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_jp__bwmbm^^^^^^^^.,^ -^----_____________. -_^^ ISIi E Y BROS & CO LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. * y T.TQT I * 95? T - SUBURBAN FARM AND STATION: UXJjX jPR^PEBTIES. oi^xiuiM

Q Q Af. ACEES ; iFreeb;qld; and 1000 1 OOULf . - acres under li- I cense ai low rental, j'ialso -joOO acres j-re- 1 •*rve. As a gbingjeoncern,' with 5000 ■heap, 12 head horses, . cattlej and 'large number of farm implements;- - '-'••:■ ; £23,000.^ 000 y'-A SMAI__SHEEE BUN. KA f\ ACBES, well; watered by river fJ^:\J and streams ; from 150 to 200 acres are flat, balancelpw! Hiljs !> Wringfenced and { subdivided. r House 5 rooms, '"•table, sheMmgljliiedj; with; ' SOti ."' sheep given in. Price |35"ie> acire.\ /^Fol. 178 - ' GOOD AGRtdtIiTURAi FARM. .<Q»r|ni ACBES^aOO acres ploughable), . Ov/vJ is subdivided 'info^r? 1 paddocks: 'and; well watered by 'creeks^cottage 8 rooms arid -Bhed ;\ mile- from: school; has ■ produced 50 bushels peas per acre, 2 ton of oaten" sheaves per acre.: At 'present is grazing 250 sheep, besides" cattle, horses, etc.. T?Hce: JK6OO;Vj 0 - ■;'.-•' "a " '"- ■'-' ' X^JHAOTTaHIIM.- J-.V'*"' 1 -tf\ : ACßES?Fieelloia;. all' plough^ JL JL \3 yy -.aBIe t -;sii{>_rHde§)_ato;6 pad-; docks, watered by J rimiiirig Btreams car- • ryirig •at-present>a4o ewes and 'lambs; • -House 6 rooms,- Scullery arid washhouse, li mil_f r roßV'schbol and creamery. -'.'-'■'■ '.'.'■ •'■'"-. • Price £20 per acre. -"*> 00. -0. ; ' ASJ.JA/GOING CONCEiRN. QO Cifi ACRES .Freehold. (1000 LL\J\J Acres' Leasehold, heldata lowxenta^). r 700 wres are, -fiat;. $00 •...""." Acres, J-. undulating 253 Acres bttsh; 70 J Acres ;in Crop :.etbdivided into 7 jiad- , V-<oeks". - Well;- vslirtered. fcy. creeks. Good ;-'froomedh6ufe,rv«taU stable, Shearing Shed, Blacksmith's "shop,. and genera) Ontbuildings. More land can be taken .-:■ up' alongside caiTylngat rpresent 1500 -.' 'sheep with lanili» at, foot;' 3o horses, and 'W head of / cattle,' r ari'd -all working plant;— As-». Going Concern. 00 0 02^00£n$m. -0 N.B. 164. 02 sPLHsroiD; sheep bun. 0/"|_ft Acres i /freehold," -" subdivided 'OLIvJ! -into-5 Jpaddocks, streamß in . -. -everyjfpaddpck.' "; Liriiestone formation. ■■:'.:• 600 acres grassedi 1 balanced in bush, and • iat- present'^ .looo^' ewes and j lambs, 50 head cattlej; Has large shearing shed (holds' 3oo sheep), and shed ' ' with' bonks 'for'B'or-10 sheaJrers. . Only ■ 12 miles firom JPoft. : 'As a Going Con'cern. Price, £3200. ' 0'0" ' -0 '■ ' N.B. 155. ' SPLENDID SHEEP AND CATTLE ■-yyyy-- 0: ■.- .BUN. ;•' ■••:.- WAAA ACRES Freehold. Good 4 \3xJ\J 'Homestead and other Out- : . buildings,'-;Wo"olshedj Sheepi arid Cattle '-'Yards;-: Dip,: about J 8 -miles from Rail- . way,- carrying: at'/ present 6000 sheep ■nd 200 head of- cattle.- Price £3 10i per .acre. ;-j ! - ;' ".' •'.. • . , Fol. 277. TIP-TOP SHEEP COUNTRY. 1 Q Ci(\ ACRES; Good Sheep Conn •'jOU.U'" try,- 900 Acres in Grass, bdivided.' : into 10 jpaddocks, ' wel '■■;- :": 0. 'ered by funning .streams. Good '^-^denW^lO.vrbbms), .woolshed and i A;., -j^hles, ■■ -T inile from school and Post 000 Office, 6' nailes^f rom 'failway,_ will win- ';' ter v l2oo'' ; ewes,' f g6bd''sa^illing plan! ."..--.■ on the property also;"- Price,' £5 12s 60 per acre as a-going' concern. F6?, 27£ '■ 0-", VALUABLE.^EEHOLD FARM. "JfJK ACRES' Freehold, 200 Acrei -': 0.04. § :Hof. 0. i.*>^:raif.. nut in bush, wat o'~0 '~ ered; ;by ' rrinriiiig : streams, ' new house (' robins), workshop/ barn. Carrying 40C -. rdießD,: 14; head cattle, horses, etc; fara v. fanplements; theilei'iß^ good seam oi :. '.'.eowori the'/pfopertyj which is also gold- -" ; tearing! 0 f -Priced £4 per acre, every'•fthirig given ini'Jr' ■''._'.-. ■' FeL 152, HAKDY SHEEP RUN. lAT A- ACRES Freehold, well !>.J'-'r(;.Jj?uF-'| ]LI J '.watered and subdivided, -J'^f^-gbo^^idei^-of^^rooiris;. barn, stable, "•:;; jOodrorchardand; ; fruit garden: ;' .Price, 00y- -^£s' pe'r-Jacfe.ft'-Vr ;:-;.;J- V Fol. 204. 00 y r '... .-" :;%-:rtQ - A.'ACRES;''Subdivided into Fqiii [ A0- ■ O OvJ^fePaddpcks',', all . well ? -10J."AcreSjrpIoughable>- house .(7 rooms), • «t=-iblej woolshed, etc. :... 0;A A y -^Price;.£lsoo: -;' rF01..149N8. .--•: 00:- ■' O: OO.' SMALLTaHEER E^EiM. -.-'"- O'/j " fc .'ACRES,- well watered and -.'. '-o'y&s§ikX oo. -^v subdivided. -. One - mile -■■ 0 from JBailway^ will I. j dairfV 400; sheep. JHew house and Shed. Price,. £1100. J -'' :^:...,-A A.AO, J:: 0 -J.. '£ : V.'. . .- '::■■: FoL 244. SPLENDID Ai^SOUOTTrFABM. e)-| £*-V ACRES/ J all in- grass,- wel . rjyXO j' '- feiiced and subdivided intc -„ % -^paddodts-r^j; Grows;, good crops, -and 00. also good; fattening. land." - ,. 'House (lp' toomi), ! arid other *piatbnUdings. ; • Good .:': «rch_rd, ■-. Has frontage' to main road. o''. ftioe, £1400: yyy.yy0: y 0 Fol. 147. 000 "tit* ET -vAOBES, rich soil, all undei 000- X^ Otl 0:0. 0 :0 cultivation, , subdivided .into 7 paddocks J arid .well fenced "and Jwatered.- j.7 Acres infhops, 2 acres in 'J J. '. j'rchard,r.h6use (9"rpomfe), arid.bther'out^-■'-J uuildings, J concrete hop kiln. ■; Price, 'i. 82250: 0. ■■'-. v 'Fol. 243. ; -| -j /» -ACRES, close to Creamery ".-' JLiO-- ' -.'/and. School,-. aU. grassed exeept 20 acres bush, will carry 40 milch cows; well dmded. arid watered, good house (5 rooms), sheds, and other outbuildings," originally heavy .bush land, .'. .Good Orchard. .Crown land can be taken up alongside at low rental. • • Price, £600. 0- Fol. 284; -t (\(\ ACRES;- Good Land, grows -.'•• XUfv/ •>?. : splendid crops of 'wheat; -".. 'oats; 'barley, also' iape. Adjoins Rail* '-' way, subdivided into 8 parts, young orr -'■"-' chard. '"' Only 10 miles' from City, .good '•" ■'.'' house (7j. rooms), J "4Stalled" stable, largo J implement' shed, and other outbuildings-. Pnee, £2100. "" r - ' Fol. 245. < ■ ;good;agbicultubal prOt : -Ar ;.- - ■?. --'PEBTY. V ! Ofi A ACRiES:-4^43e Freehold, arid "/ QDU 433 J Leasehbldr:' ; 100 Acres / . frontage -rivjej/'flat/afid tip-top agriculrV tnral jaridi:>! Property subdivided'- into "'■ 6 piaddocks, watered by stream," river 'iroutage.-'VHbuse,- (tirobms) and other good outbuildings ; li miles from school '.-0 and' 2 'miles 'from" Crieaniery. Rent of ~ r Leasehold," £3 per arinum; Price for .-' Freehold, £6 10s.per.acre. Fol. 156N8 .-■"" j- CLOSE TO CITY. mACRES. v ' 2i'niiles from City. Four Acres, in Splendid Orchard. -.- Good, water "supply Vis subdivided into . . 3 paddocks. -Large; fowl run, and fowl -.'-. ''■ houses. " "; 6-roomed; house, "stable, barn •md store room. Price, £1150. :•■::••-;■-..;-:;•;——,. " Fol. 176. f : HANDY' FARM CLOSE TO TOWN. ■0: fIAfT "ACEESjJ (85i'Acres -ploughed) ;-;'."'. .JmIXJ 4 balance in grass, 14 acres in : . oats, 12 acres in peas, 4 acres in potatoes.^ teres in turnips, 8 acres in rape, '_nd'2o~'ac'resJt6'be'sbwnjdbwn;' Farm is subdivided, into 20 paddocks, and well ■-•' Iwato^dJ^'nat^Tsprihgs. At present : * carrying*2so _ewes~Witlf oot. „ Honse -(7. rooriisl 5-stall -stable, sheds, : 'etc!' 2J miles from town. . Price, £20 : ':■; perAcre^- 00 ; 0.20"0 Eol- 168- --'::.' Sm-dlSraziiig ; Run. '"r?^.'--'^So. : Aci&i!in-'''j^B/''i^ : -timbar,:7so '^';->v^^'.-rp^AlL^«.ell»fl-^^^snb"-iyided;-. r J'and;;:'flats-;welttdMaftßdi v/JvlO "acres iin t . 'Jiops'l 40. acres rV:(i*(iar_ips ;,%airying -;at : -nresenit 2500 sh-ip;t<tlo& h'ead"of cotUe. New ; 10-f obiiiod Tißisej/ stable's, cart sheds; 2hop' J kiln*j'*£flß;o''other outkuild- ; , ings,- new np-10-da'te*trdobished, 38- x '. ooic, just com'pleted^asra going ;cbn-.i -.■'■ cern with .lO'-dranght-hpfsesf- 2 trap horses^mdseveiff'luwEs,-~?)' : Seed drill; ; Osborne cultivator, ala'ssey Harris; do.! .spading harrows,, .bmder^j-fnew) mower, . : harraws, double' arid single F Ploughs,' traps, cart, etcr/'ete: n^riw £18,500. -.'-. a;-':. -022i 00 lyylf^':^-. Good lkgiioiouTal ; & I' lPas^&]*o^^ ■"■_ 1800 Acresj.'i r 350;aicfos.fbflsh, balance , tn'.mss;'.-ißlßnVdivide^;'^Mr';>lol'pad'-'' ' 'docra,;and/is-;w'eUAwa^ered:;Vi . : at. daite ;i260.:5heen.. ; (600: being; breeding -. .-■ '00- ; 4-rponied cottage, shed, barn „ apd; stables". r.C 2Jiniles'J-frbm school and ,- 2^ '" *° Cfeamery.^ .J-Price-r-'MM.'-: 00 '.. ; arid -Implements can be taken ■ '■'. at valuation).' 00 00: ..-. -F01i0174.---yj. '„.iHANDY. FARM OLQ?? Br TO> OlTlf y 70 "Acres, in grass, rbf. which 40 are ploughable;. subdivided wtb; 6. -paddo'cldf ... —streams and cf eet: funning rthrbughr - centre*. vHpuse','pf 4;rMms; , 'atoost new,' ; i:cowshed^. diiiy>l sheep^yafdsvarid di#»' earning at present 100;sheep/:4;.ho>ses," and 6 cows. WM carry.;2Qo;§beep;aJl yew ronnd.!-' -.. li ,'aerl^afeSri."§jinatbes; ii miles from school and orea««T.-r Price £950: ;;.;-■ oJoyoo 7 oytohdm. "02: 00yl2:#eW000200 0 ym&2%H-l- lliyklii^ 00

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 18 April 1907, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 18 April 1907, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 18 April 1907, Page 4