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TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION S^ITURDAY, 16th OCTOBER, at Noon Pre.cisely.'TVALUABLE FREEHOLD -... AGRICULTURAL FARM. MESSRS BISLEY.BBOS. and CO., acting ilnder -iristrutcion 'from Mr Samticl Eden, who is retiring from farming, will sell by Public Auction at their, Land Sale Rooms, Hardy-streetj on above date, his Valuable -'.freehold Agricultural Property,v ? situated at Hope, containing . 1 Cld ACBE S ■>£ Fi-ee!jold -Land, XvlLf together ivith Residence and all irapiovements thereon, also to- go -Mth the propeity, 30 aej-es of Oats, 35 acres of Barley, and Seven Light and 'Medium Draught Horses. ' V The above splendid Farm is wellknown for its lugh productiveness of either cereals or root, -crops, it containing some of the best land- fti the Province, and should he specially sought after for larga and smallVFruit Cultivation t It is situated, "v little over 10 miles from the City, hear Hope Railway Station, School, and Store. Fuller -iarlicnlars as to .terms, etc., elm be had at the Offices of the Auctioneers. I BISLEY BROS-.and GO^ Auctioneers. FARMERS' AGENCY CO. —BRIDGE-STREET.— AUCTIONEERSy " LAND t ESTATE AGiENTS, PRODUCE A GENERAL MERCHANTSj' VALUERS. Agents for Murton's Sheep Dips^ Benicia Reversible TDisc Ploughs. Watson's Patent Fence Standards. Graham's Patent -Wire Winder Larter's Commonsense Rat Extermi nator. Blackstone Oil Engines. Stock "and Furniture Sales conducted in any part of the district at reasonable rates Properties for sale "in all parts of district ' FARMERS PLEASE NOTE that we are in daily communication with stockbuyers Advise us of- what ypu bave for sale, we can place -them for- yon. We act only for tho Vendors. ~F~OR SALE~ STOKE —7 roomed Brick. House, p'an"J, office, bathroom, h. nud c; water, wash-house' copper and tubs. Gas ser-. ice throughout the house. Windmiu,- stable, ttapshed, etc., 2 acres in orcnard, 2 acres in paddocks, and A acre ) m garden, etc. Within 2 min--0 t , < ? T »." ali - of railway station. Sr VINCENT ST -4/ Acres Land, with good S roomed house. Excel?r E^~ 94 4 cres Splendid Land suit able for orchard pr crops} fy acres ** ploughed and ready for planting, and having a frontage to tworoadsf and TTAWAT f IS? e,I^ nd stered. I r S n , ~ 6room£d Dwelling, near LaSl «°^ 6 Counected with sewer. litthd 63x150 Price £550. tFi*?^ BOAD. - Splendid Orehard Propert yi 62; Acres Freehold Land. T^r e are 18 Acres in Orchard in full boarng.and 14 14 acres in Almonds and Walnuts, balance m grass. There also "go with the property vircw. express and harness, 77 Bomney Marsh Ewe's, and all tools; C-roomed House, wash hcise, Stablo, Trapshed, and Lpft, and Packing Boom. Price. 1 £2100 Easy terms. CAMBRIA-STREET, _THE "WOOD.— 3 Splendid Building Sections each about 50 by 192 feet.. ' Those are some Of the best ; seetions -in Nalson, and have a great -depth, of Boil Price, £4 -per foot, WASHINGTON BOAp.^-Nearly new 6 roomed Honse,:'; Sonhepted -.with. aewer; bath; - Trash'-house}. -.copper and tubs Land 50 !'■£ 180. •'"*< 'Price' «420. Easy teioa. ■■' A A. f y 7'v, : MUBCHISON.— SpIehdid Dairy Farm (240 acres), flat and Tploughable* land; within flvis .miles of butter' factory, "by excellent ' road. yNew ,7 •' roomed houW and. farni' buildings; SUBURBAN NOBTH.; — Practically new 'B roomed Hbuso'; : pantry, batli room, h.'&c. water, and all conveniences; at piesent occupied by AIrK Wright. : There 19 also tliret-ro-ed cottage, *vbich is let to a Ilenant.. 14. Acres of Land, -witli in five miles of Nelscn. • 3TOKE.— 7-Toomcd Br?elt Hons?office; bathroom ;h. & t. water wasihouse; copper'; tubs; new gas ser vice throughout the house. Windmill, . trapshed, gaftm rahtes ctsees Acres in Orchard, 2 -Acres in Pad . dock, and %. Acre-in Garden. Within 2 minutes' walk of Stoke .Rail way Station. '' SHELBOURNE-STREET.— Splendid Section, ...with! -excellent' 'view. Land, 50 x 150. Price £3 10a, ,-■'.-'" .'.. WAKAPUAKA 8D.— 20 Acres Lani; uab'bii't 4% miles from Nelson; with 13 roomed House; new Cowshed; 2*tall Stablo; % acre in Orchard; balance in grass. This .would makf a .'fine; orchard . property. Prio £1250. Easy terms. SHAKESPEARE WALK.— 7-roomeii Dwelling, with all conveniences Land, 40 perehes. Price - £600 < Very easy terms. COIiLINGWOOD-STBEET. - • ">; Shop andi 8-roomed Dwelling in thEstato" of late Mrs Logan. Thtbuildingß aTe in excellent repair. Land 30 x 152 feet', having a frontage to both Collingwood and Almastreets. Price, £1050. v BBIGHTWATEB.— 637 Acres - Freer, hold Land 50 Acres. flat, and in crops, balance undulating, ' good ..sheep -country, 50 Acres Totara ani. Bed Pine Bnsh "',.- All ring fenced. - and well ■: watered. Carries 600. sheep, besides- Dairy Cows. Eightrpbmed houso; bathroom; washhouse,- . Stables, Cowshed, etc. Price,, £o,. per Acfy.-?r •*.-■•• ■-■- MOTUEKA.— 6% Aieres Flat Freehold Land; about 30 Acres in crop. About SDO Apple Trees, 1% acres of whieh are jußt comihp into bearing, and the' ; balanco planted last year. - 10-roomed Houso, Barn, 4 Btall Stable, Cartshed, etc Pnfie £950. .. WAKEFIELD.— 4 Acres Land, within one mile of, Bailway. Station, with 4 roomed House thereon. -Property is woll watered; and _ ha? a big frontage to main road. Price, £275. WAKEFIELD — Splendid - Building Sites in new township of Wakefield, containing over 2. Acres Land and having frontages to two roads Pi^o £240. ' -■■- 7_ TOLJST.T COLLINGWOOD STREET'-Shop and 8 roomed Dwelling* in the^Es.tate of the lato Mrs Logaii. This -would make a good boarding house. Rent 25s a week *' - ■"- - . , FAND "Tk A -|7DWAKDS,. . AND D. JIiDWARDS. Pimples, eruptions, blotches, scales, ulcers, and eczoma are.aU caused by bad blood Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets aie wonderworkers . in the cure of ill disorders caused by bad, I or impure Uood They ;elimiante all poisonous matter by enriching the; bo'od and en ibhn§ it ti lrakf new and healthy tissues Pure 1 lood means perfect, health; and, if you will use Chamberiain/s Tablets they will give jou good, health, and a pure clean skin freß from pimples end blotches. For sale everywhere.*. ADVICE TO -MOTHERS!— Are you broken in your rest by' a' sick chile •uffering with the pain of. cutting teethl Go at onco to a chemist and. get,a bottlf of Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrujp. Ii will relieve the pcor sufferer imme- : diately It is perfectly harmless and pleasant to taste, it produces natural, quiet Eleep, bv relieving the child '.from pain, and the little chcruhTawakes: "as bright as a button " it soothes tfie child, t -softens tho gums, allays : all pain, V relieves wind TegulatesTthe'bow.elS/Tand is' f he r b'est known remedy for- dysentery* vcid diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other, causes. Mrs Window's Soothing Syrup is sdld bv Medicine' Dealers everywhere.* ■.-■.- W ' .... y — > -*- --' >-'-'T-V^ -V' r ' *'- : ".

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 16 September 1909, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 16 September 1909, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 16 September 1909, Page 4