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Sure Ctire for Colds T.'hen the children get their foot v.vt arrt t;- ! .;o cvi<l give them a hot foot-bath, a bov:l v } ' I lirinlc. :i ;'..!.-.> of Ayer's Cherry Pectoiai, cr.l p.'.t i.,u.A to bed. The chances aic t:: _-y v. ill b^r.:lr!j;!'.tir. the morning. Continue th." C'h'.rry !'_■ riorrJ a few days, nntil nil c '-;li 'iiv. ."" - ;pp.-i!e:l. ('.-I c :■ • "•:■: n'.f o cured; we moan the cm.'.-. 1 - • .ii" !■■ or..'!iili.s veak throats and irrita- ■ " • ' .-. .". ■-, V - 1.-nj coughs of consismp- : : ;' '. t\. \> o:i.'v nvA Eumet;nie3 _, i. .■ . .'..-■.- el v.m o: o „,.: \rr's: \rr's Pectoral T__.r :r'?. (L.:'l.t will explain this to ynu. I.'. ...: •.■.; i! •:: v. :! 1 cherry bark i< the be?t r " .*v 1 n. \ t Vi medical s-cionco iur r.oothi ■ ' ? .\ hii'.'ir.^ intlarr.ed throats and lur.^s. V ■ ■• rl/ v.\ (.n Ayer's Cherry Pectoral to : • _.; ".r in"L'h. ;■ -. .r.- «.f vi.rltilcsa ini*t.(tion«. Tli-' t.'itiip ',■ ' I herry ri' i-lilowji In the pl.i*s el r . -.. i jt:l'-. l'». pain to follow. Then my strength and tlesh gradually crime back, and ever sinoe I havo done cjy work as easily as I did before the disease, whatever it was, overtook me, (Signed) John Simpson. Clivi■gcr near Burnley. Xo«-, about that health and hard musclo question, that I put to the reader ; what s the raster ? Why, of course, the acawer is what any intelligent man would make who thinks "with his eyes open Xo; health and hard muscles are not always j found together. But let us look Bharp | and commit no errors. The facts run this way ; "tV'hile s man cannot grow strong without a certain degiee of health it ia aho true that a notable amount of uscular power is consistent with both organic and functional trouble of the stomach, lirer. kidneys, or heart. A man may be bale to lift otO pounds, and drop dead within a minute after hne does it. Sailors, farmers, miners, drivers of trams, busses, Ac, outdoor labourers of ditferent sorts (especially after reaching | mid life) nearly all fall victims to rheu- ; matism, nerrous deility, or dyspepsia. Yea, and do work for years iust the same. I said "or " dyspepsia Leave out tb.B ■' or " and say dyspepsia — dyspepsia only — ay you bags struck bottom. This producea all the other maladies ; they are merely results and symptoms of it. There's no keeping clear of it by rucniug off to sea, working on a farm, or diging down into a mine. No matter where you j go or what you do, indoors or out, clerk- | ing ia the Bank of England, or driving the locomotive of the Scotch expres-s — dyspepsia wili get hold of you if you give it a chance. And most men Go that aa if i they «ver« as eager to eb ill as they are to j be rich. Which reminds me to tell yon in a fsubseqent article how to avoid dys- j pepaia. tor this time) I can on% speak j of how to cure it. Imitate John Simpson c example. D© what be did. And reniembur that stalwart men (all tiocon- j scious) often stand nearer a bed of pain, nearer death, than do the feeble women horn they pity.

... Ye athletes, all who bike or run, Or row or box, or may bave done, Know ihiit of all tbe bbtcan ills You're subject most to colds and cbslla, Hut both will disappear bo sum, I Uy taking Woods' Great Peppermint' Cine. i Seavien-, Va. — We have a Eplendid sale • of Chamberlain's Couth Uemedy, and our customers comim,' from f*i and near peak of it in highest terms. Many have buid that their childien rfould have died of croup if Chaniberltin's Cough Kemedy had iwt been given. — Kellam k Ourren. ' J ox sale by Janj<is Boon, chemist. Heßonr e, Screven Co., Ga. — I have bren subject to attacks of bilious colic for several year?. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarihcea Kemedy is tha only sure relief. It acts like a charm. Oris dose of it gives relief when all other lemr .lies fa*l.— ii. D. Sharp. For sale by James Boon. You may hunt the world ever, and you will not. find another medicine equal to hjucberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarhoea Uemedy for bowel complaint?. It ia pleasant, safe, and reliable For sale by James Boon, chemist. Advicb to Moiiieek ! — Are yon broken i i your reEt by a Eick child suffering with tr.e pain In cutting teeth Qo at once to a chemist and get a bottle of Mas. Winslow's BoOTHiKa S7B3P. It will reliove tho poor sufferer immediately. It is perfectly harm less and pleasan to tasto,' It produces natural, quiet si ep, by relievi 3 ths chil : from pain, and the little cherub awakes " aa bright its a button." It soothes the child, ib •aftens the guma. allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and Is the be3t known remedy for dysentery and diarrhcea, whether arising from teething or other causes, lira. Window's Soothing Syrap isold by Medici ie dealers everywhere, a l . Ib Id bottle V/ -.CABLE DIEOOTMT JOB TM Hilß— lf year h ir ia turning grey or white, cr falling off use The Mexico a Heir Benewer," for it icill pori'.i rettore in every eau Orey or White liair to its original ooloor, without leaving tha disagreeable*" smell of most ■Restorers." It maWg the hair charmingly beautiful, as well asjpromoting the growth of the hair on bajd spots, where the glands are not decayed. Ask yoor ohemist for " The Mexicah Hint Bwnww," sold by Chemists tnd Perfumers everywhere at Bg. Sd. per bottle Wholesale Dopo 83, Farelugdanaoai. London, fc lado: E FuißlUinil-BoßiJf Toth ab Bmaih A few drops of the liquid "Floriline,' sprinkled on a wet tooth-brush produoeß a (pleasant lather, which thoroughly cleanes he teeth from all parasites or impurities : ardens tbe gums, prevents tartar, stops decay, gives to the teeth a peculiarly pearlywhiteness, and 5 delightful fragranoe to the hreaib. It removes ali opleasant odour srisinß from decayed teeth cr iohacco smoke "Tho Fragrant Floriline," beiag composed in Dnr:i of Honey and sweet herbs, is delicious to the tar.o, and the greatest tiiiel discovery of the age. Price 2s. Cd., of all Chemists and Perfumers. Wholesale depot, 3 Farringdon Boad, London, England. Blood.— The Editor oi the Family Doctor says : — " We havo seen hosts o cltters in which tke writers acknowledge the i.onefit thoy have received from Ciarkes wonderful Blood Mixture, which as a curative agent cannot be too highly estimated, since it cleanses and dears tha blood from all impuriiies. If the blood ie diseased the body is disea ed. Clarke's Blood liiixinre is a medicine ot the greates possible valuo, and it is certainly tbe fines lood purify ihat scienje and ski)] have brought to light. We can with tho utmost confidence recommend it to onr subscribers •nd the public generally." — The Family Onctor. lfith July, 1892. For Scrofula Hcnrvy, Eczema. Skin and Blood Diseases and Bo es of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent Cme. It is the only real specifio for Gor. and liber matic Fains, for it removes the cause from tho Wood and bones. a': Cbf-mist:, Ac. evsij*h-:ro at 2e 9d and Is per bottlo. Thousands of testimonials f wo sii parts Caotion.— POBCHABEBB of CLABKE 8 BLOOD MIXTUKE should see that they get ;ba genuine article. Worthless imitations and su jstituies are sometimes palmod off by unprincipled vendors. Tbe words " Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England," are en craved on the Government Stamp, and TIaEKP'S WOBLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE, without whieh none we gnuine. CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS^;^ 1 Pains in tho back, and all kindred complaints, free from Mercury. Established upwards of 30 years. In boxes 4s Cd each, of all Chemists aud Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World. Proprietors, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Liucoin, England. KOZIE TEA Js Reliable, R, SNODGRASS, Agent.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXII, Issue 174, 2 August 1898, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXII, Issue 174, 2 August 1898, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXII, Issue 174, 2 August 1898, Page 4