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• . ■*.•> FOWNE'S WHITE WASHtea KID GLOVES, NOW ARRIVED, IN ALL SIZES, PRICE 3/11 PAIR. PRINTED DIRECTIONS FOR WASHING WITH 'EACH PAIR. TRATHEN & GO. IUST ARRIVED" ' ' AT GIBBARD AND CO f S. ••■■_. ANOTHER SHIPMENT OP 7 SEASONABLE DRAPERY J I' (EX WESTLANJ)), ~ \ JJ B ' DmECT FROM THE MANUFACfBBEBSir . No Middlemen's Profits. j I Lowest Working Expenses* * ' No Losses by BookJj^TO^ ' ~~~ Business Run On Strictly v ; " Spot Cash w Lines. f Best All Bound Value£l^l^f*^o Customers, "* " ■ 11—^? A large and well-assorted stock of iidbs ia_4 Dark Prints, Galateas, White and Faitey Mn* 11ns, Uress Materials, Skirts, Blouses, Gloves, Aprons, Hosiery; Corsets, Umbrellas, Laces Veilings, Handkerchiefs, Sunshades, Lace Curtains,iGretonnes, Tablings, Calicoes, Quilts, Sheetings, Towels, Shirtings, Table Covers, Haberdashery, etc., air at Finest "Spot Cash" Prices. r , SPECIAL VALUE IN CLOTHING and MERCERY. If your'e after Best Value in Drapery | and Clothing just have a peep § round the corner 1 GIBBARD AND CO.'S I NOTED " SPOT CASH » DRAPERS, f 1 BRIDGE-STREET, (Opposite Lock's). I fa.— wiiiwi m wir Dress Well and Command Success. DEE "ff SONS, The Leading Tailoring and Hatting Shop, | Trousers to | I Sac Suits to I j Measure from I Measure from I \ I Latest Styles. I I | ISs 6d to 50s. 1 j 55s to loss. | Wfi\y We Lead in Hats. We lay ourselves out to show the best Hats money can buy. We co for something above the ordinary everyday Hat— tbose that fl*;, wear, and have style-those that fit men who have peculiar shaped heads, and in this we have the latest Lo.naon craze, 'Tween Hat. a Hat in half sizes, with ah embossed leather with a piece of padding whi h gives perfect comrort, and whicn does away with heating and stretching the hat. We nave ruu stnclts of Woodrows, Cool Spring, and Christy's— the best Hat tne world produces. * 1 30s Worth, j forking Men, g Try Our 1 i Try Our Strong 1 3 Man's Suit, extra j VVorking " i _ . 1 pair Trousers, one ! ° 1 Norfolk Suits. @ each Underflannel ! Trouseesj H | Working Shirt, & \ __, 1.7 | pair traces. \ OS Ud. Hr; rfOXED SUITS. SHIRT TIME. Thnsearcthe nearest approach If you see our vast stock, ourv to the liigh grade Tailored Suits shirts will talk for themselves, feyer yet put on $he ™arKet. Sev ral new summer lines. B^ m .^&pS 1 r I r^ a^ Those with wd without collars, have a large range in choice soft ancl stiff cuffs, those for the patterns, and those who want a new soft double collars, In white nice fitting Suit ata moderate coloured . come and look j price should see tbeso. 40/- to " *-* \ sure to please. '■E.W. DEE a? SONS.

"""SHOWROOM •■• .BARGAINS'. UNDERLINEN Imported direct from LUCAS & CO., tho noted Underlinen Makers. T~VO You Know that We Hold a BIG and i WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF U UNDERLINEN from the Above Firm The DESIGNS in These Goods are the PRETTIEST,* the* QUALITY 1 GOOD, and the Prices STRICTLY MODERATE. „„„ TrTTr , y . m „„„,, You roust sea These Goods to fully appreciate the EXCELLENT VALUE. t ' . . -**■-.— '-*-■■ — "" T TNDERLINEN.— NIGHT DRESSES Hand sewn, and Handsomely Trimj BJ , med with Torchion and Val Laces and Insertions, 4s 6d, Ss 6d, 6s 9d, 7s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d, 15s 6d, 18s 6d. COMBINATIONS i Very Daintily Trimmed* and Hand Sewn for 3s 3d, 3s 9d, 4s 6d ,6s 9d, 7s 6d, 8s 9d, and 10s 6d. . UNDERLINEN— CHEMISES Hand Sewn and Trimmed Prettily with ' LACE and INSERTION. Compare our Value and Prices from ls lid to 8s 6d. KNICKERS Trimnied with LACE and' INSERj TlON— Value cannot be Beaten, ls 9d to 6s 6d. ! CAMISOLES Daintily Trimmed with Torchion Lace and Insertion at ls 6d, ls lid, 2s 3d, 2s 9d, 3s 6d, 5s 6d. UNDERVESTS 6d to 3s Ud. * _. „ WE HOLD A BIG STOCK OF CORSETS BY THE BEST MAKERS. CHILDREN'S T|/|*ILLINERY * IVI . TI7E HAVE JUST OPENED UP A LOVELY ASSORTMENT OF VV CHILDREN'S NOVELTY SILK HATS AND BONNETS. REMEMBER We are Noted for These Goods both a regards Strictly Moderate Price, and Range of Latest Designs. -i It DOZEN CHILDREN'S PINAFORES, ls, Is 6d, 2s 3d, 2s Ud, 3s 6d, and 104s 6d. Tip Top -Value. ALSO CHILDREN'S READY-MADE DRESSES. *. KAIAPOI COSTUMES.— ORDERS Taken for TAILOR-MADE KAIAPOI COSTUMES. ' Wo Hold a Big Range of KAIAPOI TWEEDS to Choose from, and the Price is sure to Suit you. See our Assortment of HOLLAND COSTUMES and SKIRTS ; Also White Underskirts — Trimmed Lace and Insertion, at 4s 6d, 5s 6d, and 7s 6d. LACK DRESS SKIRTS. WE hold a BIG RANGE of BLACK DRESS SKIRTS, and the VALUE cannot be BEATEN. • No trouble to Show the Goods even if you are not Purchasing. Even if you do not require the Article yourself at present, we know you cannot help recommending it to your friends. TR^LGA^STREET. MRS ANSTICE.

FOR SALE. MU -^ AL - t BOUTaQuarter ofan Aore of good IMPORTANT NOTICE. WJT& faSVft SS S- THE WELLINGTON PIANO COMPrice £180. Easy terms. PANY. LIMITED ADAMS & HARLEY. Have for sale, either 2218 Solicitors, Nelsop _CL. GASH OR TIME PAYMENT, _____^________ __________ - Several -of their Fine >■■.. CHA L LEN PIANOS rj t>r\ri7XT x-r trr^T>r> CHA L LEN PIANOS BROWN & KERR, challenpianos JEWELLERS, NELSON. (High-class English Make), ' At the The best place in Town to Purchase SKATING RINK, BRIDGE-STREET, WATCHES, CLOCKS, ' NE , L f° l f.' n , „ _, . , T __„, r, T . „,,-, . --„ Where they intend holding a Sale for a JEWELLERY,. PLATE, AND ' Short Peiiod? SILVER WARE. We are now cany'ng a magnificen* OUl'0 Ul ' Pianos are of a High Standard, stock in all leading and are recommended by the Leading n i, .„ n t, . Musicians of the World. Pnicas RiuiiT. Quality Right. a jj LIGHT CALL AND. NSPECT. P. c -presenta'tive. Brown and KEBn. Ne^Books __j_ Supplies. Hazard'* Re:iita, '2/0 and 3/6 IJ osteins' Widow of Choice. 2/ land 3/0 Albenesi's I Know a Maiden, 2/G ai d 3't Mnade's Tn tho Flower of You h,2/ and 3/6 Le Feuvre s The Mender, 2/G and 3/6 , Walton's Dr I'orcs.ter, 2/6 and 3/6 Warden's Old Houie at Circer, 2/6 and 3'ii Vather'h Tul'y HolK/G and 3/fi Wells' In the Diiya of thc Comet, 2/6 j nnd 3/6 IR. N. Carry's No Trien 1 Like a Sister, 2/.' and 3,0 Crockett's White Plumes of Navarre. 2/6and'3/-i . ji. • ..w.^ — v\"i haws The Patriots, 2/6 and 3/0 Fletcher's Maid and Der Mon»y, 2/6 and 3/6 J. E. Hounsell & Co , (jcKUOiilXj FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY. 1 r\r t-rx Aj-ri r\rr\ THE CENTRAL hotel, nelson. ll Ik I I llTrrM I HPHIS Hotel stands at the corner of 1/lIU'UIJJ Uli X Trafalgar and Bridge Streets, opposite the Bank of New South Wales, "sr.. '--■'■'':■ aZ -'i'i -■' A-r. J'~ ...~... &■■ and close to the New Post-office. The '"" site is one of the very best in Nelson, and has. a frontage of 158 feet to Trafalgar and 65J feet to Bridge Street, giving ample room for a first-class house, which present trade and prospects fully warrant. For full particulars, apply to— FELL AND ATKINSON, or W. ROUT ANDSONS.

CASH DRAPERY CO. Great Purchase of PLAIN AND FANCY WHITE k - DRESS MUSLINS FOR SUMMER WEAR ... BY THE ... CASH DRAPERY COMPANY BRIDGE STREET. WE have been fortunate in securing a stock of choice, dainty Dress Muslins lor Summer Wear. These Muslins are afl the very newest and latest m Spots "pipes. Embroidered, and Designs, as well as a number or Ptala Muslins The price.-, wiil be round much lower than is usually pha. ged. ror such eocd quality Muslins, ranging from Od.tQ l;0 per yard. As we cannot here give a full aescriptloii t .we are having a special display in windows ror a fifWfWs- ,We invite intendlM ftuyers ; to Inspect these MiisUn^early, as many are in Single Dress Lengths only. CASH DRAPERY CO., BRIDGE STREET.

I WANTED Known.— For Mrst-Cl.-iss Boot airs at Bed-rock pricsa, tr? .^f _. . „„ _._ T^^-« TRAFALGAR-STREET, - . * - NELSON. a*a*aSfi_2SaS_t _, _^ %. . jfijffiXfltffc^ will receive prompt and carefnl atteny^^ >^^^^^*^^^^\j'^^^y^f^ HriK^r' r^€' tion. b Shoeing, 5/ find 6/-. . "-. new home sew- ) Ki^ir^??^ -flßto \ * IDEAL " Hwm! fTyree's Studio] ING MACHINES, \ NILYf WUM *" Ak|H 5 Sewing Machines. . .. for .. • for \ i^^r* A J^HBmi } A Cheap, Efficient, and Excelle nc e in Art hand ob treadlb. \ \s&Ss&ia&k}^BffMzßsn \ Sellable Machine. Portraiture. Adapted to every variety > !f^^^i^NHß-HB--UEI-W-' \ Wtted with latest Im- _ -rr,,, . „ .. Of sewing, from the light. C IP lA«P__HBE_a-» r > provements. Kadi Sitter a Careful Slndy. Fanuly , est musJin to the heaviest ? ■■ * ff*.. m _M___HtH§ S r * ,«~ *. Groops.a Specia hty. _, cloth. \ *fifiSl-_!i^_3M_MWjjW^H|^^^^y I Lasts a life time. 'A choice assortment of beautiful ART ' f '■'. J ~ " * I Amatwrs at moderate charges. -•■ I TYHEF'S STUDIO O.JC- WASHING M ACHINE.-Ths best Rotary Washer built. B<r6ng and everrastlng. Has M ' tr^falGAß-ST steel revolving ball bearing, easy running, and almost nols.eles_J. The Dasher reverses automati- \ lgaramai- .. x^ cally, turning tbe clothes forward and backward in the machine. " . ALUMINIUM WARE— Our stock of these new Cooking Utensils comprises Kettles, ■' ' ■— «•■ Saucepans, Stewpans, Frypans, Cullenders, Funnels, Pie Disbes, Maslin and Preserving Pans. ART METAL GOODS —A choice selection of Copper Fern Pots, Jardinieres, Table Gongs, Spirit Kettles, etc. " TRAVELLING REQUISITES— Wehave an excellent assortm«nt or the latest ln Gladstone, V\ rl, VV itl ll I'rlta Hand, Kit, and Brier Bags, Leather Trunks, f ortmanteaux, Cabin Trunks, Dress Backets, Overland -Ll-L^»l \Jt\J\J Jc/ # Trunks. Suit Cases, Ladies' Leather Uat Boxes, Willow Easkets. Steel Trunks and Hat Boxes, Ruga L'Vfgage Straps and Labels, Dressing Cfwes, etc. (PER S.S. ONSALE AT LOWEST MARKET RATE^-Wool Packs (fast and loose tops, full size and TJOW Rl-fiTTCf; tliree-quarters), SewingTwines, 8.8.A. and T.U.S. Sheep Shears, Oil Stones, Stencil Ink, She«p Ear n\^VY IJX!i±.L>\] Plyers, Sheep Toe Pruners, Blue and Bed Baddle, Branding Oils, Kenboy Sheep Brands and Oils. Wool Presses, etc. " ■;--. — . . . . 1 CREAM SEPARATORS--If you want a Cream Separator that will do the vrcrl: It's built IS -s-TTTTTr TT TTT^JrN do, get a " PERFECT." For catalogue write to \\f II |4 J M W E BUXTON & CO., 'LTM' . - ' ri- A - j ■ . •

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 306, 30 November 1906, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 306, 30 November 1906, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 306, 30 November 1906, Page 3