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BISLEY BROS & CO 1 LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. " | LIST o prSt s ils übban faem **» STATION

LARGE SHEEP RUN. - , QQOn ACRES Freehold and 1006 OOUU acres under occupation li- 1 cense at low rental,-, also 500 acres reserve. As a going concern, with 5000 sheep, 12 head horses,; cattle, and large number of farm implements. * - '"' ' , Price^fi23,oCJO. - "':■'.' 'xx ■'•"^ SMAl^;SEa|!EP^RtlN^v^: : > x-\ KA.f\ AORESi"weU watered by river $JrX.\9 and strewhs;;from 150 to 200 "' ..uni are fUt.balahce'low.hills; is ring- ' fenced and subdivided. -House 5 rooms, stable,- shearing, shed, with - 600 sheep . .'given in. Price -£s;ier.acre. - ; Fol. 178 ' GOOD AGRICULTURAL FARM. I CYfifk ACRES (200 acres ploughable), tJ\J\J is subdivided into 7 paddocks, and well watered "by creeks ; cottage - 2 , ' rooms and shed ; mile from school ; ha 3 produced 50. bushels peasTjp'er' acre,: 2 ton - of oaten sheaves per acre. At present is -'■ grazing 250 sheep, besides cattle, horses, etc; "Price^B2soo. : •'- ...;■';;--' - HANDY -FARM. ■ V 1 1 fl ACRES vFreehold^.all ■; plongh- ',-:■ JLJ-vI ' able,'BubdJWdedinto..6ipad- ■ . docks, watered by running streams carr.:' rying at present 'ewe's '; and -iambs. House 6 rooms, scullery and washhouse, 1 J- mUer from ."school "and creamery. v - -Price £20 per '-.acre. ASA GOING CONCERN. > '■'; QQnn ACRES Freehold. (1000 m4md\j\J Ac) es Leasehold, held at a : ' low rental). '700 ; acres are '■: flat ; , 400 . Acres, undulatiri j ; ; 250 . Acres' ' bush ; 70 Acres in '.Crop ; -subdivided.' ihtoV7 _padr. . locks. .Well- creeks./. Good, (roomed -hohsc," Vdtall stable, Shearing Shed, Blacksmith's shop, 'and general Outbuildings. More land ; can be taken . up alongside . carrying at present 1500 sheep' with lambs' at foot, 30 horses, and !W head of .cattle,; and all - working plant.-— As" a, Gbini? Concern. ' ' Price, £7,600. . N.B. 164. ■■■ T GOOD AGRICULTURAL FARM. Q fifY ACRES ; 140 acres being flat, OOU ".-" and^balance low, undulating hills, subdivided- into .7 -paddocks, ---watered by Pigeon Valley' Creelt.; -is. sit- \_ uated. about I 4 miles' from .".. "^slchobl, "creamery and town," and about li miles ■ . ..from Wakefield railway station. Good .7-roomed.- Abuse,? barn,:: etc; about 4 " acres : in orchard. vWil lcarry: about 450 sheep, berieds cattle. Price'£lsoo. : ' ' Fol. 166 "SPLENDID SHEEP AND CATTLE ..\: H(\(\(\ ACRES Freehold. Good • ' LIIJU "'■" Homestead and other Out- ' buildings, ■ Wooished, Sheep and Cattle Yards, Dip, -about -8 -miles from Bail- - , way/ carrying, at .'present 6000 sheep and 200 head ot cattleJ . Price £3 10s per acre. - 'Fol. 277. :■; TIP-TOP SHEEP COUNTRY. "1 Q Afi ACRES, Good' Sheep Coun-fOUU-i ;try,v?op Acres in Grass, .-..' hdivided VinSr» lO'.k; paddocks", well ' ereA -by '; -ruhninc' streams. Good 'widence "'(lo rooms),; wbblshed and . -ablos, 1 mile from school -^and Post ; - Offic*, . 6- miles 'from railway, will wih- '" "■ ler 1200 ewesj'.* good sawinilling plant -on'-ihe-prbperty. also. Price, £5.1256 d pat acre as a going, concern. FcJ,27p ' FARM. *7-r7 p-": -ACRES .Fieshbld,, 200 . A.jres 4 4O ' 'i '•••Srasj.'/piii't in bush, wat by running new house (5 -. /S)oins), workahbpjitarn.'-'' 400 . : ---heep, 14. head^cattle,; horses, etc..; farm. i"apwments;--th.ere^is a good seam of -^ j«u .bn'the propertyi which- is alsogoldi bearing/: j 'Price, v£4 per acre, every- . : ' .-. -thing- given in, *•—• " F 01.152. HAOTY- SHEEP RUN. a I ; A'7A"' ACRES; Freehold, - wiill •~ -xLf.f CI ' and subdivided, "i. good residenceof 7-rooms, barn, stable, : food orchard .fruit garden. Price, ".': ■'■>■ £5 per acre.. ■:<:■; < '.Fol. 204. v, '.-- JJQOD SHEEP FARM. ...... . ■%tn f\ 'ACRES, aubdivided. info Four OO U .•'rPaddcfcks;' all ' well watered,; ' '^10 j Acres ploughable; -house (7 foonis)i .' lutbuildincs, Btnble^ wooished, etc. ,: _ Prici, £1500. .. •".:. Eol. 149N8. SMALL ;dHEEP. FARM. O/IK ACRES,, well watered and. rrv xjli^fj '-Xi'i- -subdivided. ■'■- -One' mile' ' from Railway, witt- r carryi4oo • sheep. 5 : Dfew -house and Shed. Price, £1100, .-.---.- -■--.-';■ . F 01. '244. r -SPIJEOTID/A-^OXrNLVFARM. .'-■' *)~t ft : AJCKBB, all in.".- grass, well ■'■■: •* ' fenced andsubdivided into; . 3-.paddocks.- .Grows -g00d,,, crops,, and jjso good "fattening land.' "House (lp) .- toomi), and other, outbuildings; ', Good '- archard, ' Has frontage to main road. Frice, £1400^ . r^-.-.- - .." — Fol. 147. ' ~l fi K ' ACRES, rich soil, • all under. . 'xOfl?- r '" "'■ r chltivatibn-, -subdividedVito : 7 paddocks '-'and' well "fenicea- and' ';'■'; jratt-red.i; j7>Acr|s in.hdpsi'2vacres'in -irchard, hohso (9* rooms), and' other qutjuildincs; concrete hop- kiln. . : Price, ' B22SQ;** "^'vvv'-* rxxfyz F 01.:243. ---.-:-. r| ,-| V»"-ACRES, J -close :to Creamery .■■.•.'jLiJL.O-';> sand;Scbool,- all. grassed ex- •- cept 20 acres bushijwill carry. 40! milch- .. cows; well; divided and watered,"gobd „ .. house (5 rooms'), sheds, and other outbuUdings;- originally heavy bush-- land,' . ; .Gpod Orchard.- ""* More Crown land can be taken up alongside at low rental. . Price,.£6oo;: ' Fol. 284. ."I-'AA 'ACRES; Good. Land, grows J.\JVI . .' splendid crops of wheat, oats, barley^ also. rape. .., .Adjoins Railway, subdivided into B 'parts, r young or- ' chard. Only; 10 "miles; froni City, good house (7' rooms)", 4-stalled stable, large implement shed, and other outbuildings. Price, £2100. - :, Fol. 245. GOOD AGRICULTURAL PRO>PERTY. - QfiA ACRES.— 43O Freehold,- and OOU 433 -Leasehold. 100 Acres frontage river, flat and tip-top agricultural land. Property s subdivided into • ' . . 6 - paddocks, watered by stream, river - frontage. .;■ House, (7 rooms) and other good outbuildings; li miles from school -- and. 2 miles from Creamery.. Rent of Leasehold, £3 per -annum; Price for Freehold; £510s pcs Foi. 156N8 CLOSET. TO CITY. s a ACRES.. 2i: miles from City. Four- Acres -in Splendid Orchard. Good water supply-; is subdivided into -: 3 paddocks.- Large fowl run; *fa fowl houses. ' 6-xo6med house, stable, barn ■'. -md stow room. .'.Price, £1150.- • '.. x ... : . -.:,:.■. x.;x. -;•?-': Fol. 175. fIANDy; FARM CLOSE TO .TOWN. OtV7 ACRES (85: Acres ploughed) £4\J 4 ' . .balance in grass, 14 acres in . -»its, 12 acres in peas, 4AScres in pota--oes, 2 teres in turnips, 8? acres in rape, arid 20 acres to J>e sown. down. Farm- is subdivided iht^. 20 padggeks, and well . watrred'by '[ natural spfijra, -.. At present . : canyin'g,2sp ejffeslwith-Tlambs at foot. -. . House (7 rooms) 5-stail stable, sheds, etc.' 2^ miles' from town. 'Price, £20 ..per: Acre.- ./xl^ i: <,; ■$} c .;,. ; Fol. 168. : ; -^v';siL^*Gß^iNG^RUN. '■■': Q v QK'A-! r A' C R|lS ' ,& : igrass, 150 -, XmtlmJ.fJ,-. r ,^ -acres? .timber,; .750 -acres bush. 'Air-weUlEericed; sub-divided,' ' ond flats', .w[ell'..;;di^%d;;^..v,'ipj:.atteß" tops ; ;40 'Vacfes. ViCturnigs; Mrryiig. at present Headi'bf /cattle, '.--" New^lOrroquKjd ; : house, >) stables,.- cart heds>v2;h6p^yfeilris^alsp'ptbOT'b^ :-- ngg,* :nejj>;^uptedafef wjjpl"shedj : -38 -x .' j.»i, just a' "going con- •'. oern .- with Iff draught Jjhorses, '.; 2. trap .' KorseSjMdsevßral-nacks.'i";! Seed,'* drill, Osborne .culljyator,] Maisey Harris spading :hamJws/ birid^r,v(new)' mower, harrows/- dbiip'er'ah'd'' iohgle'''F ' " traps,' cart,-ete?,<:el«i^ 'KPrice £18,500. : '-^' : K : .: ■■■'-': i'xx^oMaXi^. - '•', : : iCHOieE. "FARM. - 1 K f\ ,ACRES~(nipre;.,9r: less): Freehold ; tf\J . : choice, .compact Farm, in gogd district ; subdivided^^into 7'p"artsV, mostly under' plohghj^6iacres-in- orchard, ■ all choice trees, 1 |hey.-bestii;of prime land ; '"- only*£7ss;:v^eibulk^.:af : ;the purchase money" can" feniain:at/5 per cent." C-":i-^ - : "■ '-■": ;■'.- 4' bargain: : v ':'._■ -^ yX.(\ ACRES, Splendid Freehold Farm ' ; OU'" v " > -'rt'tnar«'d.;^h6^-srrito^ .VoT^y-^^ry^^ij'a^^':6v'^\ix^.'^^^ "'. we^.-w"atered;^suh'dlivi'de^^ live fence!;^new-^rbomed/Residence ;<& real bargau^-only.""£9Bs.;^v. ; .-;■ ;.^.* -a;.'. "/Mosti of s'the'ypurchase^money-' can • re-, : rnaina't) Ibwirate^Ati ' " : +y-;£ 'J.fcv*:'-" . .; ■-; "'. HANDY"/FABM'(aOHB} TO^CITY: -70 -Acres ;iin A jrrassV of : which ;; 4oV;are.' ploughable ; -subdivided intb" ; 6 paddqeks --through: centre. : ; House; o^4 rooms; almost new, cowshed; 'daiiry,Xsh'eep;iyards apd dip tcarrying' at preseht-'lOO'-sheep, Chbrses, and 6..cowsi:. - .Will r^rry.S2oo, Sj sheep; -allyea.f; ibuiidM^ T|.^es^ar'a v &Vfoniat(ies. Is. miles from school arid' creamery. -'. ' ' . Price £960. j; }:'xf',Z X:^p!ioV^. ;• ■-. liXXXX^^^xxf :■■-'- :-^ '■ '■■ ". ' '. ''■ :: .x^/' i^-''-%'^^^^s^S :^:'.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 25 April 1907, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 25 April 1907, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 25 April 1907, Page 4