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■ # FASHIONABLE COLOURS FOR GOMJNG SEASON.: W E mii^Gfyhbt X'rt^^^QUA^TYr^™ PivICES. Colon \mo9tly worn «ill bs VIUi^E •', WINE, PLUii BKOWN, GRi'.EN, NAVY, TARTAN, and GREY. Amazon Cloths in Violol, Brown,? SPECIAL Amazon Cloth, all vool j I Green, Cardinal, and Navy; excellent! Navy and Cardinal, at 2fi yard. 1 valti'e ; our price 2/9 yard. jtish Coloun-d Tartans, pure wool, U;o Amazon Cloths in Navy, Violet, and' «g^ teß^ 3 &'toloured Che,', Grey, at 3/3 yard. T « e£( | 3 ij% 3/3 vari i Amazon Cloths in Wine, relunia, and lot of ne« p Oro--sTriin:iii;iL,s 3 Violet at 3/9 and 4/3 yard. uoiv opened. \ TKATHEN &"COT 9 BRIDGE stree \klson s j WINTER WANTS, j YOU must see to them. They force their claims | in a way that ccmpels your attention. In f summer time a garment or so less makesvery s little difference; but when WINTER comes | with its cold nights no argument is required to I I convince you ttut 1 1 ••Two Arc Better Far Than One," 9 where Blankets are concerned at any rate. 1 Blankets, Ahoy! I Do you want a pair for the Best Bed, or one for 1 Baby's Cot ? Can you do with one, two, three, four, | or more pairs? i-o you prefer Grey, White, or § | Blue ? Now is your tims. | Our Stock is Large. Wool is Booming. Our Prices are Low, "A Nipping and an Kager Air" soon finds out one's weak points. Now is the time for Flannels, warm Dresses, heavier Suits, and Woollen Underwear. Lay in a good Stock at once, abd avoid the risk of heavy doctor's bills later. Nothing beats the WOOL for WINTER wear. Despite the upward movement of this staple commodity Our Prices Are Low. WHEN MAKING WINTER P JRCHASES BE SURE AND SEE THE VALUE OFFER- . . . ED BY . . .- THE NOTED " SPOT CASH " DRAPERS f * AND CLOTHIERS, Bridge-street, Nelson, \ (Opposite Lock's ) E. W. DEE AND SONS. LADIES 1 TAILORING. WE have this season imported a special lot of COSTUME CLOTHS in Single Dress Lengths, and our Mr J. B. Collier, who has had large experience in ladies' work, and who has made it a success with us, is now prepared to submit •-•xm-ples and estimates. We have also special workpeople to undertake- the making of these garments, so that ladles can rely ■ pon guaranteed satisfaction. DEE & SONS' DEE ffrSONS' Wai and Cold Weather MEN'S CLOTHING. COATS. THIS DEPARTMENT is now bo well 'n OVER COATS thiq season we are known for tip-top Tjlne that it won't! .•••in.'; 'o Uko soc-ind plac-s to none for pay anyone to buy without looting our .:iiio!y anH p-ice. Our new stock for way. Men'e Suite from 21/- to 60/-, and ". y; "and Man, which we are opening, we fit stont, thin, long, and short men tin, rifles n v^ral new shapr.g, with and in Suits or Trousers. We have a big i tho «t C.pos. Wo have Coats fit for stock to ch0036 from, and will be ■n.V rain, mid Coats fit to wear nt the pleased to show anyone what we can do. \'o: th Polo. Our prices will surprise Give us a call : it's money saved (or . ou, and yrv'.i get our guarantee that you you. and increased business to üb. •an gut netliing better. BOYS' CLOTHING. UNDERWEAR. We have clolliing for the youngest and Soon will be time to prepare for Warm •)! iest Boyn in so mitny styles that tliev Underwear. We are pleased to say we :ii:i«t be ui;n to be appreciated. Norfolk have bought Qur stock before the riae in •uits from 8/11, Sailor Suits from 3/9, wool, and can offer our goods at old Hoys' Pants 2/G to 4/(5, Shamrock Suits prices. We have a big stock of Colonial :ill prices. Send >our boys along. Money makes, fine and heavy ribbed and plain baus »f nut satisfied. eises, to fit all men. A look will be the ' best proof for you. , Mjatte t^^MeasyrgJßoxed Suits, THESE SUITS are now a big part of our business, and no other firm in town can cope with us in these goods. We are experts in the Tailoring Trade. We can give you a Suit to Measure from 50/- to liO/-. Box Suits we can fit any size or shape. We have a nice range of Tailored Patterns, and our prices will surprise youThese are not the ordinary ready-to-wear Suits. They are what have been found wanting for a long time, between the high-grade tailored suit and the slop suit— a grand suit for knock-about, and yet smart and dressy. E. W. DEE AND SONS. » «* .

? THIS WILL INTEREST YOU y WE HAVE JUST OPENED UP, EX ATHENIC, DIRECT FKOM THE MAKERS, ''• 18 CASES OF NEW WINTER GOODS INCLUDING— i HOSIERY SATIN-FACED CLOTHS 0 GLOVES GREY WINTER TWEEDS RIBBONS LATEST SMALL CHECK TWEEDS * LACES TWJSEDS WITH TARTAN. EFFECT ' MUSLIN APRONS BLACK AND COLOURED SILKS ' WOOL SHAWLS BLK. & COLOURED VELVETEENS " UMBRELLAS BLOUSE FLANNELETTES VEILINGS BLOUSE CASHMERETTES . ™* DASHERY g^IMSPILDHKN-SMIL HA?]?FRA^:I S MUFF AND NECKLET SETS ' RUCHIN IM CHILDREN'S FANCY COATS - FANCY fc^^JKERCHIEFS LADIES' JACKETS ■ KID GLOVES FUR NECKLETS, STOLES & MUFFS ' LINEN COLLARS MOTOR CAPS LATEST MILLINERY COSTUMES AND SKIRTS BLACK DRESS GOODS '. And hundreds of other lines all marked at prices to suit you. We are firm believers in small profits and quick returns.3 MRS ANSTICE, TRAFALGAR -ST. TELEPHONE 184. FOR J3ALE. * A BARGAIN. _ . — . /COMPACT SHEEP FARM, about SaVIAffS Acres, within 9 miles of Nelson. P WO " U O S PRICE £1500. Terms. ;~ QkrtZ»C Apply: !Is CsilOeS. J. PORTER HARRIS, Land & Estate Agent. 'r> If) fIT NOW is the time to make iV :i say-in..' in Shoe Leather. AT— TT A"D"n"PV Q ! UOWDKN'S, the Great Store for XXxjLJiyjL'XiJ JL jk3 | Ji-ii-i avis, auuouncos some genuine CASH STORE, Bridge street, "\7" ou reductions, so those whoso spending CAN GET— s6lbs No. 1 JL. — . m , siey . is limited will now bo able Sugar, 10s 6d ; lOOlbs flour, 10s ; 261bs j t.,, t-^e advantage of these Baroatmeal, 3s 9d ; lib pck. broker. Pekos ■ trains, tea, Is 4d ; 51b tins, 6s 6d ; loose coffee, : ° Is 6d; Arabian do. Is 9d ; Club do. la j M^'g Split Kip Bluchera, strongly 10 "- - J- nailed, witn hec-l and too plates, TTARDEY'S^p^SH S TORE, \ „„ slw^and ■*-*- ' ~. , — . U ' ' leather lined, neat toe cape, mn . Bridge Street. ; thorcu n 'My dependable for FOR- 2 Large Bottles Sane«, Is; , w ,? ,„ v f iCa 12/6 now tabU vinegar, per bot. 6d, per gal. Is t>/[l n nafr 9d; cr. tartar, Is 3d; car. soda fflba Is; ' M V^ j^^ and CaDVa( , shoe 3 lemou peel per lb 6d ; assorted es (,; 28 8 only), regular price 5/6, «mces, Slot, Is; 24 cakes D. and M non- 3/11 n pair. ' HAPTWV «!FTT^ Oh:'.' Hlwk and Tan Canvaa ARDEY SELLS- shoo 3 (si/0 7 only)< usually ■ . n /• -i a i 'A 1 1. now 1/11 a pair. Kerosene, best, per case 8s 6d ; 4 cakes c.ii-iWs strong Leather Shoes, sand soap, Is ; almond scented soap, per ( , „ , , % egn i ar p rice 5/6 bar, 9d ; white swan starch, per pkt, U \ ■ ■■'' n,?, . * ' 9d ; Coleman's do 2s 3d; bor«, per lb d-ILIi Shoes, in 5d ;12 doz. pegs, Is; 141 b washing soda c\-. f or l *ca uds fsizai 3tc Is j Sunlight soap, per box, Is ; Magnet ?. ■ ° r h?°'ow 2/11 Dair tg o d ap, 2 bars, 7d ; Lmira] blue, F? r lb , .^ U o l^ TJL P IL , jg-ARD^Y, QROCER, , . Bridge Street, Sells- j I'^ Lace Hsmngs in tomato sauce, 6d ; kipper- , , . , • , ed do. 6d; pine apple, 6d, Bd, and Is • ,iri. n S?[l amir per tin ; Safety matches, best brand, pc; uai^a..i pn« 3, ll a pair, doz pekts 3s 6d ; jelly (assorted) pel ( R o Q AddrF3s _ pkt. 6d ; Quaker oats, 9d ; Force, 9d. . » <• ' • All Fruits Machine Cleaned. Goods a 'T' VLf\\hTT%^ni delivered to any part of the city. Cus- -V- & • B^ v VT Wajll Lomera waited on for Orders. Rfi f~* f\ Telephoue, 121. O> X^KJ., "TEHrmNERS. i TItfAUIAMr ' W 1 ANTED GOOD PRACTICAL '- — ' ■■■ ~^ HANDS. » PUPONPA COLLIERY RY B COLLIN S fT boots , PUPONGA COLLIH.KY. meas ,, rjc6 reasonablo . Opposite THE IDEAL WINTER BEVERAGE, Old Post e 'J; NP^TT F<* mo.-:ey to lend. ii Jjj^xurjo jog/x nnn to lend on y~x s-h s>> A ofc'OUiUUU APPROVED | I;O(;()A" FREEHOLD SECURITIES AT CUTt--1 VV Wxi i RENT jjaxes Apply DELICIOUS, NUTRITIOUS. FELL A ND ATKINSON, DELICIOUS, NUTRITIOUS. p AND R KDWA^p BSold by all Stores in i and ilb Tins. .. .„, , , . ~ i J. Fortcr H^rri*, s. kiekpatrick & co Ltd I^^ & Estate Agent. Wholesale Agents. ' W^™n%ttin^Z-£ town And country Jot'J^u^dSrVr o^ \fl PROPERTIES sent season we are showing some really C^%ls QAI U» attractive dainty imported models. To f" V^ITl Wr^kaELk effect a sure and speedy sale we have — — cut the prices to bedrock. For nobby, ADDEESSI w y h is notlesf iT priceß we Stand BOUd ' Norwich Union Chambers, BERT TASKER & CO. |I ARD Y STP.£ET ¥ MOTHERS' Union Meeting will be held in the Diocesan Library tomorrow, Tuesday, April 16th at 3 p.m. W. ROUT & fiflSfrn Occident (Established CH^kXTQ / AND 1 1855)._^ OUIN O ftIJAHANTEE LAND, ESTATE, AND INSURANCE /NORPOR ATIHN LIMITED AGENTS, VALUERS, LAND COHrOHAI^IVi 1-llTll I CU. BROKERS, ETC., ETC. T^ORKEBS' COMPENSATION DEEDS of every description prepared A.ND PERSONAL ACCIDENT INunder L.T. Act. SORANCE PROPERTIES bought and sold on ATXoWMT CD ebent HATM. j Commission. __ i REiNTS and INTEREST CoUected. - __ , We act as Attorneys for Absentees, J. tfOttfT ttfllTlS, and as Trustees and Executors under District Agent. Wills. ; VAL S U O^i°^OP E R^ AL made d *** Ifrfa^ich WmOK INSURANCES (Fire, Life and Acci- . dent) effected at Lowest current YlT^ - Insurance - OOCICIy. MONEY S 'TO LEND in any sums to [Established 1J97-] suit Borrowers at Lowest Rates. Amount Insured ._ ... /3H 600 . 000 AGENCIES: Losses Paid /i5.5°°,000 SUN FIRE OFFICE (Established 1710) pr^wn Income COLONIAL Matual Life Office. | lowest Rates of Premium. NORWICH and London Accident Ass. • l^, pron)p ti y an j Liberally Settled by The Permanent Building Society of Nelsou-G. M. ROUT, Secretary. J^ p of . ter JfarrlS, Deputy Official Assignee in Bank- AGENT AKD ATTOBNET? ruptcy.— W. ROUT, Junr. pQg jfELSON, MARIiBOKOUGH,

NeIBOU. Corner Trafalgar and H»r4? Bfaart. „_ TRAFALGAR-ST., NELSON. Tools for all Trades. We have Just landed a shipment of the . keen Kvrrmooovß^ E^^^^^B^^ as =;:^S^ssaMK^^«- stMiey el' l|ajMßsgiP^^v«''' 1^

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 16 April 1907, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 16 April 1907, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 16 April 1907, Page 3