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1 SU FI^^TS tAS SPECIAL XMAS PRICJXFORJLL PRESS GOODS _' : : TT7E are overstocked in DEE >S GOODS, and will offer the WHOLE of ou nd T ADIES 1 FANCY EMBROIDERED AND L.ACE HAND- W DRB SS STOCK (excepting Prinin aud Muslins) at TWENTY PEI E JU KERCHIEFS AT 4id, 6d, 9d, 10id, ls, Is 3d, ls 6d, 2s 3d. cMiT REDUCTION FOR TVVO DAYS v^LY, SATUKDAY, December22nd See our SIXPENNY LINE of Fancy and Initial Handkerchiefs. ant j on XMAS EVE This is an ENORMOUS REDUCTION, and well wortl _ We hold a FINE STOCK of Novelties in DOYLIES, TRAY . your attention We quote a few Dricoa, but remember all Di ess Goods an CLOTHS BRUSH AND dOMB. BAGS, RUNNERS ETC. ?eduS per cent fo?Two Eaya only. SEE THE DUCHESS SETS, 4 p.eces for 2s M. BLACK CASHMERES- GKEY tWEED?- --_ OUNSHADES.-We are offering "Special Value in WHITE and 2/-, ?/6, 2/11, 3/6 1/11, 2/3,. 3/3( k3 COLOURED ALL-SILK SUNSHADES at 6s lid; usually, Now )/8, :/-, 2/4, 2/10 JNow 1/8, 1/10, £ll\ 8s 6d. Lower Lines at 3s 6d, and 4s 6d. Children's ditto 2s 9d. BLACK VOILES— NEW LUSTRES— _ Gents' SILK HANDKERCHIEFS at 2s Ud. REAL MAL- ug 2/6 211 2/3, 2/6, 2/9 y. TESE LACE SILK Handkerchiefs at 2s 6d. SILK SASH RIB- Now {,£ 2/-' 2,4 Now 1/10, 2/-, 2/3 BONS (Very Wide), ls. Splendid Assortment of BLACK SILK mTTT^ir o s-H /^«. RP ADV-MOSE7 DRAPERS BELTS ttJL Is 6d! PLAIN LEATHER BELTS ls lid. Tf? A THKIV & C O.. BRIDGF-STBEET -. SUPERIOR WHITE KID BELTS, 2s 6d. 11VA1UU11 \JU V^V^<^ uulu^i. ?>innni. je mRAVELLERS' Samples in lace neck These are just the bbmhmmbm ■^i""^*""""*' 11 '^ 1^™ 11 "" I. JL Articles for Presents. We have LACE SCARVES, Jabots, Lace Fronts, Lace Bows, Collarettes in all the Newest and Pret- — tiest Designs. • Embroidered Linen Collars, ls 3d. Side Combs, .. d 6d, 9d, and ls, a pair. Back Combs ls. 1- SUPERIOR imitation SUEDE GLOVES in White, ls 6d. m H "e ' O SILK LISLE GLOVES in Grey, ls 3d, and ls 6d. Very TT'"V r P~R At fl Fine Quality in imitation SUEDE OLOVES (Elbow Length) 3s Hi A. X J-V-tl. I ■ lid, in Crey, Beaver, and Champagne. Cool and Durable Net CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR. I Gloves at Is. Children's White Lace Sox, 6d. See the BIBS CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR. 1 we are offering at <jd, and ls. Boys' American Collars, 6d, 9d, D Havc bab] dedded to -e t a f eW EXTRA Lines this | V^IDY-MADE SILK BLOUSE, or a Hol.and Skirt make X Month GEORGE and FLO% RM^ will be comiug .HOME '• A Nice Presents. We are offering a Choice Assortment of *« ' helr ■ *<$* ** s : flJplJuu T \Vhat about NEW CUR Children's SILK HATS and BONNETS at Moderate Prices. SVfva " nd nP« TAA F r OVER ' Children's FROCKS, TUNICS, OVERALLS, ETC. TAINS or a Nice TABLE COVER.. T> LOUSE Lengths.— 3 Yards Superior ALL-WOOL (Guaranteed) ■ g-^ X T> "D A T> Tfc JS C* f\ t JL> DELAINES, in Pretty Designs, for 5s 9d. 3 Yards Fancy |JT J. Jj Jj J\. XV U O6 V^ \J * Muslins and Cotton Delaines for Is 6d, and ls lid. 3 Yards of | . RE showing a LARGE and WELL-ASSORTED STOCK, Novelty Patterns in White Muslin for 2» 11. Blouse Lengths of ■ i\_ and the PRICES are VERY RIGHT Too; in fact we are Good Washing Silks in White and Colours for 3s lid. ■ OFFERING EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE JUST NOW; AS WE ——-■ — -,^-r^rN a XTrNmT/M-ri I RECENTLY OPENED UPA SHIPMENT OF NEW GOOD Telephone, 184. IV/TT? ft \ N TS^I CTP) I DIRECT FROM LONDON EX WESTLAND. TRAFALGAR STREET. IVIJXO AH E) X IJ^SH | The Following are a Few of the SPECIALS just to hand :- i LACE CURTAINS— ISO pairs (5, SJ, 6, 7, and 8 yds to pair) ■ I at ls lid to 16s 9 a pair. j I^XTTJTGT'II/f A d TABESTRY TABLE Sizes: 1, li, I*, H, and 2 yds square, I L>XlX\/Xk3x IyjLAO. COVERS. Also 2x2i, and 2x3 yds, 3s 3d to 16s 6d. I .f E. HOBNSIEL AND 00. ,«. SPMSHADES-A Me J^t-^Jt^ rt a lld. .. nV Ful'l Stocks in new LEATHER 7s 6d - 8s 6d ' 9s 6d ' l° s 6d - . . „ GOODS, viz., Purses, Wallets, Card HANDKERCHIEFS-FINE Hemstitched Lawn from ls halfT U Ud DT\l?\f Cases, and other lilies. 1™- Better qualities, 3d and 4d. '»J V [I All )m New FANCY GOODS, including Embroidered do., 6d, 74d, and 9d. . • - 1 - " i-lilll'l-'VI y Wrist Bags, Ladies' Companion, Desks, APRONS— Splendid " Variety. White Muslin, trimmed emInkstands, etc. . . broidery 9d, ls, ls 3d, ls 6d, ls 9d, ls lid, I -„-■- ln CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS 2s 3d, 2s 6d, 2s lid, 3s 6d. Holland and linen Aprons, ls 6d I CASH .. , BOOKS we have all ihe new Annuals, ■l 3 9d, and 2s 3d. ' % n i RT7 Utke St " Ck ° f Illustrated ■ HOSIERY-Another Lot of Our Noted "PEARL" HOSE, fi-RODEIR CRIOKET TEKWItJ inH A\fPT I : ls ' ls 2d ' ls 4d ' ls 6d ' ls 9d ' lfl lld ' 2s 3d>il pr ' ItKU^K, IN^OOS iS4. I CORSETS-A Big Lot just to hand, including the' "SUNJ ■ SHINE for which we are the Sole Agents. R ft JTiO F.QT 3d ' 6d ' u> AND _^ THER TABLES - I 7:^: tali^l "S^^JL i s .so d sto^ed d : JjJXJ -L/VXiJIO J . Note the Address— ■ CRETONNES— Imported direct, 6d, 7id, Bid, 9d. Double ■ _ width Reversible, lOd, ls, ls 2d, a yard. J"R TTSK«f^ SS' 1 I PRINTS Splendid Line Indigo Prints, Ss 9d a doz. . ' TRAFAI PAR STRFET ' I alld OalilteaS ' Delaine(te3 ' 6d - W> W^ I TRAFALGAR-STREET. H MUSLINS. Fancy Muslins, 4id, sd, 6d, 7id, 9d. I T A TVTI~\ X 4 TVTT^ 9 "WHITE Really Special Value. Prices 2s lld, 4s 6d, ■ IjAJN JJ. LiAJN i). § SKIRTS. 5s 6d, 5s lld, 6s lld, 7s 6d, 8s Ud, 10s 6d, 15s. ■ m SAMPLE About a doz. Sample Trimmed Hats, clearing at B TENDERS will be received until §j HATS less than Usual Wholesale Cost. g THURSDAY, 27th day of ]">E- B HOUSEHOLD Exceptional Value in Towels, Sheetings, Quilts, B CEMBER, 1906, for the Purchase, in g DRAPERY. Quilts, Blankets, Toilet Covers, Tablings, ■ — — — — -^ — ■; ■.' ' ..n one or more lots, of that valuable land' gfl Servcttcs Flanncllettes, Tickings, Cali-cocs, Etc. 9 T. VERCOE, HiSmfS^ I 3 W " M ii?llCls l =- ™* I BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTURER more or less. The Highest- or any ten- | MERCERY. OLRY tins Month. | pEsPECTFoI^M.™. lk , „ ttSg&SgiJffi §-v rernnw cßumuj^m^™™™ happy I XV habitants of NELSON and SUR- ? ddres6ed to ?. HILI 4 ? ? EST - A PP>«by, fl iU " YLAtt 1U AULI - fl ROUNDING DISTRICTS that he in- f r ? m i Whom a " P ar 'icu'ars can be ob- H ■ tends o P eni ng a ,t. med. g aTBT^ARD <fe CO I CASH BOOT AND QHOE STORE , I "X** *^ « B ASH BOOT AND DhOE STORE ' """ "" "~~^ ""' " 1 NOTED "SPOT CASH" DRAPERS AND CLOTHIERS. 1 °" slTm til'Ss U , ' FOR SALE. § 8 *sfioi" skaZq s S Ti '""" A BO S K"%?£? ?£ \ \ * ,ne fALACE SKATING RINK. Houses GO fen ly 20 feet thereon IltlJi brObft. will comprise a Wide injus & hari W L^VL/WcAs%m-. 8 — ,VEAn of High Qiiality, as well as . I GOO^S *u| ADE IN FO R SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY. I „ • Toots and m J\ > ™b cnmtZmbv, nelson. Dress Well and Command Success. BOOTS AND SHOES made to Mea- ? r done REPAIRS NaaUy a " d PrO ' npt - , rpHIS Hotel stands at the corner of ¥\l?i? QJ> CTIKTC ■ 'A. Trafalgar and Bridge Streets, op- If V. V. CT "" " "'posite the Bank of New South Wales, *<*«-# JW »>* 'W' * '»'f FOR SALE. and close to the New Post-office. The pwq steeT-^ey no^s^VL: I : it^JlYx^Vol^t:- Th « Leadin 8 Tailoring »ad Hating Shop. 1 (light draught), broken, 3 and 4 , falgar and 65£ feet to Bridge Street, ■ ■■■n»ni^M^^^Ml^^ni ears respectively. One Bay Mare giving ample room for a first-class hnnse, (BWHWllilWllmi^M^^^^^M^W^Mi^M Iraught)-, 5 years, in foal to Balmoral, which present trade and prospecta lully ! E wo Draught Horses, broken, 3 to 5 warrant, j 3 ° arS- Addlv R TFTPTTTnv For full particulars, apply to- Trousers to | SftC Suits to PP ' y R Stok E o r< O?p T han N age FELL AND ATKINSON, or j I Perfect Fit. 6 w. rout and sons. j Measure from j Measure from | 1 Latest Styles. — Iss6dto3os. 1 555t01055. HOLIDAY MILLINERY l^^^^mJr I • I £Tj\ Why We Lead in Hats. -_- TT -m-^-m-^t^^-^.^l We lay ourselves out to show the best Hat3 money can buy. I if SW/ I-* I-C I I 'K; Si w e co for something above the ordinary everyday Hat— tnosa SJ\J TT X XViVVJ^ikJt hat fl:, wear, and have style-those that fit meo Who have peculiar shaped heads, and in this we have the latest London LM-a/.e, 'Twecn Hat, a Hat In half sixes, with an embossed leather Nows votir rHAMfp Tn pttpphaqt? AMnTTTTrD wat wltli a piece or padding whi h gives perfect comrort, and which FOR thf HormAvs at a prlattv PFmrrpn lloes ftvav with noting and Ftretchfng the hat. We have full J<UK int. HOLIDAYS AT A GREATLY REDUCED .„„).,. n f \\' n nrlriTu'«i Pnol Snrln^ and CnrLstv's the best Hat the PRICE. TKTE ARE SHOWING SOME EXCEEDINGLY '^1,1 r ?r nrt n<^« "^ -NEW- VV MODELS, EVERYONE A PICTURE OF woi Id produces. STYLE ib__|_i— *UJU^^Ma^Mfc— l^M^MßMfc PRICES- 9/6, 10/6, i stt ™e^™f ' ™™ I wlZ g Me., 10/fi I Try Our ! - I Try Our Strong J-iWU. 1 ! Mft4's Suit, extra I WorkiQE §„.„.! pair Trousers, one H * I Norfolk Suits. |eachlJnderflannelH Trousees, -TNTRIMMED STRAWS, SAILORS, READY-TO-WEAR, I n^rVr&es 1 ""' & I fi«i lid J ETC., FROM 4 } TO Offi | lOs 6d. I lT ' lccs - I OS 110. YOU SHOULD SEE WHAT WE ARE DOING IN- oQXED SUITS. SHIRT TIME. BLOUSES T3ELTS AND /~1 LOVES I Tliwc nro the n can si approach If yon pee our vast stock, our XJ yjT I to the high tfmde Tailored Suils shirts will talk for themselves. T^y y a e , l -o PU ciu (^ \%Xk&. new summer lines. mid (It some really pcrtt ct. \Ve Those with and without collars, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY WEAR have a large range in choice soft and stiff cuffs, those for the 1 patterns. <md those who want a ueW r soft double collars, in white I SB/s^ U« °£f°iS and coloured. Come and look r THE CASH DRAPERY COMPANY, "„ 1M nFF np qAMC BRIDGE STREET. fiLi VW BM^ SLj Mad V^^^^i^i^^

E. BUXTON & CoTLtdM Trafalgar-street, Nelson. Our Stock of Electroplated Goods a for this season comprises a >^— «>, - pnn wide range, and is exception- /^^\\ TABLE CUTLERY- SPOONS AND FORKS. ,We are aSevixLa Special Value in Table and E.P^N.S. Spoons and Forks. A Special Dessert Knives, fruit, Fish and Pocket Quality of Bugle Brand Spoons and Forks, Knives, Ivory, Xylonite, and Stag Casvera. the best White Metal ever offered; take's a high polish and wears white throughoutFRUIT PRESERVING SEASON. CHEAVIX'S WATER FILTERS Complete stocks of Jam and Fruit Jars ; in all sizes. Enamelled, Brass, and Aluminium Preserving , ALFMINTITM PCicw iTMfi IITEN«IH «J Pana: Rubber Rings, Jelly Bags, WoodSpoons, m ♦ e * •* « ,' Step Ladders, Wood Tubs, etc. ■ Metal ftlea,^ Safes,. Fruit Presses an d 1 N W itofßln Leaner. W Trunks. ' GENIIRAL HOUSEHOLD IRONMON- \ Gladstone, HpHd.a^d^itfiaga, Portmanteaus, OliiHi, . BIS 'K fi£e?°Sa Geti? BBDSHWARB & ENAMELLED WAKE Dressing Cases, miitayy and Hair Brushes, etc. of every description.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 317, 21 December 1906, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 317, 21 December 1906, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 317, 21 December 1906, Page 3