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Mr und Mrs J. H. Cock arrived in Auckland this morning by the Arawa from S in Francisco, on their return from their trip to England. At tlie Magistrates Court tliis morning a woman was lined Is without costs for having allowed a cow to wander at, large in Tory street on the ±.'nd insl. Mr II W Kobinson, S.M., presided, and the ofl'ence was admitted. The JUev C Dallaslon, of the Vivian street 13nptibt Church, returned to Wellington hy the steamer Penguin last mght. At a meeting Jiel.d at I'angalotaia on Monday for iho election of a new School Committee the undcimcntioncd householders were elected -JlcuMvi (Jruoby, J Clifford, 11 lnwood, A Inwood, W Inwood, J! J! Alexander, and J Ale\am!er. Tiiu oil, nuire money taken at the doors ut the Iforlicullurni Show amounted to £U) )■■!s od. The liull wnu eloared of Lhc exhibits to-day, a number of tlji' flowers being taken down to the lioaU'ug.CliibV Shed for decorative purposes, as a rliuice is to be held there to-night, A report is to bo presented at Iho meeting of the Nelson Scenery Preservation Society to be held on Monday night in tho Council Chambers, legarding an application to the (iovernment for bush reserves. It is likely also that something will be mid about the necessity for protecting terns on public reserves, such as die reservoir for instant o, as many beautiful ferns are rulhlossy uprooted. Candidates for initiation us members of the new .Lodge of Drujd.s at Takaku ai v pi be examined at the local Oddfellows Hall by ])r Roberts, Lorigo Surgeon, at seven o'clock to-morrow evening, Dr Boor, ot the Nelson Hospital, loft on a holiday by Iho Pcngu'n last evening, and all will join in wishing the Doctor v good time, and that ho will benefit by the trip. A special meeting of the Nelson Jockey Club will be held at the Trafalgar Hotel tomorrow night for the purpose of passing accounts, etc. 4 As one gentleman graphically described it, there wero high jinks, fireworks, and gieat games on the wharf last night, when the friends of two brides and two bridegrooms assembled to accord them a fitting send off, Mr and Mrs Buckeridgo nnd Mr and Mrs Arthur Trask wore passengers by the Penguin, and carry away with them tho best wishes of 11 host of Nelsonians. Mr F. W. McLean, formerly Manager of the Nelson section of tho Kaihvays, but now of the Head Office, Wellington, is at present in Nelson, on business connected with tlio Department,

A pupils' concert, in connection with the School of Music, will be hold at the Harmonic Hall on Wednesday next, under the direction of llerr Balling. A moating of the Garrison liiuul will bo held at the practice room al 7.30 this evening. The following wi 1 represent the Albions in their match with the Pirates on Saturday in the Botanical Gardens :— Messrs Gay, McDonald. Ingham (2), Dee, HigKins, Mi.lor, Fleming, Nesbitt, Daly, Robertson, Fairey, Emms, Tibbie, Cooper, Weir, Penny, and Bright. Mesilames Anuell, Gorman, Gibbons, and Miss East have been added to the honorary members list in connection with the Star of Nelson Lod"o of Foresters. It i 5 gratifying to know that tbo receipts t ikon at tha Ilorticultur-d Society's Show, which was visitoJ b.v largo numbers ag.iin yesterday, exceeded the amount taken last year. This success is in a great measure attributable to the exertions nf tbo Hon Secretary (Mr J. C. Durford) and Mr A. \V. liain. MrF. Coop.r (Wellin 0 ton), judge ot the Chrysanthemums, spoke very highly of the blooms and the Nelson seedlings. He declared the show of Chrysanthemums to \n superior to any ho had s?en in New Zealand. He was also greatly imnvesscd with the exhibition of apples. Among the exhibits for shr.v only, might be mentioned somo American broo-n and a siik watch guard, made and exhibited by Mr J. Piper from silkworms kept by himself, also some palms by Mr John Hale. A second prize award for carrots to Mr J. Ward, was inadvertently omitted from the priza list published yesterday. The beautiful shower I bouquet of Chrysanthemums arranged and exhibited by Miss \V. H. Irvine, and mentioned in last evening's Mail, was awarded a highly commended card. Prizes for sauces and fruit vinegars were awarded to Mr P. J. Hingslon. Those who visited the Show last evening noticed an improvement in the arrangement of the exhibits. The button holes ,vero seen to better advantage, having been removed into the main hall. The fo'lowiiif are tho names of the chrysanthemum blooms with which Messrs Bolron Bros won the Challenge Cup at the Horticultural Society's Show this year :— 12 Japanese— Etoile'de Lyon, Miss Dorothy Shea, a seedling, Mrs C Wheeler, Coronet, "a seedling, Edwin Molynenu, Stmstoad White, Vivian Morel, Colonel Smith, Miss Pamela, a seedling, 12 Chinese — Lord Aleester, Empress Eugenic, John Lambert, Empress of India, Cainille Flammarion, Jean D'Arc, Mrs Mitchell, Golden Empress, Mabel Ward, Alfred Lynue, Lord Eversley, and Violit Tomlin. The .splendid collection of apples exhibited by Mr Wiesenhavern gaining first prize at the Show were presented by the ] exhibitor to the Mayor. Mr Wi'csenhaveni showed nearly sixty different and superior varieties all from' his orchard in which there are 3000 choice trees. Mr Kingston who took second award exhibited sixty-six varieties of line apples, j but the fruit shown by tho Hist prize taker was'niore tastefully displayed, the colours light and dark alternately, being very ell'cctive. Among the varieties of apples we noticed the following :—Bismarck, Komaii Beauty, Foxhill Wonder, Golden Knssett, London Pippin, Washington, Catshead, Gipsy ijucen, Shepherds' Perfection, French Crab, Hurinan's Pippin, Kale's Seedling, Wellington, New York Pippin, Ncwtown Pippin, Wagner, Goulon's Secdlin?, Cartel's Blue, Lemon Pippin, Brownlec's Uussctt, King of the Pippins, Kentucky, and Kedstreak, ke. A case has been lixed for hearing in Blenheim on 7th May in which Thomas Newman is charged' under the Gaming and Lotteiies Act with having caused the ralllo by dice at the Criterion Hotel about the loth April, of two horses, one of which was Topsail, who ran at the Kenwick liICCS. We arc informed that journalistic enterprise has reached Greenland, and ihe inauguration of the A riaynglishs Nalcnginnamik fiysaraminussammik, doubtless auguis well for the reading inhabitants of the ice-bound settlements. Wo must, however, be pardoned for not fully acknowleclging.thoEource, should we have occasion to quote from our new contemporary. Mr Millis will hold a public exhibition of his Furniture Polish at Pooley's Hiding Gallery to-morrow aftermorj. Mr A. Wilkic of Nilo Street will hold a meat show next Thursday and Friday. The weekly practice of the Harmonic Society lusl evening was an unusually long one, and several new works were rehearsed. While the scrutineers atu recent meeting of householders were counting up the votes for (be election of a School Committee, one of the candidates for a scat was called upon by a householder present to sing a song. Uesponding to the invitation, lie obliged the company with " Up a Tree " — where, as it tinned out, he was when the result of the ballot was declared— and, ejercisfiig what be regarded as his privilege, he then called upon another, houccjiyldet 1 , who favoured the meeting with " Good Old Jen"." finally, an octogenarian present was called upon as the oldest IHiili in the room, and, nothing loth, he too contributed ;i song. The return of the scrutineers at the close of this Bong put a stop to the most entertaining portion of the mooting, liespccling tho Undesirable Immigrants Bill, the Wellington correspondent of tho Ctcijo Daily Times understands that the Bill will reappear oarly in the coming session, but shorn of the excrescences—-in-cluding the possession of f2O clause — that made it such an interesting measure when first p cscntcd to Parliament. The chief aim of the amended Bill will be tho exclusion of Asiatic aliens, criminals, and lunatics, and it wi'l probably deal yrith foreign contracts for chenp labour to be employed in New Zealand. In view of a possible offensive and defensive alljance 'twixt Japan and China, our legislation In jibis direction is not likely to escapo the attention of ihe now Power in {ho East; and tbo fact that Japan has suddenly Jeappd to the position of ft lirst-plass naval Power, am| van(s an outlet for her surplus agricultural population, will give added point and interest to the discussion on the favourite measure of tho Minister for Labour. MrMcGratb, of Port Chalmers, winner of the New Zealand Amateur Champion Sculls at Picton, learned to row when ho was a schoolboy. II came into prominence when he rowed in the Champion Fours in the Exhibition Kcgatta behind Mattcrson and Stephensou, and winning tbo event. In tho same year, (ISilO) he won tho Senior Fours at Port Chalmers, and on tho samo day c.ime in second^m tho Scullers' Uacc, this being tbo [first tiire be took part in a contest of the kind. Then he won the Jlandicnp Dingey line*, in 181)2, and in April of the samo year he pulled off the Scullers' llace, beating Palmountain. His noxt suecoaa was the Senior Fours and the Senior lairs ut J'oi-t Cbulmers, and following that oaino his victory in the Sculling Championship of Now Zealand at Lake Foruyth, near Christcuurch, when ho beat Canterbury, Wellington, and Auckland. Then he rowed in the Handicap Sculling lia^c, in Dunedin, in March, 18'JI, winning tho event', 'aller which he went to Picton, and there- ho came in second In tho Championship Scullei'3 1 Race. The iiay 'afterwards ho v.'ns placed second in ti Scullers' llace in Wellington, the race being a very unsatisfactory one. liecontly ho won the Sculling liaoe at the Association Regatta, in Dunedin, and now ho has crowned his olforts by winning the Sculling Championship of the e)lony. Tb« champion was born at Nnscby, is twenty-five years of ago, and is of I lish descent. He is sft llin in height, and his rowing weight is list. Tho boat in which ho rowed was built by Donnelley, of Melbourne, and weighed '281bs. The following is from tho phristcburch I' rest :— Thero wus hot indignation atLyt l telton on Saturday morning when it became known that passes on the railway to attend tho annual ohurch parade at Ch'istohuroh on Sunday had been refused to tho members of the N Battery and 1/yttelton Navals, For years tho member of these Corps have attended this annual fixture, which U looked forward to with pleasure, aDd ill many instances tho wives and families of the men have gone to Christohnrch and spent the day thero after the parade. This year the Corps made their usual arrangement for dining in town, and wcro greatly surprised to find themselves so scurvily treated. This would appear to be their reward for tbe wretched experlenoes of tho late camps. To bo thus treated by a Government they have always so strongly supported was like gall and wormwood, and evoked many bitter remarks. Another pettiness whioh has aroused much heart-burning is ft decision of "the railway authorities with regard to the railway employees' holiday passes. By a new regulation no employee shall receive a firat class pass unless he is in receipt of v certain salary a. day, anil

numbers of the men who for years have enjoyed the privilege of a first-class ticket have now had that privilege withdrawn. Notes have been made of these and similar meannesses, and will without rail ba looked up when the next general election conies round. The valuation of property in Melbourne or the current year is lower than it was before the " boom " period. In 1887, and for several years previously, the valuation lad remained statiomry at Since then it had undergone a gradual augmentation as t,he boom fever grew, and a more rapid decline as the period of inllatetl values vanished. The valuation of 189oisJCl,200,0J0. A number of Marlborongh Sports have formed a Birthday Hack Racing 01 nb with the following ollicers - — President, Mr C Ryan; VicoPresident, Mr J G Trevor ; Judge, Mr C Redwood ; Handicapper, Mr P Rush ; Starter, Mr J Armstrong ; Treasurer, Mr C Ryan ; Clo'k of Course, Mr F Mills; Clerk of Scales, Mr II L Jackson ; Time-keeper, Mr A Rayner; Stewards : Messrs A Rayner, J Allen, T Fowler, A Rore, J O'Sullivaii, F Cooper, 1? Attains, D Burns, J Mitchell, W Ramsay, T Hendepon ; Secretary, Mr T O'Leary. The initial meeting is to be held next Queen's Birthday at the Ilenwiek course, for which a programme is being prepared. When first introduced, steel pens were eight shillings a gross ; they were afterwards reduced to Jour shilling?, and can now bo obtained at twopenco per gross. The quantity of steel annually employed in the manufacture is estimated at about two hundred tons, producing upwards of 310,000,000 ' pens. "Considerable difficulty is being cx-porionc-d both in city and country," says the Adelaide Advertiser of the Bth inst., '■in porsuaainf,' women who were enfranchised under the Adult Suffraga Act of last Tear to register their votes. Scores have declined tv accept oven service of the papers whilo many more have shown a groat dis inclination to fill them up. One lady boasted that she bad written across tho form sent to her :— 'We ladies tiro too clever to lcgister our votes. The gentlemen have got the country into a political pickle, and now they want to throw on us the responsibility of getting it out.' A difficulty has arisen, too, in regard to filling in the lino as to oceupa ion, although the two terms 'spinster' and 'married women' will cover all the needs of the ease," A great reception was given at Port Chalmers to the Queen's Drive Champion Crew, and to Mr McGrath, winner of the Champion Sculls. The members of the crew were:— T N Wright (stroke), F Keenan (3), J Yoeman (2), H Pritehard (bow), and II Ward (cox) ; and their weights : were Wright 11-4, Keenan 104, Yoeman 11-1, find Pritehard }tV6— an average of 101 H. The crew have all been rowing for years, but this is the first time that Wright, Keenan, and Pritehard have rowed in a racing outrigger, although Yeoman himself has rowed in one on many occasions, includingsomciniportant ovents iv Melbourne, where ho was trained by Upward. The boat in which they rowed was obtained from Melbourne last October from Mr W. Green, of Melbourne. For this ev(!)it the crew practised for seven weeks in Port Chalmers, and a fortnight in Picton. Their course of training in Picton was : — Rise at 6.30 a.m., engage in a two or three-mile run, return home for rubbing down, breakfast, two hours' walk, a threemile spin in the boat, return home for rubbing down and bath, dinner, two hours' walk, a three-mile spin in the boat at three o'clock, return home for rubbing down und bath, tea, easy walk, retire to rest at 8.30 p.m. One of tho latest Inventions of Edison, the Kinetoscope, is attracting much interest. Tho instrument is intended to convey to the spectator a graphic repiesentation of moving objects. To show such a scene as, Jor instance, a bur room fight, with the arrival of the policeman, requires about seven hundred views, which pass the eye of the observer at the rate of about forty-three per second. This is accomplished by means of an endless band of transparent celluloid, each view being momentarily lighted from beneath by an electric spark, fc'ome of the most popular views shown thus far are the three smiths at work round an anvil, and tho operation of grooming a horse. Brooklyn has now an institution of which no other American city can boast— a circulating library for the blind. It comprises only 800 volumes, but then a blind man's book is at least ten times as bulky as its counterpart in letterpress, and far more than ton times as costly. The most condensed ec'ition of the Bible is in eleven volumes, and the bare cost of producing it is S2O. Other books which have a more restricted tale come much higher. We read sometimes in novels about a woman being maid, \\ ife, and widow all in a single day, but such a thing is rarely, if ever, heard of as an actuality. An instance of this sort is reported by the New York correspondent of the Melbourne. I (jc. Mr llobiirt, n broker in New York, was married to Mi&s Pettit, at tho house of the hitter's parents. The couple intended to start the following morning on their wedding tour, and concluded to spend tlus first evening of their married life ju a visit to a theatre. Accordingly Mr Hobart got tickets for one of the theatres, and the couple wero on hand at the rising of the curtain, Noar the close of the last act, Mr Howard g.ive a cry of pain, and fell from his sent to the floor. Ho received medical attention, but died within twenty minutes of tho time when he was rirsl strk'kon, and his wife, now his widow, was thrown into paroxysms of grief, and finally fell fainting to the floor. The married life of the unfortunate couple covered v period of only eight horns. Massrs Bislty Bros, and Co. will sell by auction at their room-i, Hardy-street, at 12 o'clock to-morrow, horses, hnrness, &c. Mr W. Lock will sell to-morrow at II fi.nv., oil behalf of the Public Trustee, tho furniture and effects in the estate of }?. lurty deceased ; also on account of various cljents, two second-hand pianos, diapery, blankets, and injiiuolliineDns goods. Messes Sharp & Sons will sell at their rooms, to-morrow nt 10-,' it) a.m. the Brewing Plant and Stock in trado now on the premiecs of the City Brewery.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXIX, Issue 97, 26 April 1895, Page 2

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Untitled Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXIX, Issue 97, 26 April 1895, Page 2

Untitled Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXIX, Issue 97, 26 April 1895, Page 2