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(To the Editor.) Sir,—l .see in to-night's' "Mail" a letter signed "Fair Play," questioning somp . remarks made by Mr Fnirey afc a recent" meeting of the Wakapuaka. Farmers'.. Union. Now, it is not "niy intention to take up cudgels on M.r Fairey'® behalf, as I feel that gentleman, is quite able to defend himself. But I would like to say that ■during' my stay in. Victoria, extending over a number of years, I have travelled over hundreds of miles of. ■country, chiefly for shooting or fishingfrom Melbourne to the Murrumbidgee. and from Swanhill to Gippsland, and I have never once seen l a clear auver or a sparkling brook as can be seen any day in., New _ Zealand. The'rivers are sluggish, soil-carrying water ways, and the smaller streams are a series of 'water . holes during the dry part of the. year. The marvel to me was how fish could live and thrive under such conditions; the water being so discoloured throughout the year that it was impossible to see to the bottom of "a shallow pool. I would like particularly to mention the Gfoulbourne, the Loddor, and the Murray '" as our sporting aivers. I am ,etc.,"" W. A. ANDREWS. WATER RIGHTS AT BRIGHTWATER. ffo the Editor.}' Sir,—ln your report of the Waimea County CounciL it is mentioned! that I have no right to take water from, the River Wairoa for the purpose of lighting. Brightwater with the electric light. As this is absolutely incorrect, I should be obliged if you will publish the following extract from a letter of Messrs Fell and Atkinson : "It is to be observed that section 267

of the Pubic Works Act,""l9oß, vests in th© King, subject to any rights lawfully held, the 6ole right/to use water "in lakes, rivers, etc., for the purposo of generating electricity. We are of opinion 'that yours is a right lawfully held." "You ' lawfully hold the right to iise the water for any purpose, including tho generation of electricity." As a matter of fact, I never asked tl l © Council for permission to use tho water for electrical purposes; I simply asked for permission to put posts along the public road to carry, the* electric wires, and this, it appears, was not in their-, power to grant. I am, etc. • J{. ELLIS./ Brightw'ater, 11th July.. .

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Bibliographic details

Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVI, Issue XLVI, 14 July 1911, Page 1

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THE ASPECT OF AUSTRALIAN RIVERS. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVI, Issue XLVI, 14 July 1911, Page 1

THE ASPECT OF AUSTRALIAN RIVERS. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLVI, Issue XLVI, 14 July 1911, Page 1