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SPECIAL SALE B AKfe*AIJN ». 40 pieces Veiliugs - clearing priceß 3d. Gd, 9d, and la. " 1/- fur auedt-finished Gluveß. aupenor Suede-flnish Gloveg \\\\, usually 2/6, 10 dozen only Cashmere Hose. 2 pairs tor 1/11. aupenor ditto 2 parrs ii.r U/U. 15 dozan Helta— clearing prices 3d, aa, i/-, l/i). usually 1/3 «" 1/^---4/11 for 3 yds, biquee .Lengths ot best l?'reiicH Twll Flannel. 10/0 for a Btyliah Orey^fweeU Jacket, usually 17/ d. 3/J1 tor Golf Blouses. ~11/B tor White Stole nnd Muff set. 5/q- for large White Wool Mhawl. 5/11 for Tweed Dresa Length. 35/- for Dress to Order complete, finding everything— made from splendid Dress ijoods, including Tweeds, Navy Cloths, Black Cashinerey, etc. MBS ANtoTICE, TRAFALGAR-STREE-t. TELEfHONE 184.

RICHMO^I^. JiIt H MOND. O' OR SPECIAL SALE A.T RICHMO.MD ends on 8; ITURDAY, 27th July. We will sell at unhea.-d of prices rather than re- pack ; and the less we _ have to pack the better. Th.-> lor.- prices will effect asp uedy clearance, so don't leave your shopping till the bi»t bargains have been pick, jd out. 15/' will buy a Ladies' Ci-avenette double the prici „ Coa*. worth double this price. , 9a Per yara for beautiful wide Silk 6/6 will buy a Ladies' smart Jacket, Ribbons, worth I/3and 1/6. „ worth tbrte times the money. Remnants o f Flannel, Flannelette. ! 5/11 will buy a Laaies' Muff, Tvorth Calicoes, and S aeehngs. . TR4THM &CO^TII< 3HMOND, f^% _^^^ _— - * ■. "' . *. IJ- " — ' ===^JL_ if I importantJ |i HI ===i= T = j GIBBARD 8? <CO.'S J ANNUAL Stocktaking Sfiale ,*, COMMENCES L f I MONDAY, IST JYU L&Y, ! V-i -ONTINUES UIS'TiL END'OPjTHE L* MONIH. " SPECIAL INDUCEMENT.-*: TO BUJTEES OP DRAPERY & CTOTHING IN THE SHA P. •*' BIG REDUC j -ONB. If It will Pay You to ' Il j Visit ThialSaJfe H AND LAY IN A GOOD STOCK WHIOjE If PRICES ARE LOW. II Nothing Wrong with the Goods. I Stock well bought, clean, and fresh ; avnd I sterllog* value at ondlnary prices. I THEFACTSiAREt Stock Is too heavy. Our Yearly Balance closes shortly. J We must reduceistock: THIS IS YOUR CHANCEIFOR BABGAINS. A LOT OP Remnants and Oddments AT TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT. i CALL SHARP AND SECURE FIRST PICK. GIBBARD -^ CO.. Spot Cash Drapers and Clothiers, # ! BRIDGE-STREET, NELSON (OPPOSITE LOCK'S). j IL ' m^___ ■ E. W. DEE AND SONS. 4 Grades in Men's Suits. ' • , , £4 15s TO £5 10s. &0s TO 755, Theaa aro by our London Ks*. Taes^Wf. ft Becond-gr».*te TtiA ' , , . ._ leredflart- We take yo nr me»port Cutter, and ee*nal *o »By . — yotir High-grade Suit msde Jn tiw from a goo^Tan-re of fi at-chps nolonv Yen set itsle, flt, end Tweggsi fart we give yot* M colony, jou gee »w> »\» * yenr -jma^o . a oomfort, j-nd get Boggart 61 * t«j canhsplffiiMdistsiirf, Wu you that wMeb H required te don't p^rffteflß \k U M . ivß yau au air of distinction: tf^s^U«Z In thesswe take ?b*»b4 place bo'gst-rfse^ereforthjßnw-nrji to nqne. f 35sT0 68t. .|BIMTO 4lfc • / / Tbeie «c wr Trilorefl B»»4 ,* f^^iLV^M^J^l^^. Snlt»-a grade bigbw th»n the &T-5?^S .JSwSSsIS ReadyHAwrßltlt* These «r» % weehowthemlßßlseputfera* SLl^i£ S fcls^l?'^3 We reconuaend tofiW «a pice ?i^„s^ e ««^Ls»SJr J S Knock-abontßutt»,«ndweteep \£&&ttlL^iZ*B%mi£nSL them in ekee to fit tall, short, VrS?JZ , sS^^^SS^S Stout, and thin jfmm t* 'ftp* anyminiriirhaWPetroaKlate mmm^Wmff &Wl®&> . getting suited at a -moment's notice. ■>••• * 1 We. Grow Hats; Yon Pick Them. No matter wjiat kind of Hat you qro looking for, faff >W» here inHard and Soft Felte, 4s<3d to 12s 6d. ! Also a fine lot Jn "Tveed Hats aj»d in -the raging 6tyle.> 1 we lead the van in Hats=Han^-siz.e, style, colour, and Bhapecaa be had at your o*wn price.. I ' * s^—^--^ E. W. DEE AND SONS, THE LEADING SHOP FOR MEN AND BOY 6.


J ' Wf^ al ' e ' UAcifl BUiIiKS of Prime It iIUVS. Submit samples early. » BISLEV HKOi->. and CO. • SEEDS' WHdLEtJAI/E ANu ' RUT AIL WE HAVE, Jttst Landed a FULL and COMPLETE Stock of NEW and RELIABLE VEGETABLE and fLOWErt • SEEDS ■ for tlie Coming SEASON, in Id, 3d, and 6d packets. TO I MARKET GARDENERS we make Special Reductions for Quantities. Storekeepers supplied with Packet of I BULK SEEDS. PRICES on Applifiation. We invite growers of ONIONS, Car--1 rof-s, Turnips, Mangles, or Swedes, to Call and obtain our Prices before purchasing elsewhere. l'Rtflt TREES, Flowering Plants and Shrubs, Pot Plants, Labels Sticks, Flower Pots, (plain and fancy), Spry*. Pumps, and everything for the Garden « tt supplied b^^SEED_Ca_ Always eat C.M.C. MOREPORK BREAKFAST BACON PERFECT IN FLAVOUR Positively the Mildest Cure known. The Guaranteed product of Canterbury Grain Fed Pigs. Killed and Cured under Government Inspection. Always obtainable at T7l ,0 ROVE & C*OF, JCi . UTROVE & OOh. CALEDONIA HOUSE, HARDY STREET. [a cabi*..] LEAPEB BROS., Archiiects | Address : — Selwyn Place, Nelson. ":|:""::|r "K" : BAKING POWDER GIVES THE BES*£ RESULTS AND IS jT F^ONOMJCAL. ASK . .)bi» UH*3CER 'R JT 13th HALF-YEARLY SALE. A/TEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING Going at a. L.DSS. BERT TASKER & CO. Hardy-street. 4 FT 6in. iron bedsteads, 30s ; 4ft. 6iri. Brass rail bedsteads, 37s 6d ; blankets from 9s to 30s. Down quilts, Kapok beds, spring mattrasseg.— -Fleming and Sons. 13m HALF--. EARLY CLEARANCE. HUNDREDS of Genuine Bargains in all Departments. We are determined to quit our stock and have made some really startling reductions. This Salo will be Continued until further notice. BERT TASKER & CO., Hardy-street. 1 13 th HALF-YEARLY CLEARANCE. ! /-"lOMBIJ-JATIONS at 2s lid. \j W.\et Blous-i at 3s lid. ; Woven 'loomers at 2s 6d. ' Hundreds of useful lines going at j i LESS TH.IN COST. ! BERT TAP KER & CO., Hardy-street. / AMBRIA STREET.-To Effect a Speedy Sale. \ HOUSE, 5 Rooms, in good order ; • Kitchen Garden and Fruit Trees. | PHCe 'AtJly BISLEY BROS. J^CO^ j ...... r -—' \ RELIEFy^'V j s fßalsaino^RSGesci:] ; I /'COViQWS • # ! \-- OP ICOI-DS / \l ASTHMA- / I NJ BnOWCiMiTIG,/ J^ S Jfa for Children, . \°^ ANISEeP / Of nil Chemtilt & morn. B« ""'•' Jr **IW volt n*. PnyriV. wi'.f. ifMO tr I T:adilSarH.

CASH STORE, Bridge street, ~\7ol CAN GET 561bs No. 1 JL - Sugar, 10s 6d; lib pkt brtfferar Pekoe tei Is 4d; 51b tins, bs 6d; loose c*S« Is 6d ; Arabian do. Is 9d ; Club do. 1 lOd. GO T© . TXARDEY'S /-"-lASH QTOHE, Bridge Street. FOR— 2 Large Bottles Sauce, Is table vinegar, per bot. 6d, per gal. Ii 9d ,- cr. tartar, is 3d ; car. soda, 61 bs Is lemon peel, per lb, 6d> assorted eg-swace-r, 3 lot, Is; 24 caked D. and M. blacking., lg. TTARDEY SELLS---KEROSENE, Best, Pef Gase*^ 4 <?ak<« sand soap. Is ; almond scented soap, per bar, 9d ; white swan starch, per pkt, la 9d ; Coleman's do. 2s 3d : borax, pe* lb 6d ;12 doz. pegs, Is ; 141 b washing soda Is ; Sunlight soap, per box, Is ; Magnet soap, 2 bara, 7d ; Admiral blue, par lb 9d. TTARDEY, Z-IASfI QiIOCER, Bridge Street, Sells — Herrings in tomat* sauce, 6d; kippered do. 6d ; pine apple, 6d, Bd, and Is, per tin ; Satety matches, be? t brand, par doz pckts, 3b 6d ; -jelly (assorted 1 ! per pkt. fidj Quaker oats, 9d , Force, 9d. All Ffflits Machine Cleaned. Goods delhma to* arty part oi the city. Customers waited o* for Oraei*. Telephone, 121. WANTED 450 BABIES Fdtliers arid Mothers, also big brothers and sisters ta read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest tbe following, and never, Mi VER,- NEVER Forget il. THAT B S. WINN, Late C. G. PEAR'JI'/ is an IMPORTER of B.S.A. CYCLES, atid biters them as follows : POPULARS, fitted with Clincher A WOiN Tyres, Brampton chains, Eadie coaster hubs, Brooks' saddles, pumps, and tools— Gold line finish— a really serviceable mount for £12 10s. SPECIAL, fitted with Dunlop Tyres, Reynolds' chains, Eadie Coaster Hubs, Brooks' saddles, pumps, und tools complete, lined two colours, and Highest class plating — A Really Superb Mount, for £13 10s, LADIES' Machines, same price. ALL STAMPED WIIH THE THREE RIFLES— a Sufficient Guarantee of their SUPERIORITY, tor RUDGE WHITWORTH9, No Reasonable Offer Refused. SEE SAMPLES - - THE WORKS. S. WINN, H L A 0 R W D E /ST. „ ,-.,. NELSON. BROWN & DIRECT KERR IMPORTERS, *■ AND MANUFACTURERS. npHUS, BY BUYING FROM US 1 SAVE THE MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT, AND OBTAIN HIGH-CLASS GOODS AT LOW PRIOES - BROWN & KERR, Trafalgar and Hardy Street, NELSON 13th HALF-YEARLY CLEARANCE. "MOW ON.— The Whole of our Magnificent Winter Stock being offered at a sacrifi «. Don't miss this SALE. You'll re^ :et it if you do. BERT TASKER & CO., Hardy-street. ADELAIDE CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC mHE Leading Musical Institution this side of the Line, has just been supplied with 9 GRAND and UPRIGHT BRINSMEAD PIANOS. Highest Award at the New Zealand , International Exhibition. Sole Nelson Agent: -- T. BLAKE HUFFAM. SOME People like Rolled Oats. Others prefer Oatina, others again say Quaker Oats, and some Force Food. We stock them all, and so please everyone.— HlNGSTON, the Bridge-st. Grocer. ____ 7^ W~A T """""""""'JUST *LA NDED fjl)x\.lj. 3 CARGOES PUPONGA S£? NO SOOT WITH PUPONGA. 8/6 1-ton; 16/6 A-ton— Cash with Order. NEALE & HADDOW. SHINE, Shine, Shine.— Nugget Boot Polish 5d per tin ; Tip Top Metal Polish 44 do ; Zebra Stove Polish Id do. All at HINGSTON'S, the Bridge-street Grocer.

5 |E. BUXTON 6? CO., LTD."] TRAFALGAR-STREET, NELSON, ARE READY FOR THE WINTER 1 ■■ - WITH . ■ GAS HEATING STOVES A GRATES, ln large vanetvand new Styles. JT ( OMEGA ODOURLESS GAS *isflMfek l STOVES. £§£zsßSßiWSs*^m Nursery Fenders/Spark QUEEN HEATING STOVES, ° LAMPS * Burn either Wood or CoaL ■^HB^^H.^Bs FOR TABLK BRACKET. HANGPERFECTION KEROSENE Incandescent Lights and Gas HEATERS,, >JMa@WHpHk Chandeliers, ...MOKELESS, ODOPELESS, ASD ¥ TEBsR^W I fiUTCOUC i.. If.**.**. «. * pobtable, w M^fflp & LANTERNS for Kerosene and ah be carried to any part of the home, THT I*3oolß, vi thoroughly warms a room in ft few **- H •„*„■••■.?. It is in the BUBNEB that . .W CARRIAGE LAMPS. , iwection OIL heater Tha ib^ e y,, WILSO jr wumiiam, wtwr*, *;\* ■'-sll -others. AIE-TIGHT HEATER. It born* _ _-_. a «... ' wood, co?*, sh* T ingf, Swwpings, Door Mats and Scrapers, WiwUPsper, etc. The eombnatiott of «s , j «.- j m a ttfiwOßDKimJL HEATER Uso pi a ..w ft D a tnn« * . Plain and Tiled Grates, perfoet that "there a-. practically no wares, s raieni ashes. Tbe WILSON HEATER is jatrt HORSE CLIPPERS EARTHS, TRIVETS, CUETED the right Stove far Clmrc'ie,-. School*. «w-w»- •»-» ■ •«»-», ' Lodge Rooms, etc., becauso it requites ■ ■ GRATE GAS 20RSEBS, wry lilide care, give* a wonderful h«t Wo3d CafViflg TOOIS & MHFO ao«.consamc-s les> Jii»J half the fael of • ■ liiAfciMa. ASBESTOS FCBS* . IJs-sifcwetoT-??,- . •l»Vl|S§lj'* I; - . ' '

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 27 July 1907, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 27 July 1907, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 27 July 1907, Page 3