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'l'lic .Mayor isf Richmond is callin.e a public meet i 11_u; for next- Tuesdav ni/_:ht to arraime ft».»■ a (•uiii.ijiiiiH'iiitru'y social to .Mr. Hctider-on. statiunmaster.

A practice of Stanford's "Reveille" will bo held by the chorus of the Harmonic Society this ovenini; at the School of .Music. Xcw membi'i-s will be Welcomed.

Our Parliamentary Reporter wires today the Public Petition- ■ onur.ittce. repjrtine.- on the net'.tion of Arthur Frederick W'imsett. of Nelson., praying for reli-ef in connection with the payment of certain law costs, reeomnie.llded that the petition Ik.' referred to tlm ('.overnment f< r favourable eaiis.'deation.

The new firebell at tile Central Fire Static!) was Lciven a.not he.r trial la.-t eveuj 1 ijlj. The trial ''' th.e previous evening v.a.s not satisfactory ai:id disclosed a need fr further adjustment. This was completed yesterday and last niefht's test ■wa> thorouedilv satisfactory. It is intended to erect the old bell' at the junction i.f Hampden ami Kawa.i Street.-. A Proarecwive Woma.n wants Smart .Millinery! ! l. ut a few day.s we shad ixp'.se a assortment of Smart Millinery f(."i- sale. These e,'h;rious mode's, i i i'.r.pri seller some of t'he fairrsr -i.rea--lions of Parisian art. will all be '•cleared out" at .such ridiculously low prices awill make, yen "ue.-ji for joy." Auckland t'!'.! h'lie; and Drapery Co.*

Mc.--r.". I!i>!"V Ib-os. and Co. will . fI'er ■•> villa dwelling, situate- in ii.atnpdi'ti---! vent, by e.netii :i at noon on Saturdav next.

'We In bilk Silk' ! ! Even the advent (.f Hie "Cii I from !:■.■<■(< r'.<" "'it r:ui--.c the excitement that the 4i: rival of our Suni.nior C00.1.s will. In a I'e.w da vs. we "shmt out'* h'MW. rich Clace and Taffeta- Silks in all shades. ;■{ the "heart hrea kin::" price of 1- 6-1 ner— Auckland ('lot Ih.hl: and Ura.perv Co.* The threat sale i< dm win -jto a swift close at Mrs. An.<diec's. and to mike a linai clearance of the Mo-ck every a rtide is marked down (•> :i. fraction ef itvalue. Yen will or. wi-e t-o call in as Si-iin as possihie .and -see I lie la.sf. of these l»a!uain<. Mr-. An-tioe. I' i;i. *" :i !•_;;! rs I reef..'* Willi the eimiin-r Sprim.r our I.ailv Readers are reminded that the ship incut-- of Sprint: and Summer Millinery are now lieins: shown at Mis A list ice':., where evi'vthiie: that is correct ami "■'" eomin-r for the coinint: season mav he •■■fen. incliidint: stvli-h ready-l o-wi :ii s. ■•'l ma!'!:ed at most m.iderate p- ' - tCall and inspect. A viril will he m-it l: appreciated.— .Mrs Austice. I I i >'.-it.':- r-f-troet.* Trv Paparoa Coal -Makes no soot or smoke. Lasts lommr ami t;i\-'- more heat than eke. \el-.-i. S.c-I ami Produce Co.. A-ent*. 'l'll-.lie 'II." What would women do without, their l "f- '! Tt is hard to r-■:>!!--• that a! mi" •■'me Km_di-h n.-o|.!e .li.ln'l know anv t'nin-.: nh-Kit ,!c!i ■hil'nl. .-heei-nit.' !mvei-;i-io. llow.-vir. sin..' those dav« leu lias tzrown (-- !>-• 'l'-- nati-mal drink, •'lid those who Lie-' « nli--id ir the •oialitv of the tel tlmv -irod< hi 11 h :lad to read ('•■.>• >• ami 5,,,,'•• :uii-mn,--•i'..iif. in this issue 11. refer" to (he ■'uvd qualities of liiolr .-peci.J brand.*

The Chitr Postmaster Mr Se»n. "';- ,:•;, t'l-n it ha- !;••■< n decidt •' "' '" 1 . 1 ~*t „« boxL at Ihe School of M.ism ',„■„,,■ Co.l.nmw.od-st.. and sit the cm - „,,■ „f Van Diemau and YYaimea-sfs. J he latter should I,J i'i >'<-:t:-ii J'cxt V'' ' A aiMl Ihe former in ■abimt a iortni.MU.. Thi.-c i-c.-fivii.- <-xes have 1.-. ~,.... U: l ;. I. 11l sOOtS I"- '>■>' '"" k;,k-, town district. The new system ot teh-ram forms which w '""f.'""W," lut.last w.-.-k is inst'.LuU'd at Mo tueka to-dav. an.l will be introduced at t"llin-w,..<1. Takaka.. Richmond. .■";■■] Wakchehl f.mic time r-»'Xt we.k. Ml, mail between Wellington and Tahiti, cinif-liii-i Willi .San l-ranc:-." f,,,,,, the latter nort. ha* been extern e Un- another voyage, and m coi.nectio , ; herewith the s.s. Mokma wil leave Wrlton on the 16th S. i>lc".vbcr. We al>o understand that it is the intent mil; ol the Department to re paint the receivmboxes throughout the district as pooh as i, U kimiiw what the mo;.,.;.;ram lor tne urgent Kin- i- likely to be.

Th,. accommodation provided at the \„ckland Salvation Army's shelter t.-.r m< n.tli as compared with the s;:ine ~.>>::! 1) la t vear. remark- the "Now /ea 1 : i.i.l Herald.•• indicates clearly the iini,roved state of the labour market this winter. .lulv i.s the limM severe month , „ out-of-work-, and tlvi« makeport nmre. Mtrikin.u. DefN Mipnhed. 21(0 ihu vear as a-ainst 2730 last ; 109 on ~r<'"-r. against 361 !a.-t vear; 199 free. ; ... a inM 233 last vear; 374 in return lor labour. a«a.iml 398. and 1533 paid tor. a"-ain = t 1683 la-t vear. On the ircM s:de the tc.tnl for the vear 3691 last year: 314 were i>;'i'-d on order, against 366 la-s-t year; 234 free meals, ainiivst 305 !a-t vear; 1102 were .si-.pulied on order. a-gaMist !3P0.1a-i. V( -ir. One fkou-and three hundred a'nd ninet v-two were paid for. aeainst- 2140 la.'-'t year, from Id to 4d. The faet tlia.* JG4I.CCO worth of dr:ii::';iu hordes found exchange the currency of the Melbourne, sales (s.ays the "Australasian") proves that the in-ilu;-itrv is in. a flourishing condition. It further indicates, that the farmers are hicrhly pro-;)eroufi when such .prices a- ; me if those onilng were recorded. In re— vmn.-e to an invitation to subaiibe ti : the Pitt .Memorial bund, the ii 111. .secretary ha-- received the following donations from Wellington :—Mr. f.l. i-'wwlds. Mini-ter for lvdmation. ±;1 Is: Mr. 11. K. VYiuram. .M. L.( .. £2 2« ; .Mr. W. C. Smith. IM.L.C. £1 Is: Mr. A. M. Mvers. MP. £1 Mr. Jim. Connolly, ■••lieitor. lilenheim. has also for.varded a io:iati<Mi of £5.

A.n expenditure of a quarter of a million, in the opinion of a Councillor -v .-:i!ri be required to put the streets of Auckland in order. " J n sneaking at 'he la-I-; of the Citv Council he ,'il the Council should go in for a Ica-'i for the purpose of completing the .•treets. in-hiding the -paving of the main thoroughfares, in asphalt or wool hiorkii:-_'. in a svsi -e-ma-t ie manner. They were :.-w spending about £57.000 a year in p-.intenancc. and the anruiut that would hi saved, he said, in this, ri-peot would iroba.b-'v he .siillirieni to pay the int en -'■ --. upon the loan, and th< m would be ro .:,.,.,.,,.-;t y to iucrca-e th-' rate-. They •viuild t'lit.-ii have :• ■'job well done." and •!(. which would l;c etf their hands ''or probably a quarter of a century or more. A special War ()tlic t . despatch is ca/.etted last wick. in which King t o-orge V. lias been graciously pleased. .-- an act of on his accession, ;, :.iu:-t nimi<him'lit- mi soldier.* under ..' >■:>-.. ... i.r w':->. since deserting, have :'.'. .c,i L-- other The reniis- : ions extend to sentences! up to 56 days' imp-i'.sonmeiit. and -over that period to re-nii.-sio.n of half t-he_ unexpired term ■I detention. The pardon-, to deserters : - extended to nun wi:o have deserted. I'radiil-cntly enli-tcd. absented thorn* ■ .'!vi\s t'yi'.r: the f :rc-. or have im-pi ■>- ■erlv cnli-led. providid they .surrender wii.'iin two nie.uth- of May 23rd if at I'omv. or four month.- if aoro-ad. Deserters and absentee.-. b\- referring to the t'id-M- pirblislied by" the Pn m-\ r. .nay obtain, the name of the proper olli-■■'•i-s to communicate with. Sew- up voiir Pockets, I ! In a few dayw.e s-half cause const r; oat ion in the •.- cft goods trade, bv offeriii'j. J)v.«- Linens in '-'! colours and' 36 and 40 indies wide at 7J.d pt r card.—Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co."' Mr. Wm. Lock will sell -t.i-morrow afternoon at 2.30, furniture and elicits on account-of Mr. .]. Bathgate; also surplus t'orniuire on behalf of .Mrs. L. Lawrence. Start- to Save Money Now'! For years na.-t we have had a colonial reputation for wonderful values in Ladies' Costumes. In a few days we shall show itch astonidiiiiig values, besides which ■ill past efforts must "pale their .inr-f----fcctiKi.1 1 tiros.'' We shall ""biff out" light weitrht- Cloth Costumes in fashionable colourimr- suitable for Soring wear a'. 15s the ' C'(«tuiiH'.—Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co.*

In the course of hi-s .-pooch in moving tin- second reading ot' the Crime.- Mill in the Legislative Council. Dr. lundlay referred to the Salvation Army'.* Home for Inebriates at Pakatoa Isla'nd. He quoted tiic opinion oi' .Mr. Kayall. tilt. ( Jovorinneiit prison visitor, tiiat while the drink tralHc was permitted it w:i.' something like wasting time to attempt to provide a homo at all. "Something can no doubt bo said lor that- view." commented Dr. b'iiKilay. The Salvation Amy's liniiie at Pakatoa. .Mr. Kayall t h<: 11n ht . \\;is doing jn.-t as good work as he believed could lie done with that ■ ■ia-s of unfortunates. .Medical .science, continued Hr. Findlay. stated that all Ihe vaunted treatments fur drunkenness were so much humbug-, and that places of detention where men worked and built up their physical side, .and through their physical side the will and selfcontrol, wore perhaps the be.-t- treatment that could bo provided. That was the treatment given at- Pakatoa. and though the failures were distinctly di-;-.'■oartolliiig. the sueeo.--c s were encouraging, and he thought that the Array's work in this connect ion had not been suliieit in lv appreciated.

Squeezing the l.einoii I'rv ! ! Never have Flowers found favour amcne fashion's oir-hv a.- they will the coming Spring anil Summ'-r. !il a few 'j.'.y.s w.. .-hall ciear a huge .-wag , ; .f •'a-hiomible flowers, coin))!"!--| ug ifo-es. I'i iimila.s. Daisies. Sweet l\;is. ~Lobe'ia. Hydrang, as. etc.. at. the absurdlv lowprice <,t ('(1 per .--.pray. Auckland Cloth.ll4 and Drapery Co.' We want. >■ 111- Ca-!i ''. The arrival <:f ;<!■!• Sumim i ( :-m;;1s in a few daws will be the of gnat iul> iLi t.: <. n anion-- the peopl,. of Xe|s,, n . \V,, .shall "clear "out" •i I.;-" of Daintv Neckwear. coineri-ing the p:ek of Fashion's Ca.-l-d at the ring" ni-ie,. ~f l. s ( ,-,,.1i. Auckland CI, thing and Draoerv Co.* Ham an,] l'-acon.—'l',, save exnense of removing o;ir present slock to our tiev. factory. jn~t erected, further rcdnct ions wdl l.e made in sides. r,,l!s and ham?. IVuii.. .piality. Smoked or tin-n eked.--W. If. .May's.Sccmls. Dircd shipment of new .seeds lor sprm gsowim- Clovers, live -rass. "" '••'- ll, "t. rane. tiirnin. ma n-. .Id ." and »':"'•'■ (special •|ii;iiil v >". All variolic, of early seed potaloe, : patent manure- ..f -ill kinds: bran. pollard, and pi- IVcd.- •''" :>t gleallv n dined rale,.. \Y. K May.' '." \'''w "i the earlv arrival «.!' uui --1»s-1«iic ;iml summer good-, further ef '■' l ' l -- " ''l l'e made |„ dear the haianoe "I our present slock of dranciv. cloth- !".•'■• boots, shoe-. |:i,oi carpets. ~'ip;, and c;irp, I scpiaiv... For the rea--'•u of this ureal reduction see uur ud-\t.-i-ti: unent. —\\ . 11. Mav 1

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLV, Issue XLV, 18 August 1910, Page 4

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LOCAL & GENERAL. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLV, Issue XLV, 18 August 1910, Page 4

LOCAL & GENERAL. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLV, Issue XLV, 18 August 1910, Page 4