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BUY GOOD GROCERIES! Ii " Cheap " Groc erios are about I the dearest thingH.; on can buy, I because the heali h and happiness |of the family de_peDd more on 1 what they eat fiian upon any. thing else. Thereiore buj- Good Groceries and if you \ rould shop where QUALITY is assured, gel everything from. .GROVE'S, | who ate never tempted by mere I " price-Jowness." toadmit.ioubt--1 ful go"-is into their well-balauc- ■ ed stock*. Compare the following prices with wnat you now pay— then, come in aod test the qualities. Sago, Tapioca, (Flaked or Pearl,) A Rice, 22a per lb; 121bs. for 2/3. .. Prunes— Large, 6d perlb ; 251 b boxes, 5d per lb. Patent Barley and Groats— 9d ■. per tin. Jams— Keiller's Strawbery Conserve, 21b Jars, 1/9 ; Keiller's Marmalade, 21 b Jars, 1/8. ■K. Grove & Son, Family Grocers and Provision Merchants, Hardy Street, Nelson. I 'Phone No, 41. ! MONEY: THE PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY accepts MONEY ON DEPOSIT as under :— O /o At Call 02 /O If fixed for 6 or 12 months. Full particulars on application to G. M. EOUT, Secretary RED STAR. mEA EOOMS, BEIDGE-STEEET, are now optrn and will be conducted second to none in Nelson. A trial visit solicited, when satisfaction will bo assured. A full stock of Cadbury's, * Howntree's, Cailltrr's, and other highclass Confectionery always on hand. H. WALKEE, Proprietor.

fzfi&b* LOVELY HATSJ -i^^^W FOE SUMMER. v^.^^ ' ».g%e^^^,H, „ Every woman km;** l-t-r ha.s &<~)AL. A^ffi/fcp""^ 1 are all important in tier- Summer V?M^-B^iii»s_ii 4lM&ffifinsX¥ Toilets, rnti we are nhowi'ig just the '■^^■^■''mW^niMW^^^mJ LOVELIEST, N.iWIJS'i, and 'iJj'V-'''^^^^^^^' T<§ SMARLEST HATS for Summer JiflMV>^ l£7¥/M"tfs£j B%i Each Hat ia artisti3 & becoming hSJIaSW 7 fMvxl if&FmS&JjJjiL™ shaping and colouring, and Hie ' «as_fc*!£» '*' SK9 /fMsK^l^W® selection of styles, & range of prices ' -^TTVi^i i " vl ■(. tfS X^nint^ is large enough to fill the lequire•TffllWy' Tiii' ' eHI _TC'j-__^ : ffiS_-gKJ ments of every taste and purse. X^^J^3 "^-JjJ&fcXltf YOU'RE WARMLY INV ITED -«&S7^\feaß-»»i/i^ s^^^''* to como in here and inspect thesi. lovely new-style Hats. WHY NOT MRS ANBTIOT~ tAFALGARS^oneIB4. ! 17, J r

i WANTED. FOR SALE. TO ! LET. WANTED, a Girl, to assist in housework. Apply j Mrs. F. W. Greenslade, Trafalgar-st. WANTED, a Young Man used to Farm Work and able to milk. , H. CLOUSTON, Maitai. WAx.xED, a Capable Lady Help, Mrjs Whitwell, j Wakapuaka. WANTED: Beehive Knitting Machine Company (New Zealand) j want people to make Hosiery for them, I wholo or spare time, in their own ! homes ; make £1 a week, previous cxi perienee not necessary ; constant em- ; ployment all the- year round: Write at once.— Box 734, G.P.0., Vt.fillington. ■ "HTI OR SALE, a Firstclass almost new. JC PIANO, on easy terms. Apply "Mail" Office. "471 OR Salo, Splendid BuUding Site. _ Jj. Close to town. No reasonable olfer refused. Apply Mrs B. Harford,Aiount street. FOR SALE : 14 Working Homers and 8 Jacobins, including our prize winners, 4s 6d each. Must be sold. WEARING BROS.. Richmond. Ts ,0R SALE - CHRYSANTHEMUMS and Cactus Dahlias, including all the finest Exhibition Varieties; also thousands of Bedding Plants. J. HALE, Waimea Road. , TjlOR IMMEDIATE SALE. HOSIERY Manufacturing Business. Established 12 years. Stock at wholesale valuation. Knitting Machinery and Plant at half-price. No goodwill. I am oSeting this at a sacrifice owing to the Phonograph Business requiring the whole- of my attention. •-. Furlhtr particulars from A. SALTING, Hosiery Manufacturer, 113 Hardy-street, Nelsolt. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE, KAWAI-STREET. NEAR BOYS' COLLEGE. NEW Sixroomed Dwelling, bathroom, washhouse, tubs, copper, gas droinaga land 60x185 nicely laid out. Good ga*-a*n and fruit trees. Apply A. 3i COTTON Kawai-st. FOR SALE": COMFORTABLE HOME, Bi'/cfc ' House, with all modern conveakii£e&! h, and c. water, gas, etc;, wash, nouse, coppe'f aiid tubs all new, with 4i acres land, part oi'Chtird; An itfeal home I for anyone, being thoroughly high and I Jry, within, one minute's walk from the Stoke Railway .Station. Selling because I am leaving tWe province. J. J. LANGRIDGE, Stoke. TOJLET] 4 FIRST-CLASS Central ' Boarding 2\_ ' House, "Rawhiti," contains 15 moii_-=, doing a good business, situated Niln-stvcet, near Presbyterijin Church. Alt {torivetriences. Connected with nevi sewer. AptJlV , Mns. A&R&W, Nik-street. FOR SALET S.-ACRE ORCHARD, on easy terms, town Side of. Stoke ; 2£ acres in choice fruit tress,- most hi full bearing; excellent soil; fiatj sdiiny position. Small new House cm' it. . Apply No. 32, Washington Valley. FOT. PRIVATE SALE : THAT Valuable Freetrfd Agtfctftur- . al Farm belonging tQ Sin SA&XM? EDEN; HOPE. Full particulars ariJipMcatjon,. BISLEY BROS. UM GO. ~~- TO LET. 6„iROOMED COTTAGE, at 8s 6d per week. Apply. BISLEY BROS, and CO. TO LET. n gOOMED DWELLING in KawaiD" ' street,. near Boys' College. Connected with sewer. Possession 2nd Sept. „ F. and D. EDWARDS. TO Let: House at The Rocks, now ii the occupation of.C. C. Robert n, Esq. House contains 12 rooma, witb athroom, etc. Situation and view nnnrpassed in Nelso". Gas and water laid on. and every convenience. Apply ! ADAMS 4 HARLEY. UNDERTAKEN: Garden Work ef any description. Tennis Courts, Bovling Greens, and Gardens laid out, and contracted for. Apply C. GRAKAM, 83 Grove-stroeU Or 0. M. CHAPMAN, Hardy-st.

TOWNSHIP OF I' .' .: .r TAHUNANUI., :-- s _. _. : . . ' i EVERY LOT BAS.^pEEN ; SOLD. 1 j The Very FFien c RESIDENCE, with I 8£ Acres of Land, is still For Sale at 1 ! £1550. i - - -.. TERMS": &M ea3"h v ß"alarice at 5 0/0. FOR SALE. ! VALUABLE GRAZING AND 1 AGRICULTURAL FARM. WITH RICH RIVER FLATS. Low Price to be accepted for prompt sale. TROU IMMEDIATE SALE.— The irt JF terest ifl S nty valuable block of i L.I.P. Propter^, <Jrti{(..r.i__g 6gJ , acres (m<?re c^ tes); situated Sheerf' Hitter, being fl/e v jiiclfc of what wa. kt-OWfl as Mcßao's Run, UeijVg lOw hill .country, but chiefly rich ilWr' flal£, fenced and subdivided. About 100 ffifSa aire under plough, 40 acres being in o&U, ffl acres in wheat and barley and 30 acres ready for turnips. Annual rental 2s lOd per acre. The river flats are unsurpassed for grain, ropn, and turnips ; also small fruits, but more particularly for raspberry cultivation. The land must, 111 the near future, become of great valoe. Tills splendid property is situated only a ibdfii (Hstsnee from the Tadmor railway .statitfr.. . For price, tefiiiS it/iff /uflcf. particulars, apply to Mr S. Hanger- oii tlief frrtfpefty or to BISLEY BEOS, and CO., Chief Agents. /"CHILDREN'S TV^ ; -ST.' JQIM'S ME'ffIODIST B.S.— StIND'AY, NOVEMBER 14, 1909. "ih 'sfks isivine:.:. "The Eternal SJ_i#." "My Heart's Need." Practice on WEDNESDAY, at 7 p..T.., St. John's Church, for Choir and Children, " fAHUNA HOUSE. yACANCiES % Permanent Board ers, Tourists, and Week end Visits* . . MagnifJcent saildy Kesf-h arid sea. bathing. Afternoon Tea. a Speciality. ;• Mns. GOULD. ''tSiSif fn OIBBARlTs" SuTphis A3 3te£l» Me Yet It not, you are missing a golden (.ppCrturiityr" D" S2WS Of" tfi^ie/. fielti— riew.g'dods ■r-clearing, 6d, 9d, Is. Vdms Gloves Hit GIBBARD'S Surplus Stock Sale. Bl(i Drop iri KISS iorjs&ie Curtains, , Table Covers, and Cre£ctJH6.< at --GIBIAIID'S Surplus Stock Sale. LADIES', Mwiaei Blqufes •2? W, White Woven Combiri-_tltrtl 2s 6d pair. Good quality White Under Skirts 3s lld. GIBBARD'S Surplus Stock Sale. SIAIPLY ' "wasting your substance-^-to buy elsewhere before seeing bargains Gj-BBABD'S Surplus Stock Sale. ifefAVY Md Siftttk Dress Skirts 6s .lld, 'jyi White Washing dd, tliOely trimmed, 8s lld, Zephyr Costumes 10s 6d. B ""DOMING MERRILY ! GIBBARD'S Surplus Stock Sale. LARGE Size Red Cross Nurses' Aprons ls 6d, Muslin do from ls. Extra large Holland do Is 6d, ls lld, '2b 3d,..- GIBBARD'S Surplus Stock Sale. OLSON'S Mlhi, LISTEN ! It wiTl pay yotl to See specials irt' Suits, Hats. Shirts. Ties, and Braces at • :G.]_BBAi?D'S Surplus Stock Salo. POINf Of Attraction for Wise Invest. ' tors.— Sui-pilis Stock Sate at GIBBARD and CQ.'S, . Noted Spot rQash Drapers aiid Clothiers, Lower ' Bridge 'street, opposite W. Lock's.-

DEE AND SONS, \ High-Grade Tailors, Halter*- and Gent's Mercers, | :-tfi>i—*~ —The man who has not found a tailor to please him in fit and style— he'd better investigate OUR methods of pleasing particular men.' """""I Figure up how long the suit lasted that we didn't make for you. Then wear one of our suits and com. pare their lasting qualities and, well--how you'll wish we had made your suit at first ! Muzzle : ■ " When Noah Built the Ark what sort of shirts worn ? We'll leave the question to those who study y history! "Y.i Meantime we want to tell you that '-..-' Our New Designs in 1 < Sof t Shirts. _;•> are now opening — a beautiful assortment— soft— ;<v' negligee — comfortable and .amart looking. They are in various, fabrics, and the quality is first-class. DEE AND~SONS, LEADERS IN MEN'S WEAIfe .

lIFLEISHOOTING REQUISITES ! •' J „ 1,1I ,1 VERT keen rifleman will at once appreciate the value of the articles li mentioned here to-day. I '4 And if there is anything in this list that you have not yet added to your ■ Shooting Outfit, come and see it. You may be missing a good deal of , pleasure, which might otherwise be yours. ' . PARKER'S COMBINED VERNIER and WIND GAUGE, No. 1; in best j j German Silvers with Nickel Guard Chain. Full instruction for use supplied j I vfith ca p AßKfife IMPROVED VENTOMETER. A neat and efifeetive little attaohme^or^nd^uagmg^^ SIGHTS _ knowllj and liked onthe ranges of the world. I arge bottle In wood case, brush In cork. ; tne r * I W|f l^ E 'g I.|1 .| FLUID WIIITE-with special brush in wood case. . i PARKER'S SPECIAL WHITE PENCILS. These will produce a clear § . white line if slide ls not too smooth, a^dare more preferable than foreign E ' makes The Chalk heing of Amber Tint and hard. Supplied with Nickel g ' Point Protection. «r* I Among other useful accessories ars :— S I' - *" ?'s_.; :* PARKER'S PATENT BACK-SIGHT PROTECTORS, § fV^;SM-y_ PARKER'S BARREL CLEANERS-J g y yyy^yyx- rust prevbntebs. • * H '■■'.A?- \'-X>Xi: v RODS AND BRUSHES, 1 ■y. .. xXy- CARTRIDGE CABINETS, , 'I " " '•' :< '■'■'■"""' SCORING REGISTERS. „, „ „„^„ nmTr . a | AND IMPROVED SPECTAqLE ORTHOPTICS. „_, -.v.y-.-|-- ■ ' Ir. r.~ : 'iy— |^ M iL_j_M_ M M_k________o____________________l________-i--llfr^ M -'^™""™'-'*** ,, ' M " "^ — ___^_r__M______________MMll.d mm . ■ a __ | _ | _ H gg Ha g^ B|^g^|^B^^mß____----_^^^^^V^^^^^^^ Hl^ M ■_-»« "STrxii TXTn-nt si Sppdpr ? It will soon be time to fSssSRS.-!*,. .^gw. DO You wani a oeeaer i plant . TurntI > See d again, lyggp^Mggffl^ and for this purpose, as well as for any kind of P lant -#tijggap^^^^^*\ ing. THE OAHOON SEED SOWER has advantages not pos-W^|^^^^^«a|fe^fiy sessed by other planters. For instance, it is quick and S^^^s^^^^S^mm l ' easy to operate, has no com plicated parts toget out ol B^^^H^^^Kfefa^ I gear, and costs less at the start as well as for repairs. . m ! A rinnrl flarden. Hose wiU say P y° u mu . ch labo I* ■ V6V X I A. VJrOOa CTaiueii xiuoo haps anno yance too, and mci- <®^^^^^^^^S/^^\ dentally a «ood deal of time. We have yarious grades- . all good— in both plain and wire-bound Hose. Buy here, • I^^S^^ll I^^^' I It_>~«.+_,«4- V/mi-w WvotAti anfl VpcptnhlfiS Black Leaf Tobacco Extrut will quickly § Protect X OTir irees ana vegeidUies. rid your orcbavd 01 . Garden from the. § ravages of Green Aphis and other undesirables. It is prepared especially, for Kew | Zealandtrade ; is or triple strength, and may be applied by means o^vr-Kf^e- I Forestall these little enemies to youjr success, by using Black Leaf Tobacco Lxtract I . E. BUXTON AND COMPANY, LIMITED, | TRAFALGAR STREET, - - - - - - .-, ' ■ -• NELS |^'.„|f

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 9 November 1909, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 9 November 1909, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 9 November 1909, Page 3