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ET/-fcll7' Trf^ /CHOOSE A ROOKING T> ANGE. H.L/W XvJ Ohoose J\ Booking JK/inge. .: AVOID a Range with a Sheet- 1. BUY a Range with heavy cast-metal matal Oveh. Unless the Oven is of Oven, securing evenness of tempers' heavy metal an even heat cannot be ture. maintained.' 2. BUY a Range with flues made of " 1: AVOrO a Range having end and heavy caat-raetaL Cannot wear bottom Flues constructed of sheet- or corrode through. metal. These are the vitals — if 3 BUY a portable "ORION" Range these fail th<i Range is useless^ — no setting required. Copper 5. AVOID a Range with small Boilet, Boiler much heavier than other requiring frequent filling, or made nittk«», of, thin copper, liable to get oat of brde'rj BE GUIDED BY THE EXPERIENCS OF &),<fi6 FAMILIES IN 8.2. WHO USE THE "/~V~D TOTVT" EVeRY I>JtY ' CATALOGUES and all INFORMATION ABOUT THE '"'/"VRION," from nklson. B. BUXTOM.& GO.* M s*«ft, CHRISTMAS! 1906. THi3 18 THE TIME FOR PRESENTS AND WE CONFIDENTLY CUIM TO HAVE ONE OF THE BEST ASSORTMENTS IN N.Z. OF SUITABLE GOODS TO CHOOSE FROM. UNFORTUNATELY ADvMtiSIN^ SPACE GIVES LITTLE IDEA OF THE GOODS THEMSELVES, Stf WE ASK ONE AND ALL TOCOME AND HAVE A LOOK ROUND OUR STOCKS BEFORE MAKING YOUR PURCHASES. . npHR FOLLOWING LIST MAY GIVE YOU- SCMIiDEA OF THE X VARIETY SVE OFVKR. -, ■ ■ Dinner, Tea and Dessert Sets; Afternoon Tea Ware, China, Fruit, and Cheese Dishes, Trinket Sets, Table Glassware of all Kinds. Vases, Umbrella Stands, Specimen GWJSs.*/ Flower Pots, Epergnes, Photo Frames, Albums, Accordions, MoHtH QrgSitf; Pearl Necklets, Cheap Jewellery, Purses, Pocket Books, Harid »ags/ Dicssing Cases, Glove and Handkerchief Cases and Boxes, MuSIU Cases, Companions, Writing Cases, Desks, Workboxes, Post Card Albums, Serviette Rings, Oak and Japanese Trays, Crumb Trays, Clocks, Watches, Dolls, Bats and Balls, Japanese Fire and Draught Screen*! Silk Blouses, Shawls, Opera Coats, Kimonos, Handkecrhief and Umbreliaß, Jopan'PsS Tables, and Whatnots, Brackets, Cabinets, and Collar Boxes, .Pipes, cased or looss/ a* all prices. Hair BrnsKetf , . Single, Cased, and Military Clothes, Tooffi, Nail arid Shaving Brushes. Mirrors, and a host of Toilet accessories... . -.gtationSry, ■ ' , of all descriptions, including Diaries for 1907. Ghristrijas-Gardrf, Scripture Texts and Booklets. A great range of Baskets "for Hand, Bic^cfp; Worjt ; Glothes, Waste Paper, Plate, Dress, Picnic, etc., also "patterns in Bagkrt fiftfcft Stands, for Afternoon Tea, Fancy Lamps, and many articles in 1 Hardware^ Enamelwafe^ SIS) which, if not ornamental, make really USEFUL PRESENTS. IN PLATED WARE AND CUTLERY our Stock io teo largo to begin to ennumerate, but a glance at OUR WINDOW Tiispiay will give you an idea of our RANGE OF GOODS AND PRICES. R.SNODGRASS & SONS, DIRECT IMPORTERS. P' CJ DON'T FORGET THAT WE HAVE A FULL RANGE OP .k5. UTENSILS FOR JAM MAKING, AND FEUIT PRESERVING. LIST OF WINNERS OF CASH BONUSES IN THE QTH HALFYEARLY KOZIE TEA CASH DISTRIBUTION. O PEGEMBER, 7th, 1906. — — MISS M. CAMERON, MILTON, £5, MRS E. ADAMSON, GREYMOUTH, £5. ST. COLUMBKILLES CONVENT, Hokitika, £5. Ull J. 800TT, MOEVEN, £3, MISS McPIiMSON, BALFOUR, £2. MRS W. WOODILL, WA>tMATE» £1. MRS A. LINCHAN, KARAMeA, *10s. MISS A. KELLY, OTIRA, 10s. MISS J. M. FITZGERALD, Wainihinihi, ' 10s. MR DICK SMITH, MILTON , 10s. MRS T. JONES, KUMARA, 10s. MRS J. DAVIE, MILTON, 10s. MR W. BENNON, ORMOND, 10s. MISS K. LOCKHART, MILTON, 10s. AND 40 OTHERS OF 5s EACH TO VARIOUS PARTS OF THE COLONYf Have You Considered^ I how very many serious illnesses develop from small ailments? The digestive I &* secretive organs become slightly deranged, and unless the cause Is removed. I the trouble becoifies aggravated, and lasting sickness is almost certain to follow^ I The secret o! good health is to fight the -wtiag In Its early stages, and no I better corrective is known than " Beecham's Pills. I By their specific action on the stomach, liver and kidneys, they assist those I organs to perform tbel* proper functions, and so restore normal condition. 1 BEFTHAM«t tl mf 7I U i rS r t? 4 % lU> bu S v&fa'jaulcil out of sorts, take - . ■ BtHCrIAM'S PILLS, the handy remedy of the home. REMEMBER •' I that in taking BEECH^M'S PILI& you ar/not ta^L a a c^pcr^int^^ : . I l re 'uP d u ave bee §T?l m i n7 vcars. the on lyFamily Medicine in Innumerable I healthy homes. With a box o£ BEECHArVPS PILLS tandy vou have a ready ft relief without risk, ■ R^ SoMevetywhoKic boxes, price lOld.tfa pills) IHHs6pi::s)& 219 (168 cIUA ■,

"FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." -, THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PUIUFIEU AND RESTORER IS wakuante| l^|leak i*ria Prom all Impurities from wMii- ] aver cause arising. permanent Curo. It . Cures Old Sores, Cures Sores on, the NecK, g££ Blackiifdk or Pimple, on the F»ce. Cures Scurvy, Cures Blood 'and Skin Diseased, Cures Glandular Swellinas, Clears the. Biood from all Impure matter, foam whatever cause arising, . It rettiavcS the caiise from the blo&d ttiift ijiJhbS. ■ , , It is a real specific fof OOiit asta Rheumatic pains. As this mixture, is pleasant to the taste, affii tfsr rnrited free from anything injurious to the lilOSt de licate constitution ol either sex, ehe, Proprietors.. solicit sufferers to giv*;it,a trial 4 \o test J,t« value. m tT. f anteY, . „ . Broad, , tano, Cottenham, Cailibriago, i«-ites s- " Thi-ee years ago I had a slignt attack 'Of skin disease, and was obliged to see a doctor, who told me it waa Eczema. I was under his treatment some time, but got no better. I tried, I may say, scores of other medicines, but all to no purpose, and I was, therefore, persuaded td go to the Infirmary. Thtfe I was under special treatment, bM £bt no, better and came out uncufed ; ifi tact, worse than when in. I was now covered from head to loot, _ and was tormented that I almost wished myself ds£d : the medical man tolc ,me I shijiiW never ggt better. 1 ththk I insy thaif nm my .case was one of the worst it was possible to have, and everyone said they had never seen anyone like me. Well, at last £ heard about ■Cl»rka's Mlood M xture,' and decided to ffive it a trial. I purchas e<i &onw Trottt, the chemist, und took it according to rules for three mofltaa mine oeing a dreadful case, and I am thankful to eay I am n«»W perfeetly well, with my skin as clear »as poWible. It was Clarke's Blo«Jd MixtUfft which eflecrtea this wonderlul cure, and 1 cannot recomme&d <t t.tJq hi^nly.' "January. 2Ot&, 190t)." Private W. Lane, writing from the Dopßt| Wilts üßeglmgli^,u Beglmgli^, Devizes. Nov. 14th 1899, 6a^B : "Far 18 months I suffered with a sore nicAitb and my lips were much swollen. 1 tried all kinds of ointments and I medicines, but with no good result, and I began to think it would be a standing disease, until H /rierid of mine advised me to send to yoiif fifm for a case of Clarke's Blood Mixture.' I am glttd to say that before I had taken htilf the bottle the sores in Imy mouth began to disappear, tnd my lips began to get their natural Bize. By tho time I had finished tho 11s case I whs thankful to find myself restored to my former health." THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS (IF WONDERFUL CURES : FRCM AIJ I'AKTQ OF THE WORLD. Clarko'3 Blood Mixture is sold io Bottles at 2/9 each and in cases containing <9ix times the nuantity, at 11/-, sufficient to effect a permanent cure in thp <?reat majority of lonij-stan<ling casos: — Sold by Chemists and Patect Medicine Veni. dors throughout the world. Pro--1 prietors : Thn Lincoln and Midland Counties Drag Company, Linroin, England. Trade Mark ;— ' '.Infill Mnxture" CLARKE'S 81-OOD MIXTURE. CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE. CAUTlON— Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixture should see that they get the genuine article. Worthless imitations and substitutes are sometimes palmed off by unprincipled vendors. I%ic words .Lincoln ' and HHiland Counties Drug Cora I pany, Lincoln, England," are en- | graved on the Government Stamo. • and "Clarke's World-famed Blood I Mixture," ' lown r>n the bottle. i WlTHii' HICH NONE ARE GENUr>TE. BOWEL COMPLAINT IN CHILDREN. During the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels, and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as any looseness of (he bowels is noticed, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given. Get a bottle to-day; it may save a life. For sale by — R. Snodgrass and Sons, Hardy-st. I FLORILINE !— For the Teeth "and Breath. — A few drops of the liquid "Floriline" sprinkled on a wet tooth brush produces a pleasant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from al 1 parasites or impurities, hardens the gums, prevents tartar, stops decay, gives to the teeth a peculiar pearlywhiteness, and a doHghtful fragrance to the breath. It removes all unpleasant odour arising from decayed teeth or 'tobacco smoke. "The Fragrant Floriline," being composed in parts of Honey and sweut herbs, is delicious to the taste and the greatest toilet dis covery of the age. Of all Chemists i and Perfumers. Wholesale depot, S3 Farrvngdon-road, London, England. is free from dust, sticks, stalks, dead and decayed leaves, which spoil any Tea, and are the frequent cause of indigestion and other complaints. Ask for "AMBER TIPS" Teas and avoid these troubles. No Tea in the market will be found superiou to "AMBER TIPS" in its satisfying and refreshing properties. It's an honest Tea. "AMBER TIPS" should be allowed to draw five minutes and the contents of the teapot should be utirred up before pouring out the Tea. Obtainable from — li. T.'Uowden and Co., R. Snodgrass and Son, G. F. Hingston, J. Wood, Nelson Industrial Cooperative Society, Stewart and Co., E. Nicholl. Wilkies Estate, H. Mellett, { Mrs Ackersten (The Port).

rVVYTYYTY V'Vi^ YOUR LAME HORSE < _. • NEEDS « "* SOLOMON SOLUTION. -< There is mystery and doubt about the action of internal remedies, 4 ► but there is never any doubt about the efficacy of Solomon "* *■ Solution. . Rub it on Lf£htly. p * ► It will iclicvp the inß^mma^icn quickj_y, and 1 f'\ posiitvely cure cuts, skin diseases, swe:l!n.,'S, y f. sprain, splint, spavin, and broken knees. There is virtue in every ") scrap of it. ' ; ► The old time-tested- ► Remedy, nothings!*. good 5 for the horso as "* > Solomon SolutiQii r 3- and 6'- 4 r At Saddlers, Stores, akd > L Chemists, or post free from L Solomon Solution Proprietary, "* L 0 WELLINGTON. * * Jl^ Jf. A A Jl. A A A A^^, /*

' AMBER TIPS" TEAS i Some of the reasons why you should use these Teas in preference to others : — Because they are free from tannin and very rich in theine. Pocause they are ibsolutely pure Teas. Because thoy don't giverdndigestion and )ther troubles. Because they don't cost more than you jay for Teas in much inferior quality. Prices are Is lOd and 2s, a'l in lib and jib tins, nett weight.. ObtainnMe from — 1,. T. Bowden and '0., R. SnoJgrass and Son, G. F. Hing.ton, J. Wood, Nelson Industrial Coiperative Society, Stowars and Co., R. \'icholl, Wilkies Estato, H. ilellett. •Jrs Ackersten (The Port'. VALUABLE DISCOVERY TOO THE HAIR.— If your hair ia turning or white, or falling off, uce "The Meiican Hair Benewer," for it will positively restore in every case Grey or v Vhite hair to its original colour, withjut leaving- the disagreeable smell of most "Restorers." It makes the hair ohanningly beautiful, as well as pia-.-noting tbe growth oJ the hair, on bald spots, whe'.e the glands are not decayed. Ask your Chemist for "Tha Mexican Hair Rmiewer," sold Ny Chomists and Perfumers eveiywhere. Wholesale depot, 33, Farr" don Road, London, England- , ' ®1

[dr. j. collis brownls I ■ ' ■'■-' I (THE ORIGINAL ff O^fLY GENUINE) I COLDS, |^^^^^^^ffl| ASTHMA,..'.: ■ ! COUGHS, l^^^^^S^S BRONCHITIS', r I f^t^i A Is admitted by the profession to be the most wonderful;- --} OfuOrOGySIC and valuable remedy ever discovered. . a -a Is the best remedy known for Coughs, Colds, ConsvmpL/lliOrOClyiie Uoa, Bronchitis, Asthma. .■ _ , ,; : . <r*t t -a Acts like a charm in Diarrhoea, and is the only specific in L/hlOrOClyne Cholera and Dysentery. r^t| M^ * Effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria. OMOFOayHe Palpitataoa, and Spasms. i^Ll^^^ JI-* M * Is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Gout, L*f! lOtOayiie Cancer, Toothache, Meningitis, etc. Always ask lor "Dr. J. Collis Bbowke v s Chlohodtne," and beware of spurious compounds or jmitati>ina. Tl» . genoine bears tks wotia "Dr,.J. Oolub Bbowkb'b Chloibihub" on the Government Stamp of each bottle." '- Sold in Bottles by aU Chemists, etc Prices in England— l/I J, 2,9, and 4/0. J{Qoerwh&ming Medical Taiimmy aecompantei taih '60W«.) . ' : .,-^-- Sole Manufacturcre-J. T. DAVE-NPQRT, Limited, London. V ... i f i

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 317, 21 December 1906, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 317, 21 December 1906, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 317, 21 December 1906, Page 4