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AUCTIONEERS. 'i«LANDV3 '■. STOiSIv:. AND -STATldgi" FINANOE^fi AND ¥OTNl!pL'^Cosf^£!; . TIP-TOP -SHEiEP -FARM.-? ; ' v ', o /ja ACRES:— I4O acres ate"; flat. OOU Balance' low - undulating hills. ■ subdivided? mto^even paddocks,, *ate£ edibyp riawpff>#t ream ,'^f .s#&s& abomVli^mS&SSom^schiDbl -and ,crea&- - ery, \*ndCib"ou£jl£. miles' from .railwjfy »rry.. 450 .besides; catle; rooms,' Vrn,;and other outbuildings.; Price £1500. - .<v. . HANPTf DAIRY F.ARM; ; ■- ' A O AGRES:^4 Miles, from Railwav, : 4jO ana-"2viniles from Creamery ; subdirided :intpi^KadQcksrt;Property ?ia' in grass anaxaUip^ujghable, Originally bish, ) Ameveir-failing sfeeam rurS^thrPugh'the. property,.. One acre 6rchaiai^year, 'old. "trees.;, .rlfew Residencfllof^Ttop^^rerOTm, dairy, t l ap^ai- : chl«^^otc ;^|nce^£6^ -t%ffi'f\ffUAQß^r- f>?ehpld ? p, (%OO9: atlW low rental).^ 700 ;A'cres : . are , flat j ~".400 Ac^-undii]Atinss: 250, Acres b^shfiTO Acres in : Cf op^subdivided . into/. 7 .paddocks r by ... Creeks-, faood 7^meQ^Honsef Jf^all Stable, Shearihg Shed,---Biacksmith[e-'Shpp,; "'a'nd Outbuildings. "More land, can bB. taken ■ ui)" r alonßSde'';carfying at. present IWO sheep'witbriambs'at foot, -30 horses, and aO' ; Md: ;^.catllei-..'.and.' all ,working " N.B: !«., ■'■ -7- GbQDVD^tB?;FAEMj .. '"/;'. -i. K rj- ACRiiSAnearly>all irt :'grass. ±O/ 3 20 : 'acres in crop-' 10 ui bush/ -SuVdiyiided' into- 12 paddocks;-^. Well'fencedfiafld'Vwatered. 3-y.ear~pld orchard .f Housed frooms/ and all out-buUaings.-Shea,3oi : 24. Onennle'frpm school, an^34imiles from Crearary.TflO miles from $*&■ ? Price £1250:,^ . ■■.■■„;': -si's^i"'. ■m> - N.-.B;.lpo. GOOD SHfEP OR DAIRY TARM; ■subdivided intjo 9 pad< 4:UU > v^'doflksV well fenped and watered fay 'running streams;' good Ma--1 tei 'and: . Totaravbush on propeVty. 3roomed Cpttigej shearing shed and cowyard with' ; 8; bails' under cover.-*; Half a mile from sohbol, and 2 miles' from, a /creamery, ..carrying at present 350 ''" sheep anddambs,' 40 -head cattl|;and : 2 horses/.'' As 'tf going concern jvith' implements;' etc!,. ' Price, £1850.-. •' ■ ■"-■ -:*■''•■■ ' ; . v : '"-:-- ■"■' N.B. 164. SPLENDID.' SHEEP RUN. £if\f\ IACRES freehold, , subdivided • OlJ.ij^jrto' r 5;. paddocks, " stream^ in every ■ paddock." Limestone formation. " / 600 .acres ■gra's'sedji- balance in bush. . _ : Canying^.at : piesent;- '460 'ewes with lambs/ 300 .hoggets, SO^Head cattle. Has large sheariifg ; ; shed;jhplds 300 < sheej)), • and shed with: 6iinks"fpr Bor 10 shear- . efs.^" O^ly; 12' miles i'-;from Pbrt. ;• As a Going^Cbncerri:.-.- Price,- £3200. - *^„ - 7-'^: ; -.:'-;■--• ."" J - - iT.B. -155BfL¥NDI®; SHEEP' -AND GATTDE '.-■■■ '^^ ''yssnik- ■','-. \, ■ ■" 'TOJKs^ASreii .Fieehpldi good Homestead andothe^dutbuilduisgr-Woolshed, Sheep %nd;' ! CatMd%yaraa,^ip,'i ; 3b^^^^ eight mile* froni'-Bailway, carrying at present 6000 sheepi; {ana;;' 200 head pi cattle; Price.£3 IDs per acre.' ■'■ " .FoL : 277. ; PA^©RAI; COUNTRY. : • wpll subdmded »nd- wateraa^ s ana Mg^ienMa, gdod BoMe;:.{six ; ;ropms)/;, Wookhod,;.and^^S^-ble.-stbck it prosent 2000'sheepand 150 •'■^.^^^ **■ & m ■*&: , A <3fg^^^ PASTORAL "2700 -AciM^Fieehoia;'. about 800 Acreii ••- ■to : ?river:--'flata : vand ? -are nnder^ cultiv^tion, :baTahaiigopa. ; healthy, sheep couj>- ■ ' try; is weUiSnhdivided andAwaterviS, ha§ good residences and outbuildings, yards, . '■' to/ e^?ta^;presSntA carrying ,2000 theep*:'^Prica^ 16s per acre. ,FoJL27B. TIP-TQP/SHEEP: COUNTRY., '■;■-„ MM^Acr^gP^Vs^bcpuntry, m Acres in grass, . subdivided into ten padSocks; Well-watered by running.'streanis; -rßsidaßJoe 'U&n^ropmsJr 1 ypolshed nnd stablesV;6ne' mile ; f rpm ( schPPl . anS £.Q.y,six mileii^fcozii Bailyitay^.wJl winter. l2oo ewesi!gcs)d 'sawmaiing' plant «h tteproperiyialso.-' 'Price £5 12s 6djper vr« as- a^gpiiig/ concern: ■I',' , ? 'F.pL 275. VAIiUABLE ,^EEHOt|D JARM; 776'Ack"ij.'pJw!*oidf-200 Acreß^ia gr&ss, V part >: iiT blffiliH' Watered by /Tunning itreams;-ne>i?|iiiUße ..rooms),. wprk-> ■hop, barhi;carrying;4oQ sheep, -14 hdad : cattle, hprses, etc., farm implements; there is^B?^<*d'seain.'pf-cpal pn the prpr. erty, • and :'«;■ also)-:: gold-beariniC , . Price ; tf4 ;per^acie.'i-'everything given in." %v HA^DY FARM. ■■■'.*■ 4«-~Acres;*d<feß to Bailwav^sgjippl, - and P;O;>;,-weU: ; *enced. and siibaiviaea, : good buildings^ carrjnsheep to. the acre. Price £10PQ-' - : '- : * V" ''■ J' -'Fol. 271.. ' HO9D,iAQRIGUIiTIIBAIi FARMj . MS'- AcMsi.'well.' fenced 'and sub'dividploughable,' ! 4> acres orchard, good flax fro^»g ori'4|iel.SptPp.«ty,. i^oroyf - ttom gcl»6l.and',cream6ry. ..V*?^' .-«a . - \-,- 7 '^ & *®- .- ;:: .v-HANiOßjr^. ,-k'v -Fpl. 152mb: -: M9J?^^Woi&mWP- ■ ■■£-.■' , *-*" ,ies;"Freißhold,-well watered-and .aoiivid'ea; igoodT'lrisiaenca j seven .cons, ibaienv BtaWe,, gppd, prchard, and iOCO Acres/ good lambinii opuntry ,^yma weUib-the sun, Sen-fen^and «nSdmd^ap>ate^t !.ih .C«very paddod^ , \wlj6uui;B«lway,;roSd., on^ three sides, Sl^land is>Jilbnghabl9tl.'n?. ib^d"?^-'.?' •resent 20Q,>cie» ip%.;bang Wonghe*, |Sl winteriPopjewes : ::Prlc, &^ PABTtto^BOP ( ERT|rt. £ •-268 Acies^close tp;Gityj'o 12"paddb}kSt water in every paddock, t2O acres; 1 6inr 3at*? ™"4 i^Ji residence if -BeTen irooms, lmplenteit and wopl sheds,: dip, etc; ; is one pt .the best "farms in -the .'Provinces Price ■R6OOO' ~ ---'•<'(■' •'•■"■' Fol. !«6. GOpj); SHEEP .FARM. , - 230 "AcrSi Jub'dividea into fbijr paddocks, -all \ ; w fi lT, Jwaterea, 100 acres plbughable,'. ho ? nse?(seven 'rooma)^ _out»juadings,'stable,;^OPhihed, etc. ,Pnc? '■- j ■ .' Cr- ...-. , FpL 149N8. * -•■■; SMALL 'SHEEP ?AR?4. . > 245 Acres* Wfill^&tered and sobdividfd, tine mile from; Eailway, will carry (B0 sheep,"'new hoasV and' shed. . Fnoa iIOOO---* -«. ■■'•■'■ i'i-' ■ Fol. 244. GOOD^GRICTO-TOEAL FASM., , 229 Acres J cottage and other outbuild- ; ">*«? -nearly,:!^ in;gra??, 175 acres, flat, JJnVance undulating, a'cbmplete • and ; ?ploaate ;«ax;mill;and"jalant on. thgjrt»: jorty; -■ For ; the,- .whole, price/r£lsoQi SPliENbiift AIi&RpUND KARM: \\\ Zl6 . Aa'eaiSWlvinVjgrass,- well^faiced and tiii^mA rMUtT^ei^Ax-l pad/pefc., gwjfl^ BftoA'^Mps^ttndijJso good iatMn^ w land.-b^M 4wn'iiobTnß) ana- otrUor \ ,Acres^ricii^soil,;ait unaer calttr& >;; »übdiviae|^te seven jiradccki M woUfenc^S^watered,vr;acM»;m hciis/^^cme^^chaWWuißepnine sooms) andfothe^butbgUaings, concrete - *bp ki^*Pr^^22W^.4^'vFol. .243.: 116 JAcjes^iaose^. to and iK^wjly.^^^^d^sx^p^gaacrMVbushV will car^r4o-mi^^''c6wA l -weli subdivided and ;wj»t«nßdpgp^lAhotJ6e (five;.wb"ms)^ sheds and other. dntbuildiugß, originallj heavy' bu^^TinicW^rchardi-mpre; Crawr? Isnitcia'^elii&en upvalpngside. •t-low^ntet^iKrice'^eOO.' ■ • Epl. 28t:: GOODMaefiICUIiTURAL* FARM: J : teO ; Ac^7iubdividea into eight-parts; part under "(SppiiDalaiict in grass,- good, frontage jtaasiiittSJadi house (six ropms),oqthousesr 'slableSr 1 sheds, etc. . > «^#*^—-'-'' :>- '' : ' : '''^ ol " 2^'v ■■£, y^sS^jytypAßM. ■. %& iOO; &vi?oieaa&. lind> grows -apl.ona??/ ,a»hef ti,,gats> barley, also-, rage, . ,fijpinE^sa^^,^bdiyided: : into eigntfroia^f^^^SjEbusstl/s^en^rppa^,* . ißed,:-. and Cwi6i'~6n^wS&DSit. . Pjjg 9 .'; ■'":>• F SPLENDm ; GIt&ING JiAami'*?.; --261^*ipev?lQ0^ acresSfteehoia f^7, «cr^Jde!tema^pa'yment,\94>acr^.l,ea«e'r; ;-«oc3 ' i ropfcige'. -fit ;imain -road, , and? elosei :fe^E»^w»y^»t^re»nt/jcanrying .400". - »lwep»\libus^ * >(j^yen ;'/ rooms), : - stables,; ■^iiitbiiil3li^iV-'--'giK^f^d'rcharJ^- ■ : 'PjTic6* ■;'■ .^t£CO.-.v''i;V-.v;^S^^-.S i'■ Fpl; SB3JV ; 66iAc>ei^Wi^pl4 and l»lc!^loo^a^?>froii^ge:riverr) flats and . Hp^top'agncultqrallad, property is sub- ; a^dedi^^:^d«B;- Wafered^by , itre^mf WviSr-V-iroiitaee-,.. honss •-.'; seven' l^^sttsiK|^;^iiHdings. 44 •fflesj frqqyicl»ol,r2 mtle« itova^mvAi : Re^oeieag^bitl^S periannuni;. ' .-nee ;M ,>tttehpH ViEs -10s p*r y acret '-yy- l '■'■■ r &~. WfS jt&. '■ ; rVal ls6Nfi£ ■:.-. V WtS^SA* I '^ ■ of : Pajment.-' ; : ;^lßpg ;BROS. ? AND CO., ...:,^,-Ha>3y r street? r N'eJsoß. .»■ ■'■', •\ : .--;; ; f\B^^-BtoH^'',Mg«Sy;-,;-';'-> "y y -'^:>: : %&y'M-''y?--y- ■ V '"'''

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 305, 14 November 1906, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 305, 14 November 1906, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 305, 14 November 1906, Page 4