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— : — ~" - " '■■-'-" ■■■ -0-^O,O. y. y- 0 .v^-gf - AWORD ■:: r ?4^ - '- I TO GAS FITTER^X<yyA /rV^^^V Tools of all \ \ BRACKETS, ill Si deS£ "P !i,>,l » 11 PENDANTS. '00 ' ;■: .locked. ! 1 BURNERS, V r Y^ ofaUlate»lprf»t»^, . ipJl 'vfit ""^ artistic decpi*.?'*; We ipttaSke ts Gas Fitters' fl^^^T. Gas Piping, Taps, Ste'tetii • and confidently Vr a * Fires, ete fl eic. urge Wtdewsi t<>' inspcrct our ' " == stock and compare <mf „**. M LAVATORY REQUIQuality 11 never sacrificed lof . HSi SITES: shcapness and customers can» |jK ' J always tity m goods beinj ; ex. fcM Smb. Basins. Baths. Lead I actly as stated. . J Pipbg, Edgbf. etc j A. &Tl Bllfl,r Ltd., j DUNEDIN, CHRISTCHUKCH. WELLINGTON. AUCKLAND.^ I INVERCARGILL- B nd PORT; CHALMERS. „; ■ " - : 2 :....,■ a-'. — "^^ iSs^y* 'ilSX^SSfm^jl: ' fl '*.■ «— l «» tm e»al^aß«w: "iMaß\a».<JaßV'^B 7ySi *":Yyi______\m^^o -fl mA Islaß slßilC^^fl "' "I "\H ■^BK^^^f* L/^^^^&o~-^0-Of For Prevention "0^ | c For l Core 1 . 1 UjsutMysptsslttMiftngltsmii\M^9TtieM\t^ >SaMwhare mora pret.ntloa. meemelUa ""ertylall. '^^^.wkerefwittegj-f Mrticalarly those ol nutrition, aacretlon, and '^"^Z'^ahnolasss Umejwa^KeW ■ stomsscmUrmti tavalldi might ragaln aU thalr hetdtb and MPP»"» •• * 0 W TAKE _ : _i-Vi' : I , BEECHAM'S ss^aa— j— g^ 4 "■■ '"" ™ — isa^ SPECIAL NOTICE. t_oooooooooot^*^^*** m^^ a '^ Bm * mim^ m^^^^ m NELSON ALMANAC, and GUIDE BOOK, FOR Local Information : FACTS ABOUT NELSON. r -^ HISTOBICAL SKETCH. PLACES AND OBJECTS OF INTEBEST. ARTICLES ON LOCAL SPOBTS, ETO^ ETO, COMPLETE DDiECTOBY OF TOWN AIJD OODNTB* » Garden Management: WHAT TO OBOW. WHEN TO GEOW IT. HOW IT SHOTJID BE GBOWN. WHAT'IS SUITABLE FOB I^iLSOH, Medical Notes : . FUBSTAID. WHAT TO DO FOB THE SIOK. CABE OF THE INJTJBED. -. BULES INCASE OF PIKE. HOW TO HELP AT ACCIDENTS. ANTIDOTES FOB POISONS. SOUND BULES FOB LIVING? LONG. ■■■■■■■HMHBHH^BasHMßnssaasssaaasaaaaaaß What Everybody Should Know: DIRECTIONS FOB RESTORING THE APPARENTLY DROWNED. BEGISTBATION OF BTBTBiS, MAEBIAGES, AND DEATHB. PROBATE AND ADMINISTBAHON. 3MAKING A WILL. J3TAKP DUTIES^. 3^AJND TRANSFER ACT. POSTAL, TELEGRAPHIC, AND CABLE INFOBMATION. WOBKEBS' ACCIDENTS. THE FACTOBXBS AOT. . DIGEST OF THE LAND LAWS; Problems of the World: THE COLOUR QUESTION. RACE SUICIDE. GROWTH OF ASIATIC NATIONALISM. CBEME: IS IT DECREASING. THE GEEAT WHITE PLAGUE. OANOEB AND THE SLEEPING SICKNESS,. ETO. Science and Invention : EECENT AMAZING DEVELOPMENTS. (Heredity of Atoms. Meadelism, Political Science, otc,) THE MOTOR CAB. AERIAL NAVIGATION. WHAT HOLDS THE WOBLD TOGETHER. PUZZLES OF THE HUMAN BODY. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY Progress of the Worli: INTEBNATIONAL BELATIONS. THE PEACE CONFERENCE. WHAT THE KING HAS DONE. . THE GBEATEST STEAMSHIP IN THB WOBLT THE FASTEST VESSEL IN THE WOBLD. IKE-PANAMA. OANAL. 00 : t i '■:..'•' . PBOGBESS 0? GBBAT ABBaES^ETO^ ETC. In addition, page after page of MISCELLANEOUS INFOBMATION interesUnf! to.jMl. ?r ; "" ?- - " "Cinder tte Sword,' • a copyright novel by Iza Dufins Hardy ia alan Included. *'"'.'.? -"."... '00 • From tne above brief sketch it will be Keen that the Almanac covOrs a 'Jide field, and places in a concise and easily readable manner inrormnatlo which it ie imperative that every houwh<r?}t|«ir shonld tobw";.'- The 1 ?laws of the laad are always subject to change, aid-matter which' stands from year to year has been thoroughly revised-. anij?b'rought W- to date.- The local Directory is a very complete list. of . aU bodies in both town and couhte? with their principal officers. Much new matter has been .added, and a carol fnl summary has been made of the main features of recent scientific devnion. ments. The principal problems of the world are fully explained and th. progress towards international peace is pntline'a. ' THE ALMANAC IS OBTAINABLE AT STOKES THBOUGHOUT THF NELSON AND IttAMSpaGwCrH PBOVINOES. "' - ; 1.-iy; 'yylyS'* " ;

Would you exchange a throbbing headache for buoyant relief? Then take Steams' Headache Cure, which always relieves so promptly that it is now t "used" w'Vreve* herrds ache.* NELSON EDUCATION BOARD. ELSON EDUCATION BOARD. APPLICATIONS, complying with conditions named on form of application, will be received by the undersigned until FRIDAY, 19th February, 1909, for tho undermentioned positofls : — Westport D.H.S. : Principal ; salary £370; residence. (Former applicants will be deemed to be applicants under this advertisement unless intimation be given to the undersigned to the contrary). Birchfield : Assistant Teacher ; £90. Uruwhenua (Takaka) : Sole Teacher ; salary £90; house allowance £10. Puponga : Sole Teacher J salary £90 ; house allowance £10. Pakawau : New School ; particulars of salary, etc., on application. Aniseed Valley : Teacher for Household School; salary £48, and board and lodgings free. Awa-iti : Teacher for Household School ; present salary £30, with probable increase, and board and lodgings free. Drummond's (Stanley Brook) : Teacher for Household School ; salary £30, and board and lodgings free. Eighty-Eight Valley (Wakefield): Sole Teacher ; present salary £36. Pupil Teachers are also required for the Denniston. Granity, Lower Takaka, Lower Wakefield, Millerton, Nekon Boys', Nelson Girls' (2), Riwaka. Seddonvills, and Westport Schools. N. R. WILLIAMS, Secretary Nelson, Febrnary 2, 1909. MONEY FOR YOU 1 MOV3Y FOB YOU ! Simply buy "KOZIE" TEA. Save the coupons, and participate in half-yearly distribution of cash prizes to couponholders. Eighty-six prizes, value £61 10s, given away half-yearly. Agents GROVE ft SONS. TpiANOFOBTE & SINGINb."" " MISS ELLWOOD COOTE, L.A.8., will resume Teaching at her roomsi in Tyree's Buildings, on THURSDAY, 4th Feb. Pupils prepared for the 3Ts£o"ciated Board Examinations. Railway concessions the same as to Technical School pupils. Miss Coote will be at her rooms on Wednesday Afternoon, 3rd February, to interview intending pupils. "KOZIE" TEA KEEPS GOOD. KOZIE" TEA KEEPS GOOD.— Many Teas lose their or'ginal Savour through faulty packing, but "Kozie' 1 is put up so that no detenora. tion is possible. It- conies- to -you possessing all its original flavour. Agents GROVES SONS.

"Tie Weekly Grapkie" fer the current week is full of bright articles and beautiful Illustrations. There te something- for everybody and everything Is «* Interest. i ' -. -~ ADVICE TO MOTHEBS.— Are yon broken in your rest by a! sick child suffering with the pain of cntting teeth! Go at once to a chemist and get a bottle of Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup.' It will relieve the poor sufferer immediately. It ia perfectly harmless and pleasant to take, it produces natural quiet, sleep, by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as •'bright as a button." It soothes the child, it eoftene the" gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels and diarhoea, whetheV arising from teething or other causes. Mrs Winslow t Soothing Syrup is sold fey Medicine De pots everywh<"-p ~~ IN iCBMOmiiSJ OOLONEL ALBEBT PITT, M.UO., Attorney-General ana Defence Minister. THERE has long-been a generally expressed desire that some permanent Memorial- could be with' ns in Nelson to commemorate the part' services of Colonbl Albebt Prrr, go long associated With the history of Nelson and the Proyince— whose services to both embrace a period- of some 40. years.; J It' is deemed meet fitting that a Statne -being erected in theiQueens Gardens, op* posite the Sonth African Memorial he himself unveiled,"' and r under the shadow citJwKich he made his .last . patriotic •peeti <■ Nelson, wonld remind the stranger, and coming generation*, alike, -df one so universally esteemed for . bis many. qualities when amony ns. To ensure a widespread participation in this, iuhscjtiptionß from a shilling upward*, willvM received ;tbat all; including the yOntljf of both sexes, may join In honourwgour old-Gosnmandant of Nelson City •?ajs Province, many •>? whose Volunteers Were so long associated witb him from far and .near, the confidence and affection alio of .whose clients and constituent* Bat deepened with the flight of years. Subscriptions may be sent to oGoi. JOYCE, Volunteer Office. : SEJ-L t ft ATKINSON, Barristers ft Solioiton. ADAMS ft HABLEY, •> •'."-... Barristers ft Solioiton. . MAGINNITY r ft . SON, Barristers ft Solicitors. : KfNGDON, GLASGOW,. ft-HAYES, Barristers ft Solicitors. "NELSON EVENING MAIL" Office.

TTT? A "R KTP'Q ttßiliiCHfT IlJlj AlilN £j O cure. who have taken this medicine are. amazed at its ! splehdid Ifealing power. Sufferers frojjji ]3ronchitis, Cough Asthma, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the: Chest, experience delightful airpd wpid relief j and' ■"'-" iwho are subject to Colds on.thejchest it is invaluable, as it effects a complete cure. It is most contorting in allaying : ' -" in the Throat and giving Strength to the Voice, iieitheif allows a Cough nor Asthma .to bebb^ chronic, nor tion. to develop. Consumption-is- not known where "Coughs", have, on their first appearance, ri^rpoperly tieated rr medicine! No house should be without it> as, taken at the beginning, a dose or two is generaljy^sujEScieht and a cure is certain. 0 :: 0<0000, • ' Small 81x9. */8 ; Large Bl*s, 4/8 Ssld by aU Ohemlats and Mediciis.? Vehdqre, and by '*He Prsprtotor, W. Q» ' Ohfim'ei, Qselons, Victoria, forwarded to any Address, whsninot obtainable loiaajW^V ."."'.. i ' ■ - ■- 00AA.. 0- o'nfiAX -■■■ •.-,.-.-:-.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, 5 February 1909, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, 5 February 1909, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, 5 February 1909, Page 4