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AT OUR SALEj AT UVU »ALrS. Balance ot Striped Cambrics, floral Muslins, Zephyrs, Dresa Linens, Etc, all going at 6d. Usual Prices oH these goods, 10id to 1/b. Another lot of Cotton Goods going at 2,11 dozenyds. ; naually 6d to lOjd. AT OUit SAL.E. Atoriette and Roman Satin Underskirts, usually 6/6 to 8/b All one Price, now 2/11. Whita Underskirts trimmed with lace tor 2/11Other Ldnea going at 4/U, usually 8/0. — ■ AT OUH BALE. Children's Wmie Jfimbromered Hats for 1/-. Silk Bonnßta 2/6 Ladies' Motor Caps 1/11. Children's Cream Cashmere Tnntcs only 4/11- -- fishing Dresses 1/6. Plain Leather Tunic Belta, 36 incnes, only 1/-. Ie AX UUB SALIS. Lovely lot of JJouble-width OresWiveeds, Voiles, Etc., going .c at 4/1 lDresß Length/ Hundreds of Clearing Lines Double. Bheat.ngs 9* o Pandoras Bd, Navy Prints 2/11 doaenyda, S.S.S. Drills lOjd. m AT OUK fcSAUv Keady-made-Blouses, Don't miss them big lot going at 2,11. j if See the Line w.e are offering at 6/11. usually 10)6 and 12/6. d "Telephone 184. MRS. AMB'JIOMt Trafalgar-at.

WANTED. FOR IALE t 10 LET. WANTED: A Strong Youth for Brick Machine. Apply Brick Works, Hampden-street. WANTED : A Lady Help ; 2 id family. No washing. Aply Mrs Edgar, 43 Nile-st. East. YODNG WOMAN wants washing or cleaning by day. Apply F.R., "Mail" Ofcce. WANTED: Strong Lad, used to . Stock. A. F. TRASK, i Stoke. WANTED, an Office Boy. Apply in own handwriting. Kingdon, Glasgow, and Hayes, Solicitors. •sap-forg tnx pne jeq jo-}opi '}Mn')g snotnßj eg% joi i A tuaSys! sacog a 'umou^ aaXMVXII. WANTED.— A Few Thousand Cases Keeping Apples and Pears. Cash on delivery.— CHAPMAN. WANTED: Lady or Gertlcman Boarder or Married Coupie Comfortable home. Apply "Mai. 1 " Officn. WANTED, by March next, Trustworthy General Servant. Apply "Mail" Office. WANTED— A woman (middle-aged preferred) to share home with another woman or rent part of a house. Apply 153, Coliingwood-street . •ITT ANTED*, Men to Bee special value 376 V d.^°B r AgD;| h^LE: "" ""^ ANTED, a Waitress. Apply CUSTOM HOUSE HOTEL. WANTED. OTEADY MAN to learn to Drive a k.7 Motor Car. Constant billet. Apply at once. MOTOR SERVICE GARAGE. TO LET, Furnished Rooms, Vacancies for a few boarders. Every cony. and reasonable charges. Apply Mrs Martin, Tahuna. FOR Sale, on-a Pony Gig in good r epair. Price £12. Apply Miss L. Coster, Cambria-street. TO LET : Labernum Villa, Waimea Road. Possession Ist March. E. MILTON. TO LET : Dwelling lately occupied by Mr Moyes, situated in Kawai-st.", near Boys' College, containing 6 rooms, bathroom, wash-house, etc., and connected with sewer. Immediate possession. Rental 15s 6d. Apply F. and D. EDWARDS, Trafalgar-et. TO LET: Furnishod Cottage, Glen- , Duan, Wakapuaka. Apply R. T. Melhuish, Hampden-st., Nelson. TO LET — Dwelling House known as Hodgson's, Cambria -st., now in the occupation of D. Wilson, Esq.— ADAMS and HARLEY, Solicitors. X TPRIGHT Iron Grand Pianos. LeadvJ ing makers. Highest quality. From £30 upwards.— Naylob, 22 Trafal. Sq. GRAZING for Horses, near Cemetery. Apply Davidson and Frost, Grove-street. ANY Persons found trespassing on our property, Spooner's Range and Stony Creek, wil lbe Prosecuted. P. and J. HIGINS, Belgrove. DO2SKNS of Everyday Bread and Butter lines, clearing at half usual prices,— This Week, GIBBARD'S Rale LOST in a. maze— aptly describes visitors Trhen shown big reductions a 1 GTBBARD'S SALE. NOW'S the timo for Real Snips in Blouses, Aprons, Sunshade? Prints, Zephyrs, Muslins, etc. GIBBARD'S SALE. SPECIAL VAULE ia Quilts, Curtains, Cretonnes, Towels, Tablings, Sheetings, and Household Drapery.— GlßßAßD'S SALE. FOUND, £1 Note, represents saving on £5 parcel, at ordinary prices ; it bought now at GIBBARD'S SALE. I^IHEAPFR TBAN EVER! Lot V> Meii'i jamp'e Suits, Shirts, Hats, 'lies, Summer Vests, Alpaca Coats, etc. gibbard's sale. borough of richmond. docTtax. ALL Owners oT DOGS within the Borough of Richmond, are hereby notified that the same must be REGISTERED for the current year, in accordance with the provisions of 'The Dog Registration Act, 1908." The Fee is Five Shillings for each Dog, payable to Mr John Cresswell, the Collector, or at the Borough Office SAMUEL FITTALL, Town Clerk. Richmond, 18th Jan., 1909. TO LET: Large Front Office above Jackson and Co.'s premises, Tra-falgar-street. Apply JACKSON & CO. TO LET : New Furnished Cottage~at Tahuna. from about 12th February.— JACKSON & CO.

NELSON RIFLES. A PAID Daylight Parade of the above Corps will be held TONIGHT (Saturday), commencing at 9 o'clock, at the Drill Shed, for the purpose of outpost Work ; company to bivouac in Maitai Valley. Ref rushnwnts j provided. Every member requested to attend. Service Uniforms and Overcoats. A. B. STEWART, Captain. ESTATE LATE ALFRED THOMAS JONES. THE Trustees ia the above Estate invite tenders for the purchase of the undermentioned valuable properties. Tenders close at our office on MONDAY, 22nd February, at noon. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J-'i.' >l - .-■"'«',■■.- „ - ' '---,-»8M,;,.-. ij ! ' 1. Part section 133 Washington Road, near Railway Station, 79x153, with dwelling thereon, at present occupied by Mr J. Lipscombe. 2. Paris sections 96, 97, and 99, SianW Crescent. MAGINITY & SON, Solicitors to the Trustees, From whom nil information ran be obtained. N. Z. FARMERS' UNION. THE usual Monthly Meeting will be held in Odfellows' Lodgeroom, Wakefield, on TUESDAY, Feb. 9lh, at 8 p.m. Business : To consider the offer of Mr Hintz re forming Wool Sorting and Agricultural Science Classes. Al.«o Field Day arrangements. Mr Hintz will attend !he meeting. J. W. HAGEN, Sec. TOWELS! TOWELS! Wo are offer ing fomo Special Bargains this week in Towels. White Towels at Od, 9d. 1 lOVi-d, and ls each. Extra special strong Towels for Bathers nt Is lid pair. C.D.C., Bridge-street. BATHERS! This is tho weather to buy Bathing Requisites. Wo are soil ing good strong Batliiug Suits at 1* 6d and Is 9d each. Bathing Trunkat 6d, 9d, aud Is. Sec our Brown Towels at lOM-d each. C.p:C, Brid^j-street SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK. Boys' Serge Cnps 6d and 9d each, Braces 4%& and 6d pair, Boys' School Handkerchiefs only 2/3 dr )7 .., Boys' Straw Hats 6d eacli, Washing Hats ls each. 0.D.C., Bridyj-street. SPECIAL . BARGAINS THIS WEEK. — Coloured Bed Quilts from 3s 6d each. Full sized White Marsella Quilts only 8s (Jd each. Good strong Navy Prints, guaranteed to wash and wear, only 4%d-yaxd. C.D.C., Bridie-street SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK.— Men's Tennis Shirts only 2/6 each. Tweed Trousers 8/ 11 P air - Odd Twoed Vests from 2/11. Summer Singlets from 1/1 1 each. C.D.C., Brid£c-street. SPECIAL . BARGAINS THIS WEEK. — Good strong Whito Calico only, 3/11 dozei. Strong, heavy U.B. Sheeting, two yards wide, only Is yard. Good U.B. Table Linen only ls yard. C.D.C., Bridfo-street. DEE AND SONS. •175 Pairs TWEED TROUSERS, clearing 4? lid to 6s llfi; saving 2s to 4s on every pair. THE CLOTHING STORE. NELSON SCHOOL OF Tl/fUSIC. CHOOL OF lTllusiC. (Affiliated to the Associated Board Royai Academy of Music & Royal College of Music, London). Trustees : Messrs Cock, Fell, Gibbs, King, Maginnity, and Rev. J. P. Kempt horn c. Principal, and Teacher of Theory, Violin, and 1 other Orchestral Instruments : Hxnn Julius Lejimeb. Teacher of Singing: Mrs Houxkeb. Teachers of Pianoforte : Misses E. Eahl, A.R.C.M., and KEMPTHOnNE, L.A.8., L.N.S.M. FEES (Practical Subjects) : Ono half-hour lesson per week : 35s per term. Two half-hour lessons per week: £3 per term. Harmony and Counterpoint: One halfhour per week— 3os per term. Railway Concessions : Same as to Technical School pupils. For further particulars apply to T. BLAKE HUFFAM, Secretary.

r allison's quinine wine ; iBPWJffIHMi»WMMM""MM»EBHBnai — — — B—^^^^^^^^^^A CURES NEURAI.OIA and LOSS of rM SUMMER NECESSITIES. ' I A. splendid bracing Tonic after any H As impure water is admittedly 5 most fruitful aoarc* fl ALLISON'S 'pEPTOIf' fill . .. ../^^m^mmm^s ..^ of disease; a Good Filter is an absolute necessity. There ■ FOR STOMACH TROUBLE. M pSjK®^^afei«^ are numerous makes, but unfortunately many are com- ■ Acts as a Sedative Toiiic and gives re- , H paratlvely useless, as they fail to thoroughly purify the ■ lief in INDIGESTION, HEARTBURN, K| \t| MBH!^HBiii|sM|ir water. We have made careful Investigations and un< ■ NAUSEA, etc. I m U^^^^^^Mm hesitatingly recommend either of the following:— ■ Price 2s. 1 i Pfllißfl CHEAVIH'S REMOVABLE PLATE FILTER I «••*» -S H* -*«-•* • m ff^^&aMxS&m. THESE are constructed on scientific principles, ft their ■ ALLISON'S INSTANTO. CORN CURE M RVvMsMsffiGsKSßSim deodorising and purifying powers are unsurpassed ■ v faJs boßt "P 06 •" . *w™« M Iii^BJgHIBSSM^ by any filter made. They may be taken to pieces, ex- ■ which makes A i ulte ce^l° tl J at xt i B rmBiBH^H f»mlned, cleaned, and re-charged In a few minutes, ■ won 't faU m y <mT case - Fnoe> ls * • H rMBamMW They are used In the Boyal Household, and most ■ From _. TT ,, D AITI(!nv H 7lS^H^H^B favourably commented upon by leading members of ■ WA^. Tfc Sf »„* nras'riEt B il^^mHl^B the medical profession. ■ Chemist and ■ fttga&ElUg§[9»^^H -i> nnriu 9Bnvibß riblKn9| H OOKBINDINO in all IU bnoctat, ■ BBE^l^^ra^H Are afflxed to ordinary taps, and are easily kept filled. ■ At the "Evening M»il" , ■ • !Bi^aafflPs^^fc# They yield 25 to 30 gallons of absolutely pure water ■ Bookbinding Department, ! ■ per hour. They are simply constructed, and the most ■} Bridge^trMt. ■ Tfftglff^^ySw l^^--'Tal*" Inexperienced person can attend to the cleaning. ■> — — -~ ■ ■ MiiWWHiWHTi'iipH^Mg_i Prices extremely moderate. ■' ACCOUNT BOOKS lul«d to any 1 I PORTABLE SUMMER COOKING UTENSILS. I &.JBnß*?E?* ***" ■ Save Money In CooMng. Save Over-heanng the Kitchen. -Save Time ana Labor, ■ : ■ II _ ■ CJOW Sntton's Imperial Globe Turnip. ■ PERFECTION STOVES. PRIMUS STOVES > GAS BOIUHG STOVES B^ st^£, e i*l^* ' ■ To»it, Fry, GT.iii, Boil. THy Am wicVlaw Cookinf Stovei, " AND TUBING. ■ TASKEB * LEVI^N.. c U Tftry in »izo f rona email on«g mit- callable of generating great hs»t No Home k»^ing m gat itr. ■■ ; ; „ c ■ able fer beiliug a kettle, or • without «m*k« or smell. They Tic* ■honla be mtnent cue otHJ oi jni ata n r ■ conple of wnnll pets— to Man aw simply eouiracUd and *cry oar utTalaaoie Oai BeOffiJ BJ S ALiIL ! SAlilL r ■ «daD.te<lforß9tei»«ndßoaKliag- conTenfentfoi all cookinjt pur- Stoyw. -- _* ■ •»•"••»•••• iT!yT^ i • ■ fiontti. TheycwißinettieoTdlß. posei. The "PBIMUS" Range Oar Seleptions are well vorfb> ■ r2-T?l? A TP' •TTT.I?. r ■ ary White fin KzxosEM. will Cook or Boil three dithes of ins^eotion. BJ \XJbXI!j^L I- \JMJMUM . ■ Thkv ai* HiUfLT CraBTjtUQMS. «ulcker than the b«at coal fire. Good Quality Tubing alwayi ■§ • -t . , Of ■ SmdkelMi, Silent, anl F«rfeetl7 Directly the STOVE is lit, in Stock. H V% 4"t| itii^ c ■ Sate. Tb.ybafto taauWolly, I fte flame pauet to both ends QnaJity and Pncea eonjpare ■ IjraDCfV* OlQCfklAfi ■ are mest ceonomtael F&t u«iu of tha Hinge. The flame ii mort favourablj with any other ■ *^ * ' "f . *^ ■ * . v .7?^r^"* « ■ maybeqnioklylwalW. easUy regalated. Howe in the Dominion. ■ GENUINE I ■ ■'"" ' ■■■- ' ■- H Commencinsr on VRT. I H. BUTTON AND CO., LIMITED. t |-. I^^

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 6 February 1909, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 6 February 1909, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 6 February 1909, Page 3