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The Rußßiau nowepaperfl aro always hatp- 1 ing upon tho expected aud imminent douth ol the Ameor Abdurrahman of Afghanistan, ihe tiny but widely rtud puptr of M, Komar-i roof, tbo Sviet, Bays the Ameer is BUtloring from an iuourable dieeube, and that there wilt be a great confliot betwton the diffeieut, preteudetß, among whom ie tho Yakoob Ehau, the son ot Sliore Ad. According to the Sviet four regiments ot Afghan ttoops have already deoiared for the Yakoob, whom tboy intend to support. Two of theee reg.ments'are in the garriaon of Herat. This ptotendor adds tho Sviet, England hoißell onco shut out from the throne ; but il England intends to meddle in iho uffaiis of Afghauißtau in favour of its own candidate, and to ooaupy Oaudanar and perhaps Caiul, then liuscia must at onoe OOOupy Herat. " a DlllMt FOR THE GODS/ so Bidd tho great Prophet— Mahomet, when taking his oup of oof^e under the % tieo. If you would t.uioy fcueh, drink Orttiso's Al Coffee, Sold oniy iv 1 and 2 lb tinn, AN EMINENT MiYaIOIAN says il the public wou.d drink kss tea and more Coffee ! thero would bo n great many less snffurerß Loin that truubleuuino oompiaint — indices tiou. Crease's AI Coffee is the best. Hold only iv and 2 lb, tins, IF YOU WOULD LIVE LONG and prosper driuk good Coffee. It maketh tbe heart glad, keepeth the brain clear, and helpeth di^ejlion. Ho sure and aek tor Crease's Al Coffee. Sold only in 1 and 2 lb, tins, THERE IS OiSE THING every housewife should know, and that is— -HiiEcuLKs Baking Powder is the best. Why? It is the cheapest UeeiiUce it ia the best for making bread, pantry, oakes, puddings, scones, &o. In Gd and Is tins, VAr.UA.Li.Diiioovi.nif roi^xnis Hah;.— lf your Hair is turning {jioy or white, or falling ofr,i>so <: Tho hloxicuu Hair Renowcr," for t nillg&iiiMiy restore in every case Grey or H'/vUj .&-/.;• to its origiu'il colour, without Ciw.i.u w'ti, eUsbgi.fcfcsble sidtdl of inos 'liCituuE.' It uiJ.Lcs (.ho chavmlngiy beau tif ul, f.s v.tll i.B i'loinoting tho growth of the tiair on bald cpotfi v/Lcro tho glands arc not decay til, /-sk your Chnmiut for the iviuxi caw liAin ItBMEWiR sold by Ohomists and Ptifumeis ovorywheio at a/G per bottlo, Wholeealo Dtpot, 33, Farringiton-rosd, Lou. don, Flobilk-x i— Vcf It© Teeth and Breath.— A lew drops of tho liquid '* fc'loriliiuo prickled on n wet tooth-biueh produce a pieaeant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the ttoth from rdl panisitt.) and impuitrics burdoiiß tho guniß, preronta t^ttar, rtopa dec&y, giTOB to the teeth a peculiar pearly whiteness, and a delightful frngianco to the breath. It rr-movoa ftU unplcassnt odour riting 'iom decttyed letth or toLtcco smoko "Tho fragrant ileruino,' botn composed iv part of honey &r.d owcet horb*' doUoious \ to tho taste, t\nd tho grtatefif' .etdiacovery ' of the aejO. Price 2b Cc/ „,i Chemists and . ferfuiiiers, V/hclota .;?pot 3 Fart inn ; dot-)'.: d. LO'-idon &DVIOIJ io MOTHKn>i — Ato \\ brokcu in ye;yi rot by a e'iokj, cuilu Sittliwhig with tho p.;!)! oi cutliuy Ueth ? Go at to a 1 ChctidaL, aud get a bottle of Mm V.'hn-'ofl'b Ssothba Syrup, It will relieve tho poor Buileietimmcdintely, It r perfuctly hnrm•.ct'j r.nd pleasttut to tuato. It pvoduo •*• imiuial quiot sleep, by relieving trie child fEcm pain, aud ho littlo chorub awakes "&s \ bright i\b a button. It soothes the child, it softono tho gums, r.liayo all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and ia tho best known remedy for dysentery and diarrhoea whether arhtlni; flora teething or other ' oatiflc-3. Mrs V/inslow's Soothing Syrup is sold by Medicine Debtor.! everywhere at l/ll pjr botllp

i A CHOICE NECTAR. A CHOICE NECTAR. A CHOICE NECTAR. BUCHANAN'S HOUSE OF COMMONS WHISKY. It is cluimed for this Whisky that it ia a well-mellowed brand, that it is absolutely pure; that it is fine, ripe and well flavoured; that it possesses a beautiful aroma, aud that it is grateful and delicsito to the pnlato, It enjoys a very wide reputation iv the} old countries, and its circle of Now Zealand frieuds is widening every day. Anyone desirous of ascertaining whether Buohanan's House of Commons Whisky possesses all tho qualities cluimed for it would do well to Bainplo It without delay. Ask for and ineist on getting Buohanan's Houso of Commons Whisky. "nnO AMATKUR PHOTOGRAPHEBH.— JL To ( o told at cofct. A few shee-n (2i3 x 19) of Piz?,igh,lli PI. ti! a D.rect Printing Puper, requiring noi )er Dcv< loping or Toning. (MeeUland hitfiiist award Berlin Jubilee Exhibition, 1889,) Tho rcsul'ing pioturois a solutoly iieiraacen I.—F.1 .— F. MOORE (Singer S&wing Mtohino), Bridge- svrcet, MONEY TO LEND on Freobold Socurily at Cu'rant Rates of interest, ROGER W. W. KINGDON, Souonon, (Meesw Rju!i & So-a' Building.) ' 775— t Keating's Oougli Lozenges, Oough Lozenges. Keating's Oough Lozenges. Keating's Oough Lozenges. Keating's Oough Lozenges. Keating's Oough Lozenges. "A Simple Fact abou i"' KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES Ask throughout the world, in any. country that can bo named, you will find them largely sold. Thero i absolutely no remedy that iB so Bpeedy in giving relief, so certain to cure, and yet tho most dolioate can take them, Ono Lozonge givfs easo. Sold in amall tins, | | nrivalled Remedy. TTnrivallod Reined} . TT nrivalled Remedy. I[T nrivalled Remedy. 94, Commercial Road, Peckham, July 12, 1889. " Dear Sir,— I am a poor hand nt expressing ray feelings on papor, but I should liko to thank you, for your lozenges havo dono wonders for mo in relieving my terriblo cough. Sinco i had the operation of ' Traoheotomy • (tho samo as tho lato Emperor of Germany, and unlike him, thank God I am still alive and gotting on well) performed at St, Bartholomew's Hospital for abduot, or paralysid of tho vocal chords, no ono could possibly havo had a more violent cough, indeed it was so bad at times that it quito exhaustecl mo. The mucus also, whioh was very copiou and hard, has beon softened, and I have been able to get rid of it without liflioulty.— -I am sirs, yours truly, "J.Hill, ' Mr. T Keating. ' Medical Note, The abovo speaks for itself, From strict enquiry, it appears that tho benefit from using Keating's Cough Lozenges is understated. Tho operation was a severe ono, and was porformed by tho specialist, Dr. 11. T. Butbn, of St Bartholomew's Hospital. Sinco tho ■jperation tho only means of relief iB tho use of theso Lozenges. So success* ful aro thoy that ono affords immediate benefit, although from tho nature of tho case tho throat irritation is intonso, Unrivalled Testimony. | Under dote Sop*. Bh, 1891, Mr JHill again writ':) : *' I should long Imvo bcoo dui'l, Lut for you Lozenges — they arc worth their weight in gold. I will gludly sco and tell anybody wtiut a e-plendid oough remedy thoy arc. Koa-iiife'dOjugu Li.zengtstln unrivalled . r n^; y . £^ r I° OItJ GHS, HOARSENESS, and r.URpAT TROUBLES, aro Isold in Tins by ml Chomiate,

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 31 March 1892, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 31 March 1892, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 31 March 1892, Page 4