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fxfJsAS PUSBJS3S PEAKING I j ■• I Time is here ai?ftin and there is not § 1 a momotjt to luosi*, for with Mince I I Pies to be male, iireel-ing Carosto | "^ I said, and onlitr v u-ied piepai-u-H tions for 'Xma-, >.-'■. iuang attcntioti i at the Sims tin:** h-» r..Miiaicii.g j T days Will fly ail 11 • -wVily for the JJt busy Hous wif.-. . dl That yi.u in;;. : . -.-,•• p!i.-n>y 0 f *' s time to cornnl u- - i;r a lanefi- . ar merits i-i ein ..ri. n.i ru-di : yoar '"' Fruits TO-ii.U. a.d yet thp S P Puddin-.-maUii.g finished. ' tri Our New Reason's supplies are ? a now to baud and are of the ujiial I , e high-quality, so well-known -ind appreciate by our numor.iUfi (Jus- I s tomnir*.. aut Wd n-oul-1 draw at- 'l e teuf'on to tho : c Specially low Prices |„■ This Season. *■ Finest nci7 Currants: 3 J per lb. i>, 12 lbs for 2/9. Finest new Sultanas: 51 per lb. _ 12 lbs for 4/0. Fine-tuew Seetlfcd Raisins: Gd 1 per lb. 12 lbs; for 5/9. | J Finest new Prunes: 5d per lb. I h 12 lbs. for 4/6, fl S Finest no* Fhjs: 41 per lb- 1 7 lb. Bags 2/2. g _ Finest new figs: Cd per lb. I 10 lb. Boxes 4/6. I Finest new Fig.- : Glove Boxea I 4d ea'jh ; per dozen 3/9. fl Finest new Sicily Almonds l/G Ib I Finest new Jordan Almonds 2/6 lb I Finest new Spanish Muscatels:! 1/-, 1/3, 1/6 per lb. B E. GROVE& SON., I Fa-iily Grocers and Provision I „!■-'-"" 5 MEItCUAN'-XS, I Hardy Street. NELSON. | Telephone No. 41. I | money; THE PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY accepts MONEY ON DEPOSIT as under :— B O / O At Call. I O2 / 0 1 If fixed for 6or 12 months. I Full particulars on application to 1 G. M. ROUT, I Secretary | NOTICE. TO ANYONE REQUIRING A CHEAP HOME. PRICE £525. ONLY £75 CASH REQUIRED. Balance can remain on Mortgage for a term of years at 5 per cent. HOUSE i-s Kawai-street, containing rooms; Pantry, 'Wash-house, Bathoom, etc.; connected with Sewer. Aind 03 x 150. Apply to F. AND D. EDWARDS, Trafulgar-street. %

I CHRISTMAS AGAIN! /s|k Again, THE PROBLEM OF "WHAT TO^p^/Z**J^_k. GIVE" ia presenting itsalf to tho minds of a! wQp j_W& xWsg_ —the question of what will be most suitable— _.. AWLi. . ilflJmam most acceptable, and how to secure tbe beat '« Ab-iU^HL possible value for the money you have to spend. J^fJßfijflE^l Our Store's just full of beautiful and useful /^»*a? - — "Trte_* gift articles for Ladies', Gentlemen, and Child- y j^^Mtfflgfes- .flajj) ren: and we'd like you, in your own intcrei-ts, it_Bß*s9§lfi§Klllr to come in and see them-THOUGH THE . SmttSJ^^^M GOODS ARE SO DESIRABLE, THE PEI- \\wS%-Wrf -M CES ARE MOST MODERATE. SSffßS»'a -7M COME IN TO-DAY— you'll find something mtBSJ^WM W/// here to please yon, and please the recipient— WB mfM {'/A SOMETHING THAT WILL BE BEAUTI- *•• V^ &V ' FUL, USEFUL, AND LASTING, « ,^^\ MKSANSTICE, TRAP f^f!. "JHE HOUSE FOR REAL VALUE."

) WANTED, FOR SALE, TO I LET. WANTED Known: Several Purebred White Leghorn Cockerels for sale cheap. (Brooks' strain). Apply I. TUNNICLIFFE, Wai-iti. WANTED, at the end of January, for the Boys' College, Housemaids and a Tablemaid. Apply after 7 p.m. at the Bora' College. WANTED, Investment for £10 to £50. Anything that wil show a Profit. Address, "Spec," "Mail" Office. WANTED Well Known.— Entries for Caledonian Sports Close Decemjber 21st. WANTED, a Good Retoucher. Apply H. BRUSEWITZ, 89 Hardy-street. WANTED, a General, after the holidays. Apply Mrs W. H. Price, Brouti-stroet. ANTED, a General Servant. Apply Mrs. Squires, Bronti-street. TXT ANTED. AN EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY for Millinery and Sales Department, by middle of January. Apply, with references, stating salary required. ROSS & GLENDINING, Ltd. FOR SALE: One Good Quiet Cow. Near profit. YORK BROS. FOR Sale, cheap : Ono Secondhand McCormick Binder, in first-class working order. Apply A. Eden, Hope. FOR SALE — Ist prize purebred Shorthorn bull, milking strain ; purebred Berkshire pigs, she-dam Ist prize Christchurch and Dunedin, horses, cattle sheep ; good quiet milking, 2nd calf springing, veal calf ; express, pony carriage, sheep-dog. J. L. ADAMS, Stoke. TO LET : 6-roomed House, Vanguardstreet. ADply J. BOCKMANN. FOR SALE— TA T l,;i*'A. S..ROOMED5 ..ROOMED House, Veranda front and back. Good garden. Quarter acre section. Apply G. FEEHAN, Tahuna. FOR SALE CHEAP. LAND, 50x150, splendid residential site, Trafalgar-street South, adjoining Mr Worley & property. NEW House, Land, and Fur ii. ire, Tahuna. The best site at Tihuna LAND, 8£ acres at Tahuna, now drained. Would make splendid market garden. All above on very easy terms. R, B. JACKSON. TO LET: Convenient Dwelling, six rooms, Upper Collingwood-strset. [ F. and D. EDWARDS. ! mO LET: Elm Villa, six rooms, WaiJL mea Road. | [ -E. MILTON. TO LET : Five-roomed House hathroom, etc., on Wellington ierrace, 1 pleasantly situated. Particulars, apply "Mail" Office. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. ! * N IDEAL PROPERTY of 10 acres, j. Good Dwelling and Outbuildings, j several acros in orchard and garden. I would sell in on? or more lots to suit pur- i ch;'.?.-rs, low price, and cosy tcr.Tip can bs : arranged! Cnll at mice, and inspect. J J. WALKER, Toi Toi street. | Off Hampden-st. W. j TO T.T.T ! 6, ROOMED DWELLING .n Rawa,"- ! street, near Boys' College. Con ' nectcd with sewer. Possession 2nd Sept : | F. and D. EDWARDS. j I | TO L*t: Hnnße at The Rooks, rt'iw ii [ the occupation nf C. O. Robert j 'i, Esq. House contains 12 rooms, with ! alhrnom, etc. Sitnalinn and v'nw un- i ! i-'Tfj.-ieaed in Neteo*" ?i-i* and «ai.(*ir laid j icn, nnd evorv c»pv.*oi'.i:ee. Applv j ADAMS ft FIAKi-ftr ! a CHRISTMAS AT f MOYES' A Uniqun Stock. Ali especially suitable for i'liiistrr.ns Presents, and purchased i-y us wiih that [end in view. Autistic Bkacei.kts. Eixcs, i i\ [si Bkoochks, Gent's G old & Silver ! ■* Ai.hehts, M.i.jtahy Bhusiiks, ! o Watches E:c. Hat Pj.vs, and "> Studs. H nit Pix Bottles, Stud 35j Boxes, Ash Tkays, Cioarette & Cigau Cases, Silver & Eleci'kotlate. '*Y ID. SPECIAL 'XMAS DISCOUNT.

COTTAGE to Let in Pai-ei-e^sti-eci,. 12s 6d per week. FELL and ATKINSON. FOR SALE or TO LET, in Wainuietreet, a Six-roomed Residence, with every convenience. I Apply WEBLEY and SONS, Builders. TO LET. A ;•' FIRST-CLASS Central Boarding XX House, "Rawhiti," contains 15 rooms, doing a good business, situated Nile-street, near Presbyterian Church. All conveniences. Connected with new sewer. Apply Mas. ASKEW. Nile-street. TO LET: Six-rmd. House, situated Wellington Terrace. For further particulars apply W. Smith, Mount-st. TO LET in Hardy-street— Sitting room, with piano, and bedroom fully furnished ; 10s weekly. Apply "Mail" Office. TO LET. A SHOP in Hardy-street, lately occu- -^*- pied by Carlisle and Co. Apply ROSS and GLENDINING. BARGAIN SALE OF FURNITURE. ARGAIN SALE OF FURNITURE. FOR THE NEXT THREE WEEKS ALL OUR FURNITURE WILL BE GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE. REMNANTS OF LINOLEUMS CHEAP. E. M C P HERS °Lfmftei 0 ' . WAKEFIELD. W. R. MAY, " RICHMOND. HAVING increased our Curing Plant, and considerably enlarged our Factory, we are now in a position to handle a number of Suitable Well Fed DAIRY PIGS at all seasons. Highest market rates given for wel-fed dairy meat of suitable weights. We can supply New "Mild Cured" BREAKFAST BACON in sides and rolls. Hams of all shes and weights. No better fed Pork in the Dominion I than that fed in the Nelson Province. WHOLESALE and HETAIL. Order eaflyT TO LET! LARGE CONVENIENT SHOP, in Hardy-street, splendid stand. Low rent. Apply BISLEY BROS. & CO. TO BUILDERS^ ~ R. P. de RIDDER, C.E., M.A.A. Lond. Architect, Collingwood-street, Nelson, TNVITES Tenders to plans and specifi- -"- cations for 2-story Residence, Mount-street, Nelson. Tenders Close at Noon FRIDAY, 24th inst. No tender necessarily accepted. "WERE ok FOR MEN'S TIES. THIS time of year we're kept busy selling Up-to-Dato Ties to those who want to send their friends a nico Xmas Present. We know the correct styles, and have just opened great assortment of the latest London styles. We've Men buyers here who bought here when they were youngsters, and thpv knov* where's th» best. DEE & SONS, THE TIE STORE. WILLIAM MOYI WATCHMAKER & JEWELLS Trafalgar Street, Telephone ENGRAVIWIIIK'-

i _ , I, i i - ■— ■ " m i - ■ DEE AND SONS, What Shirt Will You Wear Xmas Time ? Maybe you're all right for H TC|l§mf|gjffl|l clothes, hats, etc., and all II jl^ffljlll lV_Ml|lf you want is an easy fitting, ll llmSS^srallliw Don't take tha polish off H ||| | J|J I (||!|f ifi your enjoyment by wearing n ||| Mlflll fl I ttlHi W> '"* a shirt that nips you under /JbJ|]|b IjlfiJ If fjf )_||hß the arms and makes you /raHlfi n|j|m lljjf |9jVm ' Wear one of our shirts — BH|f|j If linl In then you'll feel better and Wtu§ lll|[jl JUlffl] ll ■ cooler and you'll discover fffifl jl(|(|] I |||l| II that some stores would _. (jiill wlvm 1 1 Inl If have charged you more for Hill 18 1|||| 1 1|||| n DEE AND SONS. SHIRT STORE t I I ~ i tn-\r nr xr* c.

SI THOUGHTS OF CHRISTMAS -v^M 1 are n <>w so rife that almost every woman will be l^lillKL i glad t0 kno w . J ust what Gif ts will be rsall y i Moreover. Christmas turns the eyes of many a lllstl^i^^ I fiousewife to her stock of Table Appointments and m^s^Wrk i often it is found a number of articles need replaciilPllilillii 1 ing- -Whether you buy for the Home or for Gilts, mW™ss~W& I you'll find here the things that will be appreciated, 1 '" m and in every instance the prices will help relieve la t,li* Cfix3ri*t> strain on. yotxr parse. * s * a "** s Sw I GIFTS SUITABLE FOR WEN. \ B Airto Strop Safety Kazors. Biiles, Guns & Gun Cases. 9 9 Pairs Metropolitan Razors Spirit Flasks. a 1 n incase, Loewe Pipes in cases. H Pocket Knives. ' Gladstone & Hand Bags, ifiiiii^Hw 9 „-*tlf ever you break any article that you treasure, don't BWMnXjjIBJPiI H t&row it away without first finding out whether it can be _■ repaired. "B " Mender is a Cement which will repair - -i - gSW p BB broken China, Glass, Wedgwood, Earthenware, Marble, ■ Meerschaum, Amber, Alabaster, Mother-of-Pearl, Ivory, __\ Hetal, Wood, Horn, Bone, and many other articles. It reSi sists bot and cold water and is an invaluable little menaer -^^ '■ to baVe in the home. Be sure and get a packet. Ifi I OUR STOCK OF ELECTRO-PLATED WARE 'HI ££s~>rJfo \m is now at its best, and though we bave no room here to -^M a H enumerate the articles. You may depend upon finding m A^^/sHC^^SS^F U Showrooms everything usually stocked and many other oj2sL=££g~?B&^ftf MB novelties as well. We esteem it a pleasure to show visitors &^=«Sy n the extent and variety 'of our goods. hS^F I E. BUXTON & CO.. LTD., : •[ _^ Trafalgar Street, NELSON.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, 18 December 1909, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, 18 December 1909, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, 18 December 1909, Page 3