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A service, of song entitled "The n World's Tragedy" will bp tfendefeH at Lhe Salvation Ai-ittf Hrtll tu-mbrrow s^rtin g, Witft 26' musical items. ■ i Mrs Topliss' name vtras ina'dve'rteht|y < omitted from th.9 list of $ Ihf prize list In fefijtnMibn with the recent libra! Tele. : At the break-up fathering on Thursday last in connection with the Lower Moutere State School Mr T.' C. Scott, the head teaches, who has been appointed' to a position^ at the Boys' General School, N;*!"^.' *as foroßßnten with a silver-mounted " pocket-book. . Marion Marshall, a pupil at the school, mads a speech on the' occasion,, and. another pupil, Max Beck, handed .tjie pocketbook to -Mr ??«£, \Viio.Ayarmly acknowtettpd Jlie children's glTt. _ ..m ■■ ;■■ ■ . : In conneetiojh with the- mineral bolt at. Aniseed"- Valley, it is stated iin a report roceived i: .by Mr SmytHei 'that the •work of .qjpon^ng out .Mie Ola levels in 'Urn Uit'Jra iuine undertaken by the 'Maorilalid Copper Company has bcc^ -completed, and that ' vUC i O vels aro jL*r*MTHTt to No, 7, ft depth of 400 Tfeit, Ml 1 BVfty, the mine manager, reports that the- chute of ore in No. 2 is ■ft ft long, and has been followed 88JVII ■ •to No. I' level. , U U>£. Western drive •pi Nfi, g- th|.;lßdti, is 2ft 6iti, .and.the j;; itriariapt i-eplfifts JtnaUßiVJs the bfesl. -; -ore hVfiaVypl seen. ihe,Waoj fte safc.B, 1 -is rtfdplhg. Stffeßg, UJMM loot, . A con, > tract liakbegn let. fojr, the .extension, of J No 7-'lem l jfor a further -3Doft to.,corae inder &W:ri»in p ,ore Aoc\y,,: Sarapl^ taken fronVail BVW- W? Var^usT^v*" 8 HF*ss»ly Mr. A. §Wr\ Peters (the comp^sy's assayer) afid M A._ A. Bickertoisithe colonial analyst) are said to |fiow an -average (of 32, assays taken) of i^per ..cent, of r^vUs' »T " ed^thltr shortlyr.afte r ffie New «at the eom'bany will start operations on the Champion mine, and that. 75 men will bs'*a.t- work during January. It is the intention of the company to immediately snip 500 tons of ore to the English and Australian Copper Smelting Co. at Waratah ,N.S\W. Nelson '6y\Uge Old Boys are referred to the advertisement of the jubilee Msniin.ijjttiiis issue. The committee wish it "to be thoroughly understood that, all Old- Boya are welcome to all functions, aH-d that tto °nly rf«i»»io!f admission is that of. 3s to Uje stafekfe fconi cent on foicky nieM. On iS%U»«da.i night aMiflKvi f«\ '.¥ h t l c^ • - a certain aumßeV- bl wmch will be distributed amongst Old Boys, who are at give them to the « J"« n «; Associltion is concerned, the on y function not strictly confined to Old Boys is that of Saturday night, when a limited number, of the friends of Old Boys ian obtain' admission by • The committee', moreovet, wt?Kit-lo be understood .that the iarden party on Fn•day. is given by the College of Goveinors Oil the occasion of the formal opening of • the new buiiding, and they' -<-have kindly invited all membirs- of the Association to be present. It has been suggested that Old Boys ,-should wear the Association hat band iuiing tho reunion. It is probable that Monday (Christmas Eve), will ba observed as a holiday by maiiy of the offices in Australia, and probably also by the banks :— "A Bank Manager" writes to the '.'Sydney Daily feleeraph" :— "I notice that tlie £o : ■Vernmea*- Ss bxfiilHtA&J "Vdml fSlUclince 'to proclaiih the Monday before Christmat a public holiday. Why thu Should ,be SO is difficult to understand. While i -sympathising with the view thai we may have too many public holiday; already? still, in this particular in stances/Monday being so sandwiched ii the middle of, say, four other holi days, it becomes useless for the regu iar transaction of business, and there fore, not to proclaim it a holiday i: only to oblige a large number of peo -pie ; to put in an appearance at theii .^offices, to merely fritter away to no pur !pose time which might otherwise bi speiit. in rest and recreation. lun deretand that all the insurance, man; ..of the large mercantile, and the pro lessional offices will be closed on thi Monday. It is scarcely possible tha outside of the retail shops any busi uess will be done, and even ill regan to these shops the business which the; might expect at that time of the yeartoys, Christmas presents, and the liki — wUI mostly be transacted on the pre vious' Saturday. If Monday, th6 24tl inst. , is proclaimed a public holida; it will give city people time to take i trip into the country, and, conversely a number of country people to comi from a distance into the city. Thi: means benofit to the railways, whicl would - not accrue if the holidays an split in tn-o." Thc*"Ota'Bo Daily Times" learns froman. official source that it 'is intended fto h-01-d a conference of licensed 'victuallers at an oarly dato auring tho coming yvar, w;it.h the object of cons dering the question, of licensees who conduct their businesses improperly. II is pro-poscd-'to initiate legislation which will will deal with such offunders, and also to -adopt measures to put t>he tcatlo in cvwy part of the colony an a footing that will bo satisfactory to tho great body of electors. "■'lt Is a peculiar thing iu New Zealand that you rjave no markMs/' remarked the Hon. tA. Wll-i mat,, a visitor from South Africa, in tjie course of a descriptive lecture at Wellington. In South Africa, -he said, thoro were markets in almost every town. He considered tho market system .beneficial. By its -adoption the profits of the middleman were done away with. A eppj of the Imperial Camera Company's sqatalogue of Photographic specialities for 1907 has just come to hand. It is a.,profusely illustrated volume of 150 paggs; the high-class half-tone pictures and letterpress being printed on glazed art paper. Everything that the amateur camerist knows of, as well as "many novelties for producing beautifully artistic pictures direct from nature which he has not. previously heard of, are listed by the Imperial Camera Company, Jeryoi/j Quay, Wellington.. The catalogue is a most comprehensive one, and. should prove exceedingly useful to all photographers. It will be sent free to all who write for it.* On Friday next, at the premises, Halifax-street, Messrs Mark Sprot and Co. will sell furniture and effects on behalf of Mrs Wm. Arnold, who is leaving Nelsbfl ; and on Saturday,- January, 12, freehold property, Halifax-street, by order of the Public Trustee, in the estate of Jacobsen's Trust. Messrs Bisley Bros, and Co. will offer n Saturday, January Sth, race privileges on account Nelson Jockey Club. .' RHEUMO cures rheumatism, gout, sciatica, and lumbago quickly and permanently. It is a thoroughly safe and ibsolutely reliable remedy. All chemsts and stores. 2s 6d and 4s 6d.

CHRISTMAS EVE.— Shop to-day. Better' assortment and no crush. — R. Snodgrass and Sons.* ». RHEUMO- cures rheumatism and kindred complaints. It eliminates the excess uric acid and purifies the blood. All chemists and stores. 2s 6d and 4s 6d. Try it. All stores. .With the advent of spring comes Victory -butter. If you appreciate delicious butter made on the most approved scientific principles, ask your grocer for Victory, and take nothing else.* 'CHRISTMAS CHEER,— We have a fine display of delicacies of all kinds suitable for young and old at Caledonia House. — R. Snodgrass and Sons.* Now is the time to look up something suitable for a Christmas present. You will find the article you want by making /a' ;perusal of Mrs Anstice's advertisement on top of next page.* , Brown and Kerr, jewellers, will be open every evening this week, and those ia search of Xmas Presents should favor them with a visit, and inspect their Show cases ; well filled with pretty and useful articles,*

" A number of men came into town today from the railway extension works, They state that about 40 hands have been dismissed from the works, and thrt the cßstnissal is permanent, ami ot temperoraif owing to tile hohUiiys. The statutory meeting of ratepayers a connection with the proposed oari will Be held at Ue, „ Municipal Chambers a>, 8 o'clock this evemnft The Citizens' Band will give a concert it the Botanical Reserve to-morrow ifternoon. The Garrison Band will play^ ill town ihis evening instead of on Christmas Eve. A number of members of the Band die going out of towfi for the hohdavß, this being the reason for the departure from the Band's longtime custom of playing on Christmas EvW Oil .Monday evening the Citizens..' Band will turn out and play at an early hpur, . wid. later Christmas carols will be rendered. At th& Mftglsfcrate'g Gourtrthis HiOCfling, Arthur Ji ..Fletctief. "m'^e" of the scn«' N&aiUi, Was fined 10s, with 7s costs, for taking a seaman to sea without first having a proper agreement, rile Collector of Customs prosecuted, and the caso was heard before Messrs Wilson Heaps and E. E. Trask, ticesIt Is learnt {rbi» Mr Carter, Elector of Customs, that the Marine Department has lirovisionalW ordfeted the next week. ieasoji's .greejtiii gs ,f rom. t£e proprietor a»d stafi of the Mralborough "Express are acknowledged and recreated. The editor and staff of the Maryborough "Herald" aiso forward Christmas and. New Year wishes, which are heartily rtturMth Six tenders wexe received for winding and regulating the Post Office clock, as follows :-W, Moyes,. £15 .a, .year; R. Hunter, £17 10s; G. Wuncwtea M» . Council. A maotins at tho66 wllO took Part (n tfce receflt Bi'&dUetiojl ol the opera. "Pirates ol Penzailc.e," fraa (BeliiiAt RichmOptj.iflirt T.«uk9as» »*, ,vheh account vfiie The; balance-sheet Sowed that w neb profi.t of £31 .1«4 resulted, whiph- had, been distributed as follows :— Oddfellows £15, Richmond Cricket Club £7, Athletic and Cycling Club £8 This was considered higiuy satisfactory. Votes of .thanks were accorded to Mrs May, whose until ing efforts had been responsibly Sox SUch & substantial ..balance; tp Mi»B Piko, ns Slantsfw atl«i fo trie oilier members of Ze orchestra; to Mr Wanstall, as scenic artist ;and to all those who had assisted in various ways ; also to the press for the very liberal space allowed ior news and locals concerning the opera. The Rev. E W. Matthews Secretary to the British and Foreign Sailors hociety, has written to the Mayor (Mr Piper) and forwarded for the city a cofiec itoA Of ■•Nelson; mementoes . w follows :-A "Victory" plllljjie, 4 "Victory" Walking stick, a .match box, shoe horn, card case, njedal, , brooch, Victory" cnarm, a Nelson, statuette (a tacswiilfi.of iOW, t of ..j tlie l he J o i!^e u £tf--T ' Cl£ miotiumM ill Trafalgar Srluarb, ' London), a spoon showing the lamous ■ monument, a "Victory" Testament, and ' a volume, chart, and compass of the • centenary, celebrations. The collection, ; as stated, is a gift to the city, but Mi 1 Matthews suggests that someone as a " labour of love, might collect £5 5s for 1 the Nelson Centenary Memorial Fund, " and send it to his daughter at the ■ Christchurch Exhibition. Anyone doing " this will receive a personal Nolson s . souvenir. The Majtor has received the ' collection sent by Mr Matthews;

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 317, 22 December 1906, Page 2

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LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 317, 22 December 1906, Page 2

LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 317, 22 December 1906, Page 2