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ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The annual general meeting or the members of the Nelson Agricultural and Pastoral Association was held at the Institute, Richmond, yesterday atternoon. The President (Mr Hayes Croucher) was in the chair, and^ the. e was an attendance of between 20 and 30 members. . . . Members of the previous annual meeting were read and confirmed. _ A communication was received asking tho Association to affiliate to the New Zealand Axemen's Association Alter a short discussion, it was resolved, on Mi P. Higgin's motion, to decline to amIt was resolved, on Mr May's motion, that the Association be represented at the Conference of Agricultural Associations. . „ „ On Mr Crouchei's motion, Mr May was elected as the Nelson delegate. The 14th annual report submitted, "The membership has still further increased ; the new members introduced numbering 37— 31 of whom were proposed by the Secretary— while the resignations were 15, four were lost by with drawal from the district, and four by death. The net gain to the Association is thus 14, and the membership • now stands at 324. "The finance of the Association ' shows equally satisfactory results, for I notwithstanding extraordinary expeudi--1 ture, including painting and repair ot ' grandstand, extension of produce shed, 1 donation to New Zealand Exhibition, ' etc., also an increase of prize-money, " your Committee has been able to pay " off another £100 debenture on Rich- " mond Park— leaving the balance £120C " and the net assets, it will be seei ' from the accounts presented herewith \ have increased in value over £170, to ' tailing £2398. The Park account I taken separately shows a net profit oi > some £20, though £44 was spent oi • the repairs and painting above referrcc 3 to. This is highly satisfactory, anc e evidence of the valuable asset that ha: r been secured. "The Annual Show was held on 27tl and 28th November, 1906, and was wel up to the standard in all respects, th slight decrease in some directions bein| compensated by increases in others. Th number of entries, 948, constitute a re cord, Cattle showed a slight falling of ! - in numbers, and sheep a considerabl e drop, while the exhibits of pigs wer d more numerous compared with the pre '■- viims Show. Your Committee one II more directs attention to the important- ° of maintaining, and if posible, int-rcus ing, the exhibits in the stock classes. "During the year the General Com n mittee met on nine occasions, and th ir Finance Committee on three. A consid s erable number of matters affectin farming interests were considered b e the Committee, particulars of whic l s have appeared in the local press, am s the Committee still has some of these ii „ hand, notably experiments with variou P manures. The Committee also person ally defrayed the cost of planting o the Rabbit Island the trees receivei from the Agricultural Department. Sup „ port has been given to the proposal tha an experimental farm should be estal - 1 ' lished by the Government in this dli trict, and considerable pains were tat l_ en, n conunction with the Poultry Ai ie sociation, to see whether it was possibl ; - to institute an egg-laying competition n the project, however, was abandoned, i- "Your Committee have to thank th n following for special prizes and dona >' tions r— Auckland Clothing Factor) '- Bond, Finney, and Co., Brown an e Kerr, Buxton and Co. Ld., Bisley „Broi i- and Co., Jas. Boon, W. T. Bond, W •e Coleman, G E. Chisnall, J. M. Caldei 1, J H Cock and Company, Hayes Croud >f er, Christchurch Meat Co., E. W. De i- and Sons, P. Dickson, J. R. Dodson an i- Son, Fairey Bros., G. Fleming an se Sons, Mrs"Fairey senr., J. Gaukrodgei »f Gay, Webster, Griffin and Sons Ld., E d Gibbs, Thos. Hunt, Hooper, G. and / ie Hunt, Harley and Sons, Ja9, Hun ie Healv and Son, J. P. Harris, Geo. Hog and 'Co., Thos. H. Holland, W. I Hunt, W. D. Irvine, F. N. Jones, I g C. Jacka, Levin and Co, R Lucas an n Sons, Lightband and Co, J. Marsdei i- W. Moyes, W. R. May, John Mauh it Estate of J. A. McArtney, New Ze; >s land Insurance Co. (per C. E. Wilson ie Newman Bros., New Zealand Loan an is Mercantile Co. Ld., Pitt and Moon t, Ross and Olendenping, Thos. Roughtoi ;e Robert Staples, Savage and Sons, Sa; ie good, Son, and Ewen, Christopher .J w H. Stade, J. Tinline, F. Trask, M.L.C i- W. Tvroe, Tasker and Levien, Geo Ta l- bot, F Townsend, G. E. Wastuey, Th e Wilkins and Field Hardware Co. Ld " Robt. Watson, Estate Wm. Wilkie, : n S. Wratt, M. M. Webster, Jos Wad: it worth ; also Mr John Hale for plant o for produce shed. 0 "Your Committee also desires to plac r- on record here its appreciation of th valuable services rendered the Asaoci; tion during the year by the President e who has in this respect worthily fotlov i. ed tho example of ])is predecessors. ,s "Also your Committee has pleasm in noting that the Auditors, in additioi to reporting the accounts to be correct ir stated that the books and accounts ar 3 kept by the Secretary, Mr John Glen, ii -- a manner which leaves nothing to b •I desired." e The President moved the adoption p \ t the report. The year, he said, ha< » been a very satisfactory and successfti one, and the Association had a goot . deal to congratulate itself upon. Hi e thanked members of the Committee foi the manner ln which they had workec for the Association. The financial po sition of the Association, he considered compared very favourably with the ba lance-sheets of many other Association! in the colony. Mr W. Coleman having seconded lh< motion, the report was adopted. The balance-sheet showed receipts (in eluding balance brought forward ol £233) to £1240: of which £285 cam. a from subscriptions for last year; £9( a fur privileges; £113 for entrance fees i £915 gates and grand stand admissions f £163 rents from Richmond Park ; anc s £48 arrears of annual subscriptions v The expenditure amounted to £1063, o; f which £380 went in prize money ; £4] f judges' fees; £46 labour; and £24! e paid on account of Richmond Park. Th r, cash credit was shown to be £176. Th 3 Association now possessed properti 1 worth £3000, and apparatus wortl 1 £299, whilst its indebtedness was onlj |. £1200 on debentures, which was annual n ly being decreased. J Mr May moved, and Mr J. P. Hum i seconded, that the balance-sheet bi . adopted, the former commenting on thi , very satisfactory state of the finances e Mr W. D. Harkness asked if then s was a report on the manurial ex peri ments whioh were to bu carried out. f Mr Bartlett said }he manure had beei E received by him, and he had applied ii B to a turnip crop. He had no report tc , make then, as the crop was still grow j ing. He could, however, say thai B where the manure had been applied th« ~ crop was looking much better than or „ the unmanured portion. Members oi ' tlie Committee were at liberty to in- ! spect the crop. ; The election of officers was proceeded ", with. Mr John Hagen being the only candidate, was declared elected President, amidst applause. " There were two nominations for the office of Vice-President, and Mr J. E. ' Bartlett was declared elected bj a substantial majority over Mr F. W Smith. Mr G. Talbot was re-elected Treai surer. Mr John Glen was re-elected Secre--1 tary amidst applause. Messrs Blair and Petrie were re-elect-ed Auditors. The following were elected as a Finance Committee :— Messrs May, Coleman, J. E. Bartlett, G. E. Chisnall and Hayes Croucher, with the officers ex officio. Twenty-six nominations were received for the 24 seats on the General Committee ,and the ballot resulted in the election of the following gentlemen in the order named— J. Wadsworth, G E. Chisnall, G. H. Best, Chas. Challies, £! m « s Ching, Albert Gibbs, P. Higgins, W. D. Harkness, W. T. Bond, N. Win

T. B. Chisnall, John Best, Walter S. Kerr, Godfrey Best, C H. Ching, W. Coleman, Henry Lankow, G. Talbot, V. A. Clayden, R. H. Coleman, W. R. "" May, T. JH Holland, Jas Hunt, and J. Jellyman Mr Hagen then took the chair, and returned thanks for the position in . T which he had been placed. He would, in with the assistance of the Committee, ei and a good secretary, do the best he ga could for the Association. ± It was resolved that the General pe Committee meet on the second Saturday fr in each month, as previously tl A vote of thanks was accorded to the oi Press ior the space devoted to reporting ol the proceedings of the Association. tc A hearty vote of thanks was passed ti to last year's officers of the Association, ti and the meeting closed. a Prior to the annual meeting the Cen- o eral Committee met, when Messrs W. \. G. Syver, I. Tunnicliffe, and H. C u O'Beirne, were elected members of the t Asociation. A special vote of thanks c was accorded to Mr Hayes Croucher for a the pleasant and efficient manner m e which he had carried out the duties of v the office of President. ' * v

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 18 April 1907, Page 2

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NELSON A. & P. ASSOCIATION. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 18 April 1907, Page 2

NELSON A. & P. ASSOCIATION. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 18 April 1907, Page 2