin 1, Necta Drummond 2. 6 Carrots (table, short) : J. H. Rankin 1. Theo. Kelling 2. 6 Carrots (cattle. White Belgian) : Arthur Drummond 1 and c. 6 Parsnips : Whakarewa School 1, Otto J. Kelling 2, T. Mayo c. 3 Red "Beet (long variety): Huffam Bros. 1 and 2. 3 Red Beet short variety) : L. Irwin c. 1 Swede: Arthur Drummond 1. 6 Turnips (table. Yellow) : Theo. Simpson 1. 1 Mangel Wurzel (long red variety) : Huffam Bros. c. 1 Pumpkin or Squash (any other variety) : H. T. Goodwin 1. 1 Pumpkin or Squash (heaviest) : W. A. Ryder 1. 1 Vegetable Marrow (White) : Then. Simpson 1 and 2, Huffam Bros. 3, Whakarewa School c.

1 Vegetable Marrow (any other variety) : Theo. Simpson 1, H. T. Goodwin 2 and c. Vegetable Marrow (heaviest) : Hilda Rvd-r 1. 2 Cucumbers (short) : L. G. Duncan 1 and c, Huffam Bios. 2 and 3. 24 Pods Peas (large): 3. J. H. Rose 1, E. Caigon 2. 24 Pods Peas (dwarf) : G. J. H. Ro:c1. 12 Pods Broad Beans : Adolph Wright 1. 24 Pods French Beans: E. Caigcn 1 and 2. Adolph Wright 3. 24 Pods Runner Beans : Nita Drummond 1. 1 Savoy: G. J. 11. Rose 1, 2, and c, C. Trewavas 3. 2 Cabbage Lettuce : E. Caigon 1. 6 Sticks Rhubarb (Giant) : Mis s F. Drummond c. 5 Tomatces (rough) : Whakarewa. School 1. 5 Tomatoes (smooth) .- C. Primmer 1 and 2. 21b. Pickling Onicns : E. Caigon 1 and 2. 5 Onions (Brown Spaniel): Pe'-t. Atkin s 1 and c, R. Drummond 2. CLASS S.—NATIVE EXHIBITS. Bridal Bouquet. of Native Flowi-is: Mrs Cloustcn 1. Bouquet of Native Flowers : M-is Clouston c. Basket Native Flowers: M.«, Ci'uston 1 Fern (to be named) : Mrs T. G. Brougham 1. CLASS 6.—DAIRY PRODCCE AND MISCELLANEOUS. lib. Honey in Comb: Mrs 11. A. "Jarrant 1. lib. Fresh Butter : Mrs A. Llcvd 1. 6 Scones : Miss Vosper 1, Mrs H. Rankin 2. Currant Cake, (not less than 4!b ) : Mrs H. A. Tarrant 1. Seed Cake (not less than 41b.) : Miss ulileen Rankin 1. Sponge Cake (not less than 21b.) : Miss Eil-en Rankin 1. CLASS 7.—PRESERVED FRUITS. Collection of Jams : Hilda. Atkins 1. Collection Bottled Native Fruit (boiled in syrup) : Mrs A. Inwood 1 and 2. Collection Dried Fruits : Miss H. Atkins 1, Agnes Starnes 1. (Two first prizes different drying.) C HR YS ANTHEMUM S. CUT BLOOMS. 1 Incurved : Mrs L. A. Boyes 1. 1 Japanese : Mrs L. A. Boyes 1. SPECIAL PRIZES. , Offered by Motueka Retailers' and Tradesmen's Association, —best 12 Cox'Jrange Pippin, 10s 6d : L. G. Duncan. Offered by Motueka Retailers' and Tradesmen's Association, —best 12 Mun•oe's Favourite, 10s 6d : F. Hudson. ■Offered bv Mr. C. Fry,—most points •n Class 4, 10s 6d : E. Caigon. Offered by Messrs Snodgra?s and 50ns, —best 12 Jonathans, Salad Bowl .'allied at 25s : E. McLean. Offered by Mrs Nicholson, —3 Vases 'f Cosmea arranged for effect, 5s : Hilda Ryder 1. Mrs Clouston 2. Offered by Messrs Karkpatrick and Ho.—most points in Class 3. "K" Manufactures, value £1 Is : H. Everett. Best Case of Stunners (packed for ex)ort), —Offered by Fruit Brokers' As ;ociation. £-1 Is : R. Rowling 1. OiTen-cd by The Wtlkins and Field lard ward Co., Ltd., —most points in Jlass 2, trophy value 10s 6d : Mrs Canavan. Best Stand of Flowers.—lst offered by Messrs Cock and Co.. 10s: Mrs Canavan. Ind offered bv the Society : Hilda Ryder, offered by the Society, 2s 6d : * Mrs Canavan. Offered by the Society : Best 6 Cactus •Dahlias, Ist prize 10-, 2nd prize 5s : Mrs Janavan 1 and 2, Mrs L. A. Boyes 3 ind c. Offered by the Society: Best 12 Cactus Dahlias, Ist prize 10s. 2nd prize 5s : Mrs Janavan 1 and c. Mrs L. A. Boyes 2 ind 3, A. Drummond c. Offered by the Society : Best 3 Cactus • Dahlias. ss: Mrs Canavan 1 and 2, Mrs r j. A. Boyes 5 and c. Offered by Messrs Levin and Co. : Most points in Class 1, 10s 6d : Miss M. Deck, Offered by Mr. H. Everett: 12 ileaviest Apples, 10s : Huffam Bros, Offered by Mr. 11. Everett: 12 Most >eautiful Apples, 10s: Geo. Chapman. THE RAINFALL Air G. S. Huffam supplies the Motueka rainfall record for March, as follows^ —

Date. Ttl. in inches March 1 0.02 2 0.40 3 5 e. 0.01 0.03 0 07 12 0.05 14 0.05 18 0..% 9S 0.14 26 0.05 27 0.01 T-tal 1.19 Maximum (2nd) 0.40 Davs w -ith rain 11

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVII, Issue XLVII, 10 April 1912, Page 3

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MOTUEKA. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVII, Issue XLVII, 10 April 1912, Page 3

MOTUEKA. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVII, Issue XLVII, 10 April 1912, Page 3