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in gas aud labour m compared with the old plan of cbarging them by hand. The Committeo also noted the largely increased sale of coke sinco itsrednccion in price, and have every reason to anticipate that by tbe end of the wintei the stock will be low The setting ( f tbe large boiler is progressing satisfactorily, aud when finished iho boiler will bea valuable addition to Gasworks. The Committeo were also informed upon inquiry that the scrubber was doing ita work well. Tbe Committee saw the photometer working since it was repaf red. The flame is steady and shows no signs of flickering The registered illuminating power ot the gas at the time of the Committee's visit was about twenty candle. Cr Rout moved tbat consideration of Clauses 5 and 11 of the report be deferred until next meeting of the CoudcU for further consideration. Cr Askew seconded this. He Baid they were reported to be gettiog twenty candle powor, and that being so why, did they want to uee the shale. Cr Huddow hoped the Council wonld adopt the report as it stood. He moved an amendment to tbis effect. Cr Harley secouded the amendment. The ohairman failed to see the necessity for using shale to raise the candle power wbich at present was betweon 20 and 2l! He had been opposed to the introduction of shale. The City Surveyor said he had never seen the oandle-power down to 20. On a division the amendment was carried Crs Haddow, Harley, and the ohairman voting for it, and Crs Rout and Askew against it. Finance Committee. 1. As to the Municipal Conference: That it be an instruction to the delegate to oppose the proposed extension of the municipal franchise ; and that in tho event of the matter of the election of Mayor by the Council being brought before the Conference the delegate be instructed to support same. 2. Tbatthey recommend : That the City Surveyor furnish a list of all outstanding works tbat havo been authorised ; (n) th t tho Council decide wbich works shall be completed at once ; (c that the Finance Committee report to the Council at each fortnightly meeting the amount available for expenditure, in order that the Poblio Works Committee may act accordingly, and only authorise the most neceesary works, the cost of wbicb is not to exceed tho amount J rep jrted as available, 3. As to tha proposed gas main : Consideration of this subject be deferred until the City Su,veyor has furnished his report, Cr Haddow disapproved of clause 4. He thought it a very wise thing tbat the people outside should elect the Mayor. He moved tbat the clause should be expunged. Cr Rout took an exaotly opposite view holding that Crs were better fitted for the offlce of Mayor by their Munioipal training. Cr Harley thought the discussion of this important question ought to he deferred for a full meeting of the Council. Cr Haddow agreed to tbis course, and the matter was accordingly postponed, the I Ohairman stating thnt he agreed that per- I sons should have some training in Munioipal matters before being elected as Mayor. Sanitary Inspector's Report. The Sanitary Inspector reported in refercjee to a complaint of water flooding certain land in Waimea street, stating that ; it was dqe to tho drains being choked. \ Steps were being taken to remedy the nuisance. Tenders; Tenders were opened for the construction of a footbridge across the water in the Queen's garden to and from Hardy-street Cr Haddow moved that the tender of Thomas Nesbitt at £7 10s be accepted. Cr Rout said Nesbitt was a very good bridge band. The motion was carried. The other tenders were -.—Geo Hooper £24 10s, E. J. Pellew £11 15s, and E. Haase £12 10s.

The ordinary mecling of the City Council was held last evening, Present : Crs Haddow, Jttout, I'iper, HRrley, and Askew. In the absence of the Mayor, Or Piper was voted to the chair. Balance Sheet. Ur Haddow moved that the balance sheet be adopted -any discussion to be taken at a future time. Cr Harley seconded this. The Chairman thought the Finance Committee might discuss the balance sheet. Cr Askew preferred to have any discussion on the balance sheet in open Counoil, as there were several items which requited some explanation. The motion was then agreed to. Accounts, The following accounts were passed for ayment

In reply to a remark by Cr Harley, it was explained that the reason the accounts seemed heavier than usual, was that a month's coal for the gasworks were included instead of a fortnights. Bank Unloves. Tho usual report showed tho Bank Balances to be :—

Correspondence. From Mr A. F. Sohollz asking permission to erect a temporary boarding ia front of bis promises during alterations. Granted on usual conditions. From Mr M. Lightband "imploring" tbat something be done to the water table in front of his house, and suggesting a concrete gutter. The writer, also stated that Mrs Lightband' was ill on account of colds caught through the running under the house. Qn the motion of Cr Haddow consideration of the letter was deferred untjl after the presentation of the Public Works Eeport, From Mr A. E. Lookyei 1 asking that some gravol be put on a by road off Alton street •The letter was referred to the Works Committee with power to act. A motion by Cr Kout that a few loads of gravel be placed on tho path was lost. From Mr L. A. Bell, South Trafalgar-st, complaining of tbe action of a cabman, j asserting that he had made fake representations to secui'o a fare. Cr Haddow believed there was a grievance, and he moved that the matter be referred to the Works Committee. Or Askew seconded this saying that of his own knowledge there was reason for complaint and enquiry! Cr Bout agreed, and added that the Committee should at tbe same time enquire into complaints of cabmen being drunk whilst in charge of vehicles. The motion was then agreed to. From Mr G. Wilks stating that his contracting for carting was interfered with by a fence which had been erected on the mudilat by Mr John Scott causing him to use a much longer road, Ho asked the Council to make some arrangement with Mr Scott, otherwise he could nqt supply the gravel at the oonlrnot price. The chairman agreed that there was need of some enquiry, and a motion to refor the lotter to the Fiuance Committee was carried. From Mr J. McLaren, basket maker, of the Port, asking leave to trim oil" some willows. . „ . • t)n the motion of Cr Askew, seconded by Cr Bout, permission was grated, the outting to be under supervision' of the City Surveyor. Jroni the Richmond Borough Council asking the Council to re-consider its bylaw respecting pedlars and hawkers, and to except from its provisions residents of the Richmond Borough, failing winch the Borough Council would have to treat town tradesnion in the saifle manner. Cr Rout said tho by-law had boen framed after careful consideration, and he did not think it should be interfered. It was a case of reciprocation apparently. Cr Harley and Haddow took a t-imilar view, and on the motion of Cr Harley it was resolved that tho Council cannot see Us way clear to alter the by-law. MrT. K/'J. Qrjminett was wanted a license to nurmcct drains. ' ' ' Mr J, C. Mercer asked permission to place nn extra gas meter upstairs in the Kelson Sayings Bank buildings. Somo^ discussion took place as to the advisability of allowing a meter to be plaoed unstajrfl, and eventually on t|ie motion of Cr Harley it was resolved that ])0i mission be granted providing the applicant conforms to by-law 171, under which he will have to pay tho extra cost and give a written undertaking to indemnify the Council against loss, ■ L'ublic Works Report. The Committee vepnrted as follows :— I. Oh lettei from Mr Troacher ; That tho work will shortly carried out. 2 On letter from Rocks Road Com inittee: That the City Surveyor procure two life lines and bu ys, and that a floating lino be secured outside the face of the seawall. 3. On letter from Mr Lightband : That the CUy Surveyor- caretul y examine and report on' this' matter. ! '1 On the letter from Mr Worley and others; l'hat th ( a 'retjiiesb not to plant trees in 'Jrafalgar street' squtb top complied with, 5. Ou letter from Gas oonsumers I That the matter stand over till after the 14th in&r. That the slinlo at the Gasworks be tiled on the 10th, 19th, and 'JOth of July. I). As to clause i last report (J. Scott's ktlcn : That tho City Surveyor have the hole in life street filled in, as tho material becomes available. 7. As to Nurmanby bridge : That this work be deferred until after tho Oolliu*. vood street bridge is finished. ° 8. That the City Surveyor be authorised to order all the timber for Collinjjwood streob bridge, and the auxiliary girders for Normanby bridge in orderto allow the timber to season. 9 That the City Surveyor be authorised to order 21 clay retorts. 10 That the Committee meet at 2, until the end of September, ' 11. The Committee visited the Gasworks, aud noted the satisfactory work- ! ing of the present system of charging the retorts \pith a ecoop, and, tb,e large, saving '

£ s. d. Gas Works Account ... 444)0 8 Water Works Aocount 13 10 5 General Acoount .. 334 7 1 Cemeteries . . . . 110 £703 15 2

Dr. Cr. £ s. (1. £ b. d. General .. 3162 0 2 Water .. 66 12 9 Interest .. 239 18 2 Gas .. .. 896 19 8 Cemeteries „ 128 4 3 Contractors' Deposits .. 26 0 0 Trafalgar Park 17 14 . £3228 18 11 4*1308 1(5 5

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXIX, Issue 164, 13 July 1895, Page 2

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CITY COUNCIL Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXIX, Issue 164, 13 July 1895, Page 2

CITY COUNCIL Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXIX, Issue 164, 13 July 1895, Page 2