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ißisley Bros J ?I 6? Co., j . 1 HARDY ST„ NELSON. ■^ ■^■» . — " * - *W__"iv_sh'"to call the attention of ln^ tending purchasers to the list of propers ties mentioned below, which are onlyilj few "of the many we h_ve on our PropsM , ty Register foi sale, any of whurh-Jjjg 5? snail be pleased to give particulars. 4, -t * When writing please quote folio nurn^ ber and acreage _ j - SHEEP COUNTRY. 7000 ACRES > Now grazing 6000 sheep and -200 „ head catfle Foi. 277 : 2700 ACBES j Grazing 2000 sheep; large fiats un. dec cultivation -. FoL 27a 1400 ACRES Near city, will carry 1200 sheep, atfd cattle, etc. Foi 248 800 ACRES Will winter 1000 sheep, handy to railway Foi. 259 2100 ACRES - J Few miles from tho city, with_.good residence, etc * Foi 213 3200 ACRES Good sheep and cattle country . Folio 223' 1800 ACRES Good sheep and cattle country, 700 1 acres good milling bush, and plant, etc , Fof 275 774 ACRES h Good sheep and cattle country, 200 acres rich flats, balance undulating and hilly 2 residences and good outbuildings. Foi 277 358 ACRES Good sheep country, 120 acres rich flats, 7 miles from city. Foi 276 \79 ACRES Ring fences and subdivided, £1100 Folio 276 1100 ACRES 12 miles from railway, good sheep country, good improvements > Folio 280 '1925 ACRES Nearly all ring fenced, fine sheep country Foi 279 . 1500 AGRES ,_i Good pastoral country, handy to railway station. Foi. 273 - 655 ACRES 2 BLOCKS Rich* agricultural land and good pas toral country -Foi. 274 2000 AGRES - Lease in perpetuity at Takaka 'Folio 273 443 ACRES Fenced and subdivided, will winter" 350 sheep" Foi 271 £p0 ACRES - :*»,- Limestone country, plenty available, x- Government land adjoining . r Folio 269 400 ACRES ~~ < ' •! Neatly all cleared, in grass, good sheep country — . .. Folio 263 ! -634 ACRES -. '- -. Reabgbod grazing country, good'im- j >> provemehts. ' ■' -FoL 249 ] 245 ACRES--.. , V .Handy to rail, part bush,, will carry now 250 sheep.- F6l. 244 27 J ACRES .. ",_-■; 60 aires rich river flats, balance good hill run.' FoL". 242 - C 64, ACRES Fenced and subdivided, residence} etc.. handy to rail. FoL 223 630 ACRES: . .; -. ■- _ ' ,\ Subdivided, fenced, improvements, real gbod.iountry/ , .'•■ '"Foi. 218 • 450 ACRES^: V4.-S.V ■"* i'■ With"-. lmprovements, good '.grazing country-; -. . ,v - %'•'■■. -' Foi.- 218---271 ACRES 0... "v.sU-vv '.l~ ... i ' River .-flatj^agriculttiral and '/beep country. .'.'■■ ; .?; ' -.-*' ',:-* .-■-• ' .: FoL 272 360 ACRES.-v.-i: ' -„; . . - ■''■•,. .- .- -X; ' ■ -;. *".'%. Part flat, balance . undulriing,- orr chard,, Residence, etc. , '"' biiariceVgooihill' run. '-- ■ : ,: FoL ?16 708 ACRES ,v.- vl - ■:.*'■ ■'■■■<■■ Limestone country, good imp/ove-. ' meh-s, vfiiie sheep country.: FoL -206 . 1070 ACRES^ .: v. . . ;,;-.= "'" ' '. .. Sheep country, _ good improve: _ents> hopgarden, orchard, etc. ■ _01. _04. 674 ACRES FREEHOLD 1200 : acres'.- lease Vin .perpetuity, Gol - • den. Bay,.- good : ■improvements ' and ;-'v. :;V:road. to property.' :• ''■■ F0L 202 -.;:- And small Suburban Properties, " .-- ;:.00. ACRES;-; vi. c/;.. ' :. >;' ' ;. . r.. ■•■ ':■:■ 'VN^, heavy -';-' . 0, Vtwb tresidericesV and good im- ■> " J ..? prbvemehts.' '■'' ''■■'''-:■" "• '' . r ' ' FoL 274 .v;KSO:ACRES<:.\:;::rj:7:. r v ; .: ..,'.,.- ..■ '-.- ■ '■■-■ .'.•'•! "Goodj agricidturar land, new resi- ■'^.\.-'- ; --v7de-_cei r etci--.".;.--y : ---'.-"'' ' "-" FoL 270 ; : :-. 2& ACRES ; .-;VV % -... v ... ; i; . ■,_. ■/. -<V-- l ''~~ Corner of. two. main roads"/ nandy _o -Vjv-S.railf--"'-^^"- "i-- -i ■■ = '„ :Fol. *270 :_||.^CRES£:_,-:v^.. •;.-'" ' -'-.„;. -S- '.^-" Close' toi dty) .fine, residence 'and out- : .f.. : ; a? buildings. •: •:•• •'-" -.- <'■-'■ ' FoL 263 :..; 2 ACRES:.:. ; ; :; ,-v; .'.:•'•' '"'- "< ''. „ : „/' '■■'■' city, ;;-.:: only.v'v > "' '" : '-'-.'' FoL 265 .;=:;7OrACREs::-...>v'v. ; ' '.-■ -•.-■■-•• .;* '.:>.': ..v__do. pbsitioSjgoo'd' residence, 7 rich « L V? viand.-- ..-'..,;" ------ ■: ':..:■ - FOL 264 '^'-, - -.•tJcv-vr.G-od/land, mostly orchard, neat 're- : '-?.: '-..-sidence, handy, to town': : ' FoL 260. JXi t0;20; 30, 0r:46 AGlffiS .v ;v-_;2:,.:Some!of thebest : in district, with or :.:'•.: ".'..withoiit residence, etc.. - FoL 258 rVVIOO__CRBS ; _::>: ' •fvv AM3bod agricultural land, residence, . "_V '"^wilL sell cheap. FoL 257 VS.; 19 ACRES .'...;•..., .• ; '';V-:' :: - -.;":-. Orchard,: hops, eto; handy to raU '■: ■/■ : ' resideince, etc. FoL 256 r_ :6o\acres;-':hv. -'v'--- ; - - ... ; -- - v Good- 1 -ploughable ; .'. land,: ... orchard' "-"- -.-nearly new -residence, etc.- Fbl. 255 VV3O ACRES.: ..' v, •: "'": Good residence, suitable ."- pouitry, :_ - .. V. . farm: ; . ■ v.-' r -'■■;" " r FoL 255---rv. a>i ■;■ acres .;.- : ..■'.'.■"' .' "v ;; -Handy ; to railj . hopss orchard, resi- r '--'--. rdence and outbuildings. . FoL 250 '•:■ ::385 ; ACRES;,. V-../;/.v-v,:. ;'.,.... . ,:, ;; "4- acres- orchard,";' 70 acres flax, ba- : ._■;.;. lance- ploughable:-. and' ..part grassed "-..•residence, etc.', Smiles-" from MotuekaTo£sCo; i"-.. _ '".",.' >-,- Foi 88? ■- ;^\ -■■--..,■; '■:„• Foi 88* - 100 ACRES:? :?S' :'.■'■:-.:'•>" "..y " /-'' ■' ■_..■"-.■■ vvFiile. harleyv lirid, handy 'r'aii; ,V. residencb;andoutbuildiiigs. FoL 245' v ;;... 165 ACRES :':?:v.v'.-..;.:'v .-•?• ■• :;_ . v ■■•. -.';.'' npMly,aU;rich'__it _and, brdiard'varid' . hops, reside'nee^and- outbuildings: .< '-' ■'"-' „-_/__v; ;v:-> ;_;;-, ._Fb1i0.243. ■;-..-, ACRES,- ; ...7 ':■.;".' vV .v fsiiDdivided, .residence, etc., handy w;:.;62^AOItES ' ; --.:''-. vV:„. -.^ >'^'< — : 7v^.:SAgTJciiltnral land,: handy to**-. ciT^S. ■v_ .-r residence and buildings.- FoL" 225 .5:86 acres - ;;-,.:v -: : ;v.-^ ..; „-. ■v' Good. agricuUaral -'.' land, will _6JL -w -v cheap; :;.-^w w - >,;-'..•'■ Esl. x _£. ' 40-J.CRES ' -j . ': ''„ ':;_ >- ' <-,-r .'r'Subdi^ed^s(_.d- frontage. handy,'?to: -; -.y: .- city residence; etc.. ' .. F0L. 201 f. fe CITX PROPERTIES^ # «.? ... -. 6;;Room_;:iand.'6oft ; _''158ft';"and ait :.v.--rv a y^« I 4'o_i/---io':Bitnht.ibn; r -'>-_-.^ -.-: .. "5 Bp. i!is._iLohd:so V;iso, _early ; --.iijP-&;---:;v -forth, .ctd^i^-j:^ _-„ : -vj^ ;.*.rtoL.-iK; ... ... -ft '•■■Rooms. v. Land 50; x-;23l;''all conve-^ :^_?^™™R..vTg^Woo.d; : _p6ooiky , :f r •.*:iFol.-,■^ -'"- -J ; . h. Roofiis: :i"a£re,' _11- : &_.vehiences;'na-.;-'-;;.tTO'i<_sbr-^76'.-;w : .v.r',:'^r.;.-VFo^ •iJJF^^'^A^'^wo^F-^'M - :^f?. <-':' -V^-^v r.V .:_ ■.-.>. "...EoL'v-113' : ':'-^ Ko i^;--:-';^S 6^Wtibn,vrco_v__iences'f - n '?^ d ' p^-.^o_w . : -,; , v - Fo] . -r-: 'V p. Rooms.- Land "fficand 140, ' nearly ''■: :V. ew, bath). ctc.^£43o:.;--i. V.-.-j. J o i ;xcq >V.- :.;^6vßporns^- ;^ acrq,vland, v . good;ordcr, j-rYKith, etcj-handy city, £430.;"' " EbL _09 ~* - : : -^O"?™ 3 -:- -liand. 57 ? k:l6o.yiS.ilo Street, vv V-v^gO- : ■•: --..^?rvi^v= v . ■: ) < &'' "EbIMiDS : v-- ; v-''^^_^^v^l''.Hci_-;-.7and;''\_ill Isitnafcdi-'i1 sitnafcdi-'i v : 'r.^'s ■ s ?W d _"' nfW!S.\ ..->.■;■ v.. v-Fol.-^OS ! : : '.° .Rooms..;-. Uood: frontage, all: conve-/,:-.V-.>.on^i-gW'd.i-rd^SfifiOO.-V-i---"-Fol.-.'-107 -- ; d^^^^-TSlx-l^v'^.'&f: '■'•'■•• H«"«»./;fine- positionp'£7Co - ' -'.Pol "10 . y^^mmmh£fem ■^*^?,'^^*^i t S»'K^-3_-sfe3^ ; -^ -hillside ; situation?. K>*'s'-:»-i>-_S]?^. 'W. garden apd;o r h_rdp£3(X..v v^lbl-Toi" v -.-•, _.>6:Rooms7;-Eandv7^x .^; bnVen.__s ,; .^ CM,; ,£6SO.f;-^-. ; 'V- EoL-96' .V v * 7.vßoomSLU'"Fii:ers'ecti^ ; .-.^yatEn-, -V-Fbl^9s' •v? :^Ssßodm_!.._:Landi:66 _-304. .t and .but .':■'• 'vAwßopip' . !'.^u>_. cdhveiiieh^'-vinciisOiiitnav '•'" ; ° bdigardch £430. •;.•;... ;-. ' .F6t-86 : : ..i^^;''„ 2! :acres;land,^ beauiifu'lv'si- : "■■' ■■&&*£. 4^. 6o_^ C^mr '■:■■:, .f.r*,ji. fe • : - - : -"--.'"'-i.* r •i?^,v' : wJ-*«w*™»Sß--3-6flsesr-or: ,-..-. ohard, etc: v :£850.-;.;-:. : t^?'i=.vW_ E rjv 83 v; V ;v7 Roq .sg Land;62 ; x;is_.Vfee^ ni_rly .-.:>• • . ° cw ' .Ypjy modern; convenience, fine : si^ vv; -'tbatioa;- £750.v^ '-. : ..;.-. . .- ( " _]. c j; - 8 2 'v.=v!i 'W. 7 r ßooms.v:Land. 104 vs. 120 fcet;Vnewj : v Wgood^^ - vv i#%Rbbm3' ' - 1 acre land, near city; .afgc ; Vvp-im3rd y ;£7so.' ; -v _. ■"V . ; v vßujidttig-sit-i.viat; Maitlands'^.Hen.ey; . -v. : ■-__-? _H/!-vfflP£: the;ia^. ; s'^Easy-.termsar £. ,v V V rs£^:^jiJs^&, ri'^^Sd . U^3*r%sK-Sv*. . -ViVS-C. • ■' ._ ' . 7: f. VJSs ''^-"_SSH.-

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 51, 13 March 1906, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 51, 13 March 1906, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLI, Issue 51, 13 March 1906, Page 4