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TIIB Church Hill presei fc3 a v«ery pretty appearance at tho present time, Oi either side of the steps are tier upon tior of beds of ohrysantbcmums, all out in blossom, The Mayor and Cr Piper desutvo great oredit for tbe way in whioh they hnvo beautified tho hill. We understand thab round all the beds are planted naroissi given by Mr 0. J. Harley aud Mr Baitm of the Hospital, A meeting of tbe Committee of the Noison Jookey Olub will bo held this evening, when we understand thot a resolution will be propo.sed requesting the Poßtal authorities to conneot tho Riohmond Park raceoourse with bhe railway station by telephone! The Key J. H. MacKenzie will preach in tho Temperance Hall Wakelield, ou Monday evening at half past seven o'clock.

The membeis of the Prineo Albert tfoot- ; ball Club are notified that the Club Room will be opened every Tuesday, Ibursday, i aud Friday evenings from seven until nine i o'clock. Tho Secretary will be glad to accept any articlea conducive to amusement or instruction. The lost says:—Mr Grey, reporter on the Auokland Evening Star Ftnff, ha. been appointed shorthand writer and typewriter to tho Premier Tbe work has hitherto beon done by an i llioer of tho Colonial Seoretary la Department. Mr W. R. May, of Riohmond, aivertisea thnt a publio trial of tbe Amerioan Blump pulltr will fake plaoe at Moutere ou Tuesd'-y, May ]*-fc, aad at Ngatimoti on Wednesday, May 2nd, Dv llojdsom informs us that tho rainfall tbis month up to tbo present timo has boen 026 inches. A quarter of a>i inoh of rain during 28 days at this time of yrar is excessively small. Rain is now badly needed. A day or two ago we related the sid case of a youug man at Palmer.-ton North wbo hal vo UDtui'y.aurretdererl himse'f to the police and frgsj.d to be B<*nt.uced to a ehort torm of iinpriHonuient in order to rnablo him to reoovdr from tae eff ct-3 nf hunger a d exposure. Wo now lear.t from the Manawatu Times lhat after th-; young man had oomph t^d his sootenoe of forty eight hours imprisonment, he reoeived from Dr Sntaholl a ohfquo for £3 to enable him to oontinue his journey to Wellington where the young man has relations. During his t3/nppr:ry imprisonment Sergt Slatt*.ry t'ea^ed the wanderer with every kindness Dr Sat-hell is well known to our Nelson and Riohmond reaierp, having piaotioed at RiohmoDd for aever .1 years. His geoeroaity is to be ojmmeuded. Ssrgb Slattery, tx<, wa 1? stitioned in NeUon for some time. AT the meeting of the Board of Health last evening, Mr Haddow referred in highly eulogistic terms to Mr Jas. Cannings stablesjn Hardy street. Ho stated tbab the stables were kept in such apple pie order that one could pass them at any timo, and never be annoyed by any smell. The stables were a credit to the town, and othera might take a lesson from Mr Canning in matters of cleanliness. At last night's Board of Health Mr J. Harley referred to tho number of hawkers in town. He asked the Town Clerk if they had got licenses 1 Mr Gully stated that he had spoken to the Sergt-Major of Police regarding tho matter, and they would be required to tako out licenses. The matter had nob been overlooked. Mr J. Harley said that hawkers wero a great nuisance, doing tho tradespeople in the town considerable injury. A Committee has been formed in Auokland to watoh prooeedings with referenoe to the proposed elimination of history fram the tanohing in the primary Bohools. Mr Raid, of Viotoria, told the English volunt£*gWiat their brothern in the colonies wcrel^iy to fight on bohalf of Great Britlan whoreever their servioes may be required. Db Hookjsn. of Dunedin, thinks the Otago Medio »1 Sohool oompares favourably with some European ones. OAriAIN Fairchild says that the Hinemoa, using Nguuguru ooal, made the fastest passage from Auokland ba Wo lington aho haß ever made. Messrs Ward and Co. have cold their general grocery business in oentral Bridgeatreet to Mr J, Wood who trusts that the pnbiio will favour him with a fair amount of support whioh hs states he will at all times endeavour to doserve, The Wellington Koreeters havo started a fema'c branch. A few evenings ago a new Court oalled 'Court Lady Glasgow" waß opened with appropriatj oeremony. Referring to the opening the Post says : -There was a hrge a'tandance, and tho Distriot Chief R.uiger B-o. D Skinner, preoided, beiug supported by Sister Tibbie, Seoretary of the female brnnoh «• Star of Nelson." The foUowing officers of tho new Court wero eleoi.ed, and installed by the Distriot Oißceta ;—OR,Sutor ftl ECunpbell; SOR, Sister A Alumford ; S W, Sist.r M Qv.-rond • JW, Sister a Gibbs; S B Sister A Dykes J B, Sister A t-mioh ; T, Sister L Campell • Sic, Sister E Fauvel. The newly elected siators were welcomed with the " Foreabera' fire,' Tne prooeedings were most euthus. siastio throughout, and tho now Coutt re**. oeived niaoy wishes for its future Buooess, IN another column will be found a tele*gram with referenoo to an extraordinary a.suilt named by a maa named Fako on the Roy W. J. Habens, Inspector General of Schools, whioh took plaoe ia the Government Buildings a few daya ago. The New Zaa.and Timet gives tho following aooount of bhe assault :--3horbly<Jafter two o'olosk a man named Isiiah Fike, a plasterer, rushed into Mr tlaben-.' room, and impetuously showed him a telegram he hid received from Mr Evans, farmer, Winton, Southland, stating that bis (Fake's) sou had boon drownel. Mr ilabens replied that ho was exceedingly sorry to hear suoh v.-ry bad news, to whioh Fake replied : " Exceedingly sorry ! You're a Ibv gentleman; you aro a—murderer," As the mau appeared t. be iv a very excited ouuditiou Mr Habous orossed the room aad rang fjr a messenger, when Fake rushed ab him, oatohiug him by tho whiskers and necktie. The sounds of the souffle atbraoted tho attantion of air Smithcra and Mr R. Pope, who rushed in to sco wlnb waa the matter. Stnithera oaught F^ke round the waist, aod a rough and tumble took plaio. Fakb's hod, who aoeompanied him, trying topaoify his father and uttampiiug at the same time to make tho others loose thoir hold of him. Mr J. E. Smith, of the Treasury, who had also put in an appearance, tripped young Fake np, and held him down on the floor for a time, but let him go afbar a fow minuteß. By this time the whole floor was in turmoil, and spoctitors oame from all quarters, attraoted by the sounds of tho omfliot. Eventually, Constable Bishop arriving, Fako was taken iuto oustidy. lb appears that some time ago Ernest Fako, son of the aooused, w.\s committed to the Burnham Induetrial dohoi)], whonoe ho abac mded and fouud his way home, 110 was then licensed out to lm father, bub about two years ago ho was Rgm sant away, this time to bhe Caversham Industrial Suh.ol, us his father had complained of his treatment at the other sobool. Sub-.equei.tly he was licensed oub to Mr Wm. Evanß, farmer, of WiutoD, Southland, who yesterday telegraphed to Mr Fake the sad news of his son's death by drowning. Mr Habeas says he has heard n-thing of the affair, and has telegraphed to Mr Evans for partioulars,

Dressmaking.— Our dressmaking department being under new and oompebenb management, we nre now prepared to tike orders for day and evening oostumes, wedding and mourning outfibi, etc., whioh we guarantee to burn oub iv a highly satisfactory manner. We nro making to order for tho nomiDg Beason very nice tweed costumes in the latest styles, iv the uew bop s ioks aud diag.mul tweeds and serges ab 40/- tho complete costume ; theso are honestly worth 55/-. A trial order Bolioited.—Everett Broa. TO MORROW'S SERVICES. The Rev J. H. MacKenzie will preach ab the Presbyterian Church morning and evening. The Uev E C. Isaac will conduct both services ab tho Congregational Church. Tho usual monthly service for young people will be held in tho evening. Tho Rev. G. Bond will preach ab tho Wesleyan Church both morning and evening. Mr Jellroys will give a gospel address iv the Collingwood street Hall iv theovoning. The Key T. Bray will preach at tho Baptist Church morning and evening.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVIII, Issue 98, 28 April 1894, Page 2

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Untitled Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVIII, Issue 98, 28 April 1894, Page 2

Untitled Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVIII, Issue 98, 28 April 1894, Page 2