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. ~ P' it was stated at a meoting of tho w Kelson Chamber of Common-p Jast li evening that the body had a membership of 247. f, A Stratford resident who was moving v hi* furniture and effects from ono house K to anotlier last week was charmed to J discover on arriving at his new domi- o cil* that paperhangers had almost finish- t ed re-papering one of the rooms there- f in. Tho workmen assured him that they had been instructed to do so by the owner of the house, but as the resident fowned the house himself and had given no such orders, he was sceptical. Eipla- 1 th.HL tolu ™* >? ai ifc ™> discovered j i that the men had been directed to work swtejfcr but had »**« < As evidencing tha importance of ' the railway extension from Tadmor ' Mr Bisley, at a meeting of the Nelson ! thamber of Commerce last ovening, ' stated that it -would be possible, if j,' they got what they wanted, tct get to | , ■Keofton in one day. j , Our Wakefield correspondent writes : ! ■ — 1 h~2 weather conditions at present are i . «n that can be desired for promoting ! the erowth and for the lamping sea j son. The percentage of lambs this ' i (-•lson promises to be equal, if not ■''"'-vc the usual average. Fai-mcrs all : through the country are beoominiz more ' and more interested in the establishment * ot the freezin K works, and numbers are preparing to supply the fat sheep and Umbs so that in spite of what the wet blankets ' say to the contrary, the ' «orks are likely to be kept buw fori some considerable time, even in their irst season. Beautifu] Insertions and Embroiderhen*f*' ' ' 1S ' 1S 3d ' 2s — Tra ' Messrs 3. H. Rankin aad Co. will Ml, at Motueka, on Friday, 18th ist., by pnblie auction, household urniture and effects in the estate of ac late Mrs A. 0. Leslie. L ,°J el^ F-onil and Plain Sunshades i 6d. 6s 6d. to 13s fd.— Trathen's.' If you wish nice, sweet butter, mat on having "PUm Leaf." Nof«g better *a the i-arket.* J^'Tl 7*™* Underskirt, new, 4s j !. 5s 6d. 6s 6d, to 13s 6d.— Trathen's." I

H.M.S. Encounter left Wellington at 5.50 this mdrning. and is expected to arrive here this evening. An examination has been held by Dr Rett in connection with the St. John Ambulance Nursing Classes conducted at Cabragh House School. The following qualified for certificates : — Misses Coster, Elliott, King, Nalder, Shirtcliffe, and Wise. A larse window at the Sydney ■lewcliei-.' Co.'s shop in Hardy -street was smashed by boys last evening. Some class panels at the Royal Blue House have also been splintered. Business pec ole in the vicinity complain that there is a uood deal of larrikinism al niehts. Members of the Loyal Orange Lodge Xo. 51. are requested to attend thi lecture to be delivered by the Rev. C H. Garland, in the Methodist school room. .V© (morrow evening, ton "The Meaning and Value of the Coronatioi Oath." Candidates for the Teachers' Certifi cates and Civil Service examination I9OJ-9. axe notified that the application. close with tlie Inspector-General o Schools. Wellington, on the 30th inst. but tiie time may be extended to th 15th prox. on the payment of an ad ditional fee of Sl. In connection with the celebration o Dominion Day, 26th inst., the Mayo IMr Piper) has received the appendei circular telegram from the Premier Sir Joseph Ward :— "I shall be glad i you will invite the residents in you centre to enhance the interest of th proceedings on the anniversary of Dc minion Day (26th Sept.) by decoratin their premises with Hags where convt m«:nt* for them to do so. — J. G Wahd." The Saltwater Baths were damage last night as a result of the heav north-west Kale which sprang up, bit; hole being knocked in the norther side of tha baths. A good deal o expense has been incurred by the Cit Council in repairing the baths, whic wore -erected about 33 years ago, and i may become a question whether an further expenditure will be undertake in connection with them. Another of the Baptist "Pleasan Evenings'' will be given in thi schoolroom to-morrow evening, a' 7.30. A good musical programme hai been prepared (including two populai glees). Mr Jenkin will give selec tions from standard poem and prose authors, and supper will bo provided A detachmont of fifty men fron: H.M.S. Encounter havo been invited and if they come their presence should lend additional interest to the evening's .proceedings. Tho price of admission is sixpence. ifppyppp^p, 7 . -_^rrms The weekly meeting of the Loyal Nelson Lodge, 1.0. G.T., was held last evening, there being a good attendance. Bro. Vercoe, Chief Templar, presided. Sister Fuller was thanked for taking charge of the evening' programme. It was resolved to confer the District degree on qualified applicants on the night of October 21st. The Committee in charge of the programme for the entertainment on Wednesday evening reported that arrangements were completed as far as they could be until the arrival of the naval brethren. The members of the Bud of Promise Tont, 1.0. R., are requested to note that the quarterly pay-up night will be the 23nd inst., and "not the 29th, as stated on tho summons notice. Whilst railway matters were being discussed at tho Nelson Chamber of Commerce last evening, Mr W. S. Hampson referred to the fact that the average amount per capita spent on railways for New Zoaland was £27, and for the Nelson district it was bui £12. Tho Secretary of the Hospital and Charitablo Aid Board desires to acknowledge with thanks tbe sum oi £4, proceeds of the Press v. Civil Service football match, which ha; beeu given to the hospital funds, With the Government subsidy the donation will total £8 16s. At the Magistrate's Court thia morning, beforo Messrs J. Piper and G. M. Rout, Justices, judgmont fot tho plaintiffs was given in the following civil cases: — John Smith (Mr | Glasgow) v. J. Reilly, claim £5 ISs 'costs £1 10s 6d; Bislev Bros. & Co. (Mr R. Fell) v. J. G. Sims, claim £4 lis, costs ss; E. Buxton & Co., Ltd, (Mr Fell) v. .T. Steer, claim £13 3_ lld. costs £2 15s 6d; G. Hogg & Co (Mr Fell) v. T. Biggs, claim £15 14s, costs £1 lOs Gd. I A sitting of tho Native Land Court commenced in tho Provincial Hall thia morning, before Judge Gilfedder, and Mr Haeropuka, Native Assessor, Mr C. \\ . P. Scon being clerk and interpreter, ihe cases to be dealt with comprise confirmation, partition of fivo blocks, applications for removal of restrictions to allow of alienation, somo 60 successive cases, two applications for probate, and the fixing of compensation due to the owners of Toreamarua blocks, at picton, taken as a scenic reserve The sitting of the Court will probably extend oyer a week or ten days. Mr Houlk»r this morning appeared on behalf of several applicants, and the variouß matters were set down for hearing later in the session for the lodging of papers and t P he ld N n o?th th i:,an r d nVaI ° f **—- f '™ Speaking at the monthly meeting of the Chanibor of Commerce last ovening. Mr C. Y. Fell referred to a recent reply of tho Prime Minister's to a deputation that waited on him in connection with railway extension matters. Sir Joseph Ward had stated that, it would be unfair to keep all the sniall linos waiting whilst the big ones wero being constructed. This said Mr Fell, compared rather oddly with tho reply that the Nelson deputation received somo time ago, which was to the effect that the trunk lines wonld have to be completed first. Messrs J. E. Hounsell and 00. hav9 forwarded a set of 32 new post card views of Nelson and Motueka, photographed and coloured by Mr F. N. Tones, junr. There is a wide range r>f scenes, and no better souvenirs of Hie district, could be despatched to friends at a distance. Navy Prints, best in town : fast dyes M and Bd.— Trathen's.* Attention is directed to the mset of the Cash Drapery Company distributed n to-meht s issue. Lace Curtains, just arrived, 3s 6d, 4s =d. 6s 6d. 9s lld to 18s 6d.— Trathen's.* Now that the details of Auckland's welcome to tho American Fleet te to iand and the members of the Ministry tave aired their eloquence and patted I Brother Jonathan on the back it behoves • us to turn to our own fair city, and rej mind our readers that Lock. -the People's i popular furnisher and auctioneer stiU | extends his welcome to all who come to I visit his vast emporium, and admire the magnificent display of local. manufactured ;and Continental goods. In buying ! furniture you should look for "finish " Tieauty of design," and honest workmanship, and if you patronise "Lock's" you seoure all these advantages and yet find the prices demanded fair and reasonable No home ie complete without an "Atlas" Sewing maohine, iand these together with Harland English pianos, Carpenter's organs, the wonderful Sun Vapour lamps, and prams and go-oarta in profusion make a show weli worth seeing. Economy is the order of the day, so don't delay but come.*

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 15 September 1908, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 15 September 1908, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 15 September 1908, Page 2