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As an outcome of the appeal madK« iha "Mail" to prevent the destruc tL l of the al nat.ive P bush at the Wen P k l6 S. of^ curort: Ean^^r^^ James Morrison to lease 50 acres of thToien bush. The offer was referred ? # (atay and Land Traffic CommiUee, together with Mr D. BSwarto The Committee intended to visit the Glen this afternoon and to report tea meeting of the Chamber on Monday evening. As reported a short time ago, a portion of tho caretaker's cottage m the Queens' Gardens stands on property belonging o the Green's Estate. Messrs Adams and Harley, solicitors for the estate, offered the City Council the land on which the cottage stands. A committee of the Council offered to give £4 a foot for the 28 feet in question, but this offer was declined, tho_ estate asking £5 10s a foot, and informing the Council that if the land wws not -riven np within 14 days an action would be commenced. The matter came before tlie City Council last night, when t> Ncnlo suggested that f!ic C'uaixiJ offer to Rell to the estate the remaining 10ft. ;f land on which tl>e rottae" flood a* "4 .1 foot, the price offrred b.v tin; Inunci! for the estate land. Tho ->.'ayov ■;^ : d that he was under the imrjvewion that a compromise had been arrived .it by which the cottage was to remain where it stood, and the estate was to be permitted, as a set-off, to retain a portion of the Council's land in Hardystreet. The records might disclose such an agreement. If the estate resum. Ed the land on which the cottage stands, then" the Council 6hould demand that tho estate shift its fence back 'from the Council land in Hardy-street. It was agreed that a committee, consisting of, the Mayor, Crs. Grace, Neale, Bisley and McConchie, consider the question of the removal of tha cottage, with power to act. Japanese Silks_ all colours^ good value, l/_ yard. — Trathen's,* Tho Palm Leaf Butter 16 made from whole Milk Cream, the cream being reduced in temperature by the latest and most up-to-date scientific appliances. The public arc guaranteed that this butter is free from all germs, is sweet and wholesome, and can be had at the same pries j

The Baptist young people's service is advertised for to-morrow evening, when the subject will be "Peter; or the tear of man bringeth a finaie." The Garrison Band will give a concert at the Hospital to-morrow afternoon in aid of the Hospital funds. It is notified that a concert and dance in connection with St. Joseph's Church *iU be held 'mJ h 2 Hall, Waltefield, on Wednesday, 16th inst, A memorial service in memory of the late Mra James Knapp will be held in the Christians' Meeting House, Spring Grove, to-morrow evening, at 6.JU. An appropriation in connection with the Terminating BuUding Socielv was drawn last night, when Mr \ A. Springer, the holder of three shares, was the fortunate shareholder. ■ It is notified that Mr B. C. Green- . man, of Toronto, Canada, *>«<«£« , addresses in the back room of the Oddfellows' Hall, Wakefield, t°-r rr °, w; ; and Monday, Wednesday and Thursday I evenings. It was stated at the meeting of the I City Council last night that a very undo- . sirable condition of affairs existed at . Trafalgar Park on Sunday mornings. ' Football was played, and a great deal ' of bad language Was used, and altogeth--1 er the conduct at the Park on Sunday . mornings was such as to call for serious 5 complaint. "Buddo" came along last night and ; swept Nelson with its tail. There was a ' strong gale, accompanied by heavy rain, flooding the Maitai very rapidly; Ihe - weather cleared this forenoon, and ll . is again fine, though the glass is not 5 high and the atmosphere is mi\d toi ' June. By a printer's error in yesterday's issue the "Women's Patriotic League recently established to raise funds to " wards New Zealand's gift of a Dread nought was called the . "Women s Poll 1 tical League." Of course there is n< . element of politics in the objects of tn< 1 League, and the mistake is obvioui => from the context. I It is announced that under undei the auspices of the British and Foreigi " Bible Society the Rev. Canon Hooper D.D., will give an address in thi r Presbyterian Church on Thursday even ■ in", entitled "Bible Translations anc 1 the Power of God's Word." No chargi 9 is made fo radmission, but a collectioi .- will be taken up in aid of the Bibli Society's Funds. Mr F. C. Huddlestone, of Nelson waited on the City Council last nigh and offered to present three keas fo: the Queen's Gardens. The offer wa '• accepted with thanks. Cr. Grace *tate< - that the kea was a "difficult bird to ge 3 hold of, and that Mr Huddlestone ha< n reared the birds he was presenting n Mr Huddlestone, who had a kea witl him, said that he was giving two male ts and a female. The Engineer was in strutted to prepare the aviary for th ie reception of the keas. i c i i ■ . ' > * > r r ' c l < a i ] „ i r v i o n £ c i b t > i l o < 1 : e : n p k ; c a • } t > a t . , . • ■ \ [ . J . i r , i j • i s c b I c a B i ; ' ' ' ■ • 1 ' 1

Mrs Georgia Gladys Cooley, an American spirit medium, states m_ a e letter to a friend in Nelson that she ine tends leaving Wellington by to-day's y 6teamer, arrriving in Nelson early toi. morrow morning. Mrs Cooley has just if. completed a successful engagement of ■ e some months in connection with the .f Wellington Association of Spiritualists, and she will'spend a few days here ' before going to Auckland to fulfil en--11 gagements there. The special subject >'. of her trance address to-morrow night *'• is to be "The Message of Spiritualism y to tbo World." The advertisement givro ing particulars of the meetings to be re held appears elsewhere. ? The Citizens' Band applied to the ' City Council last night for the use of " Trafalgar Park on Sunday mornings 'y from 8.30 to 10 for the purpose of or practicing marching for the Blenheim in Band Contest-. The Mayor spoke in opi, position to the application. The Band f" has been granted the use of the Botani- , • cal Reserve, and he thought that should be sufficient. Cr. Grace pointed out re that the Council had granted the Park u - for a similar purpose in the past, pro- « vided that the practising stopped at or 10 o'clock. He moved that the Band's r _ application be granted. The motion was seconded by Cr Lightband and carried, the Mayor being the only dis;n sentient. t. nf £- The bulk of the 43,505 acres which in (ho Waiariki Land Board have bjen ct empowered to lease (says the "Ro. b- torua Times") is in such close proxito mity to Rotorua that its occupation >n -will give a great impetus to the town )n as well as lead to settlement in the e. surrounding country. Tho lands of thus brought within the sphere of *<? settlement stretch from Wairoa to m past Eotorua i and include -all the :y blocks eoatiguous to Lake Rotorua. er Certainly thepc lands are not at the n. present moment ready for the settlors p. but the tact that they can be offered kc for lease is a considerable advance on ;, the previous position they occupied of is being so securely locked up that they at were unavailable for settlement, aiu tc useless to tho Maori owner, is

;15 The half-yearly district conference in '" connection with "the Churches of Chnst was held in Nelson on Thursday. Mr W. * R Glover presided, and the delegates dealt with a large quantity of busi at ness. Arrangements were made for .;- ihi continuant of r^ular P'^duM i« services at Stanley Brook and laa- „ mTand it was 'decided to commence „ cottage meetings at Richmond. In the . evening a social in connection v,ith the '" anniverW of the Nelson Church was ; held, when there was a large attendance of members and friends. Mr ! \V L. Jones ocupied the chair, ana v -hort addresses were friven by Messrs Griffiths, Glover and Telemus, and a recitation by Mr Brough, the various items being interspersed by some excellent singing by the Nelson choir. During the evening Mr G. Page, aenr., on behalf of the Church, presented Mr i e Harry V. Rodley, who is leaving Nel- , son, with a handsome Bible to mark the I esteem in which Mr Rodley is held „ by his brethren. At the close of the ! p social a liberal supply of refreshments i 0 was handed round, and after half-an-hour spent in social chat the enjoyable \ meeting closed with the usual benedicr twn- . .. ,f Just dow there are on view in Mr d J. Boon's pharmacy some remarkable i- photographs. They represent both j. ladies and gentlemen on the one hand e practically hairless, and on the other a showing very fine heads of hair. It y is interesting to note what a difference hair makes to a person's appearance; one man from the back view of the •- head looks as' if he were seventy; ane other photograph of the same man i- taken with the Hair Restorer makes him s look what he is— about thirty. These e photographs are thoroughly genuine, b and were taken by the well-known I photographer, Mr H: H. Clifford, of e Chrifitohuroh, who certifies that the negatives have not been retouched, or a that .the subjects have in any way been B tampered with. The originaU of the 1 photographs have to thank Brice's Hege- ; nerator for the return of their hair.* 2 Special purchase Ladies' Ribbed ' C;isnmere Hose, excellent value - at r l/._ l/2_ 1/3, pair. Be in time; 'will iell" quickly.— Trathen 'a.* • Bwuitifu! qualities wide Japanese f-iks — whito cream black — 2/6. 3/.. 1 3/11 yard. ' 1 p'ece 16 Mome. very [ heavy [ white. 4/6. — Trathen 's.* 1 Sir Joseph Ward has decided that if the session of Parliament is not postponed for a few months he will not attend the Naval Conference in London. It would be unwise to leave Parliament without a leader, 'for -with the reappearance of' Mr Tom Taylor and the diversity of opinion re Ihe dreadnoughts and other . quesstions, the session will be a lively one. We are pleased to state that the opinion is unanimous, that for high class goods, biggest choice, and lowest prices lor furniture and furnishings. Jock's Warehouse cannot "He excelled. New shipments just to hand of EngKsh and Continental goods, blankets, rugs, curtains, quilts, carpets, etc., also Atlas sewing maohines, go-cartfl, prams, range pianos,' organs,' and wonderful Sun Lamps, at LOCK'S.* For Children's Hacking Cough at night, ■-Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. 1/6 and

The anniversary services in connection with the Spring Grove Methodist Church will be held to-morrow. The monthly meeting of tho L.0.L., No. 6, Daughters of William 111., will be held on Monday evening. The fortnightly korero of tho Savage : Club will be held to-night in the Mai sonic Hall, Collingwood-street. The orchestra is requested to meet at seven i o'clock at the School of Music for practice. 5 Captain McDougall. Marine Super. I intendent of the Shaw. Savill and * Albion Company, Ltd., paid a snort visit to Nelson this morning. s The City Engineer having taken . prompt action to remove the slush in i) Hardy.streot city, which caused so many bicycle accidents on Wednesday last there is now a marked improve. '" men't. Last night ' 9 rain also helped * to wash the street clean. ' A general meeting of the Chamber of y Commerce will be held on Monday even. ing when important business will come up 'for consideration. The members of ' the Railways and Land Traffic CommitII tee are requested to meet at 7 0 clock „ sharp. 1! Messrs R. Reeves and P. Trask. y M'sLC and Messrs John Graham is and'Colvin. M.P., left Nelson this morning for Wellington, to attend the informal meeting of members of d Parliament summoned by the Pre. a raier for Monday, to express an ,c opinion whether Sir Joseph Wara it should attend the Imperial Conference )t in London next month. The sale -of work in connection with the St. John's Sunday school, in aid of s- the School's building fund, will be " held in the Druids' Hall on Wednesday o: and Thursday afternoons and evenings. i- The committee have put forward every i- effort to make this year's sale as suc--10 cessful as the previous ones. Numerous le attractions have been provided, for beis sides useful and fancy articles, there are produce, sweets, doll, and bachelo stalls, Christmas Tree, bran pie, etc. er No charge will be made for admission m in the afternoons, and the small sum of r, 6d will admit adults in the evening,' le with children at half-price, nid W. J. Michie, Metaphysician (regis. ?e tered), desires it to be made known )n that he is now settled in Nelson, and intends making his permanent home in this town. All kinds of diseases n successfully treated — nervous, fuac. ht tional, and organic* Dr Messrs Bisley Bros, and Co. will hold as a clearing sale of furniture, implements, J d e tc on account of Mr J. Paynter, at et his homestead, Stoke, on Tuesday, 15th ltl inst., at 10.30 a.m.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 5 June 1909, Page 2

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LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 5 June 1909, Page 2

LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 5 June 1909, Page 2