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, AUSTRALIAN MUT.UAL . PROVIDENT SOCIETY _- _ HOLDS A WOlftiD-WTOE RECORD FOR BONUSES, STABILITY, LIBEBALITY, ECONOMY, BUNDS OYER ..% ... £2 1,423,000 AIQIUAL INCOME over ... ... £2,800,000 POLICIES IN FORCE, assuring over £66,734,000 ' Including BONUS ADDITIONS. Cash Profit Divided for One Year (1905) £635,532, ffHE LARGEST AMOUNT. DIVIDED IN ANX ONE YEAR IN THE HISTORY OE THE SOCIETY. TOTAL PROFITS DIVIDED amongst POLICYHOLDERS, 0ven.12,2.6,000 Th«r9 ir no other Office, living or dead, which can show, or "haa shown, such a phenomenal record aa the Australian Mutual Provident Society. , THE INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT IS NOW IN FULL WORKING ORDER. EVERY DESIBABLE"FORM OF POLICY ISSUED BY THE SOCIETV FROM £5 TO £10,000. awuuix DIRECTORS OF THE NEW ZEAHND BRANCH - The Hon. Charles J. Jolfcton, M.L.0., Chairman. , .*?. A; da Bathe Brandon, _fcq , Deputy Chairman, The, Hon. Edward Richardson, 0.M.0. John Duncan, Esq., Joseph Joseph, Esq. * EDWARD W.LOWE, Resident Becretai7. New Zealand Brench— Customhouse-quay, Wellington. <***' Netaon District Office-Corner Hardy and Trafalgar-streets. JAMES HAIR, District Secretary. E -ADVICE TO lIOTHEBS.-Aro yoo broken in your rest hy a sick child _uf- • fering -with the pain of cutting teeth? " -'' - Go at once to a chemist and get a bottle MCT>TTT7*IT> QOTVT 'of Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It JT JJ_X_ _Ll_l3 v/-L\ will relieve the poor snfferer immediate- ~ i« .. .ly- It is perf ectfy harmless and pleasant AND CO., LTD. v. to tast*, it produces natural, quiet > uleop, t- relieving the child from pain, -■ WAKEFIELD. and the little cherub aw_kes 'as' bright as a* button." It soothes the child, it -, ; sof tens the grans, allays all pain, re- '" ■ ..*, lieves wind, •"•epulat.s the bowels, and DIBECT IMPOBTERS OF .. .ip Ihe _>est known remedy for dysenterv BRITISH FABM Implements ant. and jli&rrhoea, whether arising from Machinery— Comprising HOHNSBY'S teeWMng or other causes. Mrs Win-Well-known High-class Manufacture. "low's Soothing Sr.u ;„ TO ia hy MediOIL ENGINES, SUCTION GAS I1 * tPo^^, TO p»"RTTTri. PLANTS, Single and Double Furrow , GROWEBS. J? JX UX X PLOUGHS. English CORBETT Har- I ___.-, „ ATtIt ,ZZZr ™.- . rows. HABRISO!. AND McGREGOR mm FAMttE«S' FRUIT AND Machinery, B.S.A. Bicycles, JULCOX | ■*• PRODUCE CREAM SEPARATOBS, ETC.. ETC. ■ STREET HABVESTIN Machinery, RANSOM'S ' w™ „ n WELLINGTON. pf (iTTptTQ Tpf- -„ '1.-C-HIP TO— BBITISH G^ds 7_lde by BEITISH ' W^H E FARMER Sr DIS Workmen on BRITISH Soil are the ; T RreUTING^|CTAOT,': If You BEST - - * - U ■ Want HIGHEST PRICES AND WE INVITE Fanners to i^^^Zn^W^'^T^^n ■ our Stock '- - --'*- ,; I REMEMBER— We Reduce the ComraisFUBNITPS3 and FURNISHINGS. L '._ f >. ion .*? 5 ° 00 ,? er Year - Tables,. Chairs, Couches, Bedsteads, {Telegrams "Distnbntof." Duchess -Chests, Dressing Tables, j .„„ «„„„ „,_!.•_ _,-_■_ _-_ T ,-„ Toilet Sets, LiAoleuis, 'Slip Mats) !._ CHILDBEN WHEN TEETHING Hearth Bugs, Mattrasses, . (AU do- . Have more or less diarrhoea, which canicriptions).. Curtains, Window Blinds; i, not b ? checked effectually, as the cause etc etc - , cannot be removed, but the diarrhoea RANGES,'. STOVES* Lamps, Grates,-! 2" 1 and, should I be controlled by giving . Boilers, Mangles, Sewing Machines (.Chamberlain s. Colic Cholera, and DiarrPhonographs, i.hoea Remedy, and an occasional doso ■ * " ■ " *_ - of castor oil to cleanse the system. For AGENTS ior REID & GBAY'S Sale by E. Grove and Son.* IMPLEMENTS.. CYCLONE GATES van'd FENCE CROUPY CHILDREN. DROPPERS I If yonr children are subject to JC.-9UE DONALD'S ' SHEARING Machines, watch for the first eymptoms o< the u_ totd-p _TT>_-r\nc_j_ .sease — hoarseness. If Chamberlains , WIRE STRAINERS j 1 Cough Remedy is given as soon as the GIBBON S~FRUIT TBEES, SHBUBS, • child becomes hoarse, the attack will BULBS and SEEDS. be a ™£? d - Even after the croupy _ ___-_.^. cough has appeared, the attack con ETIjrCPHERSON & CO., Ltd. always be prevented by giving this rem- • M.CPHERSON & CO. Ltd. I ed ?- .tt .» also for colds _ ' i and whooping coughs. It always cures, WAKEFIELI. „ J and cures quickly. For Sale by K. Grove and Son. THE "EVEIOTG MAIL" ~ BOOK_BII_DING DEPARTMENT. 1 _ y l L ■■■■■■■DjaHHiHHiHBHBi In all its Branches executed BiQio-_^E^iyG a. ywsL Bl^ at ■ ■ ' a_______________________i Shortest Notice. "."" «_ _ ■ ACCOUNT BOOKS speciWy PAY BOOKS, CASH BOOKS, ' JOURNALS, •* TIME BOOKS, LEDGERS, ETC. BAKERS' BOOKS, ETC ACCOUNT BOOKS made to any size. ACCOUNT BOOKS ruled to any pattern. ~ AC P?_L NT BOOKS bound to any design. A LARGE STOCK OP ACCOUNT BOOKS ALWAYS f W^^ *v.-^-. QN HAND. • % f I-:* v *- .. *- OLD Bt)_KB MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW. H&e yonr MAGAZINES, MUSIC, Etc, Bound up; lt will - pryi^Simd Keep thenl tidy. ! JIDBAP. BOOKS for Children; NEWSPAPER CUTTINQ KS for Business and Literary Men. PHOTOGBAPH ALBUMS and MUSIO POBTFOLIOS made to anjffiessriEtlonT' _ JnaQIJiIOATB BtVOIOE BOOKS Printed, Ruled, and Bound to OOPHtWboOKS pittnted. Numbered, and Bound to Order. v * ■ »i GOLD LETTERING! *• »■'■■.'•» HCHJ' /mir name on your Purse, pocket Book, etc. 4 ' - , ' '' t % • „ ' AS thexraw always in stock a large and varied assortment of SNGuSBf-gp FOBBIGN LBATHEB, eyeiy description of PAPEB •od STStamttAXEBIAhB, aU.orders, by the use of inp-TO-DATB MAOBONJBRY' caa 1»e executed in FIBST-CLASS STYLE. R. LUCAS- AM)' SON. \ TBI^EPHONE Na 15.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 15 April 1907, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 15 April 1907, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 15 April 1907, Page 1