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The perfect weather conditions prevailing last evening attracted a iarge crowd of the public to the Botanical Reserve, where a delightful prugrfWiiine gf ypc^l and iiiHti-umental music was rendered by the Nelson Gtarrison Band (under Herr lj.;nmer.) a|id amoral well-known local amateurs. The rotunda was brilliantly lighted with acetylene gas, and a number of Chinese lanterns were dotted hej.-e aji-d thero among t)ie trees. The Garrison Band, w-hiph.hag recently added to its ranks Mr Ferry, of the well-known Ka;korai Band, played several selections and marches in excellent style. The concert was organised by Airs S. Trask, with the object of providing funds for shocking her stall at tho forthcoming Caftjpiip fjajaai;, fun} • the collection at the fixates amounted to £12 7s. ' Mrs Trask desires to express her thanks to tho Band and all others who assisted to make the evening such an enjoyable one. Light refreshments were provided for those talking part in the concert. The programme, which concluded by the Btfn'd re.dori-'ng tho National Alfihein, was is voflqw :—Selection. ''Sounds of Peace,' Garrison Band ; duet, ''.Excelsior,"- Messrs lluiiuy -and Atmore ; Bong,, '''Peg Away," Miss Reeves ; selection, "i Casket of Gems," Band ; banjo and mandolin duet, Messrs Moody and Owen ; quartette, "Hush thee my Baby," Misses Driscoll and Messrs Jackson and Huxtable : song, "The Postillion," Mr Smith; song, VTij. for T-at,'" Miss Driscoll: Selection. "-COonlttnd," Band ; duet, "Life's Di.uiii is O'er," Misses Driscoll : ' song, "-Admiral's Bi'oom,'" M. Jluxtaljje ; quartette, "Sweet and Low," Misses Driscoll, and Messrs Huxtable aiS. Jacksori ; inarch, ) "Bravest of the Bpave," Band. Miss Duff accompanied through out. Jt is intended tp' give y-nuthei: concert on similar lines at an <wly date,' "Yolanda," by Charles Major (Mc Millan and Cos. Colonial Library) : In this work the author of "Dorothy Ver non, of Haddon Hall," maintains his reputation, and commands the reader's intei'BSi ji'otj) ths begining to the end of the story. Tho book deals with thf times of Duke Charles of Burgundy and Kjng Louis of France, and describes thi war with tbe Swiss and the defeat of Pljkg Charleg, A social and moonlight picnic will bt held at Glenduan to-morrow evening The palace cars will leave the Masonii corner at f o'clock. The return fare includ|!i(j riijfi'-SJinipntSf will be 2s. The Hokitika Library Committee have receive word from Mr A. Carnegie approving of the plan submitted to bin: in conuactjoi) wi{,h the Free Public Library to be oroctod at Hokitika and to wards which he is presenting £2000. De finite steps can now be taken, and Mr A R. Griffin ,of Nolson, the architect foi the holding, has reccivod instruction tc proceed, at once witfi the preparation of full working drawings and specifications, etc. To-morrow, at the White Hart Yard? Messrs T. J. Lynch and Co., will con duct a stock sale, comprising 1500 sheer fat pnd forward wethers, ewes and lamb§.' The members of the Accountant Stu dents' Socjefy will hold their monthly meeting to-morrow evening, 14th inst". at the Chamber of Gommerce Rooms. "Question Night" is set down on the syllabus, and questions relating to gooi' will, depreciation and other important points in connection with accountancy will he discussed. Since the question.* have such a particular bearing on every- *__" eoir»i.crci3.l lifp, pnembci-s are requested to prepare themselves for the discpssfoij. An invitation is given to those to attend wh<> wish to join the Society or are interested in the profession of accountancy. Reminder.— Reminder, at the White Hart Yards, stock sale.— T. J. Lynch and Go., auctiofieprg.* vW v naVD to acknowledge a turther 15s f rom sympathisers towards Mr Orsman's expenses in the nam case against him recently at the Arbitration Court. White Hart Yards.— 1500 sheep, wethers,_.ewes and lambs, to-morrow, the 14th inst.* th» b f F "\ aBO * nthe time of 'Morgan. __n. rT .£* "^ ( sa y- s ai > Australdan __■_ & n d, S l _ ict Of Victoria an 'old 23v !T k fn '"ili-rly know,, as "Goonahbar Ryan/' Morgan stole .nri a _ ab '?_ blood horse fromißyan. ?_,. .V 1 P olli ,. an in conscqli ence had R. f - 4 euL 'fl w Q. deadly hatred. "«■ issued a challenge to Morgan to _^s a sa_o° U h c . • hors9, « I"™ the. ._.?__£. b .?'" g convoyed bvsurowiding "cockles." many of whom were friends of the mountaineer. Fo. noaplyk year Rvtan f CI h/v o^ n f e« ? t y . Ide 'in hamLo" __. ?"*' commanding ' the l n ?v b l°, d , 00 . : but although the otij. law s tracks were often seen closo f„°.i «/? om,> . tp ft<l. ho never dared to taco Goonalibar's" fli_. Thp t«r---f, l e _ Stl v ain of the long' night watches, however, told upon Ryai's line constitution, and he bocamo a physical and -mental wreck, finally ending his own life with a ball from the rifle that he had kept by w4th S ° S t 0 wolcomo M*>»S»n \

Lieutenant Irvine, the rifle champion, .has' notified -Colonel Wolfe, O.C.D. that he will be unable to come to town tomorrow evening. The official welcome which 'yias- -to have been extended to Lieutenant Irvine by Volunteers at the monthly inspecton to-morrow evening j cannot therefore take place. It is intended to welcome Lieutenant Irvim later on, but arrangements have not yet made in regard to the function. As the small bird pest has been a prominent topic of discussion during the past few days, the means adopted by a city resident in destroying sparrows may be of interest The resident referred to is Mr W. Turner, of St. Vincent-street,, and the means he' has adopted for coping with the pest are as simple as they are effective. A frame about 4 feet long, 2 feet wide, and three feet high, and covered with small mesh wire netting has been placed in the fo\vl run. A hole has been cut in the wire at the top of the frame. Through this hole the birds enter, but they have not the sense to leave the , frame by the same aperture, and as a consequence they are trapped. Of .course some grain or other food is thrown on. the ground under the frame to entice the birds. Mr Turner's last "bag" was 22 sparrows, caught in one morning. The effectiveness of the method adopted, by Mr Turner are beyond question, and as a few shillings would cover the cost of the frame, farmers and others who are losers by the depredations of girds are strongly recommended to work on the lines here Mr John R. Mabin, formerly of Nelson, has been appointed a sub-enumera-tor for the Ur'enui Riding, Waitara, in connection witl} thp census to he taken next The Resident Engineer of the Public Works Department (Mr Sham) desires it notified that he requires 25 suitable navvies for- the Midland railway works beyond Motupiko. All members of the Nelson Cycle Corps having rifles or equipment on issue are notified that they must return the same the ordorly-rooii) cm, Thursday (.veiling. The promoters of the sale of work for raising funds for the much needed new Sunday School in connection with St. John's Methodist Church propose holding the sale early in June The support o fall in sympathy with tho movement ie appealed to '"' Stock Sale. — Don't miss the sale at the White Hart Yards to-morrow. — T. J. Lynch and Co.* Messrs "W. Lock and R. R. Jackaon, Justices, praiidefl at th. Magistrate's Court t^is morning. "A'humber of civil cases were called oti, But all, \ve.rj adjourned. To-morrow afternoon at 2.3Q Messrs Bisley Bros .and Co, sell fat and stove sheep, .breeding ewes, hoi'sos, etc. ; Saturday, March 24th ,at the rooms, on be half of Mr J. W. Treacher, city property with frontages to Alfred and Hamp-den-streets, I_, acres freehold and residence and one acre Maoii lease having Fifteen years to run. Further particulars will be found on page 4 The other even, lg, as two ladies in Palon were going home, say* the Waitara paper, a man suddenly came up and seized one by the throat. Screams brought tho local policeman on the scene, but meantime tiiQ nit))} had I'l'n n woy : Alter n.ak_ng-' j'Ht]f_iru.-q, : the c-qnstdljl. Uoar-od the Klripaka, whvro ho arrested a deck hand named Ant on i Stuparich, who answered to the description g-iven of tho assailant. The accused, who is an Austrian, denied having committed Iho of-, fenca, but wp's brought before Vie Court, "and' '- r .moVicled fbr ei£ht days, The chief police inspector in one of the South London divisions is tho living image of Lord Kitchener. *~-y a curious coincideiire his name is.lCitch. it wijiilq. i_e. mir/osr sibfe (says A contemporary") tp distinguish the two nun but for a genial smile which is over present on the Inspector's face, and which is such a contrast to the usually stern aspect of. th, Indian C'oni-munder-in'Chief. v An excUUig race betwepn the steamer. Kiverin'o. the latest addition td-the fleet of the Huddart. Parker s _ Cq. Proprietary, Limited, a«d tho A.U.'S.N. Company's lino steamer . W'yandra, took place refcently from Jervis llay to Sydney Jleads. Both vessels were from Melbourne, but tho Wynndra sailed a few hours in advance of her rival. The vessels were abreast oIT CaiJe St." George at 4 o'clock jn tJiipriiiornisHr, and -,i trial of speed resulted, " The exciU.nent among thu . passengers and crews was intense, and the two Vessels entered port with little more than a ship's lengtj} betweeji thein^ It does not appear to be simple child's play (says tho "Sydney Daily Telegraph" to cater for a ship's crew, judging ' frum certain statements made in tiie Arbitration Court. One witness, a memlber of a firm of tugboat owners,. , said ho ■ preferred the system ' under which tho owners would be freed from the duty of providoring, sii;ce jt was so difficult to please tho moil," who all wanted to bo served | alike. '"If an egg is seen boing- to one end. of the table," he explained, "they all want eg-gs, and the same with pickles, und anything else." It seemed, to be their nature, when they paid for tho food themselves, to be satisfied with that which would not please them, if it were provided by the owners, Then there was the additional risk- that a man would leave before tho end of tho month, and forget to' pay his bill. This. he said, had Ix-cn done recently in one case, and thi enptnin of the boat, who was responsible for tfiq money, and collected it at tha oiYd | of the month, had been victimised to the extent of £2. The witness amused the Court considerably by relating a case in which a crowhad 'consumed: bo muon iwtim in the early part of 'the month that when tne twelfth day came, thoy had eaten their allowance, and the cook, who wiie presumably in charge of the arrangements for food supplies, announced his inexorable, decision that there was to be no more butter on boor.} tho •ship till ' the end cf the month— from the 12th till the' 31st. Whether the men would have quietly act_.iie.sctd jn this decision tod jt conic from the i^wners of t lit, bout, instead of the cook, is a matter for speculation, it The Emperor. Wiljiam (says the "Argonaut") has causcitfto bp cast in his? imagre and af-tcr his likonosa fcronzc nguro of the prophet •Daniel, .which ornaments the door of tho new cathednal at Metz. It is not known whethor tho sculptor coinmitl-od an anachronism by giiving the prophet rampant njilitary mustachios, for the appliance with which this military effect is produced — a device which is as much a part of the German officer's egujpri)ont as his cane and his arrogance, and y-hijeh j^ 0 w'carfl a t nightr-TW^s surply -pot in use at that period, pvon in tho luxurious cqurt of Belshazz ar. ji -was foe a flagrant act of U>s maje .te — tho present bugbear of tho Go) >")q.n j Rmplrtl— that Daniel was thrown into the .lion's don, where, as we know, lie was very successful • the lions, however, vxmj not British lions. It is worthy bf note that the meaning of the Hebrew name of Daniel, Is "my judge is Cod."There may not be much ln phrenology, but there's no doubt that expressipn often indicates true feeling, and Mrs Murphy says : "If you'd have only seen the expression on Dooley's mug when looking at the last J 4o notice of the City Council, you'd rifcver haye known him by the photo ho had taken after buying some furniture at Liko everyono who s»uys there -lie was pleased because there was the latest and best selection, fair and square ■ dpalji.g and easy terms. Lock's have, a splendid stock of every descriptin of furniture and furnishings Mr Lock is*" a complete furnisher, and has everything to inako the home comfortable and attractive. Jf it is a piano or organ, or if little Charlie wants a go-cart, or Mary an Atlas sewing machino,.Lock, is the best place to buy at. AJso linoleums, carpets, cun«.._s, couches easy chairs, etc. Lock is a manufacturer and di.ect oWs..*

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 51, 13 March 1906, Page 2

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Untitled Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 51, 13 March 1906, Page 2

Untitled Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 51, 13 March 1906, Page 2