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SIR ANDREW CLARK, LL. D-, F.R&, F.R.O.PI (Pbyaioiau in ordinary In tho Queon, 1881.) LSOTURB~ON TEA To tho Students of the London! Hospital (Extract from the Pall Mall Budget,) «• Tea, to be useful, should he {first of all hiaok China Tea. Tho Indian Tea which is beinr cultivated has become so powerful in its effeots upon the nervous system that a oup of it taken early fn the morning, as many people do, so disorders the nervous system, that those who take it actually get into a state of tea intoxication, and it produces a form of nerve disturbance whioh is most painful to witness. n i Although wa aro tho largest dealers in Indian aud Coylon Teas in tho Colonies, WO have always strongly advised the publio to drink our Blended Teas in preference Indian or Ceylon alone Wo maintaia they aro too sickly for 90 per cent, of tho toa drinking publio ; and in England, where Buoh largo quantities are shipped over 80 .per oent. nro used for Blending with China Teas, whioh nro udoubtedly as pure aalndian and Coylon, and far more refreshing when properly Blended. Many inexperienced tines push ludiau aud Ceylon on tho publio beoauso it ia beyond them to produce a regular fcruo blond, and tho profit is larger, for cheap common Indians give out a* trong , ooarao liquor, without any quality, and make people, for a time, fanoy they arß getting a bargain, till they find out to their cost, that SIR A. CLARK ia right. The leading medical men in England aro condemning the use of Indian and Coylon Tea alone, and tho above extrnot from Sir A. Clark's Leoture must oonvinoe all thatata4te ior Indians, which has to bo acquired by force at first, ia a serious and dangeroua p nag. Wo aro publishing the above extraot for the benefit of those that have not seen it,aad to support what wo have always maintained. This is against our own Jntereata, for theprol t on these teaa is equal if not more than on other kinda, NELSON, MOATE,"& CO., Indian, China, and Ceylon Tea Importers, 1 , Ohristchurch, Auckland, Dunedin, Wellington, Hobart, and Launceston. 9 , S^T^.;--,~U^ IL^-J^n^^^^ !_ " —■ . in ii i ' '■ ' I-.L . in in j l ''"" .'n"i..TO™n-A.,^-.,r,,,, . .. r% . ..,-.. r.-vjf; i I Sir CHAS. CAMERoIF^ Food," admirably adapted to the wants of infants," IN PATENT AIR-TIGHT TINS. | J2sS |Tft BEST AND CHEAPEST, ESTABLISHED 1825. Dr. BARTLBTT, Ph.D., F.C.S., says: "The Flesh and Bone-forming- constituents are far above the average of the best Farinaceous Food." ]/ i or fc(. ■l'tcningj.l'rescrving and Waterproofing , , HARASS, BOOTS AMD SHOES, <£c., , ALSO_FOK OILIX3 CARRIAGE AXLES._ " * l'nr A.ii! .'.in;: !!.:■ J.".ithr;' and pro(U;cir.;< ft Bnlliant I'oiteh, ' IMS: IMSilxisMiHllM^M For Maintaining a Beautiful Blacls. . . ... YANKEH & i-J'^T, Manufacturers and Patentees, London. fgjßk Diarrhoaa, Dvsen.terv,! Cholera, : .]^^| Fever, Acne, "" ; fflL^ 1 Coughs, Colds, etc. IMIDR, J. COLLIS BROWNE'S ' i|Sl||l :(Ex Army Medical Star " m%^yM '' ; '' '*J ' : ' ar-<^-—-fe- i * s tuo Original an.l only "C(c\iino m^mi'Mm;-^ :- — ~: CAUTION.- ViacOhancollo Sir W. P. Wood atated that Dr J Gollia Brown©: warf undoubtedly ' tha Invenfor of OHI.ORODYNE ; that the Btory of he defendant, Freeman, bqiriftVtha inventor was doliberatoly untrue, which he regretted had been sworn to. Eminepi Hoapital Phyaioiane of London stated that Dr J. Gollis Browne waa the disooverer of Ohlbrodyna that they prescribed largely, and mean no other than Dr Browne's.— Sao 'Timet Of July ' 1664. ■ ■ 1 s The Publio, therefore, are oautioned againat using any othe. «nan ; ' ' ' ' » DII. J..COLLIH BROWNE'S nsMBDUr. ussa and aotion, , Thia INVALUABLE RBivIEDY producea uiet, refreahing Bleep, reliovea paio, oalma tha system, restores the deranged function; and stimulates healthy aotion of tha aeoretiona of the body, withoc creating any o Uioho unpleasant results attending tho uao of o»)«'im. Old and young may taao it at all hours nnd timea when requisite. Thousands of peraona Ratify to it roarvollouß good, eflects and wonderful Ourca, whilo Medical men extol its virtues most extensively OHLORODYNE io Admitted by the profusion to be the most wonderful and valuable romedy over disooYevcd, OHLORODYNK iii tho boat remedy hnown in coughs, consumption, bronohitia aathma. OiILORODYNW effeotually oheoka and arrests thoso too often fatal diaeaaoa— diphtheria fever, oroup, ague. * a OALORO'DYNK aota liko a charm in diarrhcoa, and iatba only apeoifio'ia oholera and dyseatory. " ' OHLORODYNE eHeotually outa short all attaoka of opilepay, hyateria, palpitations, and OHLORODYNE is wo only palliative in neuralgia, rheumatism, gonS. oancer toothache I meningitis, eta From Bymefl &Co , Pharmaceutical Ohemisto, Medioal nail, Simla, January 5 1880. To J T Davenport, Esq., 33, Great Russel street, Bloomabury, London,— "Doar Sir,' we embrace this opportunity of congratulating you upon tho wido spread reputation this justly cstsemfld I medioine, Doctor Oorus Brownk's Our,onoDXNE, has earned for self not only in Hindoatan but all over tho Eaat. As a remedy of general utility, wo muoh question whether a better ia i-T. mpoited into tho country, and wo shall bo glad to hear of its finding a place in every Anglo* ndi an home. Tho othor brands, we aro happy to say, are now relegated to tho nativS baaaarfl iro and judging from their ealo, wo fr.noy their sojourn thoro will be but evanescent. ;Wo could multiply instances flfH/j/f'/u'toi of tho extraordinary effloaoy ot Da. Couhb Bbowmb's OhIiOBO' „ , dvnk in Diarrhoea andDyeentory, Spasms, Orarnpß, Iseuralgla, tho Vomitiug of Pregnauoy, anc .. . cs as a general sedative, that have occurred under ur personal observation during many yeaiß ■"' In Choleraic Diarrhoea, andeveu in the more terriblo forms of Cholera itself, we havd witneaaec its surprisingly controlling power, We havo novor usod any other form of thia raeaioine thai Collis Browno's, from a ilim conviction that it ia decidedly tho beet, and also from 'a aonao o duty we owo to tho profession and tho public, as wo aro of opinion that ho aubatitution of am ir ' other than Gollia J'.T-jwno'o is a nuuDKnATK breach oi? faith on tab part o? ihh qbbhibx ti rBKbOBiDEii and patient AUKH. We are, sir, faithfully youre, Symea and Co., Membera *>t th :b. Phnrm. Hooioty of Great Britain, Hia Exoellenoy the Viceroy c Chemiata." Extraot from tho Goneral Board of Health, Loudon, aa to its effloaoy in Cholera.—" B '03, Wrongly aro we convinced of £ inunonao valuo of thia romedy that wo oannoitoo foroiblyntg LID the necessity of adopting it in ail cases." ' CAUTION.— None Genuine without tho worda, '• Dr. J. CoiJMa BaoWNB" 08 the Qov&tnme Btamp, Overwhelming Medioal testimony acoompaniea oaoh BojStle r , cc, I Sola Manufacturer :~J. T. DAVENPORT, 33, Groat Ru3sell.itre«l, Bloomobnry, London. Sol in Bottles 1/IJ, 3/», 4/6, nnd 11/-

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVI, Issue 72, 29 March 1892, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVI, Issue 72, 29 March 1892, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVI, Issue 72, 29 March 1892, Page 1