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WE' ARE .' MOVING ALONG HE ROAD TO SIR CESS. FJ. CARLISLE & CO. PLUMBERS Etc., 30 Hardy Street. PUPONGA _COAL; BEST SCREENED OB NUTS. Delivered promptly to any part of the Oify at LOWEST. PRICE FOR CASH. . RING UP NO. 68. ESTATE tATE J. 0. BUEFOBD, THE PORT. PIANOS! , ■ PIANOS! HIGHEST VALUES! LOWEST PRICES! LEADING MAKERS! GF- BAYLOR'S 22 TRAFALGAR. SQ., NELSON. COMPETITION DEFIED. "CHRISTENDOM ASTRAY." THIS Book proves' Christendom to be astray by satting forth' tho error? popularly believed and held by Theology to-day, but in doing this it gives a bin dant evidence of what "The Truth isproves the Bible true, and God's ie spired Word. Friend, if you are earnest ly searching for. the Truth, then rea I this book along with your Bible, »d I learn God's appointed and only way of Salvation. On loan from E. T. Bowden. or L. A. Godfrey, Picton - . FLOUR, I Redwood's Best Hungarian (Blenheim). J lOOlbs. ... ... 13s 6d. I 50lbs. 7s„ 25bs.- ... 3s9d. Cash, at NEALE and HADDOW'S. OFFERS wanted for the purchase of New Six-roomed Residence, all .-on , sunny and healthy. Apply on the Property, 81 Washington Road.

§New Millinery for «_ I Spring & Summer Wear. ! The variety of shapine. tlie novelty of style, 3 i-d the bccomir.gncss of the colors, all go to J make our fi-st showing of SPRING MILLET- j ERY The MOST BRAUUFUL and tbe MOST FASCINATING we have ever shown. | M You will find NO DIFFICULTY .IN CHOOSING THE HAT to fill your requirements here Some aro the acme of charming simplicity, while tho more elaborate models Stow a wealth of lovely, though d-scriminating colouring and design. There's a Hat here for eV WE°WANT YOU TO CALL and see these lovoly Hats in all their delightful "novelty and j freshness, and note lhe exceptionally reason- | able piices for such stylo and quality as is contamed in everyone of these Beautiful Hats. Mrs ANSTICE, COMPLETE LADIES' OUTFITTER I ■Phone 184. Trafalgar Street. J

FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. THE Property situated on the Wakapuaka Road belonging to Mrs Wright (who is leaving Zealand) containing 14 acres excellent land, with nearly new 8-noomed house; pantry, bathroom, h. and c. water, wash-house, with copper and tubs, and storeroom. There is also a 3-roomed cottage on tho property, which is let to a good tenant. Tliis desirable property is to be had on very easy terms. Price £1300. Terms £200 down and balance can remain on mortgage at 5 per cent. Applv' to F.& D. EDWARDS, Trafalgar-street. FEED OATS. ~ PLUMP Samples al 2s per bushel • in sack lines. Cash. At . • NEALE & HADDOW'S. ANGLING CJEASON. 1 NGLING REASON. J. E. HOUNSELL & CO. HAVE pleasure in advising their Friends and Customers that their new stock in above has arrived, and consists of the most useful lines for the Nelson Rivers, and specially selected. Rods, all prices, for fly and minnow ; best flies, eyed and on gut; fly casts and traces, all grades ; reels ; landing nets; waders; minnows (all sorts), including M'Carthy's best; hooks to uit ; worm tackle ; live bait tackle ; gut in strands for tying ; sundries for rod making, and all other sundries required by the Angler. SEA FISHING TACKLE. A splendid stock in right goods, consisting of lines, hooks, hooks to gut, sinkers, etc. Note. — Special Nelson Agents for Messrs A. and W. M'Carthy, Dunedin. J. E. HOUNSELL & CO. HEAVY BARLEY for FOWLS C\ /Q PER BUSHEL, in sack lines --// tJ for cash, at NEALE & HADDOW'S. R. P. DE RIDDER, G.E., M.A.A. (LONDON), ARCHITECT. COLLINGWOOD-STREET, NELSON. Late Consulting Architect to Liverpool Fireproof Construction Co. ; Specialist to H.M. War Office; the English Nobility ,cX Over 20 years' English and four years' colonial experience. Only ordinary charges. FOE ] RELIABLE GOODS E - AT j LOWEST PRICES, j TEY fl GIBBARD & Co., I " SPOT CASH " I DRAPERS & CLOTHIERS, g Lower Bridge Street, " | (Opposite W, Lock's ) J STRAW HATTERS. Don't waste timo wondering where to buy your new STRAW HAT. A visit right here will settle that problem, and also what to buy, and what- to pay. 75 dozen .inst opened for Men and Boys. DEE AND SONS. CYCLISTS. " THERE is solid satisfaction for you if you purchase your new mount at address below. Cycles to suit all classes, all absolutely reliable and at reasonable prices. TYRES CHEAP. Splendid Plant for Cycle Repairs, one trial solicited. S. WINN, VICTORY WORKS, NELSON, Sole Agent for Tangye's famous Steam, Gas and Oil Engines. Inquiries solicited. BEST MILLING WHEAT at FOWL FEED RATES for cash at- NEALE and HADDOW'S. NOTICE 0"F TRESPASS. ANI' Person or Persons found Trespassing on the undermentioned Land, being — Section No. 14, Blk vii., do No. 33 Blk. xi., do No. 17 Blk x., Wai-iti Survey District, Dovedale, After this date will be Prosecuted by us. (Signed) LOUIS WILLIAM HOCTON. APPO LOUIS HOCTON.

WANTED, FOE SALE. TO LET. WANTED, Strong, Active HalfDraught, about 'syrs, quiet in harness.— W. McLENNAN, Carrier. WANTED, Handy Man for Farm Work. Must b:> alls to milk. . Apply WAKEFIELD HOTEL. WANTED. WANTED to Purchase: Nearly New 5 or 6-roomed House. Apply by letter, stating terms and position, to T.Y.. '•Mail" Office. NELSON MENTAL HOSPITAL. WANTED : A Nurse. Salary £45 . per annum. With annual in crease of £5. Board and residence, also uniform provided. Apply any forenoon with references, to the' SUPERINTENDENT. WANTED, by Single Lady, lUnfur nished ' Bed-Sitting Room, with use of conveniences. ' Address ,s Quiet", "Mail" Office. WANTED Known: Superior Home for Lady or Gentleman. Apply "Mail" Office. ' WANTED, The Public to know that mv New Stock of Suitings have arrived at T. HARFORD, Trafalgar-st. WANTED : Cook-General. Apply Mrs. Thomas, PANAMA- HOTEL. WANTTD, Young Man" used tc Horse. Apply at the TROCADERO. WANTED, a" Man who can pioug'r and look after Horses. W. ORSMAN, Toi Toi Vall-iy. WANTED, by Single Lady," "u iifii rnished Bed-Sitting Room, with use of conveniences. Address "Quiet," "Mail" Office. WANTED, a Good General. Apply in the evening to Mrs. Lyell, Trafalgar-street South. WANTED, Competent Cook. Male or Female. . .Apply COMMERCIAL HOTEL. WANTED: Position as Orchard ist, or all-round Garden Expert, in all things connected with Fruit and Vines, inside and out. Apply Box 15, P. 0., Wellington. . WANTED: Beehive Knitting Ala chine Company 'New Zealand; want people to make Hosiery for them, wholo or spare time, in their owr homes; make £1 a week, previous ex perienco not necessary; constant employment all the year round. Write al once.— Box 734, G.P.0., Wellington. FOR SALE: One Cow, Jersey and Ayrshire', second "calf, to conic in in December. — W. Brooks, Maitai. FOR SALE, as a Going Concern, Desirable Boarding House, doing excellent business. Good locality. Apply W. LOCK. TO LET : 6-roomed House, situated Wellington Terrace. For further particulars, apply W. Smith, Mount-street. T> ANG ATOT AR A . FOD SALE or To Let, 62 Acres Freehold Land. About 900 trees, raspberries, etc. For full particulars, 1 apply to LAWRENCE INWOOD. TO _LET. 5-ROOMED HOUSE, on Wellington Terrace. Apply "Mail" Office. , FOR SALE— A BARGAIN. DWELLING, . four rooms, veranda front and back, in good order. Large section, 60ft frontage, within 3 1 minutes of Post Office. Returning 10 per cent. CHEAP at £220. Easy terms arranged. Apply J. PORTER HARRIS, Land Agent. 1 FOR SALE: Duchess -Chest with large bevelled mirror and 4 large drawers tiled back washst.-uid to match, stained walnut.' Price £6. — A. J. BASTIN & CO. On view at Alf. Robinson's, bookseller. -^ FOR SALE. GOOD Five-roomed Cottage and Land fronting Wakefield Quay. The Port. Apply PITT and MOORE. Solicitors.

f^ DEE AND SONS, % / H!GH-GR»O£ TAILORS, HATTERS, AND MERCERS. \ I 4 GRADESM EN'S SUITS. I 5 TN these days of changes, people are constantly \ \ JL iookingfor something different, and constantly S S wanting a change ; and with this in view, we clahn S £ to be leading in keeping pace with the change of I s the times. C \ FlßST— There's our High-Grade Tailored 1 Suits, 5 S with our 50 years experience at the- back or \ Q them, which we charge £5, and which we \ ( guarantee for the money; there's nothing better / ) in the Dominion. We show a very large range \ \ of Suitings, and an Expert in the art of Cutting 5 c and Pitting, and a first-class staff of work- \ ( people is at your service. c ( SECOND.- To-day, there's a desire for something ) c cheaper in M^de-to-measure Suits, something to X \ take the place of the Best Suit; look smart, and 3 < to fit well, and get at a lower price. To meet < c this want, we are showing a fine range of Suit- \ t ings which will be made to your measure from > 5 £2 10s Od to £3 17s 6d. These Suits are as \ \ good as you can get anywhere for the money, c ? and we can recommend them as Good Wearing r ) and Smart >.'uits. - r \ THlßD.— Tailored Box Suits. These are made up / / from up-Lo-uHie Tweeds, cut smart in 34 to 42 X V inch chest measures. . Kept in Boxes. We have S \ these to fit tall thin men and short stout men, t c and made with Stiffened Fronts and Padded \ c Shoulders, and anyone wanting a Good Smart \ } Suit in a hurry can't go wrong by trying these. \ \ Our prices range from 35s to 755. c \ FOURTH. -Ready-to-wear Suits for Men & Boys, y s We have very large stocks Men's Suits from 20s,' \ \ odd Trousers from 6s lld. Boys' 3-garment""> ) Suits from 19s 6d, Norfolk Suits from 7s lld. \ \ We've a lot Boys' School Pants made from extra 5 c strong Tweeds from 2s lld to 5s 6d pair, these f £ will be found cheaper than you can make them, c ? We have fine lot Boys' Cow-Boy Suits, 8s lid to \ ) 12s 6ci. Our Clothing Department is well C \ worth looking into, as it's a .Heal" Saving-money < > Place. ? [^ DEE AND SOJXS, J £?. LsadeiS in Men's and Boys' Wear. n \<l

?IN THE GARDEN! _ "XTO matter whether it le flowers or \egeables that are MyM LM grown, September is a busy month ior the Gardener. %.y# Weeds must be kept down, new seeds pi t in, young shoots M nursed to a hardy growth, & many other duties performed. || 1 To do these things quick' y and satisfactorily, the .M 1 Gardener for Pleasure as well as tie Gardener for Profit, p jj must have Good Tools. ' . ,"|] . fl Incidentally we believe our Tools— being of British m M make-will exactly meet ye ur needs in this direction. |d ii We have Forks and Spades, Hoes and Weeders, and the ||f , Oft hundred and one other Garden Implements to accommodate m n y\ the strong-armed sons of the soil. We have lighter, yet \M jpynphhardly less strong^'Ladies' Gardening Sets, and Spades, and Jffli " HM H i We have Floral Syringes and Faultless Sprayers, both lp||p 3 9 H lof which will produce a fine misty spray, suitable for jra&|&i| ; iB a § Boquets, Ferns, Cut- Flowers, Pot Plants, Etc., Etc. ps*Sg§g| // / / Keep these facts well in mind, and when you decide to |tlf '■''*'•--• J 5 * / / / make a start in the Garden, come in and insnect the goods B^L^ J '"->■' 4 r we offer. ■B-M-Butai __asa_«_^__3 1 Lengthen Your Life Every Worker in Metals 1 I By Cuttinff out youv petty worries, should use BAKER'S TINNING AND § I KENT'S ROTARY KNIKE-CLEANING SOLDERING PREPARATION. It is 1 I AND POLISHING MACHINE will help much cheaper than any other Flux, g I because it effects a great saving in gives off no noxious vapour like g f 1 time and labour, and gives better re- Spirits of Salts, prevents rust, re- ■ 1 suits. L,et us demonstrate its useful- quires less solder, and generally gives B ■ ness to you next time you come to stronger, Cleaner, and Better Work in B '. I town. less time. I • . . E* Buxtoa if Co., hid., J,,. s , g I TRAFALGAR STREET NELSON. -•■"■•■ j r,i ; / * ; ' i• v ; • • ;i- ' M- ;' ■*'-'' •'•" - ' : — ■ — '■ ■ — - — - : — : : — - i -^ — : — : : yy— - — '-^- -- ...

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 15 September 1909, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 15 September 1909, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 15 September 1909, Page 3