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t* JWHaai bhsb Bj^w^Bß^naßj^mMa^a^Ba^Bf 1 1 Blanket Time, I H will soon bo past— you'll want i • ip put them away till next winter- ' se:id isifin to lit first, and hay i tlii'tn t'.undered. They will com lots, tome Soft and Fluffy. %i tnd WE WASH A LACE CURTAINS, ig or as of In Soft R r ater, with Pure Soap chase We return them to yon, qniti Price straight and square— you know it'i impossible to drape them nnlesi they are dove properly. Send then an now betore tho rush comee. M F«j NELSON ±_ STEAM LAUNDRY, DYEING & CLEANr ING Company, -i *- WAIMBA STREET, 'Phone 313. ° f CYCLISTST S|^HERE i3 r solid satisfaction for yot J. . you purchase your new mount ***» address below! Cycles to suit all class all absolutely reliable and at reasonal — prices. '- : .- . "■ " j TYRES CHEAP. Splendid Plant for Cycle Repairs, o trial solicited. ? • S. WINN, VICTOEY WOBKS, NELSON, Sole Agent for Tangye's famous Steal }g i Gas and Oil Engines. Inquiries solicite SfT\Q Let: House at The Rocks', now : «J_ The occupation of C. C. Rober n, Esq. House contains 12 rooms, wit athroom, etc. Situation and view v. nrpasged in Nelson. Gas and wat-or lai on, and every conveuieoro. Apply ADAMS & HARLEY. be or* A NGLING QJEASON. :py XXNGLING REASON. ;> J. E, HOUNS2LL & CO. *' "DT^^ E pleasure in advising theii 1 J JH. Friends and Customers tKat theii - r '^ new stock in above has arrived, ant " consists of the most usefiil lines for th< !D> Nelson Rivers, and specially selected. Rods, all prices, for fly and minnow: ". best flies, eyed and on gut; fly casts °* '. and traces, all grades ; reels ; landing ils ! nets ; waders ; minnows (all sorts), in- " ? j eluding M'Carthy's best; hooks to I rl ; worm tackle; live bait tackle; gut )in strands for tying ; sundries for rod I making, and all other sundries required '• I by the Angler. SEA FISHING TACKLE.. % \ splendid stock in right gCKKjsJ'"'c'6nK listing -of lines, hooks, hooks to gut, :■ sinkers, etc. Note.— Special Nelson Agents for Messrs A. and W. M'.Carthy, Dunedin J. E. HOTJNSELL & CO.

SUBUpBAS LAND jf! aoRES of FIRST-CLASS L, Cst> at STOKE, Ln one or more part of tho late Edward Green's Es having frontages to P.-irker's Road Quarantine Qnaj, and joining Ulolf Ground. T'ue propertj juitable either for dairy fa.iuin agriculture, and ia within 2i mile Kelson. Throe-focrths of the purt •nonoy <-.ati remain at 5 per cent. 1 C 36 (,ra acre . Apply ADAMS & HARLEF, Solicitors, Ncb< TO LET : 6-rnomed House, siti Wellington Terrace, further particulars apply W. Smith Mount-»trei PUPONGA~ _COA] FURTHER REDUCTION. '' 10 . BEST SORUSNED OP. NTTT£ I L>elivereJ promptly to any part . I the Oity at t: LOWEST PHICE FOR CASH. J RING UP NO. 68. - ESTATE T.AT3 J. O. BURrOI 11 j THE PORT. "PIANOS! ' 1 PIANOS si .lIGHEST VALUES ! I LOWEST PRICKS ! LEADING .MAKE! " Q- F NAYLOR'i j 22 TRAFALGAR SQ., NELSON, d J com: j-:tition defied. "CHRISTENDOM ASTRAY." j iPHIS Book provs Christendom to '. I 3. astray by ss.-l.tinp; forth the err< I popularly believed and held by Tfceclc I o-day, but in doing this it gives pet I lant evidence of what "The Truth" ] j /roves the Bible true, and God's i I pircd Word. Friend, if you are earne< j y searching for the Truth, then re I (his book along with your Bible, a> , I learn God's appointed and only way > I Salvation. On loan from E. T. Bowde I or L. A. Godfrey, Picton. 'I FTNDERTAKEN: Garden Work < lIJ any description. Term j .."ourts, Bowling Greens, and Gardci I ifd out, and cantractpd for. Apply C. GRAHAM. 83 Grove-ftrvt. Or D. M. CHAPMAN, Hardy- P », ■ * TO LET. , ; t ; K -ROOMED HOUSE, c:i WcllliiitJ ■■-*/■•■' Terrace. -•■■ Apply T '?.lair Office.

— lililililiii^ Spring & Summer Wear. | "iisssS>^^@lßijSia The variety of ahnpinfr. the novelty of style, „ i ,-3igl3!S£gSg|!«|i£fg a -,<] the becomingnf ss of the colors, all go to \ i ~ fib m 7zSB!gEK&2m make our first showiiig of SPRING MILLINst i i rifiL^^Sl^^^^ EUY The MOST BEAUTIFUL and the • ;'nMreffyX-*J./g%Bfflt MOST FASCINATING we have ever shown. ?" WPteMsm&t&fS® You will find NO DIFfICULTY IN I ,;, ffiwMfMMHffi/lfi M CHOOSING THE HAT to fill your require- E a?' S*^mif%mm?% ments here Some are the actte of charming I y \'&&WtMi¥Z' : :%f jg- simplicity, while tbe more elaborate models I \rß3m^i&&;jSk show a wealth of lovely, though discriminating I T AsSp^^^^^^^P colouring and design. There's a Hat here for jj \^^SkS3&^ jJSt&Sk every occaeion. WE WANT YOU TO CALL and Bee these M^^S^^^^. lovely Hats in all their delightful novelty and 1 /if fc§?lliar/K't!!*^P'' : ft' cs 'hnesß, and note Ihe exceptionally reaeon- "' I'-A ra^S/ ffiiVß»A'sabln prices for such style and quality as is consell J/IMmWI uJ^V^^teined in everyone of these ßeantiful Hata. t OtVii/ H Mrs ANSTICE, M: /WOy COMPLETE LADIES'^mjITTEB. FOR SALE. WANTED, ,'O| SAI^, TO ion JJS.IA. ble IE- ' ADfPPAIM "«^ru\N'l-Ei), at the Commsrcial E y, A BARGAIN. W tsl, Kitchen Man; Bho aPa in . tiyniaiii. SUPERIOR VILLA COTTAGE of SEVEN ROOMS and ALL GONVENI- »V Boom?; al:o Voaih for B-A. 0. ENCES, including Bathroom, p.w.c, hol!: "- Apply HE.VRY and CO. Scullery, Wash-house, Pantry, Store- a Good Oea^jril^, room, linen press, wardrobe, wood and yy o W a;hin". -\pnlv coal bins, h .and c. water, gas, water, Mrs. Hqby, Colliiigwood-sh-cel drainage, all salf-contained under one roof; just being completed on Lot 9 X/ty A £ rl ?° : l f? M -» l ° mll ds ' A , , _,°. ... , ' T» Special Jjina cf Siroii" Twee Moorhouse Estate,- with a frontage cf Suits at * 3Os ._ At GIBBABU'S? 56 feet to Richmond avenue — fine sunny position, with sea view. The whole fene- T^^NTED, a Young Girl, to assis ed and finished ready for occupation. / \ „,'" H«"«ework, in the mornin.-, £825 on SPECIAL EASY TERMS. S Bunny ' UppCl ' CM^^ &P £l?J^ ih S Pl '°P rietors ' or \X WANTED, at once, a Reliable Ma ROBERTSON BROS., Ltd., W to drive a BulJiierVs Cart. Coo, "-" (on the work). Wages. Apply WILKIE & CO., FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. ~ Biitchgra. TTir, -n ~ , Position" in Shop, o HE Property situated on the Wah- VV Management, by experieiicec w• i. 'P", aka . I J oad . o olol^'" I!,'1 !,' to Mrs Salt swoman.— Apply "E.!" Wright (who is leaving New Zealand) " • "Mail" Office containing 14 acres excellent land, with ~ nearly new 8-roomed house, pantry, a Capable Lady Help, bathroom, h. and c. water, wash-house, \\ Apply by letfr — " with copper and tubs, and storeroom. Mvs . 0. \V a stn;v."\Vakapiiaka. Inere is also a cottage on the ______^_ * property, which is let to a good tenant. «T A NTED : A Good General or Girl This desirable property is to be had on VV to assist. Apply ■ *°c&T y tBrTa H-i. i ' ICe £ em? Mrs - Albert Do 3, Bridge-st. lg £200 down and balance can remain on ° mortgage at 5 per cent. a Table Maid for the P /& D EDWARDS W 80 - Vs> Colle * ;e - A PP'^ after 7 Trafalgar street, P-W- at the COLLEGE. ' " ' a Domesticated ComTO LET. »V pan-on. Good home. Ono in > 6^^™%s^^ oo;:h ff Jwei/^i/^^- ' Hected with sewer. Possession 2nd Sept. Nile-street. F. and D. EDWARDS. t-b-t i v T ,^ vr ,~~7, I I . .. . . TSTANTtD, Handy Man for Hotel FOR SALE * * Work. M r iist be able to milk. GOOD Five-roomed Cottage and A PP Iv WAKEFIELD HOTEL. Land fronting Wakefield Quay, Tl -; . VTr TA ~^",~' T , ... V'" ~ The Port. Apply 1^7 ANTED » The Pub]lc to k . now tllat PITT ajid MDDTiP * ' nlv New Stock of Suitings haW " Solicitors. al ' rived at T - HA RI'"ORD, Trafalgar-st. .Tr=-. m TSTfrANTED : Cook-General. TO LET. VV Apply Mrs. Thomas, PANAMA HOTEL. TVTEW Two-storied House, "Rawhiti," n • / < ? nt " ( i i" in^f 15 r °?T R ' at JrT\ "WANTED: Beehive Kr.ittins Ala occupied by the Misses Hayes. Situated VV chine Company 'New Zealand) m Nile-st., near Presbyterian Church, want people to make Hosiery for then. All convemonc??, connected with new ■ n !icl L - or spare time in tlioir own sewers. Apply _ • homes; make £1 a week, previous exMrs. ASKE_W, jerience not necessary; co; % .s;a;:t cm JSTiie-strott. jloyment all the vcar round. Write at -■ 'iiL-e.— Box 734, G'.P.O., Welliji-'tou. NELSON DEFENCE RIFLE CLUB. . "OOR. Sal-: Good Trap Mare, staunch rpHE Annual General Meeting will be JL and free, good mover — A. held at Mercer's Room on KABSXEN'S Fui-nishing Warthouse. MONDAY NEXT at 7.30 p.m. Intend- . Z ing Member's cordially invited. HH O Let : Furnished Roon's \ lv F. G. GLEDHILL, J. letter to "Central," ' ' Secretary. "Mail" Oflics. FOUND, on my Run, at "Gordon Downs," a Large Brindlo Dog "OOR SALE: 5-yr-old Chestnut ilayp. (Hound). Owner may have by paying JJ , Bay 'Marc, lOyrs okl, both for this advertisement. very quiet —Apply Walker's Store R. CAMPBELL ELLIS. Waimea Road WE ARE MOVING " ALONG THE ROAD TO _SUOCESS. OUR RECORD. Established less tban two years, Very small stock at commencement, Only one worker. "OUR MANAGER." Plenty of Work from the start, ..■..,..„, Stock now increased beyond storage capacity Number of Employees has,, reached tvel.c ourUotto. • « GOOD WORK even if at a LOSS." OURIiIETHOD. Truthful advice even if we turn you away, Untiring Civility. Graiitudß for Patronage. Strictly Business Methods. We take all reasonable responsibility-. We Guarantee our work if we are permitted to do ie oar own way "We are Experts," and know how it should be done. And our Employees know that Carklhns WOtK means IMMEDIATE DIS.UI.-i-AL. We don't undertake Cheap Work, ouiTr"eward. Heturn of Old Customers, Recommendations to New. F. A. CARLISLE & CO., PLUMBERS Ac, 30 Hardy Street.

S Y DEE AND SONS, % ? iiiS^-G^Dg TAILORS, HAUERS, AND P.IEBOERS.: 4 GHADEs"mBN'S SUITS. "; IN theso days of changes, people are constantly looking for something dillcrent, and constantly Avanting a change ; and with this in view, we claim to be leading in keeping i~£co with the change of the times. FiRST.-There's our High-Grade Tailored Suits, with our 50 years e>::. rience at the back of them, Avhicli we £o, and which we ( guarantee for the money : there's nothing better / in the Dominion. We show a very large range V of .Suitings, and an Kxpcrt in the art of Cutting < and Fitting, r.nd a lirr.t-class staff of workpeople is :it 3"cur cervico. SECOND.— To-day, there's a desire for something cheaper in Miido-to-'v.vrr-rure Suits, something to take the pmce'oi" the i>e:;fc Suit; look smart, and to lit wel!. anil ir.-t at r, Jower price. To meet this wain, wy Krc showi'-ga fine range of Suitinss which v.lii !)u m:ult. to your measure from £2 10s Od to £.J 17s vi. i'hese Suits are as good as you can get. anyv. here foj* the money, and we can i e.-omnu-nd i-hem as Good Wearing and Smart nits THlßD.— 'tailored Box 'Knit.--.. These are made up from uj)-io-([;iie Tweet::-, cut smart in 34 to 42 inch chest measure-, t.opt in ftoxes. We havethese to fit lull thin vici and short stout men, ami made with Siiiiti;. d Fronts and Padded Shoulders, ant! anyone wanting a Good Smart Suit in r. hurry c ih't go wrong by trying these. Our prices range from' 3 3s to 755. FOURTH. — :;e;ulv--to-we:n- • uits for Men & Boys. We h-.v >. very larse stot-lcs Men's Suits from 2os, odd Trousers from (Js lid. Boys' 3-garment Suits turn H?s (st!, NoriVlk Suits from 7s lid. We've r. lot Hoys' .-chnoi Pants made from extra strong- I'wcfcLs from 2s 1 Id to 5s 6d pair, these will be i'ound cheaper tJ:an you can make them. We ha\ j line lot Buys 1 Cow-Boy Suits, 8s lid to 12s Gil. Our Clotliinfe Department is well worth )oking into, as ii'a a Keal Saving-money riaee DEE AND SONS, , <£* Leadsra fa Ken's and Boys' Wear. «S| 1 ' ' - ■=•-■■-'■ .- - ,;.; „.., . I

IP. lilL Ur A KbLN I TRELNTHAM" — :o: BISCUITS "VT'O matter whether it be flowers or vegetables that are Wffijlj — '■ L\ grown, September is a busy month lor the Gard on ev. ■%&'■# n*w Line— really D«ii_oß_ AVeeds must be kept clown, new seeds put in,' young shoots W Naw Lme-reaiiy DeiicwM.. nursed to a hardy growth, & many other antics performed. | Try \hZ~\n Groce™" m v., - li SIIIFF-T AND SOUS, ' IOMITE'd. lo do these things quickly and satisfactorily, the ■£ manupactubebs Gardener for Pleasure as well as the Gardener for 'Profit, i must have Good Tools. W — Incidentally we believe our Tools— being of British k TWR TjTfrTTT make— will exactly meet your needs in this direction. l| -«--«. j_< xji vji x_ j. We have Porks and Spades, Hoes and Weeders, and the jf| . ; „„, ., r hundred and one other Garden Implements to accommodate * A fj-TH the strong-armed sons of the soiL We have lighter, yet || rx.KAXU . Po I '] leSSStrOng ' l ' LadieS ' GardeninffSetS ' and SpadeS ' and THii LATEST IMPROEVMENT IN " liilliill INCANDESCENT LIGHTING. We have Floral Syringes and Faultless Sprayers, both S^S just to HAND^A~Lar g o Assortment of which will produce a fine misty spray, suitable for lllll|| n „°f *' iese 'W 1 - 18 - , Boquets, Ferns, Cut Flowers, Pot Plants, JEtc, Etc. <,«-->te«i (i2o-__Ue power) Tested. Keep these facts well in mind, and when you decide to ilwf'V: " lighting' shop windows we a offe a r? tart in th ' Gnrden ' C ° me ln and inSneCt the goods^^| no shadowjThateevr. I^ lß * 3 . 0 -WaKaas-flfi A Fu ll Range of these Lights are nov? P on view at Lengthen Your Life Every Worker in Metals \ H. J. FLATT'S ■5^»S5 l i t^-? l i t «-^S l \ petty wori<i es, should use BAKER'S TINNING AND 1 DUMBER, BRIDGE-STREET. ?^tJ^«?t^sX S?J. I'^-CLEANING1 '^-CLEANING SOLDERING PREPARATION. It is 5 AND POLISHING MACHINE will help much cheaper than any other Flux, \ '.. ~ ' because it effects a fi-reat saving in gives off no noxious vapour like ; » T ~ . -»-» time and labour, and gives better re- Spirits of Salts, prevents rust, re- \ A I\ Alt STEjV suits. Let us demonstrate its useiul- quires less solder, and generally gives \ ' x ' A."*-"^ ■«■ -"-^ PJ^s to ypu next time you come to Stronger, Cleaner, and Better Work in T' • FO R town - ■-.....--,. - lesstime." .|, ... pinRNITUEE, ° B . „,..._,, S '■ Sl INOEEUJVtS." '' o- '■ INOLEUMS. { ■ TJEDDING, I -gp. mp*. \ JDEDDING, £__ OUXTOH %$ VO. 9 _-_ftQ_ 9 I -OXOHANGE AND 'X i - X_XGHANGB AND JVI ART, | TRAFALGAR STREET NELSON. I beidqe-strbet "

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 20 September 1909, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 20 September 1909, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 20 September 1909, Page 3