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MOVING ALONG THE ROAD TO SUCCESS. F.i. CARLISLE & CO. PLUMBERS Etc., 30 Hardy Street. PUPONGA _COAL; BEST SOSEENED O3 NUTS. Dolivcicd. promptly to any part oi the CSty at LOWEST PBICE FOB CASH. BING UP NO. 68. ESTATE "LATE J. O. BUEFOED, THE PORT. PIANOS! " PIANOS! HIGHEST VALUES! LOWEST PRICES! LEADING MAKERS! G- F NAYLORS 22 TRAFALGAR SQ., NELSON. COMPETITION DEFIED. "CHRISTENDOM ASTRAY." THIS Book proves Christendom to bo astray by satting forth the errors popularly believed and held by Theology to-day, but in doing this~it gives atma dant evidence of what "The Truth" i? proves the Bible true, and God's in spired Word. Friend, if you are earnest Iy searching for the Truth, then rea ) this book along with your Bible, anil learn God's appointed and only way of Salvation. On loan from E. T. BowdeD or L. A. Godfrey, Picton. FLOUR, Redwood's Best Hungarian (Blenheim). I lOOlbs 13s 6d. I 501bs 7s. j 26bs. ... 3sod. Cash, at NEALE and HADDOW'S. OFFERS wanted for the purchase of New Six-roomed Residence, all con , sunny and healthy. Apply on the ■<

1 f^m^^^^^s. New Millinery for v. 1. Spring & Summer Wear. (^fe^S^^^s^^^ The variety of sVipnnr. tbo novelty of style, a~d the hpcomi-itjiiiss nf the colors. a!l ao to 1 - {Ik. " "^PlS^lliil make oor first stiowj.poV SPKING MILUNr ' LJ&^^ffiwl&Wa ERY. The .ViO -T BK U : IFUL and tbe '• *mßsߧ^cs;' ! *Kit%ggffi MOST FAI^CINATINIt v.v hive ever shown. Bi^llSi^jfi You wi« find NT ° r)IPi-'ICULTY IN s H^^lisilwP' CHOOSING THE HAT to till your requireM&i^X&W&fFZ mentß here. Some are the acme of charming YtmSSskZFZW^ifW ■<? simplicity, while tbe more elaborate models V&MBmsrxs®?j£ik show a wealth of lovely, though d-scriminating £§&& colouring and design. There's a Hat here for t YOU TO CALL and see these ygfr lovely Hats in all their delightful novelty and 1 f% ' elliiviFHFW 1 freshness, and note the exceptionally reason- : Xi ™K^/ to*\l»A^ablfi p?icee for auoh style and quality aa is con--1 ff 1 wMUI fii-'v^^tained in everyone of theso Beautiful Hats. /SJilWr! M^S - RSrs ANSTICE, WKiA} COMPLETE LADIES' OUTFFTT RE. tk We&Lt o^*^ 'Phone 184. Trafalgar Street.

WANTED, FOR SALE, TO . LET. WANTED, The Public to know that my New Stock of Suitings havearrived at T. HARFORD, Trafalgar-st. ANTED : Cook-General. Apply Mrs. Thomas, PANAMA HOTEL.WANTTD, Young Man used to Horse. Apply at tho TROCADERO. WANTED, a Man who can" plough and look after Horses. W. ORSMAN, Toi Toi Valliy. WANTED, by Single Lady, ~Uu7uVnished Bed-Sitting Room, with use of conveniences. Address "Quiet," _ "Mail" Office. WANTED : An Assistant Jor Housework immediately. Mornings ■only if preferred. Apply 8 Cambria-st. WANTED, Boy for Garden, about 16 years of age. Address at "Mail" Office. WANTED, by Young l,a-lv, B.>aH in private family. Would help as part payment. Apply "Mail" OJIi: c. ANTED : Elderly Person, as Companion for Lady in the country. Good home. Apply 56 Har'dy-st. WANTED, a Good General. Apply in the evening to Mrs. Lyell, Trafalgar-street South. WANTED^ a Cook-General and Housemaid. Apply Mas. S. GIBBS, Hardy-strert. WANTED, a Respectable Middlea,ged Person as Companion and Help. No children. Duties very light. Apply "Mail" Office. wantedT~ TWO or THREE SMART GIRLS. Apply GRIFFIN & SONS, Ltd. Alton-street. WANTED, Competent Cook. Male or Female. Apply COMMERCIAL HOTEL. WiANTED: Position as Orchaidist, or all-round Garden Expert, in all things connected with Fruit and Vines, inside and out. Apply Box 15, P. 0., Wellington. ANTED: Beehive Knitting Machme Company 'New Zealand) want people to make Hosiery for them, whole or spare time, in their own homes ; make £1 a week, previous experience not necessary; constant employment all the year round. Write at once.— Box 734, G.P.0., Wellington. FOR, Sale, a Spring Cart and a Corn Crusher. Both in good order. Cheap. Apply J. Snowden, Brightwater. TO LET : 6-rnomed House, situated Wellington Terrace. For further particulars apply W. Smith, Mount-street. •pANGATOTARA. FOD SALE or To Let, 62 Acres Free- ' hold Land. About 900 trees, raspberries, etc. For full particulars, < apply to . LAWRENCE INWOOD. i FOR SALE CHEAP. ! SECONDHAND Vertical Boiler and \ TSngine. 2-horse-power. i R. SCHOLTZ, Bridge-st. j TO JLET. | PJ-ROOMED HOUSE, on Wellington j fj Terrace. Apply "Mail" Office. "for sale— a barga[n7 1 DWELLING, four rooms, verandafront and back, in p;ood order. Large section, 60ft frontage, williin 3 minutes of Post Office. Returnirg 10 percent. ' CHEAP at £220. Easy terms arranged. Apply J. PORTER HARRIS, ! Land Agent. ; FOR SALE. GOOD Five-roomed Cottage and Land fronting Wakefield Quay, Tho Port. Apply PITT and MOORE, Solicitors. TO LET. 6_ROOMED DWELLING in Kawaistreet, near Boys' College. Con- | nected with sewer. Possession 2nd Sept. [ F. and D. EDWARDS.

FOR SALE : Duchess Chest with large ; bevelled mirror and 4 largo draw- \ ers, tiled back washstand to match, ' stained walnut. Price £6.— A. J. BAS- J TIN & CO. On view at Alf. Robinson^, i Bookseller. • I "SIZILD3TTA." \ "G^ZILIETTA,. for the Piano, f O' The Latest London Craze, and ' now being played daily at the Crystal Palace. ) Price 2s each. Post free. Fresh '; supplies now in. ;■ T. BLAKE HUFFAM, i Piano and Organ Warehouse, Nelson. ,! 7 FEED OATS. \ PLUMP Samples at 2s per bushel in sack' lines. Cash. At NEALE & HADDOW'S. i ANGLING CJEASON. I NGLING DEASON. [ J. E. HOTTNSELIi & CO. M ■ *; HAVE pleasuro in advising their f Friends and Customers that their f new stock in above has arrived, and ,■ consists of the most useful lines for the f Nelson Rivers, and specially selected, r. Rods, all prices, for fly and minnow ; II best flies, eyed and on gut; fly casts '! and traces, all grades; reels; landing ; nets ; waders ; minnows (all sorts), in- ': eluding M'Carthy's best; hooks to , gut ; worm tackle ; live bait tackle ; gut | in strands for tying; sundries for rod f making, and all other sundries required \ by the Angler. i SEA FISHING TACKLE. j A sp!, -ndid stock in right goods, con- ! sisting of lines, hooks, hooka to gut, I sinkers, etc' Note. — Special Nelson Agents for Messrs A. and W. M'Carthy, Dnnedio. J. E. HOUNSELL & CO. i HEAVY BARLEY for FOWLS \ O/Q PER BUSHEL, in sack lines j _«// U for cash, at i NEALE & HADDOW'S. 2 R. P. DE RIDDER, G.E., M.A.A. COLLINGWOOD-STREET. NF.LSON . Late Consulting Architect to Liver- . pool Fireproof Construction Co. ; Speci- ; alist to H.M. War Office; the English ■ Nobility ,et". Over 20 years' English . and four years' colonial experience. j Only ordinary charges. j ■ t • FOR I I RELIABLE GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES, TRY GIBBARD & Co., " SPOT CASH " DRAPERS & CLOTBIERS, j Lower Bridge Street, j (Ojinositfl W, Lock's ) i B-— a— —————— ———i— —■———_— l^ ' STBAW HATTERS. Don't waste time wondering where to buy your new STRAW HAT. A 1 visit right here will settle that problem, and also what to buy, and what to pay. 75 dozen just opeued for Men aud Boys. DEE AND SONS. U-A-O-D---ANNIVERSARY SOCIAL IN DRUIDS' HALL, ! Ok WEDNESDAY, 15th SEPT. Progressive Euchre Party, to be Followed by a Dance. Every Member privileged to invite a lady friend. "zephyr lodge schogl7 ; 48, Nile-street. i Conducted by Miss Hooper. | Public School syllabus followed. j Yearly examination by Inspector. Third Term commences THURSDAY, . 16th inst. NOTICE OF TRESPASS. ANT Person or Persons found Tres- ! passing on the undermentioned ■Land, beingSection No. 14, Blk vii., do No. 33 Blk. xi ; , do No. 17 Blk x.,' Wai-iti Survey -District, Dovedale, After this date will be Prosecuted by us. (Signed) LOUIS WILLIAM HOCTON. APPO LOUIS HOCTON.

DEE AND SONS, HIGH-GRADE TAILORS AND GEKT'S MERCERS, 1 1 WE DID NOT * GET THE I pL^^--B i^AD IN HATS, ( ~g. ~~~" Without giving something in return, '■■ ... k . »^ ~~ nn< l we could not maintain ' it without ■: J6j xs> ' filf continuing to give as good b hat as I \^ Vy^ just try one — as a test, and note tie I I \lf^^ / . jFQ> time it wears, and the way it kee^s .its ; J jdlh / § > * color, and holds its shape, and then | ;: : r?*Y \\mkf / /ex think of the moderate price you paid us. / [ijuJ jjo* - ' ♦ Remember we have the Best Hate : v.-^ ,^ llUp .■•*; l^ e world produces; and no head is top v iF ''■ '^' Bm all nor too large for us to fit. i aaaigj—— — a— iimriiiMiiiiiwnßßi^M^»— ■ | 9 TAILORS. 4 - [of The old proverb that it take» 0 jVsf M I *J tailors to make a man ; may possibly coo . iJy^^ - f I mean that it takes" 9 tries to find the/:. S2 A^^\ 3ss^j ' Right Tailor. You can save eight ■.'v : ;fiS / J^XteT || - * 1 trials by coming here first. \, !j=lj| .Xl"* ,(a|d I It's here where you have an Expert^S i|/ M |>ij' I - Cutter at your service, and it's £ereT|p|S|l|r "ttSrEr^l I' * ■you get the Fabrics of the Hour, and MlipMi ?^^^Sb^kS as much Style as you want, and f|ii||i§f p- (0 53 2^^v\ Durability as much as your money Jll|l||L Wn A jn?%k\ represents; vrHkt our priced are no -^^^^^te-li^L. J n \ Vw!s : lugher than elsewhere. s^^^ F /^^a\/O^ First Elspment Spring Sui tings jy^* 3 *^ _^*^\'A vS^ just arrired in One Suit Lengths. v '"- ®^^a >J&?£*' o'^0 '^ gr-^* ■ ■•:. "dee and sons,' Specialists in Men's Wear.

I IN THE GARDEN I "XT O matter whether it be flowers or vegetables that are jfifl IN grown, September is a busy month for the Gardener, «£&# Weeds must be Kept down, new seeds put in, young shoots 1§ nursed to a hardy growth, & many other duties performed. | To do these things quickly and satisfactorily, the | Gardener for Pleasure as well as the Gardener for Profit, | must have Good Tools. | Incidentally we believe our Tools— being of British | make— will exactly meet your needs in this direction. | We have Forks and Spades, Hoes and Weeders, and the *j hundred and one other Garden Implements to accommodate | the strong-armed sons of the soil. We have lighter, yet f ihardly less strong 1 Gardening Sets, and Spades, and \ We have Floral Syringes and Faultless Sprayers, both 111 §§ of which will produce a fine misty spray, suitable for I|||tllli Boquets, Ferns, Cut Flowers, Pot Plants, Etc., Etc. IliiPil Keep these facts well in mind, arid when you decide to mSM^ make a start in the Garden, come in and insnect the goods nHPi&f we offer. ""^eiigjgg Lengthen Your Life Every Worker in Metals By Cutting out your petty worries, should use BAKER'S TINNING AND f KENT'S ROTARY KNIFE-CLEANING SOLDERING PREPARATION. It is s AND POLISHING MACHINE will help much cheaper than any other Flux, B because it effects a great saving in gives off no noxious vapour like time and labour, and gives better re, Spirits of Salts, prevents rust, results. Let us demonstrate its useful- quires less solder, and generally gives ness to you next time you come to Stronger, Cleaner, and Better Work in town. less time. c ■ EL Buxtoi\'£^ Co., Ltd., c.■.■ ■ - • ■ ■ t . TRAFALGAR STREET , . 'NELSON. y .''..■. . • ■■-...■•, ■ ■•,-■■. "■;.;.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 14 September 1909, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 14 September 1909, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 14 September 1909, Page 3