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LARGE SHEEP RUN. „ BQnn ACEES Freehold and 10W QUU acres under occupation liceni^at low rental, ' also 600 acres re•erve^ As a going concern, TwithfiOOO" iheep, 12 head horses, cattle, and. large number of farm. lmplements;' ■ yy ..; 7 Prira. £23,000.' 7-7 " - %gfiBSW*R-*---i ■yy-*yXyJvim*z&y. SMALL SHEEB:_SUN7^7 KA f\ -ACRES," well watefed'ljy river -*Jrt \J. '■■ and. streams ; from 150 to^2oo acres are flat, Ibalaiice low hills fc is ring- ;. f«hc«d and ißubdivided. House : 6 rooms, ■table, shearing shed, ',with7 500 7 sheep given in." Price £svper-;a;cr&V. 7Epl7l7t^ GOOD AGRICULTURAL FARM; f QAA A.CRES_;{2OO ; acres plou'ghable)y ij Ovf "is subdivided inter? paddocks, 1 and well watered by. creeks ;;cottage 2 rooms ahd shed; mile from. School; has ;pr«duced 50 bushels"peas-"per>cre,'2.tori of paten sheaves.per acre. 'At present is grazing 250 sheep, besides 'cattle, horses, ■ 7 Tetc. 7Price7£2soo.'7 •.:- ■yyyyyyy, , ' .7 yi' HANDY : :EARI_L7 '-7 Ji y. ' yyyt |A ACRES Freehqld.Vall plough-. '.-'.'• ■'■■I'i.vl;'-- able, subdivided into _6 padlocks, watered .by' ruimihg ."sfteaiiis'.car77,. tying at present. 24o ewes-' and7 lambs'." . 7 Bouse '6 rooms, scullery 'arid 'washhouse; '■■';:'• li iniler /from school and;'creimeiy._ , yxx y.xiy ,?Price £20.per acre. ' . r J 7 AS A GOINC.-CONcira'^''''.-OOAA ' ACRES r. Freehold. 7« -(1000 . j2£\J\J Acres'Leasehold.held at a low rental). 7700 acres :iare*.' flat"; .400 Acree, .undulating ; 25Q ! rA«es-'bu__h ; 70- --■". Acres: in Crop;7in_b'divided'into ! :77pad:Ao&*. Well wttered by?'creeks.;7Good - (roomed hou_w,-<-^ll_'stable, Shearing . 78hed, Blacksmith's . shop;. >nd; [ ; general Outbuildings. More land; can be. taken Si alongside cari^ririg'StVjresehfc 1600 eep with lambs at foot,- 3o horseis; ami 720 head of 7_ cattle, and x t all Working 7: plant— As a:Goiiw Coiicern. '7: 7-.7* 77; '•' , ";" 7Pric^£7,6op;77, v N;8..164. SHEEP RUN7 YJAA7 Acres ' > freehold;; 7 subdivided OMM- ™ t6 * 5 - Paddock*;, 'streams _in • Mery paiidock.. ; Limestp^.'formation. 500 acres' grassed, balance in bush, and " carrying at present {1000 ewes;' arid lambs, 30; head" cattle. - ; ; Has larg4 shear- ■■'■. ing shed (holds 300 Tshoep), and' ah'ed . '-' : with bunks for"8 or 10 : s}ieaxers;''- Only 12 miles from Port. 'As a' Going Concern. ' .- ' Price,-£3200. ■■yyyy. ■-•- -,'? y.. n.b. 155. ; - BPLENDID SHEEP AND CATTLE '■"•.' ■■ '~ '■";.'. ' VRUN.: y : ' -■■■'■- '-■'- TAA'A ACRES Freehold. : Good :'yi \J\J\J Homestead and other Out- .'■"-.■,'- buildings, Woolshed, ;Sh'eep and, Cattle Yards, Dip, aboii,t'B; jailes; froih Rail-. ' way; carrying at'preseht' 6000' sheep 'and 200. head of tattle; 7 Price £3 10s . per acre. » " Foi. 277. ■'•"■ TIP-TOP SHEEP COUNTRY. IQAA ACRES, Good Sheep Coun.y'A. OUU try/' 9OO Acres in Grass, bdivided 7 into-lQ 7paddocks, well -.'■yy '.'ereA "by running/ streams.' Good '..-•"*. ■', widanco (10 rbbms)/ woolshed and 1 mUe\irpih7Schopl apd Post '':y-:iis^'t?''Tu^m''.i^^y^^^fi ; -y^:^i'A'; tor 1200 ewes, good "sawmflling'i plant ; . oh the property^alsb. '7'Price,._M.l2s 6d •■'... pw acre as a going coficerh. ; "fW, 276 ■'"'.- VALUABLE FREEHOLD iEARM. • xyrjKy ACRES 'Freehold, -?00- Aires -' "yiy§ tj iiltrasV. t ait mbush, wat : yy «r4d by iniiuiing- streams; new ;honse (5 7 «_ooms), workshop, barn. VCarrying 400 77=he«p, 14 head cattle,. horses; etc/; farm jpWents; there: is;.a/good- seam of. ■- ' jjod-otfthe-property, Which- is'-'also gold-, .bearing. Price, £4 per acre,.' eve^- ; thing given .'in*,- 1 ; . ., Foi. lo<s. HANDY ' SHEEP RUN. i ATA ACRES; Freehold, well „ . J_U • -U. , watered' and-'pubdivided, yy good- residence- of '7 rooms, barn/stable; '•'.-• Jtood orchard and fruit garden, r, Pnee, £5 per acre. . '-'- 7 =E01..204. 'GOOD SHEEP' FARM. .•_ . >>'0 A ACRES," subdivided into Four o*J\3 Paddocks, all we.ll: watered, IOJ Acres tJoughable, house '(7 rooms), -.-•.' r»ntbuildingi,Btnble; woolshed, etc . -rPricS, £laoo. ■■"'■' F01..149N8, SMALL BHEEP FARM. ' '--C% A K. ACRES; - ,wai watered and ; subdivided. One mile from -Railway, will '' carry 400. sheep. -.- Kew liouse and. Shed. "/Price, £1100. - ' '■■■'.Vol. 244.. 7 SPLENDIDtAT-'-ROUND FARM. ■- : ' klrl ft ACRES, all in grass,, well 7- . .- j5-_L D fenced aiid subdivided into - . .3 paddocks.- .Gfowis good crops, and . . «lso igood fattening land. • -House (lp) . «ebmi), arid other outbuildings.-. Good .orchard, " Has/ frontage to main road. ■"«".- Price, £1400. ' Foi. 147. yy-i (&K ACRES,; rich soil; all under 7 -AUC/ v. ' cultivjition, . subdivided ■\itd .7 paddoclcaV'and'.w'ell fenced and - ■:■-.• watered. .7 Acres, in "hops, 2 acres in ••■■ irchard, h6nse v (9-rooms), arid other out-' 7, jnildings, concrete hop kiln. '.Price, ''. 625560/ ■■■■■■■'■■?■'■ ""' Foi. 243. yf *:£* ACRES," close to Creamery . 110 '.'■'■■' arid School, all .grassed exTcept 20 acies bush,, will carry 40 milch cows ;. well divided -arid watered, good . '7house" (57 rooms) r . sheds; and. other ont- ■•'" buildings, originally heavy bush land; 7:- Good Orchard. 7 More-; Crown land can be taken up alongside at low -rental. "<•■' -7 .. Price,,£6oa" 7.7" Foi. 284. i AA ACRES. Good .Land, grows -"' A\J\Jy spl«nd£d;xraops of wheat, • oats;" barley,' alsp rape^ \oAdjoins' Rail--7 way; -subdivided into ,B,parts, ybnng* or. ■■ chard. •' Only 10. mileß? from' City, good •" house (7 rooms)', -4-stalled stable, large implement shed; 'and other outbuildings. ' Pnee, £2100. ; : -.- . - -„ " . Foi. 245. GOOD AGRICULTURAL PRO- ' " '.■'• -/.-'■.- " : PERTY.7'7,'-'.7. . O_QA ACRES.-HJ36 Freehold, and OOU 433 Leasehold. 100 Acres ' _xontage7rivei.,* : n__t Varid-tip-top agricnl- •'• fcural^find.- -^Property .'. subdivided into ■7 6 paddocks, watered- by stream, river frontage. •! Houae^ (7 rooms) - and other ■"? good outbuildings; lj Mies' from school j '"and 2 miles from Creainery. -Rent of Leasehold, £3 per'-annimn; Price for "Freehold, £510s7per acre*. .Foi. 156N8 CLOSE TO "CITY." ; 71 i ACRES."' "from City. 7L J. Four Acres iri_gp!e»did Orchard. Qood water supply; is sribr*ividei into 3 paddocki.; fowl ?■' houses, tfrobmecl-hdiise;"' stable, barn »n«l* stbre' : rb6ni. : - i PrfceJ'illlSQ. 7 ; ,;s;s2Sv:. ii:7^_/ov^f^AFol. 175.:-. fIANDY FARM GLOBE TOi. TOWN. ' OAr? ACRES (85' Acres ploughed) JU\J I y balance iii"graES, 14 acres in 'iti, ; 12 ac^^jia-Jelsl'^iicres inpotajoes, 2 teres "in^furnips, B^arare's in rape, •Bd'2ffaOTesU6;be- spWri:dowri.7 subdivided into 20Kpaddocks,7 and well watered by natural swings. 7At present - r «»wying .26o ewes"^wilh^^ lambs'at foot. ■■-. Hou^e 7|7~ Tooms) '6atSfl?'stablb, sheds, etc. .Zi n^es'frbiur&wri. " price, £20 per Acre. .- "V. tTf...-."- .1 ;Fol. 168. 7 S^ail^lS^^SßiWN: .7 2250 Ac^^tiT^^ 760 . busfi; ':■•;■ Mt¥ii3fgßmcJsdi~^".sub-divided, and flats welL'flrainedr^ "10 acres in hops; 40 acres'jaVi'itiSn^iiWrryihg'at present 2500 she^p,7Jo9 head .of cattle. New .10-roouicd 1 "* baaker, u stables; - cart theds; 2 hop .kihUj-ilso ' other outbuild- : ings,; new up-to-datoj^woQl. shed,. 3B x .•...t., 3'ust compl_!tediiS_^a';:going concern with 10 ...draught;, horses, 2_. trap . hbrses;ttodseveiai?%&cks.' /^Seed. ■ vdrilli •Osborne cul tiyafej^; 'SfSSsey Harris . do. spading harrows,-' -binder, (new) ihower, harrows, .double iujd Jingle F Ploughs, itft^ye^t, e&, etc. -+ '■'•• ■"- 7,7'i ; ':■'-■ "- ■■ .yX-y-.y J&9 110 ' 1 T4.-. ;- iy : J;. : 18(X)-Acres/-7^5b}a'c^s;b.ush>; balance :; m grass ; is subdividgd.-.'-iiit^ .f-.10 ; docks, and is well; watered; isicarrying at date 1200 sheeip,.<6ooibeiri_j-breeding »). 4-roomed cottage, shed, barn ■ and stables. 72 ."inilesSroiii .srhopPand . l ■-» to Cr^me^.",/.7^rice .4008. -•' and Imple_nMt_r.;'can -be .taken; : '.'.- at valuation). ■ -7, -7 ';'.,-', Folib'rl74. HANDY FARM >CLOREf"TO7C,ITY: 70 Acres in g_raM*of.'}which;4o'are ■ ploughable ; subdivided into 6. paddocks . — streanis and. creek Jririi.tiinff, "centre. Honse. of 4'ropriis; alirioßt new, :-. cowshed,' dairy, sheep yards-iand dip7carrying at present 100 Eheepi,:,4..hors9B,- • and 6 cows. WiUL-'caiTy;2oo7sheepia_l yew round. : I^. aires. arejjri v tomatoes:; . lj miles from; school arid; aeamuty.' '■: ■y.-y Price £9507 7 7'7 -iy 'FodoVTS. j^^MmmM. j. "jayy. -yy'ic^yyyyy-jy - 7 i^myyJJyJJyyyyyjyy '

SUBURBAN NORTH.— House 8 watei, shower and plunge, ground floor, copper built in. 'Outbuildings— Four' rooms, 'scullery, pahlry, bathroom top Boer; also bathroom, hot and cold tall stable, loose bux, feid house, large loft with shoot to bins, carpenter's shop, harness room and office, carriage house and "shed, threo -fowl -runs ■ and five, pens, reservoir containing 1200 gallons, fed^by never-faiiing spring,, orchard, kitchen garden, good lemon trees; area 15 acreß; 2£ miles from Post Office. v.Priee _81650. ,. .• . Foi. 68. , 7 ALFRED-ST.— House, 6 rooms and . conveniences, area li acres . land ; also 1 native lease of 1 acre for term of 15 years at a "rental of £3 per annum. - Price, £450. -..'- " Foi. 61. HAVEN-KOAD'.— Valuable Property, with two houses,- one 9- rooms and toe other 5 rooms, splendid view; also splendid section fronting Harbour, suitable for another dwelling; also three other good building sites. Price - for lot, £900. .. Foi. 106. 7 MOTUEKA.— Refreshment Rooms and Hairdressing Saloon, 9 rooms.- two front, rooms .being used as shop's washhouse .and copper, etc., lease has 15 years to run. Price, £650. Foi. 90. 7 NILE-STREET, E. House, 6 rooma, batbtoom 'and room ' detached, land transfer, title, section 42ft frontage by 100ft deep. -': Price, £350. Foi. 89. 7 HARDY-ST.-T-House, 6 rooms, on main street, 30ft frontage by 100ft in . depth, right-of-way on east side. Land Transfer Title. Price, £850; Fo!.' 69. J WAIMEA-ROAD.— House, 7 rooms, . Mhew), bath, gas-heater, gas stove, scullery, pantry,, shed at back, p.w.c, asphalt paths, 62ft frontage cy 152ft deep. Price, £750. Foi. 21. PORT ROAD.— House of 8 rooms and fall conveniences, with 8 acres land, 1 .plendid view. Price _-. 850. Foi. 105 ST. VINCENT-ST.— IScw House, 6 ,-ooms, bathroom, copper, and tubs in icullery, area 4 acre land. Price, £500. Foi. 47 TASMAN-ST.— House, 9 moms, bath room, hot and cold water, all modern conveniences, outhouse, panny, tubs and copper built in, gas stove, area 75ft f rcn- ] tage x 150ft deep. Price £700. Foi. 42. EMANO-ST.— Two sections, each 75 ' ft frontage x 120ft deep. Price 25s per ' foot. • SECTIONS at Tahuna, from £45. J COLLEGE HlLL.— Almost new 8- j roomed House, well-finished, bathroom, etc., area 1 114ft frontage x 16ft deep, (space for another dwellinc). "Price £775. 7 Foi. 32 Mount^treat. — Well built and substantial 8-roomed House, modern conve--1 niences, garden and plantation, about |-acre land: Price £950. Foi. 97 j * GENERAL STORE, in Good locality ' '' in City, freehold, 5 rooms, shop and kitchen, washhouse, shed ; splendid turn over; area 1 42ft ."railage x Is3ft deep ] two frontages) ; stuck at valuation. ' t"rice £575. ' Foi. 26 '< BEACHVILLE.— Nice property f- \ aero, with cottago, 4rms, Good orchard, I Price £230. Foi. 79 ' WAIMEA-ST.- -Up-to-date House, 5 rooms, tubs, gas, veranda, sewer connec- ■ . Sion, area 50ft x 130ft. Price £500 : Foi. 78 WAIMEA ROAD.— Splendid proper- ! 1 ;y, \Z acres lind, with house, 6 rooms, ' washhouse and bathroom, stable and joachhouso, all in good order. Price : 31000. . Foi. 3 • j CAMBRIA-ST.— House, 5 rms, niteely i , laid out gardens, area 50ft 1 1268ft. j 1 Price, £375. F01.76. j WAIMEA-ST.— Good locality, houso, I 5 rooms, all conveniences, well situat- ' ' ;d, nice garden, etc. Price £430. Foi. EARDY-ST EAST.-House, 8 rooms, bathroom,; hot and' cold water, balcony, fruit trees, 76ft frontage x 100ft in , .depth," Price £1000. Foi. 30 EJIANO-ST.— New Residence of 6 roms, bathroom, etc., area 82ft x' l4oft. Price £450. Foi. 48 COLLINGWOOD-ST.— Two story . house, 11. rooms, scullery, pantry, bath-., i rooin, veranda, two ba'.copies, every ' convenience, frontage 150 x l&2ft in ' depth. Pricia £1300. Foi. 94 MOUNT-STREET.— Good house, 5 rooms, bathroom, washhouse, etc., 100ft : frontage x 200ft deepth. "Price, £800. j Foi. 85. ! 1 TRAFALGAR-ST.— House, 8 rooms, ! , washhouse and bathroom, fowlrun, good ; . kitchen garden, main water supply, 60ft frontage x 13ft in depth. Title land transfer. Price £575. [ EMANO-ST.— Almost new house, 6 1 rooms, scullery etc., area 75ft x 120ft. [ Price £400. Foi. 49. I WAIMEA-ST.— House, 6 rooms, bath I room, new -.shed, 40 x 18, area 56ft x 180ft. Price 750. Foi. 34 KAWAI-ST.— 6-roomed house bathroom, scullery and washhouse, sunny as- ' pect; area 63ft"x 190ft. Price £520. Foi. 72 TASMAN-ST.— Well built house, 8 ' rooms, all new outbuildings, 95ft frontage x 142ft deep, corner section. Price £685. Foi, 37 EMANO-ST.— New honse, 5 rooms, . t-athrcom, pantry, scullery, wash-house, j 1 etc., area 218ft frontage x 297ft deep. Price £650. Foi. 70 • HARDY-ST.— Splendid 2-story build- , ing, 9 rooms, all modern conveniences, 2 I .rooms 22ft x 18ft, good foundations, nicely laid out gardens. Price £1250. 1 7 .. • Foi. 64 MOUNT-ST.— New house, 6 rooms, . hall 7ft wide, bathroom, washhouse, etc. i . sdft' frontage x 158ft in depth. Price £650. Foi. 58 WAINUI-ST.— New honse, 5 rooms, ' 1 ba'.broom, washhouse, copper, tubs, I splendid view of harbour, 56ft frontage | x 150ft deep. Price £625. Foi. 80' COLLINGWOOD-ST.— House, 6 rms, ' scullery, washhouse, bath asphalt paths, . kitchen and flour garden, area 120ft x ; 120ft. Price £780. Foi. 91 ' RUSSELL-ST.^Two-story house, 8 rooms, corner sections, splendid view of I harbour, veranda all round, Fple_idid or- ! chard, i acre. Price £1250. . Foi. 92 NORTH ESK-ST.— New dwelling, 6 ; rooms, bathroom, washhouse, copper, 50 , ft frontage x 15Qft in depth. Price ' £450. Foi. 57 . MOUNT-ST.— Almost pew house of f 9 rooms (splendid view of Nelson and '. the Bay), all modern conveniences, has \ 200ft frontage and is tastefully planted ; in shrubs and ornamental trees. Price * £1000. Foi. 36 ' VANGUARD-ST.— New house, 5 rooms, well finished, bathroom, veranda, J back and front, orchard and live fencp ' planted, frontage 50ft x 140ft in depth j Price £475. Foi. 98 j GOOD BOARDING HOUSE of 141 rooins, all thoroughly renovated, wash- : house, balcony, every modern conveni- J ence, one maiute walk from Post Office. ( Price £675. Foi. 100 WAIMEA-ST.— House, 7 rooms, al- ' most new, bath with gas heatei, scul- ' lery, pantry,, shed, asphalt paths, area ! o2ft x 152ft. Price, £725. . Foi. 997 v . TASMAN-ST:— Splendid residence of 3 rooms, bathroom, . detached wash- j :iouse, and other outbuildings, on con- [ :rete foundations, plantations, lawn,, fie. Price" £2000. ' Foi. 101 j HARDY-ST.— Two-story house, 8 rooms; -central position, bathroom, scul- • lery, wcsLouse, nicely laid-out garden, f veranda, etc. Price £900. Foi. 102 i HARDY-ST.— House, 7 rooms, good [ position, near Collingwoo'd-street, 1 rice ! £350. . . ■ Foi. 104. i SUBURBAN NORTH.— House of 9 ooms, beautiful view of Nelson r and ; .he Bay, bathroom and conveniences, ■ waiter laid .on; stable, coachhouse, nicely I laid-out. garden and lawn. Price £2100. Foi. 73 BUILDING SlTE.— Mount-street, 76 ?t frontage x 130ft in depth. Prico noo. - Foi. 141 THREE SECTIONS.— North Esk160ft. Prices £75, £65, md £60. . ; SECTION.— Facing Mount-st., north-n-u aspect, 66ft x 160ft in depth. Price £175.7 ONE FULL ACRE in Hampden-st., suitable for cutting up. Price £200. ONE ACRE, Native Reserve, Hamp-Jen-st. Price £100. ' BUILDING SITE, Parere-street, 47ft c 140ft deep. Price £76. i_ARGE SECTION at Port, opposite Burford!s Wharf. Price £100. 7. LICENSED ACCOMMODATION TOUSE qn main coach road, 17 rooms, '"arg'e. s'table and 1 two side sheds, 70 icres U-nd, 710 acres in bats, balance in jrass, carrying at present 100 ewes with .lambs, 4 head cattle and horses, harness and trap,, .tc., as a going concern. Price £181,0.; Foi. 107 Bisley bros r y&co. 3TOCE AND STATION AGENTS AU C T I ONE E RS, VALUATORS,

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 20 April 1907, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 20 April 1907, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 20 April 1907, Page 4