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LA: - : J ' ' »^ —BOi PAP-P 'rp :; XAITO.AND*ESTATE : A : GENTS. . -^•^TitQT STATION JUlpl .PBOPEBTIES..

LARGE SHEEP RUN. ' V ■ QQOn ACRES Freehold Tand 100S I * 001/1/ acres rmderooonpation^li- |"c cense at low rental, . also j- 600 acres v re- 1 r serve. As a going concern, with 5000 f sheep, 12 head horses, cattle, and large 3 number of farm implements. V '--»■■'" 1 Y;J- - -. ::..- Price £23,000. ■>' ■ A- . "'J-Y _ : ,. Jgggffi_F&i. Jr-Ap.j - •'" • :rJ l ? 1 7Jgl-F 1 ,??" ■ SMALL SHEEP RUN. ""^r- ] KA fl ACRES," well watered by nvef ] .. "/■rU.v and streams^from 160 toJ2oo' , acres are flat, balance low rbjlls jr is ring- | J; fenced and ' subdivided. House 5 rooms,- "1 stable, shearing ~shed, with^ 500 sheep ■ -given iii. Price £5 per acreJY ;.' JFoI.Y 178 , ulwhuw'wwj . . AfxmHmmmm < * -.-. GOOD AGRIOULTURAL FABM. MJAA AOBESU^.acresplonghable), .OUU is. 'subdivided. into"-? paddocks, . and weU watered by Y creeks ;..TOttage- 2 ■ rooms and shed; -milo from school;* has , : proJduced 50 bushels peas per acrei, 2 ton , pL oaten ;sheayesYper acre.. At present is , - grazing 250 Jsheep, besides cattle, horses, , etc, 'JPrice £2500.V ' V ] - HANDY FARM. , -|-J-| A ACRES Freehold^ all plough- , -JLjUJ .-able, subdivided into .6 'pad- . docks, watered by'running streams* carrying' at. present > 240 ewes and lambs.' House 6 rooms, scullery YandJ. washhouse, : l£r mile? -from school and creamery! J Price £20' per acre.- " JYYa -. -AS A GOING CONOERN. ■. X eyeyCifX ACRES Freehold/ (1000 .-.y. __I__l\J\J 'Acies Leasehold, 'held at a YYlow rental). 7,90 acres aie .flat;: 400 - Acres, nndulatL-iv; 250 Acres, bush"; .70 Acres in. Crop; subdivided' into ,f pad*«6eks. Well 'WfJiered by creeks.. Good (roomed /house, .'.-stall stable, YShearing V Shed, J Blacksmiths .J shop, "and; 'general " : Outbuildings. More land can be taken np alongside carrying at present 1500 sheep with- lambs ac foot,- 30, horses, and 20 -head of cattle, and; all working plant.— As a Going. Concern; r "- ■ ■■' - Price,, £7.600 J : - N.B. 164. GOOD AGRICULTURAL FARM. Q/»n AGRES; 140 acres being flat, OD.U:'i' and balance low, undulat- ■ ing YhillsV- subdivided into Y7; paddocks,watered by-Pigeon Valley YCreek ; is situated about ."l 4 .miles from ,.-; dreamery and town, and? about 14 miles from Wakefield, railway -station. Qood 7-roomed : house,. barn, , etc; — about 4 y acres in .orchard.. .Wil lcarry .about. 4so. cheep, betdeds cattle. . ' ■- Price £ISOO. * ' Fol. 166 iPLENDID SHEEP AND CATTLE -J A BUN. •'•■'* •fTA/\"fY ACRES Freehold. Good lU-UU V Homestead ahd other Out- ■'.-' buUdings,- Woolshed, Sheep and/Cattle Yards, Dip, abont 8 .-milea;" from : Railway, carrying' at present.' 6ooo sheep . -End 200 head x-at cattle.. YPrice £3 10s per. acre.' -,"-J;r -'•-'-. ,:-•-. Fol. 277. -"""••■■• TIP-TOP SHEEP COUNTRY. 1 Q f\f\ ACRES, Good Sheep ConnAOUU ■'-„"■ try/- 900 Acres in Grass, bdivided* "into 10 paddocks, well 'ereA- by runnings— streams. Good J -side-ice (10 rodins), woolshed and '-' 'jabi<w, 1 mile frpm. school and Post *■• Offir*, 6 miles from railway, will win- ..-"■ ter. JI2OO- ewes, good> sawmilling plant j J 6nJ the property also.; Price, £5 12s 6d V pririacre as.a;goirigJcbiicern.;; Fc',275 v JJ ...-V^UABJLEYPREEHOLbYFARM. -~- ACRES-Freahold;j:2oo A.jreß 4« O- ii "Tras«. caitin bnsh, wat- : f ared 'by running .streams, new house (5 '• >»ms), : workshop, !barn. .; Carrying 400 '•'<-' -teeo, 14 rhead v cattle, horses, etc. ; f arm '<■ ■-.'■ Y' : jplemehts ;■ thereYis. a good: seam . of .-' vjoalron the jproperty* which is also ■'AjVmi^A^f^^^'^'Ps^-L^'^fy-^St-YY-YYY thing jgiyen in. J YJ:,-;Y ' : , f ol - I °^- '- "„ r 'X:-fY\rrri ACRES -• Freehold,., 'woil J.U! / U watered .'and 1 subdivided, : JgobdYfesidehC9 of T.rooms, barn, stable, •zood oichard and; frnitigarden.^;^Pnce, ;" "*;,?--£-> per acre.* . -"-■ '■ AP" Fol. 204. XAA ; --ii ftooD bheep::fabm. * '•- ■# O LfS ''AOREB, iubdivided into Four * OtjXj / "Paddocks;* all well watered, \ Yloj-^Acres Jplough'able, house (7 rooms), V outbuildings, stible,^woolshed, etc. ,_ $ X '-Py-AXSt*, £I=OOY- - •■■• '.Fol. 149N8. .- JyyA * -SMALL sSHEJEP FABMr I £V/i XL ACRESjJ ' 'well watered • and . ;? Jy-xO " subdivided. One- mile Y-frdiS Railway, will- carry. 400 sheep. - ; Yew house and Sfied; Trice, £1100. .--.-: ■■:■. - ■ . .~ r.-r '„, . • Fol. 244. X SPLENDID- A-"-BOUND. FARM. ■~;S-i '££-■■: ACRES; all .in' grass;, well ! - ii iO ' >- fenced and subdivided into X-i paddocks. Grows good; crops, J and Yulso good fattening land.. House, (lp) tooms)," and other outbuildings, r Good orchard, Has frontage to main road. -Price, £1400. > „ Fol. 147. A'Pri £i K ACRES, rich sod, all under Jj_.\)(J ■'•■'■' cultivation, subdivided ■'■'■ Vilo 7 paddocks • and well fenced and Htaed. A 7 Acres inlhops, 2 acres in "irchard, house (9 rooms), ahd other gutYjrifldiiigs, concrete- hop kiln. -Price, ** 62250. .■-' ■■'■"■■ A Fol. 243. "1 : 1 fi : ACBES,' close to Creamery .: X ID " and School, a'J grassed except 20 acres bush, will carry 40 much cows; well divided and watered, good house (5 rooms), sheds, and other outbuildings, originally heavy bush, land, Good Orchard. More Crown land can be taken up alongside at low rental. yj.'. Price, £WO. Fol. 284. ■ "1 AA ACBES, Good. Land, grows Y-XAJU , ..splendid crops of .wheat, oats, barley, also rape. * Adjoins Railway; subdivided into 8 parls, young orchard. : Only 10 miles from City, good bonse (7 rooms), .4-stalled stable.-largo implement shed, and other outbuildings. Ence, £2100. J '.;.'■ Fol 245. "'■' GOOD AGBICULTUBAL PBO- ."*- -'- * j ■""■,- '.- "PERTY — OiQ A ACRES.— 43O- Freehold, and ODU 433 Leasehold. 100 . -A.cres ' frontage river, flat and tip-topvagricul- '■""'' tural fend. - Property subdivided into '■■■€- paddocks, watered by stream, river V frontage; Honse, (7 rooms) and^other good. outbuildings; 14 miles. from school ■■ and: 2 miles from Creamery.; Rent of Leasehold, £3 per annum;- Price for Freehold, £5 10s per acre. ..Fol. 156N8 , CLOSE TO CITY. ' / j n ACRES. 24 miles from City. Four Acres in Splendid Orchard. Good water supply ; is; subdivided into 3 paddocks; fowl run, and fowl .houses. 6-roomed liouse, stable, bam »nd stora room. Price, £1150." • •■" ' < YY.Y*i " J.'FoL. 175. * HANDY FARM CLOSE TOWN. oA-T-ACEES (85 Acres, ploughed)A_UAJ iX balance m~grass, 14 acres in •'Mis, 12"acres-in:-peas, 4acres. in pbta- . J^pes, 2 teres- in turnips, .8 aries in -rape, . 8cd.20 acres to. be sown dpwnY Farm is snbdividedryito; 20 paddocks, and well . wat-red by natural springs. ,.-• At present ' caiiying 250 ewes with lambsat foot. *ÜbnseV(7vYrooms) 6-stai ttable, - sheds, etc. - ! 2* Jiniles from: town; Price, £20 -per AcreT >• -.-;• r• - •• -' Fol. 168; ■L'Pr- ' S SM^LL' ORAZr^GYRUN. ." OOKDi ACRES Yin jgrass, 150 •. 4J&IJ acres- timber, 750. acres bush;- ,;All*weH-Y fenced, Bub-divided, andi' flats .'well -' dikiiedi' X ■ 10; acres -in Lops; 40 ;acresJ;i;-; tnajips ; 'carrying at P present 2500 "sbe^-; *Yl6o head'bf ; cattle. New "10-rboh!od>v'h'oiptf^'s^ sf ®W e s> -cart j;;jheds, 2 hop":kilns{adsiriother^butbuild.'Yjigß, newYup-to-date^woolYshed; 38 x : YJ.-..i, just : comple^E— as a going con- .; Axrcr with Iff'ffrau|he-;-hcil-Bes, 2 trap horses,arids6veral^iß*cks.YY '" Seed ; drill, Osborne cultiya|o^; Massey' jHarris -do." spading harrows, " binder, : [new) "mower,' : harrows, doubler'antf'sfnglß'JF'Hbughs, traps, cart, etc., etc.- •• Yprice £18,500. '■■■■Jry.,... :,„*>„„/ FoUq\74. J PP.J CHOICE* J A-Kfi A CE^ S ( m 9F?- or les £) Freehold;; -'-■ Xt) \J -'■ chbicty^compa'ct FSrm, -in good .-. district; subdivided 'into 5 7 parts, mostly -„ 'under plough, 6 acres in j. orchard;; all choice . trees; .-'tJie'.-.besJbqf,- prime' jand ._. , : only;' £786 Y '.JThe " fculk,; of ;";the rpurchase -money can remain at 5 per ;tent. - "J . .-'■■ ■.■■:■ jaa barisain;^:' X : 'A- .>•;. prf\. ACBES, Splendid : Freehold Farm :J.-.Ou'' * 'J tituated . : abq*ntY3,miles '■ f iom " .-Port, the best of J^ainYbr.., fruit land,' ,-.', well, watered,.. subdivided Yihtci' 5 parts,.' Ylive fence, ;Jnew 6-roome'd' Jgesidence ; a '•i-real bargain, .onlyi£9K.;-JJ." Y'J Most" of > the purchase r/jbney can remain at low" rate.'J :■'■■'■ J. ■'■■P'-.r-yXy. HANDY FARM CLOSE!; PTO. OITYi 70 Acres 'iii rgrass of;Ywiich jw are" . .; ploughablo ; subdivided; into" 6 paddocks — streams and creek running . through ..centre. House bf 4 'rboms,;'"&lmbst';riew, - cowshed,; dairy, sheep "yards"" and X dip •" carrying at present ;- : l.oo: sheep; 4J : horses,' : WiU cany 200 sheep lail" year round...* 14 acres" are in tdmatiDes; " 14' miles from school and creamery. "■■'■:' ■'■-.. JPrice '£9so.- J 'AAjjy 'xSLmMwmfis: Za^^-p^'^^^^Wx^P'

SUBUBBAN NORTH.— House 81 if ater, shower jand plunge,- ground floor, ropper bnilt in. OntbhildingST-Four-roomß, scullery,, paitry," bathroom top Ider; also bathroom, hot and cold stall stable, loose box, fead honse, large loft with shoot to bins, carpenter's shop, harness room and office, carriagehouse and shed, three fowl runs and Ive pens, reservoir containing 1200 gallons," feci' by never-failing spring, orchard, kitchen garden, good lemon trees; area 15 acres ; 24 miles from Post Office. Price £1650. Fol. 68. ALFRED-ST.— House, 6 rooms and conveniences, area li acres land; also native lease of 1 acre for term of- 15 years at a rental of £3 per annum. Price,. £4so. J Fol. 61. -HAVEN-BOAD.— Valuable Property, with • two ■-. honses, one 9 rooms and the other 6 rooms, splendid view; also splendid section fronting Harbour, suitable for another dwelling; also three other good building sites. Price lor lot, £900. ■ X,.y • , Fol. 106. MOTUEKA.— Refreshment Rooms and Hairdressing. Saloon, 9 rooms, two front rooms being used as shop's washhouse and copper, etc, lease has 15 years to run. Price, £650. Fol. 90. NILE-STREET, E. House, 6 rooms, bathroom and . room detached, land transfer title, 'section 42ft frontage by 100 ft deep. . Price, £350. / . Fol. 89. . JHARDY-ST— House, 5 rooms, on main street, 30ft frontage by 100 ft in depth, right-of-way on east side. Land Transfer Title. Price, £850. Fol. 69. WAIMEA-ROAD.— House, 7 rooms, (new), bath, gas-heater, gas stove, scullery, pantry, shed at back, p.w.c., asphalt paths, 62ft frontage "cy 152 ft deep. Price, £750. >Fol. 21. PORT ROAD.— House of 3 rooms and ill conveniences, wrth 8 acres land, ■iplendid view. Price _'?50. Fol. 105 ST. VINCENT-ST.— .Nev. House, 6 rooms, bathroom, copper, and tubs in scullery, area . acre land. Price, £500. - Fol. 47 TASMAN-ST.— Honse, U jooms, bath room, hot and cold water., all modern conveniences, onthouse, pan: jy, tubs --md copper built in, gas stove, aria, 75ft f rentage, x 150 ft deep. Price £700. Foi. 42 EMANO-ST.— Two sections, each 75 ft frontage x 120 ft deep. Price 25s per foot. SECTIONS -at Tahuna, from £45. COLLEGE HlLL.— Almost new Broomed House, well-finished, bathroom, etc., area 114 ft frontage x 16ft deep, (space for another dwelling). Price £775. Fol. 32 Mount-street. — WeU built and substantia] 8-roomed Honse, modern conveniences)- garden and plantation, about 3-acre land. Pric^ £950. Fol. 97 GENERAL STOKE, in Good locality ih City, freehold, 5 rooms, shop and kitchen, washhouse, shed ,- splendid turn over; area 42ft fxmtage x 153 ft deep (two frontages) ; stock at valuation. Prico £575. Fol. Cc BEACHVILLE.— Nice property Jacre, with cottage, 4rms, Good orchard, 1 Price £230. ** Fol. 79 WAIMEA-ST.- -Up-to-date House, 5 rooms, tubs, gas, veranda, sewer connection, area 50ft x 130 ft. Price £SCXb Fol. 78 -r WAIMEA ROAD.— Splendid property, 2 acres land, with honse, 6 rooms, washhouse and bathroom, stable and coachhouse, all in good order. Price £1000. . ♦ Fol. 3 CAMBRIA-ST.— Honse, 5 rms, nicely laid out gardens, area 50ft 1 1268 ft. Price, £375. F 01.76. WAIMEA-ST.— Good locality, house, 6 rooms. \ll conveniences, well situated, nice garden, etc. Price £430. Fol. -5 EARDY-ST EAST.— House, 8 rooms, bathroom, hofand cold water, balcony, fruit trees, 76ft frontage x 100 ft in depth. Price £1000.' Fol. 30 ■. EMANQ-ST.— New Residence of 6 roms, bathroom, etc., area 82ft x 140 ft. Price £450. _ Fol. 48 COLLINGWOOD-ST.— Two story house, 11 rooms, scullery, pantry, bath--room, veranda, two balconies, every J convenience, frontage 150 x 152 ft in 'depth. Price £1500. Fol. 94 I MOUNT-STREET.— Good house, I rooms, bathroom, washhouse, etc., 100 ft frontage x 200 ft deepth. Price, £800. Fol. 85. TRAFALGAR-ST.— House, 8 rooms, washhouse and bathroom, fowlrun, good kitchen garden, main water supply, 60fl frontago x 13ft in depth. Title lane transfer. Price £575. EMANO-ST.— Almost new house, t rooms, scullery etc., area 75ft x 120 ft, Price £400. Fol. 49, WAIJMEA-ST.— House, 6 rooms, batl room, new shed, 40 x 18, area 66ft x 180 ft. Price 750. Fol. 54 KAWAI-ST.— 6-roomed house bathroom, scullery and washhouse, sunny aspect, area 63ft x 190 ft. Price £520. Fol. 72 TASMAN-ST.— Well built house, 8 rooms, all new outbuildings, 95ft frontage x 142 ft deep, corner section. Price £685. Fol. 37 I EMANO-ST.— New house, 5 rooms, bathroom, pantry, scullery, wash-house, etc., area 218 ft frontage x 297 ft deep. Price £650. Fol. 7C HARDY-ST.— Splendid 2-story buildI ing, 9 rooms, all modern conveniences, 2 rooms 22ft x 18ft, good foundations, nicely laid out gardens. Price £1250. Fol. 64 MOUNT-ST.— New house, 6 rooms, hall 7ft wide, bathroom, washhouse, etc. 50ft frontage x 158 ft in depth. Price £650. Fol. 58 WAINUI-ST— New bouse, 5 rooms, bathroom, washhouse, copper, tubs, splendid view of harbour, 56ft frontage oc 160 ft deep. Prico £625. Fol. 8£ COLLINGWOOD-ST— House, 6 rms, scullery, washhouse, bath asphalt paths, kitchen and flour garden, area 120 ft x 120 ft. Price £780. Fol. 91 ' RUSSELL-ST.— Two-story house, 8 rooms, corner sections, splendid view of harbour, veranda all round, splendid orchard, i acre. Price £1250. Fol. 92 | NORTH ESK-ST.— New dwelling, ;5 rooms, bathroom, washhouse, copper, 50 ft frontage x 150 ft in depth. Price £450. Fol. 57 MOUNT-ST.— Almost new house of 9 rooms (splendid view of Nelson and the' Pay), all modern conveniences, has 200 ft frontage and is tastefully planted in shrubs ond ornamental trees. Price £1000. Fol. 36 VANGUARD ST.— Now house, 5 rooms, well finished, bathroom, veranda, back and front, orchard and live fence planted, frontago 50ft x 140 ft in depth Price £475. Fol. 98 GOOD BOARDING HOUSE of 14 rooms, all thoroughly renovated, washhouse, balcony, every modern convenience, one minute walk from Post Office. Price' £67s. Fol. 100 WAIMEA-ST.— House, 7 rooms, almost -new, bath with gas heatei, scullery, pantry, shed, asphalt paths, area 52ft x 152 ft. Price, £725. Fol. 99. TASMAN-ST. — Splendid residence of 3 rooms, bathroom, detached washhoose,: and other outbuildings, on concrete foundations, plantations, Jawn, '.^tc.. Price £2000. Fol. 101 V JHARDY-ST.— Two-story house, 8 rooms, central position, bathroom, scullery, vashouse, nicely laid-out garden, veranda, etc. Price £900. Fol. 102 HARDY-ST,— House, 7 rooms, good position, near Collingwood-street, Irice £350. Fol. 104. SUBURBAN* NORTH.— House of 9 rooms, beautiful view of Nelson and the Bay, bathroom and conveniences, water, laid on, stable, coachhouse, nicely laid-out garden and lawn. Price £2100. . ". . Fol. 73 BUILDING SlTE.— Mount-street, 7€ ft frontage x 130 ft in depth. Price £160. Fol. 141 THREE SECTIONS.— North Eskstreet, 65ft x 160 ft. Prices £75, £65, md £60. .SECTION.— Facing Mount-st., northorn.aspect, .66ft x X6o£t in depth. Price £175. ONE FULL ACRE in Hampden-st., suitable for cutting up. Price £200. OJNE ACEE, Native Reserve, Hamp. deri-st. Price £100. •BUILDING SITE, Parere-street, 47ft x 140 ft deep. Price £75. LARGE SECTION at Port, opposite Burford's Wharf. Price £100. •JJLICENSED ACCOMMODATIOK HOUSE on main coach road, 17 rooms, largf} stable and two side sheds, 7( acres lend, 10 acres in oats, balance ir .grass, carrying at* present 100 ewes witl Tambs, 4 bead cattle and horses, harnes; and trap, to., as a going concern Price £13U). Fol. 10', JBISLEY BEOS &CO. STOCK AND STATION AGENTS ■A.U. OTIONKERS, VALUATORS,

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 24 April 1907, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 24 April 1907, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 24 April 1907, Page 4