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SFOWNE'S white washing [ KID GLOVES, NOAV ARRIVED, IN ALL SIZES, ; PRICE 3/11 PAIR. PRINTED DIRECTIONS FOR WASHING AVITH EACH PAIR. TRATHEN & CO. ...i.h»« mi mi .r J GIBBARD AMD CO *S. I fl ANOTHER SHIPMENT CF 1 I SEASONABLE DRAPERY J 9 I (EX WESTLAND), 5 i DIBBCT FROM TAB MANUPAOTPBEaSb , No Middlemen's Profits. j lowest Working Expensesb I No Losses by Book Defcts. ! Business Run On Strictly K Spot Cash** lanes. 1 Best All Round Value^lihfl^ to Customeiu. v A large and well-assorted stock of LS^M aa4 I I Dark Prints, Galateas, White and Fancy Mn* ■ 11ns, Dress Materials, Skirts, Blouses, Glovea, ■ Aprons, Hosiery, Corsets, Umbrellas, Laces I Veilings, Handkerchiefs, Sunshades, Lace I Curtalns,)Gretonnes, Tablings, Calicoes, Quilts, ■ Sheetings^ Towels, Shirttngs, Table Covers, H Haberdashery, etc., all at B I Finest iS Spot Cash M Prices. j SPECIAL VALTTE TN j 1 CLOTHING and MERCERY, j !If your'e after Best Value in Drapery i and Clothing just have a peep . . \. n round the corner j i | AS , j j GIBBARD AND CO/S | 1 NOTED " SPOT CASH " DRAPERS, $* 1 BRIDGE-STREET, (Opposite Lock's). ' Dress Well and Command Success. DEE^SONS, The Leading Tailoring and Hatting Shop. Trousers , to 1 Sac Suits to I 1 Perfect Fit, I Measure from | Measure from 1 Il Latest Styles. § 15s 6d to 50s. ; | 55s to loss. I Why We Lead in Hats. We lay ourselves out to show the best Hats money can buy. '.Ye pa for something above the ordinary everyday Bat— those hat fl;, wear, and have style— those that fit men who have peculiar shaped heads, and In this we have the latest London 21-aze, 'Tween Hat, a Hat in half sizes, with an embossed leather <ith a pitce or padding whi h gives perfect comfort, and which iocs away with heating and stretching the hat. We have full •u.cks of is'oodrows, Cool Spring, and Christy's— the best Hat the vorld produces. 1 1 BOYS . I |" w„ I I -_ . 1 30s Worth. ! Working Men, B P Try Our I 1 Try Our Strong B y 1 Man's Suit, extra \ Working § H . 3 pair Trousers, one g ° g U Norfolk Suits. aeachUnderflannel \ Trousees, ■ tt ' Working Shirt, ft j 1 • H i pair traces. OS lid. g B !0s cd. r \ 1

:^~SHOWROOM BARGAINS. I TTNDERLINEN Imported direct from LUCAS & CO., tho noted Underline! 81. . Makers. ITVO You Know that We Hold a BIG anc WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF U UNDERLINEN from the Above Firm .'— Tho DESIGNS in These Goods are the PRETTIEST, the QUALITY nd GOOD, and the Prices STRICTLY MODERATE. .*„x T ™ „ . v -,,«. ng You must see These Goods to fully appreciate the EXCELLENT VALUE. 96 TTNDERLINEN.— NIGHT DRESSES Hand sewn, and Handsomely Trim- _ IJ -. — -~> mcd with Torchion and Val Laces and Insertions, 4s >s 6d, 5s 6d, 6s 9d, 7s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d, 15s 6d, 18s 6d. COMBINATIONS 'bj Very Daintily Trimmed and Hand Sewn for 3s 3d, 3s 9d, 4s 6d ,6s 9d, 7s 6d, „f 8s 9d, and 10s 6d. LTNDEELINKN— CHEMISES Hand Sewn and Trimmed Prettily with J LACE and INSERTION. Compare our Value and It Prices from ls lid to 8s 6d. KNICKERS Trimmed with LACE and INSERTION— VaIue cannot be Beaten, ls 9d to 5s 6d. CAMISOLES Daintily Trimmed with Torchion Lace and Insertion at ls Od, s, ls lid, 2s 3d, 2s 9d, 3s 6d, 5s 6d. P UNDERVESTS ,6d to 3s lid. [,\ WE HOLD A BIG STOCK OF CORSETS BY THE BEST MAKERS. >? r^HILDREN'S 1%/fILLINERY „ ■(J IVI 117E HAVE JUST OPENED UP A ' r ' LOVELY ASSORTMENT OF VV CHILDREN'S NOVELTY SILK >0 HATS AND BONNETS. REMEMBER We are Noted for These Goods both 1 a regards Strictly Moderate Price, and Range of Latest Designs.^ i £ DOZEN CHILDREN'S PINAFORES, ls, ls 6d, 2s 3d, 2s lid, 3s 6d, and ±0 4s6d. Tip Top Value. ALSO CHILDREN'S READY-MADE - DRESSES. c TT-AIAPOI COSTUMES.— ORDERS Taken for TAILOR-MADE KAIAPOI ; 8 IV COSTUMES. , , We Hold a Big Range of KAIAPOI TWEEDS to Choose from, and the f Price is sure to Suit you. _ _ m „ t See our Assortment of HOLLAND COSTUMES and SKIRTS ; Also White ■J Underskirts^— Trimmed Lace and Insertion, at 4s 6d, 6s 6d, and 7s 6d. .■ ______^ . ____— . - T>LACK DRESS SKIRTS. WE hold a BIG RANGE of BLACK DRESS n Jj SKIRTS, and the VALUE cannot be BEATEN. I- No trouble to Show the Goods even if you are not Purchasing. Even if you do not require the Article yourself at present, we know yeu . cannot help recommending it to your friends. TRAFALGAR STREET. MRS AJN S 1 IO J*J . | "~"l - "— -x— -- — f—^— ■— ■ Ml ■ — — — — "

i FOR SALE. ABOUT a Quarter of an Aore of good Level Land, with Two Tomato Houses 60 feet by 20 feet thereon Price £180. Easy terms. ) ADAMS & HARLEY. i 2218 - Solicitors, Nelson } The Wakatu Gravel Quarry. THE PUBLIC ARE NOTIFIED that a largo deposit of that SPLENDID ROAD METAL which ia commonly known as " Wakapuaka Gravel," has been found on Mr Huff im's land, close to the Town Boundary on tho Wakapuaka Road, ' Tho Quarry has been opened out, and the material is now ready for delivery. The price will be 5/- per load delivered into carts from the hopper at tho road side, with cartage extra according to distance and circumstances. A reduction in prico will be made for i large quantities. ORDERS may be left at the Qnairy : at Mr Hulfam's shop in Trafalgar-street (Telephone 257) ; at Mr Wise's, Ma-nuka-street : or with he undt-rsigne .. F. St. JOHN, Secretary __________ _ Town Clerk's Office, ' 3rd December, 1906. TENDERS will be received at tho above Office until THURSDAY, ■ NEXT, the 6th inst., at 2 p.m., for Excavating and filling gas main ] trench, Waimea Road. Specification may be seen at the City Surveyor's Office. H. V. GULLY, Town Clerk. NELSON COLLEGE. TENDER FOR WATER PIPES. TIIE Governors of Nelson College ir.vite tenders for tho Snpply and Laying of 2-inch and j-inoh Water Pipes in the grounds of the Boys' Col- . lege, in accordance with plan and • specification, which can be seen at the Collie Office. j Tenders, addressed to the Secretary, will be received until SATURDAY, ' Bth | The lowest or any tender may not be j accepted. JAMES BLAIR, Secretary. College Office, Nelson, ' Ist December, ItiO-. ,7584

. New Books and New 1 1 Supplies. i Ha-jgard's.Banita, 2/ti an-3 3/6 f Hoskjns' Widow of Choice, 2/G and 3/G I Albenesi's I Know a Maiden, 2'6and3'G Meade's Tn the Flower of Youth 2 6 and 3/ii Le Fenvre s The Mender, 2/6 and 3/6 Walton's Dr 5 orestc-r, 2/G and 3/6 Warden's Old House at Corner, 2/fi and 3/G Mather's Tully Ho, 2/G and 3/G Wells' In the D±v B of the Comet, 2/(; and 3/6 R. N. Carey's No Friend Like a Sialei, 2/t> and 3,0 Crockett's White Plumes of Navarro--2/6 nnd 3/6 WUiaw's The Patriots, 2/6 ancl 3/0 Fletcher's Maid and Her Money, 2/G awl3/i J. E. lItUXSELL & CO Ti{oCAmiit7a! WC lend, others foHo'.v in Afleruooi I'oa md Dainties. Cul^sA Pastr; fresh daily. Wi-dding, Xmas, and New Yeni . Cakes a speciality. | H.E. NIGHTINGALE. (' BEST LUNCH IN TOWN to be bad at THE TROCADERO for If From 11-15 till 2 I 11. F. NIGHTINGALE, Proprietor ' PROVINCIAL HALIT - MONDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, at 8 r.a ASOCIAL will be givpn to SIR J. O WARD on MONDAY EVK.XINC NKXT, upon the occasion oc Lis (irsi Official Visit as Premier to Nets n. Gents' Tickets ... 2/. Ladies' „ ... l/G Alay bo obtained at all Booksellers, or from members of Committee. HEREMAI TEA ROOMS. Savings Bank Buildings, Trafalgar Street. THESE Rooms will be open to the Public from — TUESDAY, 6th NOVEMBER. ART Needlework and Fancy Goods of all Kinds are also For Sale at tht same place. MISSES GILKISO.V. (Late of DunedinJ

CASH DRAPERY CO. Great Purchase of PLAIN AND FANCY WHITE D3ESS MUSLINS FOR SUMMER WEAR ... BY THE . . . CASH DRAPERY COMPANY BRIDGE STREET. WE have been fortunate in securing a stock of choice, dainty Dreys Muslins i'or Summer Wear. These Muslins are ali the very newest and latest in Spots, stripes. Embroidered and Floral Designs, as well as a number or Plain Muslins The prices wid be found much lower than is usually chai tred for such Kood quality Muslins, ranging fro m dd to i 0 per yard. As we cannot here give a full description, -we are having a special display in windows for a few days. We invite intending huyers to inspect those Muslins early, as many are in Single Dress Lengths only. CASH DRAPERY CO., | BRIDGE STREET. j

£OXSD SUITS. SHIRT TIME. Those are tho nearest approach If you see our vast stock, our to the high grade Tailored Suits shirts will talk for themselves. j KrWM ffiioSSEK; Beml new summer lines. - and (It somo really perfect. We Those with and without collars, have a large range in choice soft and stiff cuffs, those for the ( patterns, and those who want a new soit <2 OU bi e collars, tn white iXSfK U^r^Tto and coloured. Como and look, yo/-. I sure to please. E. W. DEEff SONS I — **_- ■»_»• i r*i

E. BUXTON 9 CO., Ltd , Wholesale amd Retail Hardware Merchants, TRAFALGAR-STREET, - - - NELSON. I NEW HOME §EW- J ■ ifeK r , te}!ftS flb& \ " IDEAL " Hand - ING MACHINES, > NEW HOME ' 5 Sewing Machines, HAND OB TBEADLH. \ f^Tl^TOfc^US^^Sllmm V Reliable Machine. o^Bwvi d » t< r GVery h VS ii l^i y i fF^^^PffiSHKiiasr \ Fitted with latest Im-O-K- WASHING MACHINE*— The best Rotary Washer built Strong and everlasting. Has steel revolving ball bearing, easy running, and almost noiseless. The Dasher reverses au tomat ically, turning tb.e clothes Forward and backward In the machine. ALUMINIUM WARE.— Our stock of these new Cooking Utensils comprises Kettles, J SaucapaOs, Stewpans, Frypaoa, Cullenders, Punnola, Pie Dishes, Maslin and Preserving PansART METAL GOODS— A choice selection of Copper Pern Tots. Jardinieres, Table Gongs, r Spirit Kettles, etc. TRAVELLING REQUISITES-— We bave an excellent assortmnnt of the latest In Gladstone, Hand, Kit, and Brief Bags, Leather Trunks, Portmanteaux, Cabin Trunks, Dress Backets, Overland Truuks, Suit Cases, Ladies' Leather Hat Boxes, Willow Caskets, Steel Trunks and Hat Boxes, Bugs. , L'vffgage Straps and Labels, Dressing; Cases, etc ON SALE AT LOWEST MARKET RATES.-WOOI Packs (rast and loose tops, full size ?»nd three-quarters). Sewing Twines, 8.8.A. and T.U.B. Sheep Sheurs, Oil Stones, stencil Ink, Sheop Ear Plyers, Sheep Toe Pruners, Blue and Bed Baddle, Branding Oils, Itei.boy Sheep Brands and Oils. Wool Presses, etc CREAM SEPARATORS— If you want a Cream Separator fat will do the v.^i-:; it's built 39 do, get a " PERFECT." For catalogue write to E BUXTON 6? CO., LTD!

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 306, 3 December 1906, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 306, 3 December 1906, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 306, 3 December 1906, Page 3