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G. L. BEATH & CO. IMPORTANT NOTICE. EBEACHAM (late Manßßer), having , purchased the Nelson Business of G. L. Beath & Co., takea this opportunity of announcing to the Public of Nelson and snr* rounding districts, that by keeping a well- * sorted stook of Clothing, Mercery, and General Drapery, and giving the best possible value at tbe lowest remunerative profit, he hopes to oommand a continuance of public patronage. /\ MI , Previous to necessary alterations, a CLEARING SALE will be held for THREE WEEKS ONLY When the whole of the well-assorted Stook, including new Season's arrivals, will ba offered at a considerable deduction off regular prices. All Aocoun's Against G. L, Beath & Co, must be paid by tbe Ist day of May. E BEACHAM, (LuteG. L. Beath k. CO ) TRAFALGAR AND HARDY STREETS. PURE HONEY7~ MR HANCOCK being unable to deliver his PURE HONEY this season, Cub* tomers and others are requested to prooure it from MR THOMAS PETTIT, Storekeeper, Waimea-street, who has a limited quantity for aale. iSarly application necessary. 1053 -12a QUAIL, PHEASANTS, NATIVE GAME, & HARES. ON and after Ist Mat, the undesigned will be a OABH PURCHASER of the above, in any quantity, at highest market prioos. WM ; HALE, — to Lioensed Game Dealer. TOLETOR^OESALE ON EASY TERMS. A COMPACT aod FERTILE FARM of XjL 50 Aores, at Stoke, very Bailable for Hop Growing, Dairy, or General Farming ; one and a half miles from town, in close proximity to the new Rooks Road. For further particulars apply to | GEORGE E. FIELD. 1255— t0 Tipahi-st., Nelson. MESSRS BOOTH, aIioDONALD & CO. have appointed MR J. INGRAM, Butcher, Biohmond, AGENT for their famous DAISY CARTS, well known lor their strength; lightness, and oomfott. 1131- 6 J. WOOD, (late of Messrs J. H. Cock & Go.) BEGS to inform his Prienda and tbe Publio tbat be has TAKEN THE SHOP in Gollingwood-streft lately oooupied by MR H. V. PHILLIPS, and intends to OPEN on the 29th April with a first. oltss stock of GROCERIES and GENERAL STORES, and trusts by keeping tha Best Artiole and giving strict attention to the requirements of bi3 Customers to merit a fair share of publio patronage, 6 41 In Vino Veritas." IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. J, SHIELDS Is now offering a large and oareluily seleoted stook of WINES, SPIRITS, and LIQUEURS, comprising some of the best known and popular brands. WINES,! % SHERRY from good Dinner Wine to very fine old Amontilado and Speoial Reserve, very dry.— PORT from firet-olaBS shippers, Family and Dtj to verr old, A speoial line of 1863 vintage.— CLARETS : Madura, Hook, Sauterne, Chablis,&c- CHAMPAGNE: 1-omery Greno, Dry Monople, Roederer, Perrier, Jouet, Erug & Co,, etc, in pints and quarts.-AUSTRALIAN WINES : A choice, variety., Shiraz, Constantia, Frontignao, White and Red, Masoadine, Brown Muscat, Hook, Chablis, Tokay, Madeira, Claret, Chateau, Margeaux, Hardy's N0.,,0 and No. 1 O.d Port, 1680 vintage. SPIRITS. BRANDY —Hennessy'o One and Three Star. D.H.M., One and Three Grape, Exshaw's No, l.Gautier'a Trois Chateaux, Pale and Dark. Old Jamaioa Rum, Irish Whisky, J. J. & S, One and Three Star' Eindhan's LL., J D.K.Z., and Honeysuckle Geneva, Old Tom, Ghbey'e Dry (iin, Sohnspps, Sootch Ginger Wine and Lime Juice Cordial, Unsweetened Lime Juice (target brand); And a rare assortment of ohoica Foreign LIQUEURS and Aromatic Bitters. Also English BOTTLED ALES and STOUT, beat brands, , A SPECIALITY. Superior Old NELSON WINE 16s per dozen or ls,6d per bottle. FOR INVALIDS. Si. RAPHAEL WINE. GILBEY S TONIC PORT. J. SHIELDS, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, Trafajgar-Bt., Nelson. WANTED, WINE BOTTLES in any quantity. 1/6 per dozen. —12m FAMILY GROCERY DEPOT, TRAFALGAR STREET. M| M. WEBSTER has pleasure In announcing that he is now in reoeipt of Full Supplies o( Seasonable Goods for Christmas, the New Year, the Pionio, the Boating Excursion, and indeed for all 4 the festive functions wbioh take plaoe at this season of the year, and would take this opportunity to heartily thank his large oirole of customers for their esteemed and continued support. New Currants, New Valencia*, New Figs, New Elmes, New Sultanas, New [Muscatels, New Jordan Almonds, ' Neio Prunes, New Candied Peel. NEW SUGAR for Preserving. Five tons finest Bundaburg Cane Crystals in 40 and 70 pound bags. Crushed Loaf, Cube, and Brown Sugar. NEW SEASON'S TEAS.- China, Indian, and Ceylon, in paoketß, oannistore, boxeß, balf oheets, and chests. Prime Canterbury Hams and Bacon", Prime Canterbury Cheese. Ox and Sheep Tongueß, Bpioed, Corned, and Boiled Beef and Mutton, Bpping Sausage, German Sausage, Curried Beef, Rabbit and Baoon, Roast Goose, Plum Pudding, all ready for tbe table. Choice selection of CONFECTIONERY for young and old. WINES and SPIRITS of the best brandt. English ALE and PORTER in dozen oases j (aeaorted;, 42/- por oas9.But tbe beat drink of all is WEBSTER'S COFFEE. Unequalled for purity, strength, and fineness of flavor. Always freßh. Roasted and ground daily on the premises, One~Hundred*and Fifty Thousand of these 'celebrated P. J. CIGARS have been sold in the Colony since their introduction a year ago, and the verdiot in thtir favour is wide spread. The Clubs nse them, our Judgeß smoke tbem, our J.P.s smoke tbem to aßßist in rendering their judgments pnre, in fact all who know anything of Good Tobacco smoke them, beoause they are the Sweetest, Chtapett, most Frag* rant, and lest haiid-madc Cigar* ever introduced into the Colony. Try them once and you will tmohe no others. M. M. WEBSTER, TEAFALGAR STREET.

._ UNION feSS? STEAM SHIP RSI COMPANY Hf ■ ir '"«ii» OF NEW ZEALAND, HI LIMITED. PROBABLE SAILINGS. TARANAKI AND MANUKAU. MiHiKAPDA | Monday | May 8 1 1 p.m. : WELLINGTON DIRECT " Gbafton* I Wednesday I M«y 3| 9 ».m. Mawheba* I Friday 1 May 5| 11 'PaseeDgfirs onij. PIOTON AND WELLINGTON. Rotobtja. | Tuesday | May 2 1 10 am. Psnqcin I Thursday | May 4 |11 a.m. Waincx* : I Sunday | May 7 | *PaseeDgers only. LYTTELTON A ND DUNE DIN. Rotobua pTaeßday | May 2 |10 a.m. PENQUINf I Tbarsday | May 4 |11 •.m tLjttelton only. WEBTPORT. MA.WHKBA I Tuesday 1 } May 2 | 9'Bo a,tn. Gbaftonl I Saturday | May 6 1 10 a.m. JLands Weßtport oargo on reinm from Qreymooth. GREYMOUTH. Mawhsba I Toesday I May 2 I 9"SO a.m. Waikoi | Thursday | M*y 4|980 am. Gbafton I Saturday 1 May 6 1 10 a.a, MELBOURNE FROM WELLINGTON. Mahap otjbi | Monday] I May 8 1 BYDNEY FROM WELLINGTON. HAUBOTot | Wednesday | May 10 | Taltjsk* j Friday | May 12 | tDireet. »Via East Coast. TONGA AND SAMOA, U?OLU* I in May | 'From Aookland. SU7A AND LEYUSA. Tayioni' I Taesday \ May 28 | •From.Auokland. HONOLULU AND SAN FRANCISCO Alauida* ! | Saiorday | May 20 | •From Auokland. No oargo reoeived after 4,803 p.m. Visitors are requested to leave the steamers immediately after the aeooDd whiitlelbai bees soanded. Royal Mail Barrioe ovtiland rout* lo Great Britain through Amerioa. Passenger booked through to Ban l.anoaao.t and L'te-cool, Passage Tioktts isaned at Port Offloe only; For all Information apply at the Company's Offloes, Government Whabf and Tbaialqab Stbket, TO LET.— Newly built 6-roomed Residence with Sh'eda and Outbuildings, in Washington Valley. Gas and Water. Kent 10/- a week. Apply Mail Office. 508— SCHOOL COMMISSION JSRS,:|2 NELSON,] A PPLIOATICNS tor the position ot £%_ SECRETARY to the Bohool Commissioners will be reoeired up to MONDAY, the Bth May, 1893, Salary £50 a year. A Bond will be required from the Ssontery with two suretifcs for £200. Applieatiom, indorsed " Applications for Seoretary," to be addressed to Thjc Ohaibman School Commisbionbbb, Nblbon. —6a TABLE POTATOES, SWEDE TURNIPS, and CARROTS, Best quality, at NEALE & HADDOW'S. -12 SPECIAL VALUE IN ULSTEKS, JACKETS, & CAPES. C SMITH has just received a • large shipment of Ladies' and Children's Ulsters, Jackets, and Capes in the very latest shapes and materials, -which has been bought at a Discount of 25 per cent, off wholesale prices. Ladies' Jackets in Black Serge Melton and Crepe Coth and Astrachan at 6/11, 10,6, 15/-, and 20/Handsome Sealette Jackets from 27/6 to 65/Ladies' Ulsters, newest shapes, with large Capes, at 10/6, 13/6, 17/6, 20/-, and 22/6 Ladies' Capes, latest styles, in a variety of materials at 7/11, 9/6, 15/6, 17/6, to 45/Girls' Reefer Jackets in nary and black (handsome goods) at 5/J 1, 6/11, 8/6, 11/6, and 13/6 Girls' Ulsters, veryllarge assortment! from 3/11 G SMITH, THE CASH DRAPER, BBIDGE STREET. LEAVING NELSON ! LEAVING NELSON ! BOOTS CHEAPER THAN EVER. IN consequence of the arrival of a fresh consignment of goods, we have determined to continue the business for a week or two longer. The prices will be further reduced in order to effect a speedy clearance. We have still a few lines in Ladies', Gent's, and Children's strong Boots and Shoes suitable for the Winter Season, which will go at less than cost. The remainder of our Ladies' and Gent's Pumps and Patent Shoes we shall clear at English prices. | Country customers buying parcels will have special advantages. Remember you will never have another chance of buying Cheap Boots like these again, so take the opportunity while you have it, at PBARCB'S BOOT ARCADE, BRIDGE STREET (near fJ. Smith)

H. MOORE & SON, BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS, ABE still on the QUI VIVE, STILL AS EVER, GIVING BARGAINS IN ALL LINES that cannot be surpassed. " Not to be starched up by anyme. As before notified they do not intend to adopt the SCUTTLE AND BOLT policy, but intend to STAY ON and demonstrate the fact, for FACT IT IS, that NOWHERE IN NELSON can boot buyers lay out money to such advantage as at this shop in HOLLER'S BUILDINGS. I ONE TRIAL WILL PROVE THIS. The celebrated Excelsior and Iron Duke Brands of Boots kept in fltock. ' DISCOUNT ON ALL LINES AS BEFORE.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVII, Issue 101, 1 May 1893, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVII, Issue 101, 1 May 1893, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVII, Issue 101, 1 May 1893, Page 3