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'i SALE. SALE. SALE. j ; TOO-MUCII-STOCK SALE.! i -■ i . DON'T MISS THE FOLLOWING HPECIAL BARGAINS : I Fur Necklets— reduced prices, ls 6d to 40s. - ivt utts- reauced prices, 4s 6d, 6s bd, Os bd, to lUs Ka. > Children's Mit'linery -reduced prices, 2s 3d to 1 5s bd. 0 - " Up-t6"d"ate J acicets, superior qualities, reduced prices from 12s6d. Golf Jerseys— reduced prices, 4s 9d, 6s 6d, 9s 6d. • FrenclTFlannel housings— reduced prices. 3 yards "" for 5s 9d. '■ Cashmerette jßiousings -reduced prices, Is 3d, Is 9d, and 2s 6d for a yardsT 1 BARGAINS IN SKIRTS! BARGAINS IN SKIRTS ! ' COSTUMES TO ORDER complete, finding every- . v >'^ tJX uxTx^ikj xv/ thing, made from good f Woollen Dress Goods, for 35/-, during- Sale only. 1 Orders taken for KAIAPOI TAILOR-MADE COST UM ______ No trouble to quote price or any article, whether you are a buyer or not ' MRS ANSTICE, TRAFALGAR - STREET. TELEPHONE 184.

„ v „ SATIP SATF i OUR BUYERON TOUR fr AJL_S._« ftAljllu ©2\JUIJ9 recent fhc jn Qur ppemtsea in Bridge-street, and the subse rtns~\s~\ ti fTTnr. ii irA-.r\r^Tr Ci AT T^ I quent BIG SALVAGE SALE (a huge success) ha 3 lefc ou: 3 lYBli-M 1 ( , 8-l-S S(M ,K SA 8 JTJ /J- Stock a bit unassorted until our llrst siiipment or Nev ° X \J\J MV.' V7JLJ. YD A\J VJ.LV KJJZAAAA-J. ' Season - s Goods arrives from London about two months hence >- I Consequently our buyer, Mr B Trathen, has left for YVelliritftot ,- jand Auckland in search of SPECIAL LINUS. As the Wholesal. . nOK'T MFSS THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL BARGAINS : I S*S5°SSSif ou?' buyer ' SSS^to^Sm? WoS De!#K •- "' " BARGAINS (cash on the spot will do it). We intend to pass thes. " Fur NeckletS-redllCed prices, lS 6d tO 40s. Bargains on to our customers at ASIONISHING PRICII - ivtutts-reuueed prices, 4s 6d, 6s bd, Os bd, to 19s 6d." NO te OUB new address— ;• Children's Millinery -reduced prices, 2s 3d to 1 5s bd. nf\j* A T'XITTIV /ir C*Ch 0 " " TTn.trTriate" Jackets, superior qualitiesTreduced A ±\^A i .O.X!__n 06 5 — prices from i^sßdT^ ! CENTRAL TRAFALGAR ST., NELSON, - Golf Jerseys— reduced prices, 4s 9d, 6s 6d, 9s 6d. _^ — • FrenclTFlannel tjlousings-reduced prices. 3 yards «.«•—. forsswi. SPECIAL WINTER SALE - 0 CashmerettTSlonsings -reduced prices, ls 3d, Is 9d, wsr£rf^l^a^ ¥V Sl^ £ ILfl\ yjrkRJU and as oa tor A yards. ( # AT 'y\ 1 BARGAINS IN SKIRTS! BARGAINS IN SKIRTS ! GlflllAUD S? COS ' COSTUMES TO ORDER complete, finding everyWOXUiUiJUx , tMQg^ made trom gOQd COMMENCES f Woollen Dress Goods, for 35/-, during- Sale only. 1 Orders taken for KAIAPOI TAiLUR-MADE COS- TUESDAY, 28th MAY. TUM____ ' are Kro¥nor uoteprlce^ nj ' ar " cle ' wlietheryou FOE - ONE - MONTH - ONLY. , _ A Kare Chance to secure New, Clean, Up-to-date MRS ANSTICE, TRAFALGAR - STREET. drapery and clothing TELEPHONE 184. ' . AT . . ,H. HARDEY.S I CALEDONIA substantial reductions. "lASH STOKE, Bridge street, ( TT/\TTrnn — ._ 1 Suaar C fo N s M^Mkt'bwken Pekoe t« * HOUSE . JUST A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS „ , „ . fl ,_ . l^d\m^s?^™ns£l Q OFFERED. *$$ Ul %?' Is 6d ; Arabian do. ls 9d ; Club do. It Several clearing lots of Ladies Corseta 2/11 t0.4/11 */^» P a " md. Fancy Flanneiotle Blouses 4/6 ml GOTO REASONABLE GOODS— Doubio wiJtli Plain and Fancy Winter Dress Cloths 9/- dress 4/U HARDEY'S /Ti ASH O TORE, K-5 ■. ami Tweeds of 6 yards. druaSyde . . \j — ia • • ' Twilled Stiiped Flannelettes 5d J3M Bridge Street. HEINZ TOMATO SOUP. ladies Black Cashmere Hose 1/v W FOR— 2 Large Bottles Sauce, ls; | ' Clearing purchase Ladies' Dress Skirts (no two 10/Q to table vinegar, per bot. 6d, per gal. la 1 (Ready for immediate use). . alike), stylish and well made 45/« 19/6 9d; cr. tartar, ls 3d; car. soda, 61bs ls, ( Special lino Whito Lace Curtains 2/6apd'2/ll l/ll lemon peel, per lb, 6d ; assorted es- CROSSE AND BLACKWELL'S Ladies' White Muslm Aprons 1/- . 9d sonces, 3 lot, ls; 24 cakes D. and M. SOUP TABLETS. Strong Union Shirtings 9d •"-' bid blacking, ls. Wide Bordered Art Muslins 5Jd PJa •TTARDEY SELLS— LOMA BEANS. Coloured Velveteens 2/3 ill* VT Fancy Blouse Flannelettes ■• 6d »d Kerosene, best, per rase 83 6d ,- 4 cakes HARRICOT beans. A fewpieces superior qaality do do do ... ... 1/f ?d sand soap, ls ; almond scented soap, per , Speciailine Neck Fnrs ?nd Muffs ... ?/6 4JII bar, 9d ; white swan starch, per pkt, Is LENTILS, (Egyptian Red). Colonial Flannel— extra Talue 1(- "d 9d ; Coleman's do. 2s 3d ; borax, per lb A few pieces superior do do- 2/3 Vf 6d ; 12 doz. pegs, Is ; 141 b washing soda SPLIT PEAS. 2 pieces yard wide Oil Back. Floorcloth ... ... 1/4J ifc ls; Sunlight soap, per box, ls; Magnet Two yards wide do do do 2/3 1/9 soap, 2 bars, 7d ; Admiral blue, par lb Colonial, Q ne pieca L. no .enm, 2 yards'wide 3/8 219 9d. (^ 8 Floors and Linos have advanced in price fully HARDEY, /^IASH "^i ROCER English, 2 o per cent recently, these are well worth , , \j . 1 r „ securing. As we are giving np the line we Bridge Street, Sells- Canadian. have cut prices to clear) . nvi i.uis*m Men's superior Rainproof Overcoats, padded Herrings in tomato sauce, 6d ; kipper- rM saumuh. shoulders, qnilted, yokediahonlders ... ... 40/- 30/---ed do. 6d; pineapple, 6d. Bd, and ls, Men's Black Flexible Felt Hats 6/6 Wil per tin ,* Satety matches, bert brand, par PEARL B ARLE 1. Men's Black Sof t Felt fiats ... .„ '. 2/H W doz pckts, 3s 6d ; jelly lassorted) per __ „ Men'a Strong Working Shirts „ ... 3/8 W8 pkt. 6d ; Quaker oats, 9d , Force, 9d. For Soups, etc. Men's heavy Tweed afid 'Union Shirts ~ ... 4/6 afcd 4/11 8/11 All Fruits Machine Cleaned. Goods targe size Down Quilts 25/9 18/6 delivered to any part of the city. Cus- ~— A flw samplea in real Arctic do do 37/6 „, < .JP/ 6 ,, tomers waited on for Orders. IH Coloured Alhambra Quilts 3/11 to 7/6 2/11 V» B.'fa Telephone, 121. XJ . White afi^ Silver Grey English Blankets 11/6 9/6 — 7,?™ . „ n x-m tt-v /-NTTT-. o rN/-\-»T Men's aud Boys' Clothing, including a lot of ADELAIDE CONSERVATORIUM Q-R/OVE&SON Samples at special reductions LATE R. SNODGRASS & SONS. •' ~ ' THE Leading Musical Institution | OIRECT IMPORTERS OF HIGH- O I IS IJ .Al IC O ©^ L/Uit this side of the Line, has inst "" " been supplied with CLASS GROCERIES AND m ■ 9 grand and uphight provisions. Soot Cask Drapers &skd Clothiers, "DTWNSMEAD Tl IANOS r 33 hardy street. BRIDGE ST„ NELSON (Opposite Lock's.) Highest Award at the New Zealand "X" "X" "T^"" " X "" X " - " International Exhibition. S "X" "X" _ 1\ _ "X" "X" SoleNclson rkAKEHUFKAM_ "bFkin G '" ' E. W- DEE AND SONS, POWDER HIGH-GRADE 8/6 qIF/^kSWlots. gives the best results XAILORS, HATTERS, MERCERS. -t n in HAI 1? TON tot<s and is MOST ECONOMICAL. |h/H a LL IVN LUib ' ASK YOUR GROCER . ■ Ort /TON ! FOR IT. Ojil' ai. liohtband & CO „ STJITS MADE T0 OBDEE 0N THB SHOBTEST NOTIOB. Hardy street. " An expert Cutter at your service, and first-lass vrorlt people Mt. - — . — : . _ __ __ carry out his instructions. S^KKr'zE J * Port** H*wi». =======—== — SSSfK J3TWS «-* » E^ fe *■•* Overcoats for Men and Boys. ils, ibs, and 30s each. nraTw itai tn cash drapery co., Bridge-st. amS^Sm iM-rav ** g> -VtTE haye now In stool TOWN AND COUNTRY ~^ m -H-*f-W\ W ft vfeiy superior lo M E S TLE^ PROPERTIES . ff^f\ jf if] If) fetL " gffffiSffa COCOA rwn^o^LaEh %■'&&' jfrlif?-^fjlffifr'"* fl * a onljr be seei 11"8 STIMULATING AND RE- N nrw { r k UnSon fiK»ml_ fi Tm. '±*%?W 7^Special lot real coX FRF-liiTNG QUALITIES MAKE Norwich Union Ufcambere, V^vlA^ I "It^l^^^KMW^S dre^ rei y~L THE BEVERAGE "PAR EX- , HARDY STKEET v^&S&'Wfc;^^ CELLENCE" FOR THE COLD IUUUII 9IJKCAI t f^^^^m^^^^^^K^^^^Sold by all grocers in j and ilb tins. , * #* UwMMgm' '^MM^^.W 'M 75 assorted BalnprOOl ALWAYS EAT OC^A ACCldeilt f / 'lli ft ' fl '1^)111 I 1 ' ' H&Jt^fiuSi __^__in______________________F____- ___nimi* ilii i"M r iT^^^_^^_^'^/__f__llw___H________R^ BQSu?B — snort, medium MOREPORK j corih?rA"oS!limited. ft %Sffi c »^ BREAKFAST WORKERS' SpBNSATION l^^KM^MCo^tKrivto^^lS B* n AAT ' AKD PUSSONAL ACCIDENT IN- waterproof. Witt A (J O JN ; SCRA-XCE f^^^KMW^^P^ & wltHout sleeves. Thes( PERFECT IN FLAVOUR I ATXo**»T OU« E »T 3ATM. ffg^P ßiffifip totfe^lsf- SsS. **" Positively the Mildest Cure known. b^k^^^^m^^^W^^m^ The Guaranteed product of Canterbury » V% _*___.»_. __ U _r> __._>_! _. t-^&''-i-^^^^^^^^^^V^ ■^■■y i ,'' Tir_» »..,•_,__ « i_^* _,» ■a*™. Grain Fed Pig, killed and Cured under J. POftCt HarflS, JWX S_te S Government Inspection. Aiwavs ob- «*»« .• a a a t^'^fi^^s e^^y^l ; Jsa_£_^PDffiK. S. •*° ul ' ns 00808, iron tamable at Hi V>l ROVE & CJON, BUtMCt Ageat, Kl^m^&^^^Sf^Sy^' 8& I 5 yearS> V e J£ aVt Ud. Itrovt? t iSS ''-'sk^mil't&^^^&^^^^r^. rather many of these CALEDONIA HOK™ & °° N ' 'flSW^?^^^^* th f refore ? r^ b< 1 ; hardy «!Trttft *. * , - «• • «KK_i^' : ■■ -:^<«l^s^iy cut very low to clear yy hardy street. M orw 5 C X U&lOn «»^^ These colnprlse some verj ——————— norwim wmuu < nice styles if or the little ItJIiMUVAIj. Fir* - -tnsurance - Society. chaps. [ESTABLISHBB 1797-] ' * Amount Insured ... # . t __ ' HAVING found our Shop in Hardy- Losses Paid fVPkIROOfI AS MOSIVA XjtkQBTW&AT. street Too Small for our require- Premiwn Income S^OICIjJUI W IWaiyU WUUW WCOI. ments we have enlarged our Factory Lowest Rates of Premium. , _ . - __».--._..» . and intend Consolidating Our Business promp tly and Liberally Settled by These are the finest mak^ to h»4 for moneyv We haY( at the Factory. Nile-street, on and after P thi undersigned, some very beautiful makes In OtU.6 Woo] . aAd 9llk mixture*?, fllH Ist June. The economies resulting __ -J. and heavy makes. Thes9 are the goods to keep you In gooc through this change will enable us to f Wr^rtfif Hftrrt* health,, give comfort, and 6aveyoii from complaints. increase our well-known reputation for w ■ lUllCl !»«»__.* *-aj ; .^^^^^^^^^^ low prices combined with first-class AGENT AND ATTOBNET i ■ ■=== >*-ork. rOR NELSON, MARLBOROUGH, j fr-sy T_T^T^^» A ktf\ CAITO p TM" ALDER & pO., LTD. UoSuxmSm, /E b V?- Dll#ll/ ANU SUNS. J^* X * Corner Tr»faktr nnd HartfeSbUti iF^RITYTON & CO LTD i AUTC)MA TIC TRAFALGAR-STREET, NELSON, © ro # a s ,lSM n £iS™ _, ,„_ 3 ING, ETC. ETO. ARE HEADY FOB THB WINTER j Attn x-.i_iA_L.jt 1 mR r nR FULL INFORMATION, =s======= — === WITH 1 ■ Call at TYREE'S STUDIO,

CALEDONIA HOUSE. REASONABLE GOODS— HEINZ TOMATO HOUP. (Ready for immediate use). CROSSE AND BLACKWELL'S SOUP TABLETS. LOMA BEANS. HARRICOT BEANS. LENTILS, (Egyptian Red). SPLIT PEAS. Colonial, English, Canadian. PEA SAUSAGE. PEARL BARLEY. For Soups, etc. w. GROVE & SON LATE R. SNODGRASS & SONS. DIRECT IMPORTERS OF HIGHCLASS GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. HARDY STREET. ""K" "K" "TZ" "X" "X" "K" "K'7__ I\ __.... "K"_ _'_'X" "BRAKING" POWDER GIVES THE BEST RESULTS AND IS MOST ECONOMICAL. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. J. Porter Harrfe, Land V Esfafo Agent. DESIRABLE TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR J3ALE* ADDRESS-** Norwich Union Chamber*) HARDYSTREET,, Ocean Accident naW—^TCTBTMMIIiMH lIirTTM AND QUARANTEE CORPORATION, LIMITED. WORKERS' COMPENSATION AKD Ptt&SONAL ACCIDENT IN-SCBA-yCE AT XOTOBT OCSSEHT BATSS. J. Porter Harris, Diitrict Agent. Norwich Union Fir* - Insurance - Society. [ESTABLISHBB 1797.] Amount Insured ~. ... ,£384,600,000 Losses Paid £15,500,000 Premium Income 00 Lowest Rates of Premium. Losses promptly and Liberally Settled by the undersigned, J. Porter. Harris, AGENT AND ATTOBNE"? i TOR NELSON, MARLBOROUGH, j AND WESTLAND, j Nobwich Union Chamber*, ,' Corner Trifalfitr and Har<j£ Str-Jt*,

-^ HARDEY,SI "lASH STOKE, Bridge street, "■* '''OU ! CAN GET— S6I bs No 1 — I Sugar, 10s 6d ; lib pkt broken Pekoe tea ' ls 4d ; 51b tins, bs 6d ; loose coffee, I Is 6d ; Arabian do. ls 9d ; Club do. li lOd. GO TO TTARDEY'S i—IASH QTORE, Bridge Street. I FOR — 2 Large Bottles Sauce, ls ; | table vinegar, per bot. 6d, per gal. la 1 9d; cr. tartar, ls3d; car. soda, 61bs ls, V lemon peel, per lb, 6d ; assorted es- 1 sonces, S lot, ls; 24 cakes D. and M. blacking, ls. TARDEY SELLS— Kerosene, liest, per case Qa 6d j 4 cakes sand soap, ls ; almond scented soap, per bar, 9d ; white swan starch, per pkt, ls 9d ; Coleman's do. 2s 3d ; borax, per lb 6d ; 12 doz. pegs, ls ; 141 b washing soda lsj Sunlight soap, per box, ls; Magnet soap, 2 bars, 7d ; Admiral blue, par lb 9d. TTARDEY, r^IASH GROCER, Bridge Street, SellsHerrings in tomato sauce, 6d ; kippered do. 6d ; pine apple, 6d, Bd, and ls, per tin ,* Satety matches, ber. brand, psr doz pckts, 3s 6d ; jelly (assorted) per pkt. 6d ; Quaker oats, 9d , Force, 9d. All Fruits Machine Cleaned. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Customers waited on for Orders. Telephone, 121. ADELAIDE CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC, THE Leading Musical Institution this side of the Line, has just been supplied with 9 GRAND and UPHIGHT "DTUNSMEAD HIA NOS Highest Award at the New Zealand International Exhibition. Sole Nelson Agent : T. BLAKE HUFFAM. WJ^h STATE COAL CASH PRICES. 0 //_> QUARTER TON LOTS. 1 fi/fi HALF TON LOTS ' *-{9/- TON - i OAJi W _ LIIHTBAND & CO. Hardy Street. SMART SUITS, well made in Colonial tweeds for men. These have been specially purchased because they were very cheap, and yet good. Prices, 21s, 255, and 30s each. CASH DRAPERY CO., Bridge-st. NESTLES '" ESTLE'S COCOA. 11"S STIMULATING AND RE- i FRF-liITNG QUALITIES MAKE ' y"X THE BEVERAGE "PAR EX- >■ CELLENCE" FOR THE COLD ' WEATHER. Sold by all grocers in i and ilb tins. ALWAYS EAT C.M.C. MOREPORK BREAKFAST BACON PERFECT IN FLAVOUR Positively the Mildest Cure known. The Guaranteed product of Canterbury Grain Fed Pigs. Killed and Cured under i Government Inspection. Always obtainable at "171 i^l ROVE &Cl ON, .JCJ . \JTROVE & OON, CALEDONIA HOUSE, HARDY STREET. "REMOVAL. HAVING found our Shop in Hardystreet Too Small for our requirements we have enlarged our Factory and intend Consolidating Our Business at the Factory, Nile-street, on and after Ist June. The economies resulting through this change will enable us to increase our well-known reputation for ' low prices combined with first-class fork. ~Ei TVJ- ALDER & /^lO., LTD.

GAS HEATING STOVES fl A COTTAGE GRATES, alarge variety and new styles. X OMEGA ODOURLESS GAS J^sEttHß^ STOVES. SJffPJS!!^ Nwaery Fenders, Spark QUEEN HEATING STOVES, WBTmIB^I o LAMPS Burn either Wood or Coal. j^m^^^ffl^Wß| POR TABLB, BRACKET, HANGPERFECTION KEROSENE IIHBhBBH. Incandescent Lights and Gaa f; HEATERS,, > -flm^^^B^^B Chaudoliers, t SMOKELESS, ODOURLESS, AND' J| W , .„,..„. . ' . portable, _ v *____¥ m LANTERNS for Kerosene and ■■^^L^m^r Pai-hIIa , nn be carried to any part of the houses vaimi-a, *■ .vl thoroughly waMM a room in t few , IM ;.-,x.:y ' .mutes. It is in the BURNER that •-■aW CARRIAGE LAMPS. c PERFECTION OIL HEATER T^ 'Jfa' __«#,&, Uia WILSO* ««™IIIIM- ___Mmr-3, 1 EADS all others. Abßl^WstW iTIKS n «. f^^C,^S%*|^R Oaor Mats and Scrapers, "■ Plain and Tiled Grates, jgkST^^^^^^llS Ctote f « Patent y " IEARTHS, TRIVETS, CUfiTED fc^^^^^^^» HORSE CUPPERS, GRATE GAS UUBHEB* S^^S^SS^S^Ri "•** OWVN TWI« * ■*« asbestos «asu ESSIBP v HagNnifc

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 12 June 1907, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 12 June 1907, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 12 June 1907, Page 3