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LOVELY XI3W „A____^^ TIUMMINGfc. ___i__hH___— f^i *ii T_fT^Kr7 / >*^ _v''^^lß____E--___\i' Ou first phiprMC-ut of XV w !':■- )^°'-'i^__V\'^M^M^^B__ and Embruidci-ius is of the very : «_yL>-— "^la^OvJ-^<_lSj<_^3S != ' newest and most exclusive tiesiyn, ybf\^- ?^^V^ > *"^ > A^v^^^^^ and reliable quality; aud if you aro 'J^^Sm & 't*7 wanting Trimmingsfor Underwear. /?■. o^^'!? o'o 'off Blouses, Dresses. Etc., you'll find /^aO^^^^^^SMS^^j something to exact ly till your vo-^S^ fa^° s^ quirements here. " — - — Come in and tee tbete Choice Goods. The piiets will pliwse you too, they'ie most reasonable, and the Goods will delight you — they're so beautiful— so new. fiSrs ANSTICE, 'Phone 184. TRAFALGAR STREET, NELSON.

-t f\ t\ BROODY HENS wanted; also; WAiMX]_D. POit „AL£, TO A-\J\J Eggs, Table Poultry, in any IVY quantity. Spot cash.— Burton 13ms., Waimea-street. ', >r a .vn.'ii „~, ~~ — yU AAILD, a louug Girl to assist -T7l/-\T> C< AT TA • '" l: = 111 hous.-wcrk during the X* UJti i->ALJEi>: ) '•■"""'g'— loo \Y»""e_- s ireet. " - ( %A/ANTED, a Good General Servant. ;"' Apply, between 7 and 8 p.m., 2 400-Gallon Iron Tanks, £3 10s. ilrs J - s - Evans, Tasman-street. each, or £6 10s the two. :" " „ . XT^,„_ ~ ~~" :T\7ANTTD Known: Razors Ground lOne-Horse-power GAS ENGINE * and Set " Sciss o r s and Cutlery complete, with all fittings, etc.. % 1 '°" n<l and sharpened.— J. W. Sandal, £9 Xos. Collingwood-st. Near Convent. 1 Light Hawking Van. £10. i --L--^ . .^t;' ~ ~ —^ • ° TMT ANTED, a Capable Person, as !TT Housekeeper. Apply, stating salary required, to Housekeeper, care . "Mail" Office. BRIDGE-STREET. } ""OJANTED : All interested to see { * T the Smart Display of Choice FOR SALE— A BARGAIN. ' Spring Millinery, in Trathcn and Co.'s , , j- \'i indow To-night. CJPIiENDID VILLA Residence, situ- 1 „ T ,..rr-, -~ O ated in the best residential! T%7 ANTED : A Domesticated. Lady portion of the City. The house, which '. V V ™P' . Apply is new and well built, comprises • six -"' lrs J- Allan Mitchell, Freezing Works. good ii-ooms, bathroom, pantry, nul Alt 'y.iy ; ■ conveniences. Connected with .- ew drain- { %^/ ANTED, a General Servant, age system. E Apply Mrs. Snodgrass, The land has a frontage of 70 feet by lj ' Trafalgar Square. a depth of 150 feet, and is tastefully 3 " — ■ laid out in lawn, flower gardens, r;tive c \/%/ ANTED: A Good General Ser--plantation, and fernery. ▼ ™ vallt - No washing. Apply As the owner is leaving Nelson, it is Mrs Hoby, Collingwood-itreet. imperative that this property should be ' sold. The price is a low. one. and very \&/ ANTED : Horse Driver for Timeasy terms, of payment can bo arranged, j '' her waggon. Apply Apply PITT & MOORE. \ W. REILLY, Takaka. Ci TT _-\ "IT. Ol ' W7"ANTED, at the Commercial HoN'H ()r _^ i' * tei > Kitchen Man; also a Pan--L W -I_J__ X . "VS7ANTBD : Two Waitresses for Tea ' TV Rooms; also Youth for Bako-BRIDGE-SIREEI. , ;: 0 „ se.5 e. Apply HENRY and CO. (Betwesn the Cash Drapery and tho • . — Dresden Piano Company). "3J ST ANTED : 150 Men to call and see 2 FINE Shops, to be erected and V V Special Line of Strong Tweed finished about middle of December. Sni'ts at 30s.— At GIBBARD'S. Size, 15x45 feet. Most up-to-date. Plate : Plate Glass Fronts. TftTANTED, at once, a Reliable Man Also, above the same- J* • l ? dr / VB T ,? I ?S. l T^ e ' , "p ( J? H - G °° d LARGE ROOM, side entrance, Size Wa '-' es - Apply WILKlfe & CO., 45x30 feet. . a Butchers. R. B. JACKSON. TTT7-ANTED, a Domesticated ComQPECIAL Showroom Display, Sample fM . P~ pn 0no f , in 1^ rtt j 1 iv- t 1-n iannly. three lughts and two afterP., ° f Undejclp hmg Lace and Em- Jloona -> off t j M Ask broidery, Trimmed Underskirts, etc. — ' r ' v ., . ' Reduced prices.— Mis. Cousins, _^_^ -xiie-street. j. Hardy-streot. -w^r ANTFJ) . Beehive Knitting Ma-I-ctt tjTT? \m tivAttvA n nr i ** chine Company 'New Zealand) 'X'-L' CLEANING^ WORKS *?", - oeopl ° to make os ' cr y for them ' pi,™ -dn LLI -AWnNU WUhllh, who] or s t jth j Plume^; Collingwood-st. | lu mes; mako £1 a week, previous exSt dit'tt'c r.i IT>• 1 . 1 not necessary; constant, emr S /o U %* brightwater.- )lovn , ent all the year J rou „d. Write at TheLevd. G. lomlinson.of New unco .__ Box 73.^ GVp.o., Wellington. Gumea will preach next Sunday Evening ...... __■-__ 6.30 o'clock. rjpo LET : In Hardy-street, 7-roomed AT T_ A PirriTAT ■*• House, lately renovated, every I r-4 /_ I ■ I%J coi:vanience. Immediate possession. Ap- . PJ . JWilkJ. A. B.±^ ply within.— Mrs R. H. Martin. & 00. . H CABINETMAKERS Etc nn 0 LET : Two Unfurnished Rooms in AYE for sale DUCHESS PAIR J_ good locality. Apply by letter comprising Duchess with bevelled to Lw b „M ail„ 0 - ffic(^ *>■ Mirror, 4 large and 2 jewol drawers. TILE BACK WASHSTAND, witl. ™£ SALE: Bedd; 2 drawers. w TOMBLIN, £5 10s Od the Pair. tt„„„ -d.-a „ i-„„. On view at ALF. ROPINSON'S. Upper Bndge-streot. T' TxvnT -a- x.- 7^ """ T^O Eets House at The Rocks, now in ROUT Fishing Licenses now procnr- J_ the occupation o£ c . C . Robertv 1 j bl _r J V ? m W ' G ' VI » Il8G »- v, Esq. House contains 12 roome, with Nelson and Motueka. athroom, etc. Situation and view un-LvA-Bxr tt .x> -v n i.l nrpassed in Nelson. Gas and water laid EARN How to Build up Health, ou _ snd 6V6r COllveD i ßnC e. Apply Strength, and Vitality m har- ADAMS & HARLEY. mony with Nature s laws. MISS LEYDIN is giving a Health m ft T r.m Talk to Ladies of Nelson on THURS- XV Sj£ ' 1 '- DAY,- Sept, 30th, 3 p.m., in V.M.C.A. _ _-„ T „ „ "~ — , „ . . Rooms, on the Viavi System of Home IWf R ' L ' ?' Wlll,ams Property, 111 Treatment. These Talks are interesting „, .0 rove-street. New house, an destructive, and illustrated with S P lendld / lt '" atl0 "™„ L ° , ; x ™ n * a '- life-size charts. • Apply PITT & MOORE, ' Solicitors. m TO LET TO KEEP COOL. Straw Hat, Keg- W A ' 81 . , ITT , . m . T K -ROOMED HOUSE, ".'on Wellington ngec Shirt, Washing Ties, Light O Terrace. Apply Vests, Vestlcss Suits, Light Under- "Mail" Office. wear, Fancy Sox. All new goods. TO LET. T TVTEW Two-storied House, "Rawhiti," DEE AND SONS. JLI containing 15 rooms, at present 'oicupied by the Misses Hayes. Situated WANTED _ Known: Special Lines lin Nilo-st., near Presbyterian Church. Ladies' Dress Skirts 9s 6d-. ' All conveniences, connected with new Just arrived at GIBBARD'S. ; sowers. Apply — r— — — — Mns. ASKEW. QUMMER Blouses, good washing Nile-slroct. kj Pattoras, 2s lld, 3s lld, 4s 6d, — and 5s 6d each, At GIBBARD'S. . NELSON DEFEKC-E RIFLE CLUB. 6D a Yard or 5s 9d doz. Special line ALL Members of the above Club are of Indigo Prints, also strong II quested to assemble at the Drill Striped Galateas, surprising value. Shed SUNDAY Morning, at 10.15, to ■ GIBBARD'S. attend Church Parade. FINE , Lot-Fancy Blousings, Delain- T. M. BROWN, ■ '-ettes, Muslins, Cambrics, Voiles, President, etc., special price, 6d per pard, 5s 9d per — doz.— At GIBBARD'S. | TO BEE KEEPERS. ALL CLASSES of BEE APPLIANCES often pay at Auction - Sales — For Sale— Smokers, Comb Foundations, Try GIBBARD, "Spot Cash" Draoer Hives, etc., etc. and Clothier, Lower Bridge-st. (Juit ; E. N. NALDER & CO., Ltd., round Dee's Corner). Nile-st. East, Nelson.

t" MAN TOILS FROM SUN TO SUN, BUT WOMAN'S WORK IS NEVER DONE." C^ 8 ") Anything that saves the busy housswife,*^ J&sfi^_L Time, Trouble, & Annoyance, Is indeed a boon. Jl^Pl^p^^ There are a host of little Labour Save: , .isal cost very little to buy, yet add years to tas life '""'• J?L th 9 woman "Whose Work is ffever Cone." '^miWS£& i THE KENRICK'S NEW THE LIGHT-RUNNING cause our prices are only- j PATTERN- MINCING . £4 2 6 for No. 90 C.-Hand ! MArUIMr "NEW HOME "' £6 ° ° for No. 94-1 drawer. MAUHIHE, nsn nurat. £„ 10 0 for 05 _ 3 drawers j Thia handy little Mincer enables . » l<J 0 0 for No Ri~^ An I the busy honeewife to prepare tasty ■ i t_ _ V -. little dishee from scraps or even ■ 1 " wltil dro P hea °- S^^iSSUS 1 B I oSy9/0- aga MaiWß^ and lt COBtB I mftA^ § " IMAL "- which costs only £3 10a. i HAVE YOU A SEWING 1 BfmlJil UP-TO-DATE COOKING i " wswwiiiw m VwWlUll<ia i llTrueil c> H MACHINE? § fflPlgi UTENSILS. 3 „ . , , , L , _ - tarjfgl^ However good the food, it can be 0 Many women struggle along with- 1 .fflhtlrW entirely spoilt by being cooked in B out that handiest of rabonr-savers- g *&Wm-*£ Iron, Enamel, or Copper Utensils, the Sewing Machine. WHEN you | - to whioh the flavour o.the previous deoide it will be to your advantece 1 - ' food clings, or from which leadw&rk I £ H ' 1 '- § ' '•■■": poisoning may result Neither of RUNNING "NEW HOME." B these can follow the use of It is-a neat and swift sewer, runs B 'V.V.V ";; zi British-Made Aluminium Wake, almost noiselessly, and has no ooin- H " '■■ "■ " plicated parts that get out of order ■• \X'-' ■ . :,'" It is not affected by the strongest easily. With fair play it will last a H_ '-.'■- yy' foods will out-last other metals, and life-timej costs very little for repairs, K- .-'-'. as it holds the heat saves one-third and baing elegantly orna__oJ)ted is _ ' '■&■' ' the time m cooking, at the same worthy, of a place in aitfhO__e; ■'""'' ' ' '' ; H time reducing the fuel bill. It is „ ... , . , IJV N X.y'' B elegant in appearance, reasonable in Moreover, it is easy to pay for, be- 8 iyr JBB_ B pnce, & requires very little cleaning. E. BUXTON & CO., LTD., ] _^^^Jmm_W iE - B^XTON & CO., LTD., 9 f TRAFALOAR STREET, | I TRAFALGAR STREET, _

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 25 September 1909, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 25 September 1909, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 25 September 1909, Page 3