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COUNTY OF WAIMEA. RIDING OF MOTUPiKO. EXTRAORDINARY VACANCY. IN pursuance of the provisiors of "Thf Oounties Aot, 1886," and "The Regulation of Local Elrotions Act, 1876," I hereby give notice that ou ELECTION of ONE COUNCILLOR for the Riding of Motupiko will be held to fill the vacimoy now existing, and that Nominations ol Candidates will be received at my house until 8 o.olook a.m. on THURSDAY, the 13th day of August, 1896, and from 11 o'olook a, m. till 12 o'olook (noon) on the same day at the Soboolhouse, Lower Motupiko. Candidates must be Nominated in the following manner:— A Nomination Paper in tbe prescribed form, signed by two persons enti led to vote at suoh Election, and also by the Candidate, mutt be left as above directed. Forms of Nomination Paper oan be had on application to R. KELLING, Returning Offioer. Stanley Brook, Ist Aug , 1896. 1241- 3 ANDREW BROWN'S ESTATR \ LL DEBTS OWING to the above X\. Estate must be paid to the undersigned or MR S. BOLTON on or before the 15th inst., or they will bo sued for, , ADAMS & KINGDON, 1235—3 Solicitors, Nelaon, "nelson a. a and c. club." TnE First ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of this Olub will be held t the Camera Olub Rooms, Hardy-strett, on WEDNESDAY EVENING Next, Bt 7-30. Business — 'Election ot Officers, eto. Wi N. POOLE, 1236— Hon. Sco, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE PARTNERSHIP hitherto existing between the undersigned under the tyle or firm of " GLOYNE k HOBBS, ' in tbe business of Storekeepers, in th Oity of Nelsoo, has been DISSOLVED by mutual oonseut. The Aeßeta of the late firm will be reoeived by Mr Arthur Charles Gloyne, and he will pay all the Liabilities ot the said firm. ARTHUR OHARLHS GLOYNP, HENRY JAMES HOBBS. Witness — W. 8. Milner, Sjliottor's Clerk, Nelson. The Bußinesß win be oatried on by MR A. C. GLOYNE. WANTED, a Good GENERAL SERVANT. 1227 -tc Apply Mail Offioe. WAIMEA COUNTY. RATEPAYERS are hereby informed that notifications of any Changes in the Ownership or Ocoupancy of Property should be forwarded in writing to the County Office, Nelson, prior to the lltb August, othermise they will be held liable for the ensuing year's rates. ;B. BLOMFIELD, —3 County Clerk, MONEY TO LEND, on good freehold Beonrity, at a low bate of interest, Apply to Gfc.o. HARPER, Sulioitor, Tir>tiigar»street. FOR SALE, Autograph Letter from tbe late Sir Henry Parkee, and Autographs of &i*»rk Twain, bir George Dibbi-, aad bir Patrick Jenuiugs. Apply " X," MAlLOffice.; RAJ FALLS and PELORUS BBIDGE ACCOMMODATION HOUSE, Half Way between NELSON and BLENHEIM. Comfortable Aooommodatlon foi Travellers, Pleasure, and Sporting Parties. MRS LUXTON. KOZIE TEA.— This Rrand is t guarantee of purity and qualitiy,— U. SNODGRASS, Agent. ANNUAL SALE. E. BEA€HAM OLOTHIER & DRAPER, will hold his ANNUAL SALE FOR 21 DAYS, commenoiug] THURSDAY, July 23rd, when Genuine Reduotions will be made in all Departments. Everything in stook reduoed in^price, E. BEACHAM, TRAFALGAR STKEET. SAILMAKIAG ANNOUNCEMENT. W. BESLEY having'purohaßed^tbe ' BAILMAKING faTOOK \OE B. FRANZEN'd business,; he|ißJuow|prepared_to., upply Sails, Tents, Horse Covers, SluicingJßose, Biok Covers,! Oilskins, Etc., Etc, *on the mostlreasonable terms,at_ the shortest notioe. FRANZEmT STORES, THE PORT. 946 3m

disputes as to ownership of Native lands. Mr Seddon expressed his sympathy wi'.h the proposal, hut said that as the Government was at present on its trial he could not give a definite promise,, but he would place the matter before his colleagues, ■ Wellington Supreme Court. Ihe Chief Justice on the Kirby Cases. [United Press Association.] Wellington, This Day. ■ Addressing the Grand Jury at the opening of the Supreme Court this morning, Sir J. Prendergast, Chief Justice, made only a brief and cblourless referenoe to the Kirby case. With regard to the charge against Bassett, he said the Grand Jury should bring in a true bill if they were satisfied tbat he knew of the committal of the offence with which Kirby was oharged. Referring to the oharge of oriminal libel against . Mr Cassidy, manager, and Mr Ashbolt, publisher, of the " New Zealand Times," the Vhief Justioe said that if the jury were satisfied that the paragraph was defamatory, and that ihe accused were responsible tor its appearance, they should return a true bill. His Honor made no allu ion to the other cases on the calendar Fire at Hastings. Suspected Incendiarism. [United Press Association.! Napieb, This Day. A five roomed house owned by Mary Kemp, at Hastings, was destroyed by fire on Saturday night. The insurance is unknown. Incendiarism is suspected. Masonic h'ecognision, lerms not Arranged. [United Press Association.] Cheistchurch, This Day. In connection with the recognition of the Masonio Grand Lodge of New Zealand, Wor. Bro. Guudry, District Grand Secretary, has received the following cable from the Grand Seoretary in London : —"Terms of recognition not yet arranged." For a pain in the chest a piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on over the seat of pain, and another on the back between the shoulders, will afford prompt relief. This is especially valuable in cases where the pain is caused by a cold and there is a tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by James Boon. A cough is only worth eighteen-pence, for the reison that if you invest tbat sum in a bottle of Wood's Great Peppermim Cure for Coughs and Colds, you can get rid of it straight away— io never fails— every Grucer and Chemist in the town keeps it. Wholesale Agents, N.Z. Drug Co. WANTED, Three Copies of Evening Mail of July 17th last. Apyly Mail Office. UA.O.D.— 30C14L and DANCE Mon- . day Next at Rachabitu Hall. Doublt tickets 2/6, single 1/6, to he obtained at Bon Marohe, bookmann's, ami 6tarr't, also Members of Lodge, 1243 — CAUTION. ALL PERSONS Trespassing on Seotione 1 and 2, Wakapuaka Road, 'will be PttOSKCUTED. .Poiaou will be laid for Dogs. J. 0. BURFORD. 1244—3 FAIiiEY tmoS. & BOYES. RECEU BITE BALL, WAX IS MELD. I^HE ANNUAL BALL iv oonueotion with the &TAR OF WAKEMLLb I'ENT, L 0.8., will beheld in Baigent V Assembly Rooms, Wakefield, on FRIDAY, 21st August. Uull partioulars in futur. .isue. 1216—2 THEATRE ROYAL. REV. L. ~M; ISITT, - , ON MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND WEDNES- . ••'; : DAY, August Brd 4th, and sth. Subjeot To-night— •'Labour, Liberalism, and Liquor." Speoially for Working Men. Seats reserved by Tickets to be obtaintd at the door. Collection. PROVINCIAL HALL. MONDAY, August 10th. A pianoforte" and violin RECITAL will be giveu as above by MISS MINNIE DUGDALE AND MR MG'DUFF BOYD . Doors open et 7*30 p.m., R°.oital at 8 p.m, Front Seati and Body of Hall 2/*, Gallery 1/-. . Tiokets f»t Euffam'i?. ■ ■ rjno LET, for a term of years, 1500 A Acres of good LAND, partly in Grass, and partly In good Bush, situated at Dehra Loon, Riwaka, Immediate possession. — Apply to 1221—6 F. W. THORP, Motneka. KOZIE TEA.— A stimulating and sustaining oup. Try the 2/4 ; 'Ub superb.— R. SNODGRASS, Agent. TO LET OR FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. HOUSE pleasantly situated on Wellington Terrace (reoently oooupied oy Rene Proust, Esq.) containing Five lofty rooms, Soullery, and every convenience, Gas and Water laid on. Rent low. Apply Evening Mail Offioe.

T H E PO R T MRS FRANZEN WIBBK.S to thank her numerous customers for their support in the past, and to intimate tbat she has opened ud a large shipment of NEW GOODS ex Lochnagar and Tainui, -.... comprising White, Blue, and Grey Blankets, Woollen, Edinboro, and Carriage Rugs ; a splendid [assortment of Fox's Serge and Tweed fro Boys' Suits, Ladies' Dress Serges, Tweedß, Cashmere, Homespun, and Fancy Dress Materials, Ladies', Corsets, Grey and White Calico (including heavy sheeting),„ Brown and White Turkish Towels, , Flannelette (plain and striped), Men's Cotton, Union, and Crimean bhirts. j To arrive in a few days, Men's Heavy, TweedJ Working Tronsers, '• Dungaree Overalls and Jackets ' 1 "big assortment o' 800 IS AND SHOES! Special attention is "drawn to the KANGARETTE SHOE. North British Long Gum Boots and Rubber-lined Knee Boots, a good strong make ol Watertight Bluchers, and a good assortment of Slippers.*) " *£<_ ;ship chandlery:" ~~ '"""** Rope, Blocks, Chains, Anchors, Kent's Coir Brooms, Deck and Paint \ Scrubbers, Oilmen's Stores, and every requisite required for shipping. i - All kinds of Crockery and Toilet Bets, cheap and good patterns, | Groceries of every description at reasonable prices. . shipping supplied at shortest notice, ; Note the a ddress— b. franzen, the port.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXX, Issue 181, 3 August 1896, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXX, Issue 181, 3 August 1896, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXX, Issue 181, 3 August 1896, Page 3