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ll —WW— I 11 I I [ EVEWRGB WITH THE POETS. 11.-A NIGHT WITH TENNYSON. LEOTURE-OONCERT in Preabyteri.n Hall, on WEDNESDAY, 27th Apri>, at 7-30, Leotura by MR DRUMMOND, of Boyß' College, and Beoitations and Songs by able artists, Refreshments at 9-15. Tickets Ih -to A, WILKIE & CO.i FAMILY BUTCHERS, Nile-st. East. RESPECTFULLYinvite the Publio to TRY tbeir Brawn, Saveloye, German S kueagf p, Black Puddings, eto. Peb lb., Gd. SELLING Fast-Our splendid qualities in fashionable Dress Tweeds, at 4/6, 7/6, 10/ the full dresa, are worth double the money. -EVEBETT BROS. l?60-2 SELLING FAST.— Oor very superior Bugiiy or Bush Rugs at 3/6 each ; also very handsome Silk Buggy Bugs, 15/ each, latest novelty, 1268-2 * EVERETT BROS( CELLING FAST, Our Guaranteed to tO Wear, pure wool English Serges in Navy and Black at 12s the full dress. Rede, peacocks, and other colours at 10,6 the full nrpss 1267—2 EVERETT BROS. SELLING FAST— Our Fashionable Blouse Flannelettes, at Is 3d, Is lld, 2s 3d thc full Blouso length. 12G5— 2 EVEBETT BROS. SELLING FAST.— Our splendid quality Bioyclp Cloths (doubh widtbp), aii colour?, at I/- yaid. 1266-2 EVrRBTT BROS. MIL' 11-ERY KOTlOE.— Ladies will p'tasa understand th-it we camot upon any consideration Turn wit 1 ) Materials bor.ght from other Drapers tithf r in Nelson or othrr townii 126t-to EVERETT BROS. OH Aft *f* IR Lidies' and Children's £\J\) \J Winter Slippers at 6 ', 93, 1~, 1261—2 • HEALY & SON, Bridge-Bt. K(\f\ PAIBB Lidies' Floral Slippera tt o\)\J 1/6 per pair, 1255-2 HEALY & SON, Bridge-at. TIMBER. TIMBER. IN addition to large stccka already on band, I am now receiving further supplies of about 100,(00 feet of FIRSTCLASS TOTARA cut to the most nßefnl trade sizes. Ord rs for any olasa of this timber, or for Bimn, White Plr.e, or Matai, promptly attended to. JOINERY of every detcriptfcn, inolnding DOOBS, mai* from Matai, Rimu, or Totara, SEVPONBO AT LE V5-.T TWO YEARS. S'SHEH of every ki d m«de exolu ivey of OLD SEASONED TOTARA, MANTLEPIECES of seleo'ed figured Bimu, Mttai, and Totara. ' SA6H FBVMLS, JAMBS, ABOH r - TBAVE', KOULDIXGS, and ev ry <1 ss of Builders' require mruts nt low r»tee. PLANING, MOULDING, BAND-PAW-ING, RIP-BAWING, MOITIBING, eta., done for the trade at moet reasjualla prioes, Plain an'l Carved Mantel ord Eaves Brackets at low prices. HENRY BAIGENT. TIMBER -VABDS AND FACTORY, WAIMEA AND HARDY &TC. * — lm fTIO LET, with immediate posßeasion A desirable FAMIL? RESIDENCE, situated in Milton -itreet, The Wcod. The Honee etands in { aore hnd, and oontaina 6 room 0 , Bathroom, Wash Howe, Stable, Coaoh Honee, and every oonvenienoe. Bent low to a gooi tenant. Apply on the premises to KR9 MOOBF. 581— io "CIOR SALE-A Urge 7 roomed Honse, JC every, situated in Upper Ooll'newoil-nJ. Apply on the premi-ies toR. KICOL. -lm WESTPORTCAKDIFF COAL. Is the Cheapest and Best, Consequently tho most Economical. NEALE & HADDOW, Agents. NOBEL'S SPORTING BALLISTITE. A Utter to land dated Glasgow, 3:d February, 1898, re Nobel'* Sporting Ballistite, atates that in all tbe competitions at the moßt.importtnt pigeon clubs at Home, it maintained ita prominent position. At tbe most influential olub io England, vis., "Tho Gun Clnb, Rotting Hill," out of forty events deeded between let Novi, 1897, and 31st Jaumry, 1893, Sporting Ballittito his woi twenty-six events outright and divided twelve. Can be obtained from WILKINS ft. FIELD, Nelson. -3a NORWIOH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETT. ESTABLISHED 1797. Fremiumß are tbe Loweit Current, and Lißaes are promptly and liberally settled by tbe nc designed. JOHN PORTER HARRIS, (Litely of the Bank of Now Zealaud), Agent and Attorney for Nelson, Marlborough, and Westland. OfHce next door to the Baok of New Zealand, Nelson. H D.JACKSON NEW GOODS This season's nre the best by far ever imported into Nelsou, com- j prising — BOOKS. I 40 cases Prize, Presentation, and Reward Books, New Annual and Xmas Numbers. FANCf GOODS. 15 cases Leather Easkotware, Albums, Photo Framed, Platedware, Novelties, eto. JAPANESE GOODS. 14 cases ef tho Newest Noveltiesnone of which have ever been seen in Nelson. Far cheaper than auction prices, TOYS, DOLLS, ETC. 8 cases all New Goods FANCY GLASSWARE. 6 cases all the nowesfc Novelties direct from Germany. XMAS CARDS. A selection of 20,000 to choose from. SIX PIANOS To be sold 25 per cent cheaper than any othor house can soil in Nelson, Conntry Orders a Speciality, H. D.JACKSON

" 1 11 '- ■■- ■ I* AUTUMN & WINTER DRAPERY. G SMITH, THE CASH DRAPER, BRIDGE STREET, HAS just opened a large, eew, and well CBSorted stook of DRAPERY & CLOTHING, inolnding Mantles, Jackets, Dress Materials, Trimmings, etc, TheEe are all of the latest styles, and we 1 worth inßpeotion. Oar stock of MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING is extra la'ge, and is marked at priceß whioh will enßnre it9 speedy rednctioD. The patterns were all specially picked for the Winter Season, MEN S & BOYSMMACKINTOSHEB. We have on extra choice Eeleotioo of pattorn?, or d O'm jfive you tho very beet quality in Naw Zia'and for your money, Don't miss icspectiog them. We havo a'sa rpeaed an exlr* large Blook of English and Colonial BLA KETS, Oar BUGS we oin sell fiom 2/3 upwtrde. We can give a good selection of Art Mußlins, Tweeds, Quilts, Flannels, Flannelettes, Towels, etc., at exira cheap prices. INSPECTION INVIT&D. Q S M~I T ITi THE CISH DRAPER. BRTDGE STBEE-". WANTED, a Honsikcrprr. Middle igid woman prefirred. Apply .Mail Offioe. 1240— to SOUTHERN POTATOES Very Finest Quality, NEALE & HADDOW. BOWDEN for Qninceß, Cooaing Appier, Dessert Apples, Swedes, Ooions, Dairy Butter Id, OheeEe 6d, Pigs' Head 6d, lrttersHd. WOOD CARVINd. MISS ETHEL BOOT holds Classes for WOOD CARVING at the N.Z. Insurance Co.'s Buildings every MONDAY and THURSDAY AFTERNOON, from 2-30 to 4'30 o'clook. Terms on application. ]230— tc FOR Sale, or Exchange for Bioycle, Young Pony, broken to saddle and harness. Apply Mail Office. 1228 -5p BGTENTI Fl C_PALM I STRY. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. MADAME DEVISE, the inimitable Soientifio Falmitt, oan heoonsnlted at her Offloe, near tho Salvation Army Barracks. Bridge-street. Madima Deniee haa many exoellent testimonials from leading citizens of the oolony. Boars — 10 a.m. to 10 p.m, As Madame Deniee may b) called away at an early date, intending olients should oall on her at onoe. — 2p NELSON JAM FAOTORY, QUINCES. wanted, QUINCE?. Muat bo ripe and free from blight. S. KIRKPATRIC.K & CO. Royal From Royal Jelly Crystals Royal a delieious and clear jelly Royal is mado in a few minutce. Royal Finest ingredients Try them. JELLY Tho Empire JELLY Empire Oompaky, oELLY Company, Wellngton. JELLY Wellingtjn. Ripe Fruit Flavourings : ; Rvpbcrry, Strawbeny, Crystals Black Oorrar.t, Limon, Crystals Vnn Ha, Orange, and Crystals Calve*' Frot, Crystals Dragon Dragon -Dragon Sold in fld Tins. Dragon Dragon Pure and Dragon Dragon Wboleacme, Dragon For Puddings Egg No need for new Sooner, Cakee, Egg Laid Eggs. One eto., it is nn- Egg tin is equal to a rivalled. Egg dozen ol them. Powder Tub Poivder Powder Fm-inE Powder Powder Company Powder Powder Wellington, Powder No. 1. Washes No. 1 No. 1, anything No. 1 No. 1. and No. 1 No. 1. ' everything. No. 1 Extract Don't Extract Bee that de Extract yoa Misled I Extract get it I of Soap The of Soap of Soap Empire of Soav of Soap Oompary, of Soap ot Soap Wellington. of Soap Dragon Sold in Dragon Dragon 6d Tins, Dragon Made from Ctlßtard Flavour bb the Custard rioh as that purest Custard imparted by rartirial'. Custard new 'aid eggs Powder the • Powder Powder emmkb Powder Poivder Company, Powder Poivder Wellington, Powder — — — — — —^— "' ■' I..—— .i

JUST RECEIVED— A nioe assortment of Children's Stylish WINTER CLOAKS in newest shades of Btown and Fawn, Also, Ladies' and Children^ MACKINTOSHES in latest stylos. Fawn, Brown, Navy, and Blaok. An exceptionally good assortment of CAPES, JACKETS, and FURS. MILLINERY A SPECIALITY. MRS aYsTICE. BUTTLE'S BUILDINGS, . TBAFALGAR STREET,,

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXII, Issue 89, 23 April 1898, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXII, Issue 89, 23 April 1898, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXII, Issue 89, 23 April 1898, Page 3