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'--ri ■ :: '^y v^"'^' : : A""^':-' I '«--''- ; w'^''^'-''- :: -" munvnfQnAV NEXT T^ '*^ D T " ! THURSDAY NEXT, 18th, at. 1.30 p.m. IS L E#- B RO S fi '■'■■- WEDNESDAY NEXI. ±, «£, U , PIANO, HOUSEHOLD W:^^f^^^WmmW™'W i ' y—- edwards' w.ssSSliSs ' LIST -^gg^B I *^^^ : , , RICHMOND. ' V AND & "gSTATE *£ °^^ '-•■• - .^;..:, .;r;-:-'.;v.- ;v: : : mixedsheep, brfng*- ±J <■■£%. ture> and Eff ect 3. p^cte, i ate r. ■ Q^p^p^iwi^K^sas^ loo ° wth : ■-.' HiVE E w.'sanu^, OO Yr- cop^biiilt: in, 200 Forward Wethers' TnOR QALE. THURSDAY 25th at 1 30 p m ..cense at low rental,- also 600 acres re- rooms, scuUery; ; pantry^ batoobm;.top. ■225 Ewes in Lamb . J: © IMUKbIJAX, at. i.ou p..m •erve. As a going concern,' with 5000 floor : also bathroom hot-' and ; cold- -: ' 2bO Ewe Lanibs in wool „ AW _ „___,__„ , tfJ±\J and streamtfjifrbm 160 to 200^^^ chard, kitchen garden, good lemon 6 Pure-bred Ayrshire Heifers, in the property. Pnc« £775. wrvRRATF •r*erMa»:fUt,biaance'fo#h^ls;^^^ calf to pure-bred Ayrshire MANUKA-STREET.— The fin* r«i- DU« ftAL,&. ;■ tawed and »^ya% mnseVi rooms,' Offi<». Price £1650. , FoL 68. Bull drac. of F. O. . Esq., eon- V PRY durable Freehold Proper.•tabU/ibMrin^rshVd^ipjkh;:^: sfieep ALFBED-ST.-House, 6 rooms and 1 Cow in full milk taming 7n> .s f aatry tati^oom, Atv sßuatedT a healthy and sumy in.rPnce-£S^eV^reV;-^Tol.vl7B" conveniences/ area •If acres: land; also 2 Springing Cows wash-house,, hot and cp.d water/ el- f*.*>7 ,!T/° k SpO ™- !4fr--l^^j«tf^RSl*ite^!SWWlSSWr- native lease of 1 acre for term of 15 ectric beUs, otc. The land has a locality ;15mins walk liom U.f.U., con AGKldjfitTOßArlS^? ylatt ati rental'of £3 iper'aS.. 11ISLEY T>ROS. and nO., *«"*%> i°* 150 feet, with a depth V^*™™?* rooms and shed l-ifie- from school! Has^^ other Br ooms, splendid . view ; also ■ ; -— — rooms, bathroom and storeroom Apply sharp to Wm. LOCK. . produced SO! bushels peas:^pir acr e> i ton splendid section fronting Harbour, suit- T>ICHMOND -yARDS. (only built three years), the pr«;of. oaten sheaves per :M^^r :^^'b : aW-£A^ui«i«:'d«il^;''t^ thne It i R Brty ° f T 00 "?^ p y TJ ANGES :,:grazuigJsp>wp:-besidesfcattle;hM^^^ -'or MnSRT 1 "^.. 1 »!l'. Wli ->-! t^^ £ # : -A- V^t '^ollEKAV^freshment F Roo^ WEDNESDAY NEXT. MO ™£ B^^\ nd ß^W THE BEST AND MOST- ' ■^f ; }. -,'HANDTTFAE^ >r ' ;>:; . ON EXHIBITION ONLY. ences, with 5* acre, of land^fi UOOL .^ B^ffi^^W I 1 1 ft : ACRES Freehold, all^ plough- frpnt-rboms^beiag.^ed as shop's wash- -— WUl. sell dw elling and 1 acre for ARE BARRINUiIAM ■JLIU -'able,^subdivided into 6pid- ; house^and copper, efc.,- lease has 15 FIVE 1-shear Romney Rams (N.Z. pnT f I T °S? JW J a^ H K rm ?j I,_1 ,_ nwa i linß -H/TTTVTXI-D ,- docks, watered by running streams^ years to run. I?rice, £650. Fol. 90. Stud Book), from North Island. COLLINGWOOD-ST.-New Dwelling MIN JCjJti ' drying at present; 240,: ewes :.arid. lambs. : NILE-STREET, E. House, 6 rooms, Orders may be booke at : KAWAT WREPT DwS of 6 AND House 6 rooms;. •scullery: an d washhouse, bathroom: and; room detached, land w™ tnr^H^lv nfw\ with r?P AT A\TT\TA m^^^^^^m^g^^&^isiL BISLEY BROS - asL %^^>,^^ zealandia. ■^>9f.ft-^ B^ I^,^ 0 ? 0 »^^? f - W^^'4tr e W cfTaVal baYk of pr^pefty. pte I^NGES are Guafahteed to give abso£l£l\JX*. Acres:lieaseho : ld,-.heldata Transfer Title. .Price, £850. Fol. 69. £850 lute satisfaction- besides the Prica is • . :iow; rental). TO acrw.;,Me r >^tr;4oo pWAIMEA-ROAD.-House,^ 7 rooms, NBW-ST (near new Post-offlceJ-Seven- about TWENTY-FIVE Per Cant cheap- ■; ; : Acres,: ; nnMa^;^.^cres ;) biish; 70 new), bath,, gas-heater, gas stove, scul- _^^» roomed house (practically new), with er than others. Scores »f local testi- . ; A?ssSra^jSg^g. Ja^^afs^f ja ms^^Sam» wAHSoS'^s^i r-s, S'x^s s^s :, Outbuildings. ;;More:4and can be taken all convemences, with 8 acres land,? m P , „ • orcnar( j an( i garden -»- tc enr t? apvvt ■ up alongsile carrying^at present 1500 iplendid view: Price Fol. 105 ill PricefioOt) TiOP/TT ?l lot'w Ipf\t ' r r.ifieepwithlambs>t'ipp^^3p-horses,-an^ M WAIMEA ST-6-rooms Price £425 -*^V^^-»-^- ls &OLE AGENT. :: ..aO-head of cattierJana^aU /AKEFIELD QUAY.-^-5-roomed Cot- ;-* >-v /^i a T« m O s;!^ i 'fcpiSrs:s:B: l «^^^* e Z ,!2S '«=.i'sS4 l AWiS"« ! GO-CARTS. '■'•' '^ TM 11 1 ' lnf« < na<iahck^ nt.rßatnn -' in Ronnpr-hnilfc in eras rf/iv« «r»« 7Sft frrn Ai5S! S, Umbrella, Sunshade, and WAliftiLA ilUAU.— uwniiuig, o luoum, tabhshment in tho Colony — embracing V^&n^i^tio^ telfx 150 ft def D Price £700 Walkin 8 Rtick Manufacturer. with i acre land, near Boys' College. aU the Latest Designs. Tho Prices are iiriM^^m ssrrr £^%%^^ t , e^«ss^ atlas s^ #^-^ca^;^ BJB^I^B Si-ffsjrr^fi ,-^^^^l: : -W 11 "^ anf^ub 2 ff/tgf^t^^or 23$ 20th CENTTJRY : -lln^S^a^Ca^ S K^ = "fi^^L I&O^: .w^in. (new) 6 rms, ™f fLfl^ l^Jt >;. Tards,^^ about,B Tniles from Rail g-acre » lafdi 'Price £950. . - Fol 97 Not{> tho Address- baZoom and washhouse? with 'l 4 acres Treadle) a £ays , v, Stock way, carrying at present 6000 sheep GENERAL STORE, in Goed locality J. G. LETHABY. land, partly in orchard. Price £650. „, v v ,nw pnim and <attle..: Price £3^B in City, freehold, 5 rooms, shop • and ?- y Umbrella Worts. RICHMOND: Th. woll-known prop- "Evor^Ma^hTne Guaranteed ■ per a<ae..: .• v - •' ; ' • Fol. 277. kitchen, washhouse, shed; splendid turn ' Nelson. ertv known as "Hillcrots," containing *-vory Machine Guaranteed. '■-•:.'•--.- -,-U _■ ' over; area."' 42ft fiontage x 153 ft deep 2i acres, beautifully laid out in gar- . ' s~<-r-r TIP-TOP -SHEEP COUNTRY/ (two frontages); stock- at valuation. dens, shrubs and orchard. The improve- : liOlil'V. 1 Q fif\ 'ACRESjcGood Sheep Coun- Price £575. •: Fol. 86 mants are a 14-roomed Dwelliug, two ii\;VJ;«L™ J.qUU: try/ 900, Acres in Grass, BEACHVILLE.-Nice property!- Se glass houses containing grapes of THE CHEAP FURNISHER. bdivided. -into -10 '-^paddocks, well acre, with cottage, 4rms, Good orchard, t,^, cB j variety and one glass hsuba ~~ ~~ — — '.",■; ered by'innr^^reams. Good Price i£23o Fol. 79 a TTmTTTIiniT C containing pot plants. Part ef tke or- 1?O"R A T /P, : jsidence (W:;r6bms), i woolshed and WAIMEA-ST— Up-to-dato House,s /\ ■ JIB J JVI 1^ <fe 'chard is fenced in entirely witk wire 1 V/H kJrI.JJXL/. - : .^bles, tmile.frqm;school and .Post- rooms, tubs, gas, veranda, sower connec- -«-*-«-' -"-v^ xtj.j.i *j* nettinj. Must b» Bold to wi»d up th» „..„_._,..„ ~ — „ ... r -Office,- 6 mUei v .f romraJway,:. will yin- tion, area 50ft x 130 ft. Price £500: -STTTTVTmT^T. late Mr John Tinlni.'s esUU. Pris. MURITAI. -The residence of the ler 1200 ewes, good/ sawmilling plant . Fol. 78 WiIVT^KiK £1200 late Hon. Albert Pitt, situated at •■ 9n the property also. ?ricer£s 12s 6d- WAIMEA: ROAD.— Splendid proper- VTJ.XIXX.iXIy " FOR SALE OR TO LET. the . Port » Nelson, commanding* ■■' : -" per'acreas a going -concern; ' Fd, 275 ty, 3 acres land, with- house, 6 rooms, rf"*r».^.J^. THE Fine Residence ef Mr B. S. magnificent view of the harbourand ..: ; .v'f'\^><V v -:. tr'L,^'' -.ixy., washhouse and bathroom, stable and VfOOdS. 'HISHOLM, containing 9 rooms, hall, bay The House is of modern cen- :-: VALUABLE -FREEHOLD FARM. coachhouse, all in good order. Price nd balcony with all conveniences ; sit- struction, substantially built, well- .- ■'••Srwp'.' ACRES . Freehold, 200 lAares £10 00. Fol. 3 JUST AKKIVED— ated in Hardy-st East. Asphalt paths. finished in every respect, and com- •:# 4d - 5n. -^at-;,'. in.bush,wat- ; CAMBRIA-ST.— House, 6 rms.nicely mT ~";"*f" Tnmra „, _-i. ice £1100, or to let at £65 per an- prises 11 good lofty rooms, water, gas ■ ; ""«red- by running sjieams,-,new-honse (5 laid out gardens, area 50ft x 1268 ft. THE FINEST CLOTHS IN TBH un T and every modern convenience. The -■rooms), workshops tarn.^ 400 Price, £375. F 01.76. MARKET. ' TO LET land contains 3± «cres, and is con- ; theep, 14head'cattle,.hprsesi.etc.; farm WAIMEA-ST.— Good locality, house, Tweeds, veniently divided into paddecka, " implements; thereV;is^a.- good seam of 6 rooms, all conveniences, well situat- Wft«f o^« Tl/tTAITAI BANK : "Willden Lodge," orchard, flower garden, lawn tennis ebal on the property^ , which lß.also gold- B d, nice garden, etc. Price £430. Fol. 25 vrorMßOSj IVX containing 8 rooms, and half an court » and plantation. The outbulld.v; bearing. - Phce", £4 -pto acre, -every- HARDY-ST EAST.— House, 8 rooms, VlCUniaS, acre of land. Price £52 per annum to ings consist of three stall stable and ■■-'■ thing given in.,. ■ .-" .- Fol. IM. bathroom, hot and cold water, balcony, T"«««*- Sood tenant coach-house. This is one of thßmost ■.;;-. - : . ■> 'w-iift«r awviep-iiTTO- fruit trees, 76ft frontage x 100 ft in leWUS. • , i desirable residential prcjeHies in ■•- ::^-i ; -X'Js^*p#^*Fi?Jh3d well depth. Price 31000. " Fol. 30 Golf. T>UILDING CJITES. Nelson, and is unsurpassed for beau-■'•-""A fV7€\ AOl^V^ .*- l c °S- -aSt EMANO-ST.— New Residence of 6 j-j j^ ty of VBm> pi 9asant , neBS o f w tuatiou :ft;:;:rl.Uji...y y^^^-J^^Ke roms, bathroom/'eto., area 82ft x 140 ft. and Other suitable Tweeds tot COLLINGWOOD-ST. : Splendid «cc- ' a "d healthiness of locality. ■■ -•^^'^ : fSff ' S Wc6jMs(l ' Fol. 48 the coming season. tion, 61 x 142, near Manuka-street, with f^tv Pl'fmwiidß ■^^..^^^J^-^\t^^^^, ■ 7^ story. .__ ! stable thereon. Price £300. ivlTiy JTlOpCnieS. K .'.'■•■"■' House, ll rooms, scullery, pantry, bath- «»*» w» « «-.« ST. VINCEixT and HAMPDEN-STS. MANUKA and ALTON-STS.-Mag- - • '^^>?Ar«Eß^bdiw^^ K KfCriAlfljS Corner section, 77 x 100. Price £200. I nificent building sites, from £3 10s ■■^Mfi Stf Wl Mtmd, «>««"'»». !"»*•(!« 1»"X M2ft ■in t/. J\fi^/Jll/VfVl/iJ f WEKA ST. : Half -acre, all in orchard, per foot. S^:^^,p^&C^ O s^rboms) J°\ 9 \ PRACTICAL TAILOB, x 170. Would cut up into 3 splcn- .' hW-STREET.-Two acres of M^m^^i^^^iJ^S^^Ja^ TBATALOARBT. (OPPOSITE P.<X> %^JS^ ■££ S x"^ t- j ?£l & '■' r/ T^MHWIfP TTARM * '^ frontage i J 200 ft deepth. Price, £800. tendin gto Mount-street; £250. per acre ta Si^^S''i»- BSS^SS^^^,^ FOR SALE. S s l 2^ ectio " Oft - x 150 - :v Kew house and SE^.- ; Pnce^£UoO. f j^ depth Titleland splLdid sections. £400. . .. j TOTARA ST.-First - class section, ' ■ 'h-nr -KXTTvm *'' ; ' T>nTTNm TTATIir •■■ transfer. Price £576. ... I STOKE: 6A Acres. Splendid site.sur- , 50ft x 160 ft from 30s Der foot ;*^PMSH&^ass^rsrt.'rw m^^^s^t 3i ; s^SS ; 'Bl Sr?' 1 " 3 '?" ":' £2 -^paddocks. ■ Grows .good,, crops, and "wIrMEA ST -House" 6 rooms bath ROOMED House, Stable, Trap Shed, ffiJr* froata^- Excellent sites. ; All the above properties ca nbe pur"•'.^go^ fattening land, '.a and all Conveniences. Part Orchard! £145 °- ' chased on very easy terms. If purand other outbuildings.. Good J°°S' p r L 750' ' Fol 34 M1 Fir stclass Lovel Land, and within -1-1 ARM ROPERTIES ; S P,?y B , cash for s f tlon - tha ven - '-^li^rd, .Has frontage -to; main road; lt KAT^TST^roomed house bath Half a mile of Railway Station. .' p ARM ROPERTIES. , dorß wl il advance at 5 per cent, »c- --;> ' "Erinß £1400 ■■•■\. ' - Fol. 147. -^a .wAi-Bi.-^o-roomea nouse batn- X • ' cessary money to erect a house, or, if '-■>J?'-'?rSv«? ACRES rich l'- soil,-"' all under room, scuUery and washhouse, sunny as- p_ FEET Front , age H4rDY- r 1 jj I house be erected to satisfaction of 'subdivided *«*' area «» * Price £520. (jj wfth Roomlo WANGAMOA.-470 acres of splendid | vendorß> tn9 w j uo{ purchaße money kiLV^rS mSffL^SS^SK »»^. —^ -'— «W»- SCltf mt ISTn^TSI ' S T.-Ne W doomed house '- ' s^ ib C^ £^ANO,ST:^ew- house, .SJ R GOOD BUILDING SITES IN S^ TW °- r ° Omed "**» " I CO^E^ S^«£ n best part * : ---116- aUgSI? thrbom . P a^i "f^' I T M ' 0 FRA NKLYN STREET. NGATIMOTI.-2 Cheap jof the Wood lOOit x 104 ft P P ric e J - X oJ^ : T t £iJrSI milAi 8tc -> area 218 ft Montage x 297 ft deep. Farm Properties. 70 acres freehold, £430 . '.<»Pt:2O b ??V3 <*™2 J? Price £650, Fol. 70 QECTION WITH TWO GLASS- 2 acres of which is in raspberries and NGATIAWA-ST -Section 61ft x 181 •■■■ : -SSL J «"2JS I^inS ? out : HARDY-ST.-Bplendid 2-story build- O HOUSES IN TIPAHI STREET. 2 acres in young orchard, in full feet. Price £160 ' V-.? J o^. A 5 roo 5 8 >.^ 1 •? fc'^ a i,SS 1«n!i in 8> 9 rooms, all modern conveniences, 2 . bearing. The land is divided into BROOK-ST — L&vel huildi-mr K ;t. ■^ ? :v-}^!yv«S|P^\?^ l^ n J^2; rooms 22ft i 18ft, good foundations, 1 ACRE, Part of BOLTON'S Estate, 9 padlocks (well watered), and is near school Price £270 S ' -^^a^m^^^. ? niCe * laid «»t«^nl Price £1250 1 Next T. Pettifs. 50 iheep, 8 cows'/ and 8 HAMPDEN^ST^N^ 0 ' five-roomed , --P6 laxen up aiouKamo «:' u .»4™j i . - Fol. 64 head cattle. The improvements are: house with eonvi>m'«nr«s r.nj tat* •— / Price/ £600- /- . Fol. 284. MO UNT-ST.-New house, 6 rooms, "I ACRE WAIMEA AND KAWAI A good 8-roomed P »W, wash- » °T&Oft N« "XS Chouse Prl« :\ H f|A ACRES, .jGood Land^grows hal f 7fi wide , bathroom , washhouse , etc . 1 STREET. houk and. aU necessary farm build- Wew S lass x 158 ft in de P% Price . A c gE WE^T AND NORTH »- £^ Farm Properties. .;. way, subdivided into B. parts,, young or- WAINUI-ST.— New house 5 rooms, «UAL>. 339 Acres lease in perpetuity, bush p Tnwmj _. TTWV . *„ - chard. Only 10 nules; from. City, good bathroom wasMionse conoer tubs - w ™-n™ "71 ' rtt , land all feUed, grassed and fenced, PIGEON VALLEY.— SOO acres good bouse (7 T00m5),.4-stalled stable, large j^^ViJ^rfiSSton^lSftWSS 1 fi^l FE ?r T ' Comer ot of Hard ? and 2to 3 miles from above property sheep country, four-roomed house. .:. implement shed and other outbuildings.. *™« d ™» Price £6K Fol 88 XDO Van S uard Streets. with a good road to it) b i Pr.c. , £2 an acre Price, £2100. . - : Fol -^- GOLLmfiWOOD ST — House 6 rm7 .~ TIT- * o tween 400 and SCO sheep. Rental CENTRAL MOUTERE.-50 acres GOOD AGBICULTURAL PRQ- s< J^h LI f a fhhonie bath Smalt S' 4.^ "§ ET 9 0l i mgwoo od,0 d , Street ' £6 7s 6d per annum. Price f reeh . old { 60 J acres nativ. reserve ■■'. -.■.■■ ' ■ ■.-'PERTj:: ■■■.:: ■. .< \. SaS'aST W sarden S Wt^ ™ "Panama" House Site. £700 . As c Mr j. leasehold, good dwelling and other ,: Qrtrt ACRES.^436: Freehold,- and t P r? C c £7% S ' Fol 9! tn) , P "„. . J Hill, intends leaving the district, P^ d »»ff- P " c^TT £9oa A bar B ain ' : ObU 433-Leasehoia. 100,, Acres RUSSEU..ST -Two story house 8 ACRE Corner of Collmgwood and thes c prop erties must be sold im- CEN . T^ A . L . MOUTERB.-60 acres (™L™ riv«r flat arid tiD-toP ..■*. ÜBWUiI ' w ' iwo-story .nouse, o Brougham Streets, and Numerous mediately Bplendid land, 40 acres under plough t^vfini "proDeßy^suWividXinto F OO ? 8 ' corner sections, splendid view of BUILDING SITES in Different Part, metllatel y- 10 acres in ba , bush; 10 ■■•■ i: ftSt.S*K*« charH Icre Price £1250' ° f the City ' a , FOXHILL.-^Farm of 118 n.res, ring- -omed housf, hop kiln, stable,' 2 " frontage. 'House, (7 4m») and other, " R TH ES&ST!-S'dwelltog; 5 Apply ~ fenced and sub-divided. Five mi n . acr« hopSj 3 acres orchard pr - cc •Snf 2 °S d ffi ADAMS & :nd%^VTat^.° Ol 'Cret C6 a ™ CITY 100 acre, of firstLeasehold, £3 per annum ? Price for Fol 57 XX IVI O OC good 7-roomed dwelling and ne- class land within the City boun- .■-"■: Freehold, £5 lOsjper acre. Fol. 156N8 MOUNT-ST —Almost new house of ■*-* m. -m^-w -^.-^ cessary farm- buildings on the pro- pary, 40 acres level, balance undu- • 5 paddocks. Laree fowl run, and fowl Mnnn Pol « Price £4 per acre. Hiuita.— 7 acres of good land, splentoMes. house, stable, barn VANGUARD ST -New house s'" ! REDWOOD'S VALLEY.-109 acres did situation. Price £475, easy S^^K*. sS^halinTS^ . ROYAL MAIL COACH ' « ac res, si,roomed ':^SSSf :^aSi : *K?iS3 |^«^ni Nehon-Kichmcmd-Motueka- [-^?X2 !SS' Wlth fam buUdings - Price *b&in grass, i^acL in. HOUSE ?4 EiWaka. Windleborne P Th?eo acre, are in BICH.IOND.-12i acres, 10-roomed ■£Ss^li^Vffittt wash - NEWMAN BROS., Pbop^^s. .^ tf&F&FStfr*- good ■^•^ :^ r : ; '-...-■; -„-ii.'';>:iv- .> *"■■■: ■ sfo6ms^h^m^ E^ dfteched^ wash toW^a end d™ " PB * tme " tag 6*° NW B ° ad " PriC6> £125 ' STOKE — Several ■plendic ? orchard m'&ViJ^(hfy^& AllSls^d ordera receive Btrict SPLENDID FARM PROPERTY toTSs C ° ntaini ° g fr ° m 3 acreß * d |& -P lantatl ° nS 'Fo/ a im BDd bushießslik9 attention. ICHMONDi-Sections of 5, 10, and V^-V;.-22505Acl^ v 'ln,:j^,\-:l6o,tih*et i ;76o W« "fl Daily Timbtabls. 40 ACRE FREEHOLD FARM, subdi- 15 acres on Main Road to Nelson. &^&^Sgs^^ Smer^^br.Srt stS" d> good soii - price £45 - r i: hops; 40 acres i« turnips jiarrying at" ler y>_Z as^ a^ r nlc^ ( fe ld - ont Jf^ Leaye SwTka C Nelson a"i^B a m • coachhouse, sheep sheds, and all ne- STOKE.-21 acres good land, dwell'FßTMEttfcSW&'SS '^.^^^J ta -aCfiMB l i. i "»' • ra u»;A ne ,, r;=2 jj - ...» «*„ P,i. ., 5 ;-/ Aeds, 2hop kil^,:Msoothe^^^^ luncheon : Redwood'e VaUey. sfcream . The land .is speciaUy OTUPIKO.-272 acres good land ; , ings, new up-to-dite:;woolrshed, ;38 x !' .tS™ttWb a n NORTH — Honss of 9 NEWMAN BROa. Psopanrroa*. adapted for fruit-growing. Price 40 acres level, balance undulating - . ouit, just completed^as agoing con. ■ ; v bUJiUK«A« HOBIU.-- House of a £875 " " sheep country j h § '"fSSeSSSSt SS BSS^Ati.^S/ f ffi MONEY a*X l " -"- "- E " B SL fIT E^3 n ,-ffi rf S Jtaraows,"douWe;andrsirigle..F.JPloughs, ' -^ afTw >t f*-f m TO LEND £1500. %: tr.p., :^^ m^^.^^s^^£ T tr. Jift&rssz.'Stt pitt & ; " " gtoD ' MOORE S^eeft , UUh Prices £75, £65, , fitOO n £ t O^)OO Call and Inspect our List. J^2l^!l ■ -' EaStOiPal ■•ErbperfcyV^ ■ SECTION.— Facing Mount-st., north- ' -_ As we have many more Properties on -«»»=»= M ™ p *aa ts^ "*"' \. n l»-. "- . ".• --i-~'--^ f " > ">ii"'-" i -t;'ii.--i-."- : 'em aspect, 66ft x 160 ft in depth. Price - our books For Sale. l&W Acres. .350, acros/bush,^balance A| 7g '- • r i«i > k rrn\/ smt\# itin IHBTAKT RELIEF.^V ■ I ** B *^ >il^. : t diA -y^^s l / SSOTS^Sfo^T 2t Ra*. opposite . _ LAND and ESTATE AGENTS, \ Fo JcOISs S / - ' HANDT;FARM(^OSI!)-TO ; OITr> \^__ TRAFALGAR STREET \ | ASTHR/1A / 70 Acres- in grass, ofv-.Whidiv.4o.are n n L SS in^SwS LSDBBAL IBBMB 108 EXPAT. , National Bank). VI BRONCHITIS / cowshed, dairy, sheep, yards' and', W: t^i^^/t^ B %^ ZZ^t It>s little co]ds that grow into big f I . carrying- at present 100 sheep,. 4;iorses, rambv^headcatfle.and horses, harness .^ . 6mtarttmrma colds, the big colds that end in con / \tMM&M^g' \ :r and 6 s>ws. Will carry 200 sheep^all p^^o,^' as a Bomg concern. iBPPLTTO A« Aoßmr«tn .umption and death. Don't wait until / /#^M#^A \ ; year round. li acres' are: in' tomatoes".' ■?"" JJW. J-"' to-morrow to cure tho little colds, for I B&JM'jaSiH S 'i :?S; U aiilas from'-schdol andvcreMierf; rV" rtTrNT -r^i^-r t»t»^ r>T SB*«Tiißieilt I&S«nSCe D*< one dose of Dr Sheldon's New Discov- 1 1 partm e m t. c S'u? o a d^r d f (^r^ \ S^^^ I 8 '^^M^MK^^S^'-' &VQ? J.H.BIOHAB^*, . gj^ft safe^nd^ver'U^ \o,Z££l S^ J u:-:^^^^^^"^; STOCK <AND STATION AGENTS, , Govemnwnt Inmraooe Ctomwiwfoawi remedy/Price, Is 6d and 3s. Obtain- XL*«»fe^»A, f^?"^ ' : : .-.X ■.•V,'!; ;;■•■;;: ■.^■?^<:£v::^<,r v ;>::% AvCTOTLO;NEERS, VALtJATORSi. .■. ■', ' mmi ' "',ln . w nil luj ■ abJa at W. C. Ancell, chemist, agent. ■, adtiari '-

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 16 April 1907, Page 4

Word Count

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 16 April 1907, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 16 April 1907, Page 4