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AtJSTRALIAN MUTUAL I | lady^"' 11i §■ 1 PROVIDENT SOCIETY m , _ BAIgLY. C m n f mm J i. HOLDS A WOBLD-WIDE BECOBD FOB permitting:- | | BONUSES, STABILITY, LIBERALITY, ECONOMY. „ nelson for takaka and Hr —^ H| Hfl W H f COLLINGWOOD. gfl H| Km -IUJNDSOVER ... ... ,£21,423,000 • „-* 3K SK: mSTa^sV^ lli II I ANHUAL INCOME over/ '.: ... £2,800,000. ijJL I II! i TAKAKA FOR COLLINGWOOD. H 9 W^^ H B POLICIES IN FOBCE, assuring Over £66,734,000 ] Lady Barkly, Mon., Apl. 15, 9.30 p.m. @ H >T N.H H Including BONUS ADDITIONS Lady Barkly, Thurs., Apl. 18, iv p.m. H| M/^ >H B| * ~ ■ ■ . . . . Lady Barely, Tues., Apl. 23, 3 a.m. WB y^ Caah ProfH nivldail fnr flnn VAai> /IQnC\ ffC9B CO9 Don't be persuaded to buy I ■■ f XBg bain mmi uivraep ror une rear (19U9; £639,992! collingwood for takaka H/' «^JH THE LABQEST AMOUNT DIVIDED IN ANY ONE YEAB IN THE thls and that JUSt because ' AND NELSON. W\a7!T\W 'CSC Cfli HISTOBY OF THE SOCIETY. it , 9 a new brand, and pro- Lady Barkly, Tues., Apl. 16, 9.30 a.m. H wV&#Bji J^ kJ B ___. __ __ ■ Lady Barkly, Fri., Apl. 19. 11.30 a.m. 9 -^^ «■■•». •*»■ ■ TOTAL PBOFITa DIVIDED amongst POLICYHOLDEBS, 0ver£12,2!6,000 bably packed by some IneK- Lady Barkly, Tues., Apl. 23, 3 p.m. jfl C^HLJTkT A TOA OB There fanoother Office, living or dead, which can show, or has shown, anch narienced firm and pushed TAKAKA FOR NELSON g Pi IM^ T K . JB a phenomenal record aathe Australian Mutual Provident Society. periencea nrm, ana pusnea Lftdy BarMy T^ Apl v mKJ VJL JU\«4J. A. MU THE DSDUSTBIAL DEPABTMKNT IS NOW IN FULL WOBKING for the sa c o extra pro . L^dy Barkly) Tues., Apl. as/s^.m" 1 ' 9 -,*• .».-. i.-^.. «.i« S EYEBY DESIBABLE FORM OF POLICY ISSUED BY THE SOCIETY BUY AN ARTICLE \Af nr^l C\f B of any single brand B - - FROM*S i O f IO,OOQ.. WHICH IS yUBfaSLfcY. lef , plrl t. ,n Ao.t,aiU. 1 DmEOTO^OFTHENEWZ^^DBHAKOH- riIARANTITFn I ' SAILMAK£R, ETO* 1 OVER 1,000.000 fl The Hon. Oharlea J. Johnston, M.L.C., Chairman. CUARANTILED, ' in-mm pm T >«_ nm-ri H H A de&the Brandon, Esq. Deputy Chairman. ' ~J?%^v^i?Z2££sL -_ I BOTTLES SOW S;' , and has fF^F MT J^ T^ f £ CTO , R ? I 2S? H B Duncan, EsqVJoseph Joseph, Esq. kt^t^L' otifw!^.0 tifw!^. i ANNUALLY. | EDWABD W.LOWE, Resident Secretary. WWW A WMAi , SliUtai Uoie, etc. ■It !• good for all. It li a B .... m>«c.«m ! heno Tim un « Bn^ m D New Zealand Branch— Customhouse-quay, Wellington. * TEST __. fl * »«*"•• bracing tonic- M Neboa DUbict Office— Comer^ Hardy and Trafalgar-atreeta. ' „.. [ THE " B medicine that acts on the B JAMES HAIR, *** , S.O. WAlixOA fl Kidneys and bladder. B - „-'■■ District Secretary. I^^^ 27 YEARS Capt " F Eickets ) B ' M ' " ■- : 8 .-Are y eu '''^^ ' W^as \^Jt "^ fts. . , T}] i '. ". broken in your rest hy a sick child suf- . Nelson for Takaka, Wsdnesday, April |H K| 'M O PH-RT^soiv S^4^^^ a H UfiCllll T^^V^r od ' Wednesd - I iV^B I - , IYX Jr.XlX!iX\;OvJl\ „ will relieve the poor sufferer immediate- j EBBS' B Kffira ' Colli »S wood for Takaka, Thur.dav, 9 3& B&\/wM H AND. CO., LTD. • -totaste, it prodneeß natural, quiet Bvi B^ W&lw&B li Takaka" for ' Nelson?' Thursday, April -•...' sleep, ty telieving the child from pain, BV^ IT P 1 18, 1 p.m. i.', _: WAKEF I EiiD;- ' and the little cherub awakes 'as' bright H■ — « m. maara*i *» - Nelson for Takaka, Sunday, -April 21 """"*"* ■■ •. • . •■■>'■■• - m a.bnttpß." it soothes the child, it H B Biii^Tr 7«lOs ' at 6.30 P .m. ■ ' PhofoDraphic LfSirary. „.-., -■■■ •«^.- .. . . ■ softer the gems, aUays all pain, re- ifl |*| VHI LW\t /' I Taknka for Collingwood, Monday, April p r „, mV ,V ; . -„ . • . heves wind, ftpulates the bowels, and »«»w*»»»ww- 2g at 12 30 am Every Camenst should have a lib- | ,-T\niECT IMPORTERS OF^— b the best known remedy for dysentery # PURE TEAS. ° Collingwood for Takaka, Monday, Apl rdry of_tfustworlhy reference books. , \'\J BRITISH FARM- Implements and and diarrhoea, whether ansing from 22 at 2p m There is a wide choice of literature } :||f^ffiSE' S M1 ' TakakW^Nelson, Monday, Apri. 22, «f J- b^T^ j -ENGINES, SUCTION GAS IMP °tsolv^RS o FRTTTT Nels™ f^^ajaka, Wednesday, April = fer Kov.c.C by | IMPLANTS, : Single and Double Furrow j UKOWEKS. 1 IVUII Takaka for Collingwood Thursday Percy j SS^llfli^cllT^O^fMAßS 11 AND "^SsJJ? ThU " day: EJP^^SB omp , Apri, 25, «» a _- by Ouv B -^ jBRITJSH P G^s 3^df BRITISH "THE FABMEBS' DIS ' E/rA T. T . RICKETTS BROS. „ ™*™«& *™ f W^rfaneu on BRITISH^SoiT are-the ™™™S s y;» A WOMAN "^ii I i^ ta .^aS^^^^SlfV!^r" "' v^XTET.D^lTE 'Farmers to inspect nwM PROMPT RETURNS. Q O T^r\T "Photography In a Hutshall." by the i v:\V'--.bir Stock. ■•■--■• ' REMEMBER— We Reduce the Comraia- „.„ „ „. . „„ „-. 0.0. l\i)l. "Kernel." , >" h FURNITTO3' and FURNISHINGS, sion Rates by £5000 Per Year. Will often Simply Bay, Send paptain p \i-mrv Cm of the best manuals on the subiect. ; : '-ii-JS- Vr*r !t r ±1, t ~ .Trvl - , ■ -S., ,?>,■■ TpiAtrramo "Tli'itnlmin. » «jAJri.AIW O. bUUL/liX, and uscfu to all bhotograbhen lost g. Tables, ; ?Crflauß.,- Couches,; Bedsteads, -telegrams Distributor. me up a Pound of TEA," with Will leave as under - free 18. ■ ■,- scrip^hsJ^-Cuftainsi-Window-Blinds, not b ? checked effectually, as the cause MrsTAKE will be made when Motueka for^elson, Tuesday, April enlar?ingp ani „ very complete. X Post eto'^'ete -' ■• ■ i :_. •'••-■' -- ■ cannot be removed, but the diarrhoea flllolAJUi will De maae wnen 16, n a .m. free, 1/3. RANGfisAsTOtESi^ Lamps, "Grates, p?. h a ° d . 1 * b« controlled by giving h N 6 ' 50 " for Motueka, Wednesday, April « IntenslflcallOV and Rrtuctlon," by >Boilers>r4£anKle B ; "Sewing Machines Chamberlain's Colic Cholera, and Diarr- you ask for and insist on nay 17 8.30 am Bennett. Phonoeraphs - ' ' hoea Remedy, and an occasional doso . Motueka for Nelson, Wednesday, April a nrj #»d bo<^ . Post free, 1/6. ■.':-•* „ ',', ■ '■■ - ,-., --.^-.«- . -Qf castor oil to cleanse the system. For ln ß i 11 ', 3 , 0 j 1 " 1 ?" , . „ Write for ?ur now Catalogue. AGENTS for^ REID '&' <?&&%' -Sale by g, Grove and Son.* Nelson for Motueka, Thursday, Apnl Tf, e | m n er | a j' C amera Co • :»«»S™ nm. OTIffln «» " AMBER TIPS' -^-"•-.«, J , , pri , | ■y o ,s QW ,,^r.».-| --i DROPPERS If your children are subjecv to Croup Nelson for Motueka, Friday, Apnl 19, .-_ DONALD^MgRING: Machines, ™*^ ne ff BRAND Motajtate' Nehon, Friday, April 19, -!■ iw^ WIRE STRAINERS v ■ j Cough Remedy is given as soon as the HJIAIIW. 12.30 p.m •GIBBONS FRUIT TREES, SHRUBS, dull becomes hoarfe, the attack will Nelson for Motuoka, Saturday, April , pMWMTr - r ...l. - -^ : . ."■::■■ nTT T~ a ci?i?n<s be averted. Even after the croupy r ,' , an V T , o , , ... ..-BULBS and SEEDS. cough has appeared, the attack can Motueka for Nelson, Saturday, Apnl rMr^Jno- Qflfp 1 E' ' •: ! ;""iJfCTB&RiK)N & CO.', Ltd; Nelson' foF^Motueka, Monday, April IVjaU1 S WSaiC. . MCPHERSON & CO., Ltd. «& t"s cuts ™* TEA is a blend of care " v f 22 f 1230 J>; m - ' , /,' . ."T. . « ;,'■ WAKEE.iEL^,. -^ D e d F ° r /^ b Y * fully , elec ted Hill-grown Broke, M °^ P ° m NelS ° n ' M ° nd ' y ' Apnl 22 ' GENUINE OPPORTUNITY. •?■' '■•"■■'• ""■■ ' - T ' , , Nelson for Motueka, Tuesday, April 23, A r% , t\ t • 7'» ■ ~ ~ Broken Orange Pekoa Coylons, 2 p.m. * A Knnt SlOt^K rtl 1 !"■ .1 <f-T7VTT I iiTCrrVT/^ Hjr A TT " Motueka for Nelson, Wednesday, April „ ** *^*^ v »* Mlw^ n IH rG Vj V_TjJN 1 N (jT JMA.I.L . aDd for Purit y and Delicacy of 24 > 6 - 30 ara - Offered to the general BOOKBIKDESTG raLm • 0 * Thjirsday> April « «««.PJ»»« brief Nelson for Motueka, Thursday, April ' period Only. <S 1 IriP A rJi-l VI Fj 1\ I ' Motueka ro^'Nelson, Fridr.y, April 26. The Directors of the ANCHOR ■L r - L ' l - XiXD J lUJJi.I Xr | 7.30 a . m. r BOOT COMPANY desire to in- -"-■•,■ ' Nelson for Motueka, Friday, April 26, , timate that as they aro about to I'ac'ied only In lead packagos 4.30 p.m. I close their TRAFALGAU-ST. • Motueka for Nelson, Saturday, April BRANCH, the Stock now on ■* • ■ an( l a i r tight tins, thus effec- 27, 8 a.m. hand is offered as above. tfMMHH. In all Its Branches executed tively presorvins ttß f^s. n. m Motueka ' Monday ' Apri ' r THE SALE WILL TtOrHTRTiVTITIVrS- In FirSt-CIaSS Style at ... Motueka for Nelson, Monday, April CONTINUE DAILY, PVf WJBIJJJ-LI MJ 4-L1 VT Ch<t^ aat Mftti< , n vi Flavour. 29,10 a.m. an ■! the boot buying public have . ■■■■■■■^■■■■■■■■■■B 5n0 " e81 WOHCB. nov a c.iance of laying in a , ' winti-r supply at practically its - " - •*— Q"T*AEVir^ARr^ ownpnees. r ■ -■— ■ O I nl^yrinU now re the time to box. iHf DT7B ITTPQ' FIRE AND MARINE The Wtock ia New, Reliable, A^riATTXTm T^AAT7CI ...A... AMJICiXI/. 11-*© INSURANCE- COMPANY and has been specially eelected j ACCOUNT BOOKS SPECIALITY m? A OF NEW ZEALAND. for our tAde h l r !l " ■ ■ • 1-b A NELSON^RANCa REPA «J RS D °^ AS T^' PAT BOOKS, CASH BOOKS, marin^-d suarantbb ANCHOR BOOT CO,, JOURNALS, ': TIME BOOKS, EVIN AND co . COCK AND c 0 * &2?™Sa?£SsS*~ mi^nHMW LEDGERS, ETO. BAKERS' BOOKS, ETO Wholesale Agents. urge and InfiuenUa^onul Proprinvy. . ACCOUNT BOOKS made to any size. HZ7Z^^r~ "~" — ceSP age^t^or^n^on ACCOUNT BOOKS ruled to any pattern. Do « on * n ™ . CHIM viSfSL ™L*" Em ~^ TjriT T ~ ' ' mrl^~ ACCOUNT BOOKS bound to any design. • A ;;I™ AV rn _._■.._ PUBLIC notice: . • J. RAVAGE AND ~~™j**J~~ T BEG to xh^. G . m , p ub .ic A LARGE STOCK OP ACCOUNT BOOKS ALWAYS ' QON^ CAMPBELLi ■*• their past support and elicit * H&vgfii* _»*>Tv- ON HAND OV/I^IWJ V^X^.XTXJL JJXJJJLJI a Contiuanco of their Kind Patronage. - * ■■-- - .on otpot ttp Tn niTE • As I have found my present premises 2«G ttIGHTUPTP DAI*. NILE STREET, WEST, NELSON, too small for the voline of Business, I tj ' , -.--.; JIN.s PAINTER, GLAZIER, PArSR- have secured a long lease of the — *" ' '" •»•»• . HANGER, and GENERAL |*f/»ftll<S HOUSE AND SHIP TJALACE CjKATING T> INK, ' OLD BOOKS MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW. . Private Address : Kawi St., North. 1l f*<ktmn Estimates given for all classes of where in conjunction with the other -:■■■-• F r Ctlllll.l Decorating in Town or Country. shop our Business will be conducted. Htijfo'rorfr MAGAZINES, MUSIC, EtC, Bound up; It WIU „__ __ . „_M ._T „ A woll-selected stock of PaperhangwfeS^&fiK&pthemtldy. AND AT VERJ^ REAbONABLt ing 3) and other trade requisites always ' „ ' ' B A l -k l3 - in stock. -.■> „ .. OOME ANDjIGIVK USjAiIOHANCB Personal enpervision of all work en /^vTTdT^Ci FURNISHED -- SfmAP^B&DKS, for ChUdren; NEWSPAPER CUTTING anding- - trusted to o- eombinod with a .taff of (JUollih FROM £20 BOOKS^forßUSlneSß'aild'LiteraryMen. ■• MM 1J.V,,, competent v.orkmep, and high qnahty y BEDDING-A Snecial- ~ , • New RlOUldingS. material, ensures patrons that their m- it __ —^ .. terests are fc ; ng studied. ■>' mgTOGBASH ALBUMS and MUSIC POBTFOLIGS made to H OUSe DeCOratmg VnonsANPs giiiii~"K'oi^ " SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. anjrafigsriptkm. done in the most artistic • tea. . iTT^mTnvr STYLE. [ lUOUSANDS PREFER "KOZIE" A JT ARiSTEIVi JNVOIOE BOOKS Printed, Buled, and Bound to Just landed, large shipments w hlt E Tea * »-• t-v CW^*^ ; . Of beautiful ■ /-Kozie " You wiU 2nd it satisfaV EXCHANGEANDMART.COM- .. - - Paperhangings and Friezes. T ory, take our word for it. Tbeusandf O©inWWl-BOOB:rPflirted,>Nuinbe^d, and Bound to Order. SIGNWR iting A speciality '*^:™ o Z°u st^y! furnisher. WorK undertaken in Town Agents, N0 - x and 2 » - - ,— M - and Country. AnodgRASS and SONS,^ BR7DGE STREET . 1 ' . J- JUST PUBLISHED. *'" " " ' ' '■ Nelson. - ? goldxiotebing i mics , „ » T |iiFH» » „ ., ! jTiiTisTTTi s& '^V U/ GUIDE BOOK FOR 1907.;; makes friends wherever it is used. BUILT TO ENDURE. . f ' -t-~ *" ""■•*" ' •■-•- nrnnv BOOK FOR l^" E^SNODGRASS and SONS, NO matter how plain the outside _-■._.- . UUluJi "^ Nelson. case may be> if the inner construction is ' ' AlJtßel!«rWr«lWtt ? S in jrtOC&a large and Varied^asSOrtment Of r^HIS I 6S « eo f ?%*w vu j e j ao k» '""""START THE YEAR WELL as perfect as possible you ars investing ENG^HA:S>POBBI6N£bATHEB, every description Of PAPER count of the fish F etorw J» ctaht THF YE4R WELL in a source of constant pleasure. Such ' SSdJ^SfIIATBBIALSTaU orders, by the use of UP-TO-DATE yet published, ether " lth d J£ o l1 * Rv J S W nJ 2 \TSe at Is 8d It an instrument should cost less than a f C^P^ewcutedtoPlßSl<OLASS STYLE. S^ the deck of a BjJ,^ N Non 2; on 2 J^ l 8l fo _ rt , artiolei and it to when - - Tha ALMANAC and GUIDE have health, and strength. At the price stained from us. — i— ■ ) b^ thoroughly revised and brought g^ not . b^Jea .be ha^ n, mwjß „,. „ Obtainable from storekeepers and Try it. \»i you'll know. o{ Monthl _ p ayn jent«. __ ,— . v-r/M », -M-. , „ xm rv-»T others in the city and throughout the Aemf^, „„.„■» k ■ —^ R. LUGAS AKD SOI. p — a^s,™^. -- «-- -su oakey^co.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 16 April 1907, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 16 April 1907, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 16 April 1907, Page 1