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§yyyy&mm9yy iy>. AUCTIONEERS,^ LiNlJ^JllibiCK: cy AND STATlol^^«ikANp^^ yy.y- AND GENERAXyCOMJ^y-v yyy . .MIBBION^GENTB^W.;iii:. yJ^OPERTtES^^Bi y " TIP-TOP. SHEEP^EAR^iy =" ;<*jf*"r\ ACRES.— l4o,. axaws ire flat : OUU; Balance low^nnaiilating hills. s^bdavided into seven paddocks,- water- ; . fc^'liy-iiever-famng.-streani^'isi.situated about IA miles from^soliwliandljCTeam- ; Bry, andaboutVli ihilei^^-^t^y-fV station,. wiR ca^'"46^f'^eePi-'J> esi o e s • ' ,catle; house, "seven^rwafil^'natt, _and ' 'other outbnildiii^ifW-iriie > y -. • ■ -.-. -. -;y - ■■;■ .i£$ yfyNiyß. "l66 '—HANDY DAIRyi?PARM. ' ■'. "' A Q ftO afia 2 iniiei'fi^T'.©t!eame__7 ,^ sub-diviaea-into 3 :paaaoci«^'Pi*pe% n* in. grass ana all plou__napl^pr r "ginaU^: v bush, white, rea pine. yTiiAwyer-faihng stream runs ftrbugh r 'ie,;p'jpper€y. .One :■-. acre • brcbara— 2-yeairf'oiaijtrees; . :■< New Besjdence>of B/TTOmsjitbreroomidMry, trap-shed, *^ff-^*?»._?^?^ e i^g7 - --y Z^UU-Acres ;.*Cie^hoW r ,held ai^ y- low rental). ,-7M'Acfes^^ :i 4 a -t'^S -'. Acres, undulatihg';;-25aA«es_ k Ansh;. fl) ;•-'■" Acres"* in. Crop,':subdiviaeaf;u}t?f 7 jpaddocks. WeR waforea^*rJOreete- : Good '■■- Trroomed House," 4^taUlStaWeT|h*»nng Shed, Blackamith'B« ShjpPir -andygeneraL Outbuildings.:. More iand^can m^ken; y up alongside l .carrying \at? present low - sheep with lambs atifootASO.horsgs^and 20 head of -cattl^Vy^a^^f^oiking plant— As a SCpncernry^ „ y '■■ ■ y-y. Pricbfl^6c«^m3.,i64. GOOD::DAIRX-iFARM._-, ;, .-.;.: yy--t K^- AClffiSJ.nearly'naUj.iir.; grass. yy JLO I acres in "y -y bush, -SubaiVided l^to»l2.:ptiddockfc— ff ;f Well fenced ''.ana':.'-^fiß*!e*-''' , -*-year -old * •'■ orchard. Honse. 4 "rooms, .ana. all out- - buiiaings. Shea 30 x,24.y :'one_: mile from school, ana 3i» nules "froin?. Creamery ; 10 miles from To^^^ricer^^O,^^ GOOD SHEE^^ORfa)I^YiFAKM: V A AA Acres,- subuiviaea Into ?. naav'f <±UU ,yac<to7 T ; ! .WeU'. ; ;fehce'a;-;and 5: ' waterea-by.ri^ing t iiieanis;;g<_pa Matai and *Totera-bnsh".on.' ; prppe'rttr. 3- - roomed Cottage*i:sheai&g*sheafaho" , cow--y' yara-. with 8 bailsi'iihyer'«*'??'W ;; Half-a ;" : mile from sbhobl,,:^ a creamery,.. carrying! ■■';'. at. '; esfent 350 6heep and lambs, '4o'heaa^ttle, and 2 horses, As '-ay gbibgyoaclce&yydui implements, etc; -yfceV;£l^ "■-"■ ■..,-■.■'■>=--'*.■'-'■-.' .•!':: '.v.. "'f-'lTiß'' 164. y- SPLENDID SHEEP BUNy" rt/*»A: ACRES frMibld, '• subdivided .-'---■. . OUU into vs;p^3doclra,>streams in every.- pa'ddwß.' ; tii»*aonet''forination. ■ 500 aeres grassed," balance. in. bush. Carrying "at preseflt";;:46o.';- awes with ■■;..'-- laines,- "MJOhoggetilSOheaa^ cattle.: Has large 'shearing:- sheay::{Kolds -300' sheep), and"sh"ea'witn'ib_mil«yfof,B'6r.:lo_ ers. -y Onjy l^milesf from. Tort;,-' ;As a '■'.'.■■'-. Going CbncesaK'y -reprice, v£3200. ■ -yy-y~yyfyy-'yy:Nyßyiss. y SPia^immi'SHEEPHAND 'CATTLE ■-■'yy ■ y :y : -#*lKSy:yiy 700ti Acraft Freeh6ia;jgioa:Hbmesteaa and other bhtbnUai'lsg.'jWoolsheai Sheep y-- na Cattle *.yardsjt'lbp, abput ..' eight milw.Jrom" ■&ilwayy:carayinfcat- present 6000* sheej^t&dyrZOO <heatT;of; cattle. » Price £3v"lfe^per acreK; N^fcJfrL- -277. GOOD"*PASTORALi OOtINTJEIY. '61)00 AcjiStEttehbiaj well; subdivided ■nd wale«a^ ; "and' : AMg , .iehcea, good House (six2xbbhlß)i Woolshed, ."ana Star - ble, stock itf_.r«^t)'2ooo, sheep; ana 15C 'bead* catUeV i^TPric»i£2 v :6s?. per acre. '-■■•" -y-y -y^y-yyyyyy'^Etii. 147. AdSICtJtTURAL^^NI) — " ' V *'* v^vpoPEiiscy ''' v *v - r yziw%wfr "fr^ehoiaK*^ I ?^^ 6 ?. ■ '"• : )^'*nyerJtote--ana%iart^OTder 'tion;<balanKi"^^h"ea_iy{sheep -eoun- : try. M;_^ll^ubawdea,ftna' r water»d, has. good residences and-ontbnildihgs, ysrds,] "-.' :dip.~etc.V :'^ipresehtvicMrying":^oo! " xm&'itf^v&y T?oi:m.>. y ,n^'ip^(^ sheeF-cOP^RY-;^ 1800 AcrW)-g<»a*fsbeeW^uiitry, 900 ' " - Acres iiiigrisifsiirab'oiwa^ipto^'ten.paaacu:lM^.we^^ta^by»J*tn^_tling- streams,. g6da_ resideh^^iMyjFOTr**)* -** t *P I » shs s. »nd stables,^6ne-mile*?yfjront-'v school and ".'aij, W& f roto'-RSi.jray^ill ,w : in-. let 12W.S^rgood;_a*ntaItog^plan6 on . the propertValso. i--Pnce:iiß|:l& M^er: VreWa «oihg 'concern,' :*•? f FoL -«75y VALIiwSE'IREEHbIiD-FARM. , 775 Ai&^.n'i^rai^OOjjAcres-in grass, part iiE b^li/i-natereayrby . . running streams, new'^.uiJe::{five;iTooins), workshop,' barn> 'carrjang:4Qo sbeep, 14 head cattle, horsM,eWi-,-?arms: implements; there is"'aVgd<w v sSß*mL6f^aKbnthe prborty, "ini^ is sli»^gpW-bMrihg.'- Price 'M pers*?arte,>*VWrythingi : given in. " ••" y sßA^oirciAßM'' 443 Acw,?icl6wStofi;Railwa'y, Bchool, sua P,0%-:well^'f(mceai«ias'? n baiviaed, geta-l^dihgsiicMry->l)€ftp tp.lhe acre. lrice£lo(X>;yyK^^^^^^ GOOb fAG&ICUJ^IERM^ARM. ; •A'- V««B" AS^iweMfjnc^^Ma-subdivid-ed, waterea by neVw4afli_}g^t_jeßmsj aU plbughablp,:: 4 : acres; forclwilKigooa. .flax -growing bn the^^propertyjytP 0 ;. miles From^^ school, aha; creamery/.sPri'ie**'EWo, t«%r -'.- -y :-y<.v^^y.^.ivy__:6lva62Nß. ■V<v HANDY^ SHEEP- BUN:. •""'-''" -• yi3o7okAeiDts^reeh6iajwelf waterea and gpbdy^ii*ehcß v'/bf seven '- *■ »?»b, b'ain,:. steble," _go6a.-orchara and. y a-z •■ *w<Jen.....tPrica fv©'.:^^. acre. y^^fiy-yyyiy -ai|f^. ao*. v Ja"ntoß;:«)untry, ly-"S-^^Sg^wel^tou the sun;« weU 1 fencai^-and water,;* in reVeryv-paddoCk, i^jSaibiiSf- 'Railway,, rbaa ,on; three* , sides, »SS : afe : -iana*is plonghiible" y '-'fitment 200 acres' hbw^ 4>ei%.j)l(nighed, * : "fewill .winter 1000 OTefc : S'Prit^^ass per y y tcte. - ■ iyy^yyiy-'y^Eai 259. '*•• • ? P^STORABa?RQPERTY. <;.;. clbseito.'Cjt^istA.divided in•o 12 paadojlts, wat^Tn.evawpaaaock, ■ : 120 acres lemg';fl^^*%vg-olack soil, '?"' fesiaenceiif.'. sevenyirooßig; implement and wool sheds,-dijl£etc T&lojlo ioi the best farms" in th«_ Province. ."*"■ Price S6OOO. ii : yi.(y';y F0L ; 276 - - ■-. GOOD SHEET, ,^EARM:-t;:"' 330 Acres, aubdivtaea^-intdi^f our" paadocks.T all: weU ywaterea>'-100 ; acres ploughable,. house^seyi^ripibms), >out'rfiiiainif s, stable, -woolbhtajj'etc. : Pri__e <15C0. ,^*:'s#Fb^l49Nß: SMALL SHEEP:. FARM. 246' Acres, well "ftatered:'aha aubaivia,3; lie mile f romßaUwajv' will- carry HOti^lheOpi-oew hcttse and'-shed. -Price iiooo.- ■-:- -y-yiy r&y^dl. 244, _ GOOD AGRICUTURAL- FARM. 229 Acres/ :cottag£ andidtner pntbuiia- . tegs, .nearly ell .ip/girais_;rl7s 'iacres flat, ■ "-"-' Ijalance undiilßtilßg^a;compJe^:'a^ :'-'■' iodate ; fax-mill^ana.' plant:' oh the pro--'"'•'"isijrty.'-- For ; :the ,.kwbole7?:pnce . £1600. y- ■ .-'- -_' -i, yy: " 244; . SPLENDID ALIrROPNJ i FARM. - ■y . "-' 216 Acres-, »R ■ f « nt _ ed (--.-- *nd;auadividedti^r^e«^w^ : ,P a 4 < ' c, v;!? s » :' *'fjrbTTS good crops7ana;al^_jjH>d'fatte.n- ■;-'■' , --fiiy[tin:y^x&^.dhd other Battnildingir gMdybrchii^fjbaS frbnt- -'■ see- to ! .mainyrb'ad * jMPrice .'*VKoO. *'- yyyy, yy yy-'y^y&i^&iwi. -..-■■■ -yy '.Acres^rich- soilj-- all ; under caltiva- ;> jpy subdivided^Jntbit ieyfayjxiddccks '■ .«a..ycUlfenced aira-^a|ire*fir , acres in -;. ho'ps','? .Mresy:.i\vr*wbpa)^iose.'{nine -ooms) and other. o'utbuiltliJwsi concrete ■op kiln/ ■ '^Pri(»:£226oS^'^:"Fot::243^ ' 116 Acres, f'-cldsete^ycreahiery, and nchool,- all CTasscd:krCept:2ojicres bnsh, will carij.<4o n^cK§^^elffln^«_i«(led, and wisteredj: ; g6od'-hp^|^v_^isoms), sheds and. other flutbajTa^lfc^bngjnally . heavy- bush: ; lMa^;?go^.^^Bia^__inor.e Cr^wri laiia;^c&^&'rSK«i^t;al6ngßiae; ot low rehUi.^E'sceJSg»SK?Sol. : 284. ' GOOD" AG"ftlfir^T"ffllpf FARM. .' 100 Araes, subdivy"^lmtSjeight parts, raft nnder crop, jbgla^ifimgrass, good frontage to main r^^bttsClsix rooms), ~~9uthbraes,.:s'ablejKine3SS^_'fS. Price y : yryyy:*km§^yE<Ay.2si. ■■-yyy- :-M^^yo^my "100 Acrbs.-'f^^ima^/'^'iPs sjplenaid; :■"":'■'■■'■• -rops oi :whi4sfii£'&.yh&!Se&ydsd-^ ■ 1 joins-. RailwayyisTn^ai^dc^finto eifjht y.f parte, ybnng^ : . miles ;-;:' trotv. city, g'oo"a*^'oMß^'i"esfeiiV; rooms), jox-stellei;'- ' stabli^^jj^^implemaii '..-■■'■ 'bed.*; aha^"6th'erybutbi__|ianj)_s^><, n ... c2ioo^ y yyyy. y y&ggMg%£iP6i. 245. . SPLENDm:GRA2ING^tAND. . 251 ' AcrcsiyiCWV^^f^ebold,, F7 / acres deferted./pi^ent^ . Jn-TCroetnfty^.;_abon.@ ff- plough; f ■y zoodiri rbntage'. t jj^^in^roai^ andf close . to '.:^^Eailwa,/,^^"^-t^^t-^rjyihg 400 .-;• *hecp; bouse^y Hreveh;! f'Jhcips), ■ stabies, V.'; »f.!.bnlld:cgs, ,.?gc^JvfibrcTn*Jt ; Price n w^yyyyyyy&yytyL -tol-sb&i: ■y ."■" 860; Aq«s-4430|rrceriaa^^433^ease-b-jld-^lOOfa^ivs^lroctaji^iriVef ?flal. and •.,, tiu : t<jp agritnitiiraVfJaaff property ii r sub^ : "yhvided u»to';s'x.f : j)aad^ks^w^ '•.-4«tr«inii.' l wvf/;.r;rKw'rt"re;_'^'j^W'''-" seven .ifilboins ana "otbearSgoo^tontbuHdings. li frpiii scbool.^rni-il^Jroi cream yi&ry. •'■'■ Rtpt - 'ut'ui& riiiUi iii,' Iper annum : y", : -l"rice'.-fdr -tj^e6ols'j;so-Jii& p»r acre yy yyyyyyiyy yy yyyyy foii is6nb yy y fit^yyyi^^ :^'ii&^ent. . yBISII^Y; BROSy^ND^CO., ■- ' ''■ :^''.'^^ :^^''VW?.- : *^^ : K'!'^'S. , - ; ':; y ; y.ySt<»pfc;:ana.'{'^^ ' yiyyy}iyyyy'fyyyy^yhi\ ■-

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 306, 15 November 1906, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 306, 15 November 1906, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 306, 15 November 1906, Page 4