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OBSERVE THAT THE • A SIGNATURE fj J A/l/v jf (j PRINTED v Q^A^ IN BLUE INK Q\S* / t^f^^ DIAGONALLY ACROSS THt >"^^ outside mrse&ppESE of every Bottle of the Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, j ™ II A 1^ Crosse& Blaekwell, Ltd., London; [ $m 111 and Export Oilmen generally. gaffi mU§k i1 i JSI m RETAIL EVERYWHERE. Vim* BSllk iil The TJniversal Eemedy for Acidity of the Stomaoh, Children, Delicate FeHeadaohe, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructations. males, and the SioK« Bilious Affeotions. nesß ol dTrniforo's i^^^^^w^gwf i FLUID US iVtJ W k/ H l^^su W llu Sold Throughout the World.' ~ —^- N.8.-ASK FOR DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA, lor the Blood is the Life I AEGIST SALE CF ANY MEDIoINE IN THE WORLD FOB CLEANSING and CLEANING THE SLOOD from ell impuritifß it cannot le too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Bkin acd Blood diseases, B'jd Seres to all hinds, it is a never-tailing and pnrmanent cure. It Cures old Sores. I •■ Tns Hon. Burgeon to His Excellency the Cures Sore Legs. Viceroy of India prescribes Clarke's Blood HnrPH Srmnnr Mixture largely and Bpeaks highly o! ita inures aourvy. efficacy in skinaffections, &c. On this acCnres Eczema. count we a^mg v yo u could supply the Cures Uloers Mixture for dispensing purposes. "—Letter Cures Glandular BweUingb. «*om A. John & Co. Drugwßts. &-., Agrc, Cures Pimples on the Face. India ' ian< 1888> Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. "It U entirely ree from any poison or Cures Bores on the Neok. metallio impregnation, docs not contain any Clears the Blood from all impure injuries ingredient, and is a gocd, eato, ned matte, from whatever cause ffig ?STIZ£SZ B^SJS^L arising. prudence and Toxicology." It is tbe only specific fcr Gout and Rhetmatio Pains. It removes the cause from the blood and bones. Ab this mixture is plcnptint to the taste, and warranted free from RDytbing injurious to tbe mo delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietors Eolicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its ralue. Thousands of Testimonials. Tbe Editor of the Family Doctor EayB .— " We ho co Been hosts of letters in which the writer acknowledge the benefit they have received from Clarke's wonderful BlooJ Mixture, which ns a curative agent cannot be tco highly estimated. If the blood is diseaEed the body c diseased. Clarke's Blood Mixture is a medicine of the greatest possible value, and it is certainly the finest blood purifier that science and Ekill have brought to light. We can with c utmost confidence recommend it to our subscribers and the public generally." — The 2 mnily Doctor, lGth July, 18P2. o'd in bottles, 2s. 9d. each, nnd in cases containing six times the quantity lie— sufTcunt ti effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases. By all CHEMISTS nnd PATENT MEDICINE VENDOKS througl.. ut th.c world. Sod roprietors, THE LINCOLN nnd MIDLAND COUNTIES DIIGG CO.VP* NY, LIKCOLK, ENGLAND. TBADE —"BLOOD MIXTUEE." ASK FOR CJ JBJiE S BLOOD 211X1 USE, and do not be persuaded to takt n imitation or substitute. ORIGINAL AITD "B~Y * 1 BUjarroena, Dysentery, (holera, Feyer M, /-Ml 1 ! £\ Coughs, Colds, ONX.Y Q^-S^'^-tJI S J^ -i- j-± {EX ABM.Y MEDICAL STAFF), CHLORODYNE IS THE ONLY ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. /^CUGH.\ TS THE GREAT SPEOItfIO FOR p 0 L D S, jy ABBBffiE, ASTHMA, TQIMENTEBY, OHONCtIirS " pHOLEBA X) V^ DB. J. COLLIS BBOWNE'S CIILOBO General Bc/bp of Health, Lotdon, DINE.-Dr J, CttLis Übowkb (late Bepom that it £oip bb a CnißM, one dose Amy s'ertioni f ttiil) dieccvbh£d a. keusd!, generally uifuiUnr, lo derote «hioh ho cii;ed tlifl word t Cni.oiicDv^B. Dr Biowrc is the Sols Ik- Dr Gibbon, Army Medical Staff, (tales VENrcn, and ac the composition olCblorodyne '■ Two disks ocmplhielt ooikd he or oantot posoitl? bo tfiEOovertd r-y Analyeis Dubbcea." ((rganio enbetsno' 6 defying eliminslion) — — — - - end kince the lormuh hnß never b. en pub- T\R J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLOBO. lithoii, it is evident I bat my stalomei tto tbe JLJ DYNE is n liquid medioino which (fleet that a compound ia iicmioiil with Dr. BBsnogea Pain ol EnerxKikd t-ffordsaoalm Biowno'a Ch^oiodyne must be false. rifrtßhing slerp, 'WiTHOnx Bk4»aodb, sod ingigorates the nervous system when ex» DB. J. COLLIS BBOWNE S CDLOBO- haaßtea ' '.' . DYNE.-Vioe Chancellor Sir W. -«-v R j COLLIS BROWN'S CBSORO Page Woi d slated publioly in Couit ihat Dr \J D jj< E a ap idly outs short all attacks o J Oollis Bbownb was undoubtedly the -»-,piTirrov spasms OOLID PALPIT IBV.NIOB of Cbmbodxhb, that the whole T<l FI A t io| YI H!gTERIA staiy o Ihe delendact Frcemsn was de- X^ AllON.mftaiJi.itta. liberatC'l unt ue, end he regretted to say it T ,.DnBTiKi mnTTON Thn' Tmmbwah ad be» sworn to.-See Ike Time,, Juy l^ff&s!S&&H£?ta many Dhbobupol us Ihitaiions. Be care . " ~~~ tul to obeeive Trade MBxk. Of all Obemißta DB 3. COLLIS BBOWNE'S OBtORO i ija, 2b 9d, sna 4s <id. , , DINE ia the Tbpb Pallative in , SOLB MA NOTAqTtIBEB~;. , / AT E,U BAL G I A; GOU T, Ij(EaVOXJ3 J , T, DAYENPOaf, ,83, , GwM , BmeeUrSt.i > , XV' TOOTHACHE, »nd BHEM4TIBM. li^udoo, W,O.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXIX, Issue 18, 22 January 1895, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXIX, Issue 18, 22 January 1895, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXIX, Issue 18, 22 January 1895, Page 4