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WE ARE 1 1 Blanket Time, ! a will soon be past— you'll want i H /f~ '»• T7" % I^.l/1 aP ut them away till next winter^ I VI ' i- V 5 \l T I send tDem to ns firet > a^" l h " j -*-»-H- v _, 1 A_L \^T\ | tbem laundered. They will com [ home Soft and fluffy. ALOX '-i :>. UOAD TO | WE WASH sue: cess. LACE CURTAINS ! • - lln Soft Water, with Pure Soap _ I We return them to -you, quiti straight and square— you know it's FA Pi PI TQT V C-r T'A 1 impossible to drape them tmles* . xl. ViUlljllJliFj IX/ VjL/. J they are done properly. SendtheiD _ now before the rush comes. PLUMBEKS Etc., o^ nr j NELSON 30 Hardy Street. STEAM LAUNDRYf PUPONGA DYEING & CLEANnr. a t ING Compan y' I WAIMEA STREET, FURTHER REDUCTION. I 'Phone 313. BZST fiOEJ-ENED 02 NUTS. E*-*^HaHHHB^HBIHMH^M delivered promptly to any part of /~iV/"^T TCIT^CI • the CBty at V 7 X .V>JJ.XO X i 3» LOWEST PRICE FOE CASH. 1 i nnHERE is solid satisfaction for you RING UP NO. 68. A you purchase your new mount I ESTATE TATP T f RTTPTn-PTi address below. Cycles to suit all class -.-siA-i, "LATE J. C. BUEIOBD, aII abso i ute i v re ii a bl e and at reasonal THE PORT. p rice 3. : — • TYRES CHEAP. • Pi A IVT/^sC! I Splendid Plant for Cycle Repairs, c XT XXXr\ V^ks! trial solicited. xXAiMOo! VICTOBT WOEKS,' KELSON, HIGHEST VALUES ! Sole Agent for Tangye's famous Steal LOWEST PRICES J Gas and Oil Engines. Inquiries solicite LEADING MAKERS! I at nno Let: House at The Rocks, now •~N Ti -ra.-r A tttt /-w -H-& ■ /-/ X the occupation of C. C. Robei It. IH'' NAVIiOII-fSl' n, Esq. House contains 12 rooms, wit V-H A ±^JT%.J. UUli O athroom, etc. Situation and view v 22 Tl"\FArr'\n <:n vvrsriv nrpassed in Nelson. Gas and wat«r lai tA IKAI'AL&AR bQ., NELSON. acd ev6ry convenience. Apply com; etition defied. Adams t habley. "CHRISTENDOM ASTRAY." A NGLING QEASON. THIS Book proves Christendom to bi- XTLNGLING OEASON. astray by sitting forth the error.- " ■ popularly believed and held by Theclot\ J. E. HOUNSELL. & CO. :o-day, but in doing this it gives abun Jant evidence of what "The Truth" is- XT AYE 'pleasure in advising thei | ■Ji'oves the Bible true, and God's in IT Friends and Customers that thei spired Word. Friend, if you are earnest new stock in above has arrived, am y searching for the Truth, then re-i . consists of the most useful lines for th this book along with your Bible, anl Nelson Rivers, and specially selected, earn God's appointed and only way «. Rods, all prices, for fly and minnow -alvation. On loan from E. T. Bowden best flies, eyed and on gut; fly casti or L. A. Godfrey, Picton. and traces, all grades; reels; landinj U~~rr~— -— •- j nets ; waders; minnows (all sorts), in NDERTAKEN: Garden Work of eluding M'Carthy's best; hooks tt _ any description. Tennis I ut ; worm tackle; live bait tackle; gul -o;uvs, Bowling Green?, and Gardens |in strands for tying ; sundries for rod out, and contracted for. Apply I making, and all other sundries required C. GRAHA M. 83 Grove-strjet-. |by the Angler. Or D. M. CHAPMAN, Hardy-st. SEA FISHING TACKLE. - - --—--■" ••* A splendid stock in right goods, con--o*~~— ■ sisting of lines, hooks, hooks to gut, rI'EKS wanted for the purchase of sinkers, etc. New Six-roomed Residence, all * Note.— Special Nelson Agents for con., sunny and healthy. Apply on the Messrs A. and W. M'Carthy, Dunedin Property, 81 Washington Road. J. E. HOUNSELL & CO. i HIGH-GRADE TAILORS, HATTERS, AND MERCERS. \ 4 GRADESMEN'S SUITS, j TN theso days of changes, people are constantly ( X looking fer something different, and constantly S wanting a change ; and with this in view, we claim S to be leading in keeping pace with the change of \ the times. C FlßST.— There's our High-Grade Tailored Suits, 3 with our 50 years erepprience at the back of i s them, which we cl-aisre £5, and which we \ [ guarantee for the money; there's nothing- better ? ? in the Dominion. We show a very large range j \ of Suitings, and an Expert in the art of Cutting < c and Fitting-, and a iirst-class staff of work- i r people is at j-oiii 1 service. \ ( SECOND.— To-day, there's a desire for something ) c cheaper in Made, to-measure Suits, something to ) \ take the place of the Best Suit; look smart, and S > to fit well, and prvt at a. lower price. To meet \ C this want, avo are showing a fine range of Suit- \ ( ings which will he made to your measure from ) > £2 10s Od to £3 17s Cd. These Suits are as > \ good as you can get anywhere foi? the money, c c ' and. we can recommend 1 theni as Good. Wearing f (* and Smart v u its r s THlßD.— Tailored Box Suits. These are made up / c from up-to-date Tweeds, cut smart in 34 to 42 ) \ inch chest measure^. !<ej)t in Boxes. We have 5 \ these to fit toll thin men and short stout men, K C and made with Siiiiyncd Fronts and. Padded \ ( Shoulders, ami anyone wanting a Good Smart ) ) Suit in r, hurry e-ih't go wrong by trying these. \ \- Our prices range i'roi-i .'Jos to 755. c i FOURTH. — neady-to-we;tr Suits for Wen & Boys, i S We havr* very largo stocks Men's Fuits from 20s, \ \ odd 'i'rousci-s from <;s lid. Boys', 3-garment ) , 2 Suits from l'Js (ki, Norfolk .Suits from 7s lid. ] \ We've r. lot Boys' .- chool Pants made from extra < \ strong T weeds' from _s lid to 5s 6d pair, these t "■ C will be found cheaper than you can make them, c , I We ha-A j fine lot Boys' Cow-Boj r Suits, 8s Ild to ) , ) 12s 6d. Our Clothing Department is Avell \ \ worth joking into, as it's a iceal Saving-money < ' ? Place. ( ' [ DEE AND SONS, \ \ ■dT, Leaders in H-ten's and Boys' Wear. _-^ £ _^ o. t

§New Miillinery for § Spi\ing & Sjimmer Wear, j The va riety of sb> (ping, the novelty of style, a-.d the h ccomir.gD' iSs of the colors, all go to make onr fitst sho?*ir.gof SPRING MILLINERY, tbe MOS_C BEAUTIFUL and the MOST J'Ai:'CINA■ E3NG we havo ever shown. Yon -tvJSll And NO DIFFICULTY IN CBOOStNIG THE '.HAT to fill your requirements here; Somevaro the acme of charming simplicity, while tjie mere elaborate models show » weaMh of lavelyj, though discriminating colouring aticT.dewVji. there's a Hat here for j every "WBio 11 ' ! WE' WANT YOU 7JO CALL and see theso j lovely Bats in all theft r delightful novelty and freshnspa, and note 'ihe exceptionally reasonable ptnpea for suck-stylo and quality as Is con- ■ tamed in* everyone^'of theso Beautiful Hats. Mrs ANSTICE, COMP7&ETE LADIES' OTJI FITTER. j 'Phone J lB4. Trafalgar Street. \

ii WANTED, FOR SALE, *■- 7 f LET. - ! "W AN J ED> lad - v > a ComfortabJ.3 I r. Room, with or without boatfd I State rent.— "G," "Mail" Office. I W ANTED ' Two Gentlemen Boai d--f TV- ers. Apply Miss HcArtney-j, " ! 121 Bridge-street. WANTED :' Everybody to see Tonight the prettiost displajv of ! Novelties ever seen in Nelson. ' Frank Harford, Jeweller. ■ >. WANTED, a Table Maid f<^"the Boys' College. Apply after 7 p.m. at the COLLEGE. >T "OT" ANTED, a Domesticated Comx „ P ai 'iou. Good home. One in lannly. Threo nights and two after- •' :■■'« -ns off a week. Apply Mrs Askew, ~ Nile-street. 1 1 : , , - 17|7' A - N 'TED, Handy ".Man for Hotel , U Uork. Must be able to milk, Apply WAKEFIHLD HOTiiL. E "W ANTED ' Tlle P«hU(Tto know that TV my New Stock of Suitings have arrived, at T. HARFORD, Trafalgsr-,st. ; ANTED : Cook-General. ~' ' Apply Mrs. Thomas, PANAMA HOTELWANTED: Elderly PeTTon, as <W pamon for Lady in tho wintry. Good home. Apply 56 Hairfy-st. WANTED, a Cook-C«r^Tand~ Housemaid. Apjjjp Ains. S. GIBBS, Hjj"d.y-sfreet. \V AiVri, r?' 9 on, P etent Cook. Male j V V or I'emale. Apply COMMERCIAL HOTEL. WANTED : Beehi»e.~Knittm ? ~M, chine Company *N ew Zealand) ""'ant people to maJio >tos-cry for them whole or spare time, in their own homes ; make ill a. week, previous experience not necessary; constant employment all the year -round. Write at ■once.— Box 734, G.P.0., Wellington. WANTED to Purchase: Dramrht 1 Horse, usee! to Shaft Work J. OR3MAN, To,' Toi Valley. ' • WANTED, QMART BO Y,^ fo,- "shipping Office KJ- -Apply i;: h;u'.r.\vritins to "Shipping," Box S4, i'ust Office, Nelson. FOE #%E: 5-yi-old Chestnut Mare. j| i iiay .tare, lOyrs ckl. both very gui — Ajppiy Walker's Store, Waimea Road. FOR Sale :■ Good strong Tomato Plants, in large or small <|iiantities. Order early.— o. G. 130 DV, Appleby. TO LET : S-roomed Cottage, StepneyvUle, The Port. Healthy. Sunny side. Apply Mrs Intemann, Halifax-street. FOR SALtE: eVry Handsome 4-foo! , ChrtU'onier, with lons mirror in back, carved panels, two cupboards and , drawers, wabiut stained and polished, price £5 18s 6d.— A. J. Bast in and Co., ' Cabinetmakers. On view at Alf. Rob- j inson's, Bookseller. TO LET: House in North Esk-street. Apply ' The Wilkins & Field Hardware Co., Ld. I TO LET. ' I NEW Two-storied House, "Rawhiti," containing 15 rooms, at present ' occupied by the Misses Hayes. Situated ( in Nile-st., near Presbyterian Church. < All conveniences, connected with new ' sewers. Apply ( Mns. ASKEW, Nile-strott. < r|lo LET: 6 roomed House, situated J A Wellington Terrace. For I further particulars apply W. Smith, , Motmt-sl rect. TJANGATOTARA. ' FOD SALE or To Let. 62 Aerer, Free- I hold Land. About ROO trees, ' ra.-pbernt:., etc. For full particulars, i apply to * LAWRENCE INWOOD. ' TO~LWE i 5 -ROOMED HOUSE, on Wellington Tcrraco, , Apply ■ "Mail" Office. < FOR SALE. ] GOOD Five-roomed Cottage and Land fronting Wakefield Quay, i The Port. Apply PITT and MOORE, < Solicitors.

FOR Sale, Cheap— Secondhand Fire proof Safe, 2 Spray Pumps, : Incubator (160), Petaluma ; 'also Sulk; in good order.— T. Hoyle Smith, - Wai mea-strcet. POR SALE. " NEW 5-roomed House, gas ami I, and c. water. Sunny po<i'i->.i ilso cash and balance at 5 pVr .-tut ih teres.' Apply C. KERSHAW .- Hampden-street West. FOR SALET A BARGAIN. SUPERIOR VILLA COTTAi;)-: o SEVEN ROOMS and ALL GONVEMT ENCES, including Bathroom, j!.'.\.v. Scullery, Wash-house, Pa-itiy. H:c-o room, linen press, wardrobe, ivnod .-.iv coal bins, h .and c. water, gas, wai.r. drainage, all s-olf-contained under < .it roof ; just being completed on Ix I 9, Moorhouse Estate, with a frontage oi 56 feet to Richmond avenue — fine sunny position, with sea view. The whole fenced and finished ready for occupation. £825 on SPECIAL EASY TERMS. Apply to tho Proprietors, or ROBERTSON BROS., Ltd., (on the work). suburban" LAND FO2 IALE. OK ACRES of FIRST-CLASS LANt 1 ; Ot/ at STOKE, in one or more lots i part of the late Edward Green's Estate, j having frontages to Parker's Road anrf j Quarantine Road, and joining th. Golf Ground. The property i suitable either for dairy fa»ming oi agriculture, and is within 24 miles of Nelson. Three-fourthß of the purchase money can remain at 5 per cent. Price£36 per acre . Apply ADAMS * HARLEY, Solicitors, Nelson MARLBOROUGH RACING CLUB. SPRING MEETING. OCTOBER 6th and 7th. NOMINATIONS CLOSE SATURDAY NEXT at 9 p.m. L. GRIFFITHS, Secretary, Blenheim. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. THE Property situated on the Wakapuaka Road belonging to Sirs Wright (who is leaving New Zealand) containing 14 acres excellent land, with nearly now 8-roomed houßO, pantry, bathroom, h. and c. water, wash-house, with copper and tubs, and storeroom. There is also a 3-roomed cottage on tbe property, which is let to a good tenant. This desirable property is to bo had on very easy terms. Prico £1300. Terms £200 down and balance can remain on mortgage at 5 per cent. Apply to F. & D. EDWARDS, Trafalgar street. R. P. DE BIDDER. C.E.. H.fl.fl. (LONDON), ARCHITECT. COLLINGWOOD-STREET, NELSON. Late Consulting Architect to Liverpool Fireproof Construction Co. ; Specialist to H.M. War Office ; the English Nobility ,et".. Over 20 years' English and four years' colonial experience. Only ordinary charges. / \ FOR 5 RELIABLE GOODS I AT LOWEST PRICES, TRY GIBBARD & Co., I " SPOT CASH " § DR A PEKS & CLOT B IERS, 1 Lowek Beidge Street, § (Opposite W. Lock's ) J V ■-»■-— — a— — — Jf STRAW HATTERS. Don't waste time wondering where to buy your new STRAW HAT. A visit right here will settle that problem, and also what to buy, and what -to pay. 70 dozen just opened for Men and Boys. DEE AND SONS.

GrlilF FTN S' ' lIN THE GARDEN! _ TftENTHAM' ! ™ . , « -,TT — .«'„.-♦ O BISCUITS .' TVT O matter whether it be flo Avers or vegetables that are EwSl ■ LN ffroAvn, September is a busy month for the Gardener. \X\J New Line-reaiiy Deiiciona. Weeds must be kept down, neAv seeds put in, young shoots W • New Lm( £l e t_ fl _P_An , r nursed to a hardy g-roAvth, & many other duties performed. i I T^ them!— All gJocms! OBIFFI-T AND SONS, T.TMTTT.P, To do these things quickly and satisfactorily, the | man_tact__u__l Gardener for Pleasure as well as the Gardener for Profit, 1 must have Good Tools. |j Incidentally Aye believe our Tools— being of British if THE LTCtTTTP make— -will exactly meet your needs in this direction. (ft AiJ * v " ■*-*■ ■*• We have Forks and Spades, Hoes and Weeders, and the a hundred and one other Garden Implements to accommodate |t A (T-TH the strong-armed sons of the soil. We have lighter, yet kf xxvjijlj. hardly less strong,-.' Ladies' Gardening Sets, and Spades, and \|\ the latest improevment in Forks - ___|ifej incandescent lighting. We'have Floral Syringes and Faultless Sprayers, both HSi|||r- just to hand— a Large Assortment of Avhich will produce a fine misty spray, suitable for m£&&M ~ of th « Be Kghta. Boquets, Ferns, Cut Flowers, Pot Plants, Etc, Etc. plllflf Guaranteed ( 120 " candla P° wer ) T «ted. „ .. - . „. „ , . .-, M0777W a special feature for Keep these facts well m mind, and when you decide to §M®rfek j lighting shop windows make a start in the Garden, come in and insnect the goods _silsv&/ we offer. . ""°«aa^s||| no shadow whateevr. -O A full Range of theso Lights are now B . . a on view at 1 Lengthen Your Life Every Worker in Metals i H. J. FLATT'S IBy Cutting out your petty Avorries, should use BAKER'S TINNING AND ! PLUMBER, BRIDGE-STREET. I KENT'S ROTARY KNIFE-CLEANING SOLDERING PREPARATION. It is i fl AND POLISHING MACHINE will help much cheaper than any other Flux, ~ ""*' B because it effects a great saving in gives off no noxious vapour like a ttt- a Tinm-r-iiT B time and labour, and gives better re- Spirits of Salts, prevents rust, re- A I"C A kSI KN § suits. Let us demonstrate its useful, quires less solder, and generally gives i xa.ixxku.ix_ii B ness to you next time you come to Stronger, Cleaner, and Better Work in J FOB ■ 'town. less time. CIURNITURE, § B j r T INOLEUMS. i g .'o- i JUINOLEUMS. I H i "O EDDING, 1 I ,__^ I iJEDDING, f i Sj, oisxion © %jo., Lit®., \ -^eh™ ■__„•»«_, ■-■■• I j HIXGHANGB AND Ifl ART, so \ § TRAFALGAR' STREET . ' , . NELSON.,. | beidqe-stbeet, - OKI


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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 18 September 1909, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 18 September 1909, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 18 September 1909, Page 3