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WHAT THE HOUSEHOLD GROCER SAYS TO THE PUBLIC abort «:: NM C PURE TEAS* Yes, Ma'am I 1 quite agree With you, there can be no doubt about that tea. NELSON MOATE &. Co. bear a reputation second to none. We have tried giving Coupons and pushing our own tea, because of the extra profit, but It's no use, only a few will have them more than once. NELSON MOATE & Co. were the first to introduce Ceylon Teas in 1880-1831....

COULD NOT REST4I j NIGHT OR W 1 i With Irritating Skin Humour — Whole Body Affected — Scalp Itched All the Time and Hair Began to Fail Out— Wonderful Help Received From APPLICATION OF CUTICURA REMEDIES a "I am never without Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment since I tried them last summer. About the latter part cf July my whole body began to itch. I did not take much notice of it at first, but it began to get worse all tha time, and then I began to get uneasy and tried all kinds of baths and other remedies that were recommended for ekifi humours; but I became worse aU the time. My hair began to fall out and my scalp itched all the tune. Especially at night, just as soon as I would get in bed and get warm, my whole body ! would begin to itch and my finger nails would keep it irritated, and lt was not long before I could not rest night or day. A friend asked me to tiy the Cuticura Eemedies, and I did, and the first application helped me wonderfully. For ibout four weeks I would take a hot bath every night and then apply the Cuticura Ointment to my whole body; :.nd I kept getting better, and by the time I used four boxes of Cuticura I was • entirely cured, and my hair stopped fulling out, but I continue to use the Cuticura on my scalp. It keeps all dandruff out and my scalp is always clean. I always use Ointment on my face after shaving, and have found nothing to equal it D. E. Blankenship, Indianapolis, Ind. Oct. 27, 1905." Bin io 11 mm "I have used Cuticura Ointment for chafing of infants, and as they grew older all skin diseases were given treatment with that and the Cuticura Soap. I never found it necessary to call a doctor, as these Remedies are a sure cure, if used as directed. lam glad to recommend them to all mothers. Mrs. F. A. Konnard, St. Paul Park, Minn. June 2i, 190 5 " Tlie originals ot the abOTCtcstlmonials arc on ffloinlßa Cfflce ■,( cfie roller Drug * Chemical Corporation. KcJi-rcncs : R. Towns & Co., Merchants, Sydney, N.S.W. Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent Pills are sold throughout the world. Totter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Prop.* l!„5ton, U. S. A. oa^Jlailea Free, "How to Cure KcKma." Adirtu, K. Towns s Co. Sydney, S. B. W. - - . t- i>7imisag

j * ALL THS YEAR RGSJKD. Q'MsJ? I - a If wcordbc impo>sib''c to form nnes- gll p,*7 mp rt f\~ fi I tiraate of the time, pancuce, nnd skill rcVu'.i.-- : -in an.i \-'ot «*i.i pi yesI \ required to bring Impey's ttzy Apple rncrtiVfvcii ii. ti.e liuuo'r w'-'Jli'ilt. R (j { to the perfect state in ivl_jri» ;t is now v j presented to yoa. The herbs of-.'.liich it AUTUiVifJ H^ A is composed grow in different countries prince;* ay.uns. nance and -Irv.y, y.f' , 5 thousands of miles apart, arc often dtCi- a;i-J tcr:.iir= .U *i *u*in ;o: *?' 1 cult to procure ; all liave to be pathsred Vj SKT PJ? -_X^ \ just at the ripht time and in proper sea- . , .. , , JF - j j son, under snita'oltf-cliwiaticcnr.dituius. in ::!; i:" ,",°!' J t:i-:»:Kes and j^ j/T . [ I order to be of true medicinal value. i.i.jJ>, anc :n /£jt\ * j jj These herbs when L^lhcred arc after- SPHfriG jf \>^T 1 wards subjected to cxh&u&tive ihemual n keeps the Llm.-d l^ j^ \ processes, to rid th(m of ail injurious and j^yticm &^ s^K\ \V sr I parts, and present ihe finished extract in light." s*^ W\ J? At I its purest form, with the curative proper- J? -_ssv^k Jr \>ahf l 'es retained in the higeest degree. May jfn /r^ l -ApP'e» dandelion, Cascara, Turkey Rhn- >tfr JT barb, aud other valuable herbs, enter into 4? v XV* jp ■ E^ the composition of Inipey's May Apple, Jf V^&*J_r \ _»vsi adjusted to each other, and compounded >_^^ j&^ eg -by a special process known only to the jfF \+ j proprietors, who always have a single eve *&^ sF I to the perfection, purity, and qnaJitv'of j*V aA\ JF i I the remedial agents they employ. jr s—^ \ . (q y^^K^ & \ y^^ ONE TPL\I CCNV.f.CtD im I I yf&gai. "^ -• «9^f Nelson, :o'io.-!9o_. t a Seeinc lia^ey's Ka7 Apple s^o Kg g l, ! J*± *. cenerallv at!\.'r:i>c;i and highly iccom- Jt I A&. \ ,& f^T) mended; 1 was induced to try if it would && ff '^ h -. IS>JZ Jo wli:il lt pHTo^d. Well, (cananswer JJ*i i- i W^^ jkZm *S-V S) '" lllc affinnativc. Ma\img tried it for a 5 5r —*J> disordered liver and indig^tion, I lir.d it I 'T » Jr a mnSt vall,a^e mrdiitne; it a!>o excr- ' ; _^^ V^^. jf^ eises a most beneficial effect on my kid--1 C neys. I am imt a believer in patent i 4k. \!^ 7^r medicines, lmt 1 can testify m the efficacy i > PRICE °f this valuable article trom my own ex- j ? , I pericnee end the verdict of my frier.ds. i . j y^r jr* / « The ingredients of which it (^compounded ' 1 gktli X% should of themselves recommend it to I J^ public favour. j J CHEM.STS and STORES. o-^. ■ fi^t? Wholesale: Messrs. SHARLAND A CO.. Ltd., Wellinoton. ®^jf^ I! Il"sve a» B^^H f.2«n«o I mill i^ 1* J t "t»^^^^3 us with your order Jor a 44 |j|| Ura g|^.^ f J 'iytggiS^ oallon " Sveo" Separator |i|3 ft'^s^ ' "'^^^S °nd your cheque for £2. m%& Hi! ' l!iPli j-j^ ator, and send you back a ffiiS liil jM&Sz&SlisSl r- receipt for £4. also 4 p/ns |[H ■I A~J^3kSM3&L om P,ete for S3-IS-0 each, due re- lis ' iis rfS^SfSlißlllSliife s '°" 8 spectlvely In 4.8.12andt6 |^ ' 111 Repairs mon,hs from «Ja»e o' ship, MM ' li™ Carried ment of the Separator. Each " execute end return to us WTO '^J^^^^P^. State promptly, thus completlna Wjiji IM n settlement lor the Sep- j^p Separator <J|||||F By 'this means yp„ se, S Made. . . |illiii!_ °Ure l °r £1? B *'r**-e'»ss BBS HM JJgjr^^-^^BiTiii^^^^g^ Se 1:,8^a,0," (olw^ys sold for Bw? || S^fej^^r^^^r^^^^^^^^^^r^? easy terms besides. C WJ& 1 We place the Separator Wm I on board trucks or steamer Rj W^ free of charge at any of the below mentioned cities, and MB [gi send an expert to start It for you free of cost, Bi IP We arc prepared to supply othor slzo. o! Seoarelorsoo H. II s;m"a texma. Write us ior lull particulars and names and K ' fjjjj addresses of satisfied buyers. iSS ii Each Separator Is fully warranted, and In s«eh a manner IM If as to Insure you the prompt return of your money and p/ns ill ffia If the Separator does riot do oood work. IfS 111 We reserve the rlflht »o decline ony order. HP! ii THIS SPECIAL OFFER ONLY APPLIES TO QRDIStta "HB^ g RECEIVED PRIOR TO NOV. ISth. 1906. «&«« S International "^^^Comffflny of America W Ma ' Brisbane, Sydney, 111 , KM 91 Melbourne. Adelaide. HTCT vr-vr driTxcT-^""TT^™^"™^^ H Leu„c«t.n DISLEY BROS. & CO.. ffi Wi and, Christchurch. McCOR MICK. &OSBOBNE AGENTS Want Best Value? . • . IN , . . Groceries, Provisions, Stationery^ Sfidnielwa^, . tinware, Holioware; j Brushware, Basfcetwflifc ! China, Earthenware, ' ! j Fancy Goods, Japanese Goods, ■ ' Toilet Requisites, Tobacconists' Sundries, Household Hardware, Lampware. etc^ etc. Try Ours! R D SNODGRASS & SONS,. Direct Importers,

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 306, 1 December 1906, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 306, 1 December 1906, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 306, 1 December 1906, Page 4