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FORTNIGHTLY MEETING. |* Tho fortnightly meeting of the Nelson J City Council was hold last evening. Pre- . sent— The Mayor (Mr J, Piper), Crs. , Turner, Adams, field, Pettit, Nealo, McConchie, Lightband, Grace. Cr. Bisley was excused. j CORRESPONDENCE. • Messrs A. and J. W. Grant asked the 1 Council to fill in the Vanguard-sstreet < ditch from Hardy-stre«t to Gloucester- I street.— Referred to Works Committee. ( Mr A. K. Baxter, secretary to the i Nelson Northern Eugby Football Union, ] asked the Council to quote a price fc-r 12 Saturdays' next football season. — Be- • f erred ' to Reserves Committee. Mr G. F. Hi'-.gston applied for pjr- i mission to erect a veranda in Har.dystreet.—Granted. ' Mr F. Plum wrote re the charge ot ; £6 10s to be charged him for Council land on Shakespeare Walk. He stated that he was not aware till now that he was occupying Council land, pointed out tbat'he had gaid the Council hundreds of pounds for Tar, and asked for a reduction in the rent.— Cr. Neale strongly supported the application for a reduction, and said that the Council should treat Mr Plum fairly; -He moved, and Cr. Grace seconded, that the rent be reduced to £2. The Mayor moved as amendment, and Cr. Turner seconded, that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee— The amendmnt was carried "w 6to 3. "■ "' ' " ' " . ' gjo»" to* rginpve '-/ai-th "from JffJW&s£ street ,nm th e Gmw-r&ehwPY} Committes, ■ , ; ' 0 . Residents of Cambria-street, Bast brought before the Council the i in regard to the drainage of their properties. A sewer had been laid down, i but they were unable to connect as the levels AouW not allow sufficient fall. fair thsy drainage rate.— Resekc-i that m jjttl--ers be informed that the Counea. gyan if willing could not make a reduction. Mr F Hurley, on behalf of the Nelson RetaAieH' AcS99 ia l ion >-. Te st " et w , a ; ferine ahd*"hwS_ *"J»'- ivOUBCII would _W> nS/.egecU'vSyt^ter ato city streets fjuring the com-ng fumrfS'. ! It' was suggested }ht .tfff esfts &* mployed in connection with thg york.^ Referred to Committee. ■ i Mr H Catley, secretary to the Nelson Acclimatisation Society, wrote declining the Council's terms for a piece of land in Cummin*'' Creek for the purpose of § a deer .pd)"k, - Mr C. Kershaw, engineej *s s)?M« o* tho power station, applied- for ■_»» •»#•- . crca4 of salary .-Referred to Finance Oomnliitee. RaUpayers of "Upper Vanguard-street (between Branktyu and -9tueka-streets) applied for a ' larger >*tp im.a>)a.rrg4; .f erred to Finance gomm-J,tefi. _ Mrs A. Mcßae wrote fe a piecg ot land in front of her property in §1)3X6--speare Walk, for which she had no use. —Referred to Works Committee. Mr 6, Chapman, Superintendent of tho Mental Hospital, eemplained of the quality of the gas being suppned.-f-bS-ferred to Committee. Mr E. C. Fannin again wrote r« road . from Russell-street to Victoria Heights. —Referred to the Engineer. . . Mr T. Robb applied for permission to remove a tree in Victory Square.—Referred to Works Committee. Captain Horn r^ueattd th e Council to top a willow 'tree ni TOrdj'-street riear the Queen's gardens.— Referred }o'-m-Mr F. A. Harris requested the Council to rpair Queens-road, Victoria , Height^— Referred to Works .Commit.B6 Mr S. Blomfield, secretary tf> ih? £ Charitable Aid Board thanked the Council for allowing its Engineer to 9 superintend the burning down of the Uld People's Home. i „ Works Committee's Repobt. : The Committee reported:— l On letters from secretary Hockey AsBociation and Garrison Band : That per--1 mission be granted to the Hockey Association to top-dress the ground under 3 the supervision of 'tie City Engineer ; and that tlie application of the Garri : Bon Band be grsnteid/'. rfiafge to fee made for admission on two days only.— On letter from Mr J. P. Hornsby : Thftt a lamp be erected at the junction of . Tasman and Weka-st'reetf..— On hitter from Messrs H. Jeimens and others t That the sewer be extended, cost about The last clause was referred back to ' the Committee. , . . The report as amended was adopted. Finakce Committee's Repoet. The Committee reported : — On letter from secretary Municipal Association as to loan for repayment of overdrafti fhat thjs Council- approve of the Association taking iip a tefit case on behalf of the Gore Borough Cpun.cil.—On letter from secretary Nelson Harbour Board: That tha Harbour ■ Board be informed that the. Council cannot make any reduction in tbe amount charged for gas, but that the Council will, if the Board so prefers, fix a meter and charge for tho gas consumed at cooking- rates.— On telegram from Cr. Neale (re gasworks) : That Cr. Neale be thanked for the information in his telegram. — As to Abattoir : That the butchers be notified that they must keep their ditches cleaned out and fences repaired in accordance with the terms of their leases —As to apprentices: (a) That Theodore Jennens be appointed apprentice in the meter-repairing shop at 10s a week, subject to three months probation ; (2) that an apprentice be advertised for in the gas-fitting shop at 10s a weok, Cr. Grace moved that 'the Harbour Board be charged £10 a year for tho '■ gas for the beacons (this being a reduc-

tion of £6).— Seconded by Cr. Field-and ■, carried by 6 to 3. (tha latter" being the : Mayor and Cfs. McConchio and Pettit.) • Cr. Nealo referred to clause re gas- • works, and said that at Wanganui tho candle-power of the gas was never less than 21; against 16 candle ' power .or j less at Nolson. At Nelson -they wero getting 2000 feet a ton less .than -other ( places. The Nelson gas was- 20' per ■ cent, poorer than the Wanganui --gas, but j 1 very much dearer, though Wanganui had ! < to pay more fer its gas" than Nelson i did. . : H emoved that the Gas Cpmmittee report on a fresh coal supply and , gas. State coal gay© a low quantity and a poor quality of gas— and it was ] highly charged with sulphur. (< The Mayor said they were getting , very good results at their works. He was not going to have Newcastle coat- j they could "bet their lives about that. Cr. Grace was also opposed to New- • captle coal; They' had dpne well, last ; year-andthey should leave weir alone. _ Cr. Neale's motion was carried by 7tp . 2 (the Mayor and Cr. Grace opposing). SPECIAL COMMITTEE'S KEPOET. ON HABI>AOE PLANT. The Committee; reported:— (a) That tho reports • of .. Qr. Adams and the City 'Engineer be presented^ to the Council with a recommendation tnat the question of purchasing the necessary i haulage plant be considered m January next; (b) that a typewritten cow of each report be presented to each Councillor. Adopted. | . BE DBAINAOE. The Committee reported:— Qjf letter- from Alt K Haase: %h$ no ab4*W' WTO $Fj^. c ?' fe ser^4 upon >he"owners of B r<rper&e> Un tft -nU-'aWi el Grove-sfeeet the «e«| side ot T«sman,stfeßt JlW*,,!^ Grove-street), and west side of MUtonstreet- to connect within 30 days ; , certain property-owners be granted an extension of 60 days' within which to connect and another 14 days and in deiauit'the Gsur.pjl carry out the work. Adopted. The Engineer was instructed to immediately repair the outfall sewer. engineer's KEFOnT. * i^ii * ti. iif,..-. The City Engineer reported a3 fol- ' ] °fcv>f*m :' 6wing \o the heavy rains Drevaiilng during" tihe Sfeatsr porijon S the last fortnight- Ihe satinrat.on level in Cambria-ftreot hojf been raised above normal, consequently I have ' deemed it advisable to suspend repairs oending more favourable conditions. Thi smsreency outlet from the sub-col-lectiof \4m4r in fiojlingwopd Street has fiaffl Vtt -fa hon'd, and Will fee operative about the end pi ■ next week. 1 have to direct the attention of your Council to the condition of the main heavy" tides' 'ta^jng' M increased ebb sW, o°!W^ T vit * the '/ re< l u f nt a -" d high 'floocfi' ib tb? W RVP'j th « *»• dition of the forcshor., h_s snfferpd confiiderable change, which 'ha* t had , *« effect of threatening the stability of the outfall at ft point ffhwe the tidal stream crosses that structure. . Works: $i**ce the last mpctißg of your Council much repair wrtk to streets and footways have been dono. A portion of the staff are engaged in general street cleaning, and tarring and dressing water tables, men and drays being tarn, fully employ « 4, , HISeEMANEOVS. 1. . « " : On the Mayor's motion the Engineer was instructed to attend to Wellington Terraoe. • . Cr. Turner rao.ved that ths path in St. Vinfient-street be widened six fest in accordance *vith fhe specification^ of the specifications of the Engineer.—Carried by 6 to 5. I Cr FiehJ moved according to notice, ; "That a special eammMee, consisting ' of the May.or"and:Crs. Pettit and Neale, be appointed to make arrangements for the purpose of drafting' and' putting through Parliament a BUI tn enable the Council to float a loan for the purpose of making advances to proper-ty-owners for drainage connections. Councillor Field said that his motion was in accordance with a motion carried by the Council on J"ty 23rd.. 19Q3, which ' provided that £5000 be Taised for the purpose of assisting prope'rtyrovyners to connect with the scheme. The Council had promised to assist people, and bis motion would enable the Counoil to carry out its promise. If the promise had not been made the loan proposal would not have been made. It was for the Council now to say whether it was going to carry oul ' its promise. „ Cr Pettit seconded pro forma. tie did not, think the motion was necessary. The Mayor thought that at this stagf the Council should not do as proposed. Cr Grace considered that much les than £5600 would he required. , Cr. Neale said that if the Act waf passed it would have to the ratepayers, who might not sanction a loan.. It would be better for a committee to be set up to see if the General Account could not be put In a better position. ■ Cr. Grace moved as an amendment, and Cr. Neale seconded, that a committee be set up consisting of the Mayor and Crs. Neale, Pettit, Field and the : mover, to bring in a scheme to place the finances of the Council in such a position as would admit of lending i money from the General Account to propertyowners to make their drainage conneci The amendment was lost by. 6 to 3,. 'and the motion was carried on the ; voices. Cr. Field's name was added to the Committee. , Tho Gowi"! T ose at 11 P' m '

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 18 September 1909, Page 4

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NELSON CITY COUNCIL. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 18 September 1909, Page 4

NELSON CITY COUNCIL. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 18 September 1909, Page 4