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Cnrtln's Buildings, off Kent Bt., Sydney, 27th Oct., 1897. ©ear Birs,- Everyone should know the valio of loasby's " WAHOO," aod yon have my permission to publish the lollowing faot3 :— For Bomo time -I wbb prostrated by a sharp piercing pain in the ohest and back, j nst between the shoulders. I was afraid to eat, and fmnc it impossible to sleep. Small hard lumps ap. pened all over mj ohest. My ston.ach *w»B-mnob distended, and I was a victim to conetipatioi. The doctors were noati'e to help mf, and it was not till I hid pro. cured "WAEOO" tbat I got rell'f. Three do;es gave relief, and one bo't'e fffeited a complete ouro. LOASBY'S •• WAHOO " his undoubtedly prolonged nry life, Ycmb very trnly, (MRS) M, A, GRANr. LOASBT-1 WAHOO, prioa 2/6, from ill ChemUta aud Storekeepers. Wholesale Agents— KempthoriiP, Prober k Co.'s N.Z, Ding Co.

#-;T,vfee"BPWha-lld-»t*B»ef the thnrder o! KJtintßernwtrMdgee (K.S.W.) are from : ' '<■' m Mellwntip'ArgUß^^-In, conneetipn with tho death of James Reoves. at Grami, ' rieiirM6dgeß^ v wliose body was discovered v! in his Hut tAino'st burnt beyond rqcojjnUlou, ' "olronmßtan.oeshave arisen giyiug iiß.e ro 7 "''- very, strong stupiclons of foul ; play. . Ber- eeaaed '^as frbiicheloiv ot soraewhat miserly 7 habitw, and Bince.the bank suspensions : 'Tr:uUed^n.'jiiiß deposits beiog locked np he .-' -7 never hanked any money he acquired, but spcretcd it in out-of-the way plaoea, arid wwaya carriwl large sums to Mudgee with •biiß.jf jWhen last h« returned home he is V- supposed to have had over £100 upon his ■'"* person. No trace of that money can now ba fonnd. Evidenoe at the inquiry disclosed the finding of an . ake. at the . wood heap with blood stains on ifr head. There are aiso bloodstains on the floor of the honse, aa well as other suspioioUß oircumstanoss. Deceased's head was charred in sjioh a way that there was not the tatntest • possible chance oi diaeerning whether -the . matto ef violence were caused by an axe. , Tneholiday question cropped up at the meeting df the Wellinglon Indat>tr : al Association on Monday, Mr A. Littlejohn wi-iting and drawing the attention to an enoinaly existing as between the Shop . Hours Act and the Faotoiios Act ; each of 'which provided for ita. own ha'f-holi-day.:' A" great ''many business people close a shop on one day ajd the factory on another. ..Fo*c instance, the shop halfholfda3r?B qn Wednesday', but'the faotory must close ' on Saturday*' afternoon. ' lt is true tMt!a shopkeeper may olose .his shop on a Saturday instead ofthe Wednesday, but thiß means the loss of his batnrday night business, and very few -can afford to lose that. In disoussing the -matter, Ba y ß the " Post" the Association appealed to be of opinion that the . -law 83 to' the closing of factories for the '■' . weekly helf-holiday should be amended co that tbe holiday for both classes Bhon'.dfall on the shop half-holiday. . In regard lo the- insolvency of Mr G . F. Richardson, M.H.R., the Wellington ... % Post i"..of the I9th instant saya :— A petition of insolvenoy was filed by the Hoh."G*.'F. Riohardaon, M.H.8.,*-,«.this afternoon. - A meeting of his' creditors wiMbaheld atll o'olock next Tuesday morning. This is an announcement that will; be received, with much regret, not orly by tlie hon. gentleman's political, friends and supporters, but by a great number among those who are not ranged .on the same side in polities, for. with his unquestioned 7 ability both as a Parliamentary [debater and a pnblic adininis- . - trator, Mr Riohardson poes^ssed/the undoubted f t^hlty of absolute directn-sss at the leasto ost of humiliation or chagrin to those to whom lie fonnd himself opposed. We ara sorry, to know that Mr - RiobardßCn does spt propose to again seek a seat in Parliament, and as his probable retirement haa been an open secret for some time paat, rumour haß not unnaturally been busy withthe nmes of probable candidates for the Mataura seat.- Sir Mcpabi the former member, will certainty be a. candidate, and a strong recjuisitiodjs, vfe hear.likely to be presented to Mr Ward, the. Chairman >of the Connty • Council, who is a farmer long resident in the distnot, a. gentleman of- broad and lioeral 'views; and said to' bo opposed to - the Govercment qf the day. The 1 details of the Btone-throwing at . the railway train, by which two women were hurt, are as follows :— A dastardly act was perpetrated between Kereru and . Levin on Monday eyening. As the down i ivain was' pas-sing that point, a large •alone .was thrown through the window of - a first-oiass carriage, striking bne of the nasßengevß (Mrs Cnttiß) a severe blow on the band,; and then hitting Miss TJphani, aUo a piweenger, on the knee. Both ladies sniiained' severe bruises and cuts, and had «, very narrow escape from more i serious ir, -jury. . All the occupants of the . oarnjige were^nalurally mudi alarmed. *It is said that other -stones were thrown . tt §#« .entrinerdriser. . The police have tfflrmtter. iri hind, v and itis hoped £hat TO aMweiable for the cowardly outrage wiU meet their due reward. ■ •^ l T;»PP li<»t'on1 i<»t'on for a license forthe mitorrcars recently imported by Mr Wm. McLean "was considered by the Publio ; Wprta Committee' of the WeUington City Conncil on Monday, sayß the "Post." Mr MeLeMi forwarded copies of the by. laws for regr'ating motor-traffio in Lon- . don and Paris, and . suggested tbat the Connoil wouldnot go wrong if it adopted Bimilar regulations.-- He etated^hat each car ftnder the control of a com- . petent man; ahd .word be in no way a A.:™**&*'*»*BB* to the pnblio. Councillor Define advised caution in granting a Jjoense nntiil theXJonnoilwaaJasßured that :• the oaM^world- dangerous in the narrow streets: Connoillor Raxberand Othera, however, thought, that if motorcars were allowed to run in London and other cities where some of the streets are , not by aftyjaeAns wide, they could do no harm id Wellington. Eventually the Committee deoided to. recommend the Oonno'l.Wobtain a report from the Inff !?S?Li f t 7 thid " We J- Doyle) sb to of running the cars '!«■•% wurtrtefcj: and an opinion from *- .^wSy-.'Sohoitor as to the legal aspect ofthetaalter.. • • 3*e:«cqndlrial of AdolphL. Luetgert, tte sausage manhfactnrer of Chicago, for .toe mnitler.of iUi'wife.'has, gays tno New X«k correspondent of t^e Melbotiiiie • 4%*?. "*»:Pebruary ttth ended in his conwwipn;: ,• At the' first Uai the jury disagreed:-. , this time there was no dis-agteemen&but-the verdiot was a curioß--»y,for.the.iurorß, who had power under ' Mhttenfeio-dhd the man •' guilty of morder in': manner sidjform aa charged in ] the mjotment^and th-^ndeoided that I JPJ^^** ;slil), > ld l>o : in»P'riflonment i for.rrfeifigs^ay be recalled that this was i an exceptionally i.emational orime: Luetjert is to be punished for killing his 'wife , ; and dissolving her 'body with acids in a i wgvat, sitnated .in tho basement of his ■faojoryi^ilh that vat, and in the drain ' coiweoftd: ; wtth'it/ were fonnd two or I three>smaU bones, the steelsiof her corset, < o **?* B wWoh »he nad woia for *J*™4 : y«".«>erore^ her* disappearance. Jhe theory of- the defence wai ithat & om left her husband and gon»* •' distant' part of the conn*'- -" c gari^g iavit>*ew conid *- " j u> some , thaticanyorieJ"*- . :-iy,bnt Lnet- ' •nt«reA-* , ; , j *,*•' . produce no evidence •'*"' „adseen her after she had. • iae factory at 10 o'clook on the .iung of May 1, 1897. Luetgert remain- , ed in -.the'- 'factory all that- night, busy with furnaces and vats, after he had care- - fnlly'excltided the employes who were aooustomedto do such work. His explanation was that' hewas making experi oents in the manufacture of soap. • Ttie Wanganui ■ Borough Conncil are endeavouring to boy the local, gasworks. The' Conncil offer £10,000, the company ■Want -£IO.OOO. It terms are not come to the Council will start works of their own.gj -- geaview, Va.— We have a splendid sale of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and onr oustomers comine from far and near, <- speak of it ia highest terms. Many have ■aid that their children would have died of croup if Chamberlain's Cough Beugedy • had iftt-- been given.— Kellam& Ourren. Tor sale by James Roon, chemist. "My boy came home from school one day .with his hand' Wiy lacerated and bleedir;, and suffering gijat pain/ ! cays Mr. E. J. Behalf with Meyer Bios. Drug -; 'Co;,. St. .Lonis, Moi "I dressed the -wonid, and applied Cbambe.lainß Pain , Klin freely.' AH pain ceased and in a 7'- remarkablyphoit time it healed without leaving "''a. sc«ri Tor wouude, spiaios, swellings and 'rheumatism, I know of no • medioine or piesdription eqnal to it. I collider ifrWho-useliold nece&sity." For '- galeby James Booh, -chemist.

'-. 7 ts&y trait the world over, and yon 'V I not find another mdioine equal to Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy for bo wel complaints. It ; is pleasant, 'safe, e.nd i reliable For sale by James Boon, chemist. I Ke-?o*qrce. Sctevon Co., Ga.— l • •been siibjeofc to ' attacks of b !1 lous colic • for several yencs. Cfcpjnbeilaio's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is tiie oii'y sure rel'ei. It aots l'ke a olip-ni. One dose o! it gives rei'A? when all othor remedies Fail.- Qf. D. S"?arp. Por sale by James Boon.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXII, Issue 90, 25 April 1898, Page 3

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PROSTRATE WITH PAIN. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXII, Issue 90, 25 April 1898, Page 3

PROSTRATE WITH PAIN. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXII, Issue 90, 25 April 1898, Page 3