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WE ARE MOVING ■ AL.v-.G i . r ; ROAD TO SUCCESS. F. 4. CARLISLE & CO. PLUMBERS Etc., 30 Hardy Street. puponga" COAL: BUST SOREENED OE NUTS. delivered promptly to any part of 1 the CSity at LOWEST PRICE FOE CASH. RING UP NO. 68. ESTATE LATE J. C. BUEFOED, THE POET. PIANOS! PIANOS! HIGHEST VALUES! LOWEST PRICES! LEADING MAKERS ! G- P NAYLOR'S 22 TRAFALGAR SQ., NELSON. COMPETITION DEFIED. "CHRISTENDOM ASTRAY." ' I^HIS Book proves Christendom to be A astray by sitting forth the errors •opularly believed and held by Theology o-day, but in doing this it gives abun ;;int evidence of what "The Truth" is, ..roves the Bible true, and God's inI pired W 7 ord. Friend, if you are earnest y searching for the Truth, then rea J this book along with your Bible, ani j learn God's appointed and only way of I Salvation. On loan from E. T. Bowden, j or L. A. Godfrey, Picton. j UNDERTAKEN .- Garden Work o'f . j • any description. Tennis I Jourts, Bowling Greens, and Gardens j lid out, and contracted for. Apply I C. GRAHAM, 83 Grove-strjet. | Or D. M. CHAPMAN, Hardy-st. OFFERS wanted for the purchase of New Six-roomed Residence, all con., sunny and healthy. Apply on the Property, 81 Washington Road."

— §J^^^S^\ New Millinery for w I - WmSS^&k. Spring & Summer Wear, f ■j /,„ variety of rli-..-<;i:-. the novelty of style, | »- -d tho b.-conr--n-*.- nf -\' \f *•> | CHOOSING THE HAT to fill your requirements here Some aie tl.e acme of charming Simplicity, while tne more elaborate models ] show a wealth of lovely, though d;scriminating colomiue and d* Mfiii. There's a Hat here for ( = CV WE°WA.Vr YOII TO CALL and seo these ] lovely Hats in all thei' delightful novelty and j * fTOhness, and note 'lie exceptionally reaeonaWe piices for such styla and quality as is cents med in tveryone of these Beautiful Hals. , Mrs ANSTICE, ] COMPLETE LADIES' OU I FITTER. 1 •Phone 184. Trafalgar Street. J|

WANTED, FOR SALE, TO LET. W 'ANTED, ■ Hiindv -Man for Hotel Work.- Must bi able tu milk. Apply WAKEFIELD HOTEL. WANTED, The Public to know thai my New Stock of Suiting.-- have arrived at T. HARFORD, Trafalgar-st. WANTED : Cook-General. Apply Mrs. Thomas. *"■ PANAMA HOTEL. W 'ANT ED* a Good General. Apply in tho evening to Mrs. Lyell, • Trafalgar-street South. WANTED, Competent Cook. Male or Female. Apply COMMERCIAL HOTEL. a _ H ___^_^___ WANTED: Position as Orchardist. or all-round Garden Expert, in all things connected with Fruit and Vines, inside and out. Apply Box 15, P.0., Wellington. WANTED, a Cook-General and Housemaid. Apply Mrs. S. GIBBS, Hardy-street. ANTED : Elderly Person, as Com panion for Lady in the country. Good home. Apply 56 Hardy-st WANTED: Beehive Knitting Ma chine Company 'New Zealand want people to make Hosiery for them, whole or spare time, in their owi. homes; make £1 a week, previous experience not necessary ; constant em ploytncnt all the year round. Write at once.— Box 734, G.P.0., Wellington. TO LET: Furnished Bedroom and Silling Room, with or without board. Foi- address apply "Mail" Offiue. FOR SACK: Saddle or Harness Horse. Also 100 Fowls. BARNES, Montreal-road. TO LET : Centre of Township, Office, "front Shop, and Storeroom or Workshon. Rent mod. Applv Hig!;s. Wakefield. ■ " FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. THE Property situated 011 "the Wakapuaka Road bL'lruiginir lo Mrs Wright (who i.s leaving New Zealand) containing 14 acres excellent land, with nearly new 8-i-oonied" hor.-e. pantry, bathroom, h. and e. water, wash-house, with copper and- tubs, and storeroom. There is also a 3-rooihed_ cottage on the property, which is let to a good tenant. This desirable property is to be bad on very easy terms. Price £1300. Term.- . £200 down and balance can remain on mortgage at s' per cent. Applv to F. & D. EDWARDS, Trafalgar-street. TO LET. 6„ROOMED DWELLING in Kawm- " street, near Boys' College. Connected with sewer. Possession 2nd Sept. F. and D. EDWARDS. FOR Sale, a Spring Cart and a Corn Crusher. Both in good order. Clieap. Apply J. Snowden, Brightwater. TO LET : 6-rnomed House, situate-.! Wellington Terrace. Foi further particulars apply W. Smith, Mount-st reotTJANGATOTARA. FOD SAJ.E or To Let, 02 Acres neehold Land. About 900 trees, raspberries, etc. For full particulars, apply to LAWRENCE INWOOD. TO _LET. 5-ROOMED HOUSE, on Wellington Terrace. Apply "Mail" Office. FOR SALE. GOOD Five-roomed Cottage and Land fronting Wakefield Quay The Port. Apply PITT and MOORE, Solicitors. ""CYCLISTS. " THERE is _.u)id satisfaction for you if vi. 11 purchase your n-u- mount at aridiCFs below. Cycles' to snit all .lasses, all absolutely reliable and at reasonable prices. TYRES CHEAP. Splendid Plant for Cycb Hepairs. one trial solicited, S. WINN, VICTORY WORKS, HELSON, Sole Agent for Tangye's famous Steam,

,' ? ' Preliminary. ! ' PRACTICALLY NKW PIANO, FURNITURE, & EFFECTS. MR LOCK, favoured with instruc- - -rp, for ;\i_s.:;si!a--'-s "»; 1 whiti," . will sell at ■ an early dato, at the residence, Nile-street, the Whole of her Furniture and Effects. Particular.later. W. LOCK, Auctioneer. NOTICE. NELSON DAIRY COT. THE FACTORV at Br:gli'\v.-.-ei will not running cn the 20th inst,, a:; ac've'lised. Opcii'im Day will be intimated in thf.-ic cvli.m:: at an earlv dnte. .lAMF.S BRUCE. Sec-rot. i vv. T.'Y'.X . Steam, Dyeing, and X A. JU Dry Cleaning Works. Collingwood-street. Phone 360 VIOLIN, PIANO, & HARMONY. MRS. H. MURPHY has vacancies for a Few Pupils at her residence, Stringer's Buildings, Auckland Point. ~7coSlT REDUCED PRICE. •PUPONGA COAL, ALWAYS THE BEST, NOW THE CHEAPEST . COAL ON MARKET. NEALE AND TTADDOW, EALE AND JJLADDOW, AGENTS. TO BUILDERS TENDERS are invited for the Erection of a Nine-roomed Residence al Motueka .for K. P. Hudson, Esq. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Offices 'of the undersigned, with whom tenders are to be lodged bv non of WEDNESDAY, 22nd inst. A. R. GRIFFIN, Architect. SUBURBAN LAND FOB IALE. Q K ACRES of FIRST-CLAS3 LANK Oil at STOKE, in one or more. lots,, part of the late Edward Green's Estate, having frontages to Parker's Road and Quarantine Road, and joining thGolf." Ground. The _ property i suitable either for dairy fanning or agriculture, .and is within 2i miles of Nelson. Three-fourths of the. purchase money can remain at 5 per cent. Price C36 per acro . Apply ADAMS k HARLEY, Solicitors, Nelson R. P. DE RIDDER, C.E., M.A.A. (LONDON), ARCHITECT. COLLINGWOOD-STREET, NELSON. Late Consulting Architect to Liverpool Fireproof Construction Co. j Spoolalist to H."M. War Office ; the English Nobility ,eti. Over 20 years' English and four years' colonial experience. Only ordinary charges. FOR RELIABLE GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES, TRY GIBBARD & Co., " SPOT CASH " ' 8 DRAPERS & CLOTHIERS, I Loivrcn Bitinoi* Stkeet, jj (Opposito W. Lock's ) J STRAW HATTERS. Don't waste timo wondering where to buy your ncw STRAW HAT. A visit right lipi-c will settle that problem, and also what to buy, and what to pay. 7*5 dozen just opened fov Men and Boys.

.' H QH-BP.ADE TAILORS, HATTERS, AKD fifiERCERS. \ J 4 grabi^Hmen's suits. I ) TN thesf-5 days of changes, people ave constantly \ \ JL looking for something different, and constantly V ) vvanting a 'change ; and with this in view, we claim I > to be leading in keeping pace with the change of \ \ (he times. >. ) Fi R ST.— There's our High-Grade Tailored Suits, > > with our 50 years ex perience at the back of s J them, whicii wc charge £5, and which we \ t guarantee i'or the mon ev ; there's nothing better > ) inthe Dominion. Wc show a very large range ) \ of Suitings, and an Expert in the art of Cutting $ < and Fitting, ond a lirst-class staff of work- f r people is at your service. - f ( SECOND- To-Oay, there's a desire for something ) ( cheaper in M;*deto-me:\sureSuits,.somethingto \ \ take the place of thc 15est Suit; look smart, and S S to fit well, and g,i at a lower price. To meet < t this want, we aro showing a fine range of Suit- •? I inas whieh will 130 mndo to your measure from _> ) £2 10s Od to £3 17s (d. These Suits are as \ \ good as you can get anv where for the money, < t? and Ave can recommend them as Good "Wearing 1 } and Smart .".uits C \ THIRD —Tailored Box Suils. These are made up / < from up-to-date Tweeds*, cut smart in 34 to 42 1 \ inch chest measure?*. Kept in Boxes. We have S \ these to lit tall thin men and short stout men, K C ancl made with Stiffened Fronts and Padded \ [ Shoulders,' antl anyone wanting a Good Smart > J Suit in Ji hurry can't go wrong by trying these. \ \ Our prices rango from lios to 755. < i FOURTH. -Keadv-to-wcar Suits for Men & Boys, S S We hav-s very large stocks Men's Suits from 20s, \ ( odd Trousers from (3s lid. Boys' 3-garment ; ? Suits from l'o.s (id, Norfolk Suits from 7s lid. j \ We've: lot Hoys' school Fants made from extra < ;•> stronf V weeds' from Ds lid to 5s 6d pair, these t c will be found cheaper than you can make them. \ I We ha*\ "* line lot Boys".' Cow-Boy Suits, 8s lid to ) 5 12s (id. Our Clothing Department is well s \ worth " joking into, as it's a lieal Saving-money ? • Place i [^ DEE AKD SONS, ' J £\ LGajsers in BSsn's-and Boys' Wear. -S

' DEE AND SONS. Uas and Oil Engines. Inquiries solicited. | ■"'■■ — " 'I- „,. — -.-» ■ I ■ i M f ]Q IN THE GARDEN ! '• 'mt "VTO matter whether it be flowers or vegetables that are WMM i IN grown, September is a busy month for the Gardener. "^yp 9 AVeeds must be Kept down, new seeds put in, young shoots |g m nursed to a hardy growth, &ma iy other duties performed. j i II To clo these things quickly and satisfactorily, the M U Gardener for Pleasure as well as t'ie Gardener for Proht, | M must have Good Tools. 53 ifl Incidentally Ave believe our Tools— being of Iritish [jj in make— will exactly meet ycur needs in this aii ect:on. |j j m '*■ We have Forks and Spades, Hoes and Weeders, and the j| j 'oft hundred and one other Garden Implements to accommodate ,W\). "m. the strong-armed sons of the soil. AVe have lighter, yet ]M less stroiig,s.'Ladies' Gardening Sets, and Spades, and _^8i /| I I We have Floral Syringes and Faultless Sprayers, both Hgraffij | | lii of which will produce a fine misty spray, suitable for BBSSffl / / /'/# Boc l uets ' Ferns, Cut Flowers, Pot Plants, Etc., Etc. />/ // / Keep these facts w r ell in mind, and when you decide to Mf I *, I <'ii I make a start in the Garden, come in and insnect the goods lffiiiii: / ■^'J.f4f we offer. TTHi^»L Lengthen Your Life Every Worker in Metals i By Cutting out your petty worries, should use BAKER'S TINNING AND | KENT'S ROTARV KNIKE-C'LEANING SOLDERING PREPARATION. It is H AND POLISHING MACHINE will help much cheaper than any other Flux, B because it elfects a great saving in gives off no noxious vapour like B time and labour, and gives better re- Spirits of Salts, prevents rust, re- H suits. Let us demonstrate its useful- quires less solder, and generally gives ■ ness to you next time you come to stronger, Cleaner, and Better Work in H town. less time. i E. Buxton & Co., Ltd-*. TRAFALGAR STREET T V NELSON. I

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 16 September 1909, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 16 September 1909, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 16 September 1909, Page 3